はてなキーワード: Skipとは
明日、期日前投票をすることにしたので、選挙区の候補について極私的な評価を行う。なお、個人的に重視している政策は、1) 次世代への国富の継承 (10年後のデザインが示せているか) 2) 自由主義的価値観 (特に表現の自由や無意味な規制の撤廃など) です。もちろん、1と2は矛盾しているのは理解していますが、マーケットや制度の歪みの不公平性は、自由主義的な立場だけで正すことは困難である、という立場にもとづきます。また、価値観として、「データにもとづいた立論をしているか(+)」「宗教的な支援団体に支配されていないか(論外)」という点を付加します。
URLが記載したので見たが、中身も政策補足資料もなし。気分で政策考えてませんか? (-1)
Webは力が入ってるように見えますが、ビデオを見るほど暇でもないのでskip (てか、データによる立論をやろうとしたらどうしたって文書で書くはず。主張の演説なんか聞いてもしょうがないし)。
手書きの選挙公報が目にまぶしいです。しかも、この世代の方にしばしばある散文調というか、論理構成を無視して思いついたままに書いた感がありありの文章がどきどきします。「平等を守らなければならない But これは」 のButも大変キュートです。
Nights, downward the actual curtain on the darkish. Rather busy day time people hurried towards home, along with the family unit. Daily belonging to the noisy town also proceeds towards the an old days or weeks all the tranquility. You bent LengYue has quietly hung in the shrubs, conceal behind the cloud towards relaxation daily belonging to the famous actors equally slowly awaken, start that rudiments associated with eyes, for the pulsating complete too stunning light.
I'm keen on private, to be a person at dusk the actual quiet not to mention delightful roadway for any go around. Additionally helpful to wander by themselves from this peaceful tiny most people about the roadways of skip anyone far away. While, WE need to know your location, also need to know in case you have consider me personally, however Actually, i know that right now, AS I genuinely wish to, beneficial presume a person......
If a wind power blowing into my personal heart, a center on instantly from the thoughts from films for hills. Because a vibrant moonlight on when in front of me personally, AS I view the moon has your own shadow. After the very first planet that's delightful some blasting music artist presently of the nighttime sky, WE apparently read the your wish and your ideal. In the event the moment meteor throughout from prior to me, as i similar my personal eyes, their hands collapsed for the shooting take the leading role developed a small amount, that is certainly, I allow meteor is actually my would like most people not to mention lose for you, and even inform you about, Now i am that quiet night, not a soul, great issue around far-away place of a person......
Winter weather event really black, extended, moreover very cold, AS I nevertheless wandering in this particular lengthy long occasion, for the reason that event WE surround, allow ice cold blowing wind blowing such as me, WHEN I is not aware. My center will be as if from most people glow thinkings from the terminate, getting rid of, this steamy the actual fire. The continue within boiling, the brain within rolling, the sensing stuffed, I adore floating within......
Guess what happens? So i'm scared on the dark, though adore within the night. So i'm scared on the cold, just who dropped fond of snow. I adore one, not saying you. WHEN I forget a person, though cannot explain. Since you also contain your own dream, you could have ones own goal, you could have your task, you could have much more the position and responsibilities. Well, i find it difficult to trouble you, find it difficult to supply you with difficulty, alot more cannot help you for WE distractions. Although I'm sure your own with the mind even wish to everybody, however I am able to only place you with the spirit. Silence from the heart belonging to the range to pass-up most people...
結局CM6-RC1+yay-gapps で落着きそうな雰囲気。
→ eMonster用に使ってた sandisk 2GB (メモ)
7/9 にリリースされているもの
ext partition 要対応? とおもったら仏語じゃねーか
Wifi OK
どっかから落した20090801-docomo-ht-03a.rar のうち、boot, cache, data, system のみをnandroidで復旧してみる。nandroid.md5 の復元も忘れずに。
partition: swap 160M, ext 500M, 残り vfat がおすすめとな。
豆腐をfont入れ、localeをlibicudata.so の入れ替えで対処 (できるかな? reboot中)
→ libicudata.so は入れかえちゃダメ。起動しなくなる。recoveryで起動して/systemをマウントしてことなきを得る。
2010-07-11 追記
2chでも報告されているとおり、wlanが使えない。あと細かい話だけど、live wallpaperが使えない気がする。メモリが足りないだけかもしれないけど。
marketが死にまくる (acoreが死ぬ)。ほかにも死にまくるけど、何故かはよくわからない。とりあえず体験はできるけど、まだ常用には至らないかも。
2010-07-11 追記
(2010-07-11 午後5時追記)
どうもSPF Connectionが安定しないのと、ベースがCM6ということで、まずはベースに近いほうが良いだろうと
E/AndroidRuntime( 2000): FATAL EXCEPTION: UpdateCheckinDatabaseService
E/AndroidRuntime( 2000): java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: writing com.google.android.gsf.settings.GoogleSettingsProvider uri content://com.google.settings/partner from pid=2000, uid=10036 requires com.google.android.providers.settings.permission.WRITE_GSETTINGS
(エラー内容から察するに、installされたapkの記録をgoogle accountに書き込めない)
c.f. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=7139560&postcount=109
10/18 改訂
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use LWP::UserAgent; use GD; my $cmdline = join(" ", $0, @ARGV); my $usage = "usage: $0 -sx=116423 -sy=51603 -ex=116426 -ey=51605 -dx=4 -dy=3 -z=17 -size=300 -get=30 -dir=cache -output=output.jpg -nodebug"; my ($sx, $sy) = (0, 0); my ($ex, $ey) = (0, 0); my ($dx, $dy) = (4, 3); my $z = 17; my $size = 300; my $get = 30; my $dir = "cache"; my $output = "output.jpg"; my $debug = 0; GetOptions("sx=i" => \$sx, "sy=i" => \$sy, "ex=i" => \$ex, "ey=i" => \$ey, "dx=i" => \$dx, "dy=i" => \$dy, "z=i" => \$z, "size=i" => \$size, "get=i" => $get, "dir=s" => \$dir, "output=s" => \$output, "debug!" => \$debug) or die "$usage\nDied"; if ($ex == 0) { $ex = $sx + $dx; } else { $ex++; $dx = $ex - $sx; } if ($ey == 0) { $ey = $sy + $dy; } else { $ey++; $dy = $ey - $sy; } $sx>0 and $dx>0 and $sy>0 and $dy>0 and $z>0 and $dir and $output or die "$usage\nBad arguments"; $dx*$dy > $size and die "Getting too large."; $debug and print "debug: mkdir $dir\n"; mkdir $dir; -d $dir or die "can't make dir $dir: $!"; my $base = sprintf("http://khm%d.google.co.jp/kh/v=46&z=%d", int(rand(4)), $z); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; printf "now get %d images...\n", $dx*$dy; for (my $x=$sx; $x < $ex; $x++) { for (my $y=$sy; $y < $ey; $y++) { my $file = sprintf("%s/%02dz%06dx%06d.jpg", $dir, $z, $x, $y); $debug and print "debug: check of $file\n"; -s $file and next; --$get < 0 and last; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>+"$base&x=$x&y=$y"); $debug and print "debug: fetch from ".$req->uri."\n"; my $res = $ua->request($req); unless ($res->is_success) { print "fail fetch from $file: ", $res->status_line, "\n"; next; } if (open(my $fh, ">", $file)) { $debug and print "debug: write of $file\n"; binmode $fh; print $fh $res->content; close $fh; } else { print "fail open in $file: $!\n"; } } } $get < 0 and print "reach the getting limit, skip after all.\n"; printf "creating %dX%d image...\n", 256*$dx, 256*$dy; my $image = new GD::Image(256*$dx, 256*$dy); for (my $x=$sx; $x < $ex; $x++) { for (my $y=$sy; $y < $ey; $y++) { my $file = sprintf("%s/%02dz%06dx%06d.jpg", $dir, $z, $x, $y); $debug and print "debug: check of $file\n"; -s $file or next; $debug and print "debug: read of $file\n"; my $part = GD::Image->newFromJpeg($file); $debug and print "debug: image copy\n"; $image->copy($part, 256*($x-$sx), 256*($y-$sy), 0, 0, 256, 256); } } #$image->string(gdSmallFont, 0, 0, $cmdline, $image->colorAllocate(255, 255, 255)); open(my $fh, ">", $output) or die "fail open $output: $!"; $debug and print "debug: write of $output\n"; binmode $fh; print $fh $image->jpeg(); close $fh;
perl gmwall.pl -sx=116423 -sy=51603 -ex=116427 -ey=51606
perl gmwall.pl -sx=465701 -sy=206420 -ex=465705 -ey=206423 -z=19
調べた→ http://anond.hatelabo.jp/20090327015620
#!/usr/local/bin/python from sys import argv, stderr from time import time from string import ascii_letters, join from random import choice from hashlib import md5 from binascii import crc32 from itertools import izip time_fmt = '%10s: %5d ms' shift = int(argv[1]) if len(argv)>1 and argv[1].isdigit() else 2 length = 0x100 << shift cycle = 0x10000 >> shift print >> stderr, 'string length: 0x%x, cycle: 0x%x' % (length, cycle) data = tuple(''.join(choice(ascii_letters) for i in xrange(length)) for j in xrange(cycle)) start = time() md5hex = tuple(md5(s).hexdigest() for s in data) print >> stderr, time_fmt % ('md5hex', (time() - start) * 1000) start = time() crc32x4 = tuple(''.join('%08x' % abs(crc32(s[i::4])) for i in (0, 1, 2, 3)) for s in data) print >> stderr, time_fmt % ('crc32x4', (time() - start) * 1000) start = time() startend = tuple(s[:16]+s[-16:] for s in data) print >> stderr, time_fmt % ('headtail', (time() - start) * 1000) start = time() skip = tuple(s[::(len(s)/32+1)] for s in data) print >> stderr, time_fmt % ('skipover', (time() - start) * 1000) for s in izip(data, md5hex, crc32x4, startend, skip): print join(s)
% python hashbench.py 0 > hash0.txt string length: 0x100, cycle: 0x10000 md5hex: 199 ms crc32x4: 1081 ms headtail: 30 ms skipover: 41 ms % python hashbench.py 2 > hash1.txt string length: 0x400, cycle: 0x4000 md5hex: 83 ms crc32x4: 363 ms headtail: 10 ms skipover: 20 ms % python hashbench.py 4 > hash2.txt string length: 0x1000, cycle: 0x1000 md5hex: 52 ms crc32x4: 170 ms headtail: 2 ms skipover: 5 ms
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時々"LinkBucks.com - Get your share!"というタイトルの新着サイトが流れてくるのだけれど、
そんで右上にあるSkip Thisをクリックすると今度はhttp://raw-manga.aceboard.fr/の記事ページに飛ぶ。