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This board is for the discussion of technology and related topics.

Reminder that instigating OR participating in flame/brand wars will result in a ban.
Tech support threads should be posted to >>>/wsr/
Cryptocurrency discussion belongs on >>>/biz/

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The /g/ Wiki: https://igwiki.lyci.de/
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Post build list: https://pcpartpicker.com
Build guide: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Build_a_PC
Provide specific use cases, BUDGET and COUNTRY or you will NOT be helped

>PC Figures
GPU: Noodle Stopper
<90mm base: Nendoroids, Deformed Figure, Mini Chara Stand
90-120mm base: Figma, Most Taito, Pop Up Parade (Non L/XL), Arylic Stand (<19cm height)
120-140mm base: FuRyu Prize, Pop Up Parade (L), 1/8 Scale
140mm+ base: Pop Up Parade (XL), 1/7+ Scale
AVOID Funko Pops, Beware of Bootlegs

Y70, Y60, Y40, Vision / Vision Compact

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they'll just keep their gpu instead of doing minor sidegrade.
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>Yeah that VRAM is really helping
the 7800xt has infinity more performance than the 5070
say something other than Moronic Goyvidia paid marketing man
yeah but there will be a few looking selling to jump to nvidia, they will spend a few months saying the typical "no lowballers I know what I have" then you strike when they give up trying to scam people.
40xx series has been around for a while and 50xx is basically the same + some more frame gen
if they really needed an nvidia gpu they'd have bought one by now

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.>still using ublock after what gorhill did
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forced meme
>he doesn't know you have to press ctrl+a and then ctrl+c, tab 83 times and then enter. after that you press tab 3 more times and do ctrl+v, press tab again, enter, and tab again, type the captcha then press tab twice and finish with enter.
Read the docs.
Normies really think this is what navigating clearly labeled menus is like.
Options in clearly-labeled menus are "buried" which is why both Windows and macOS now have settings interfaces where everything is just vomited into the same spot, ironically making it so you can't find anything unless you already know what it's called and search for it.

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Even if you only have a 10 year old potato, you still own one of the most powerful computers in all of human history. Something that people 50 years ago could only dream of. And what do you use it for? Playing childrens games and masturbating? You disgust me!
I also use it to shitpost on 4chan.

please study cray supercomputer and average student ti pocket calculator then look who makes input
I use it to make pornography for other people to masturbate to
What the fuck do you expect me to do with it?
People's needs have barely changed since the 80s, and modern software is written with modern specs in mind
In a 100 years you'll need a CPU with the same specs of a 9800X3D just to open a simple text editor
>In a 100 years you'll need a CPU with the same specs of a 9800X3D just to open a simple text editor
And Nvidia still ships GPUs with 12gb VRAM.

hello, i need some help, which browsers should i choose? I am currently using firefox but i saw some anons saying that it has a fucked up data privacy policy now, any recommendations?
At this point you have to choose what's more important to you, privacy or usability.
From a privacy standpoint, Librewolf and UG chromium seem to be the best. But seems like the Librewolf guys are fucking autists, and don't promise to keep up with the mozilla changes in the future so Librewolf seems to be at risk too. And ungoogled don't promise to get rid of everything google gets into the code either.
From an usability standpoint, after testing almost every browser there is, I'd say Brave is the best of the bunch. It's native adblock performs the same as uBO in any other chromium fork. It's also the least naggy of the bunch, if you disable the bloat in settings I haven't seen it changing it or turning anything back on. It's the only chromium that doesn't seem to bother you with a new tab every time it updates.
Vivaldi seems like another alternative but I can't stand its laggy UI. And other forks just mess to much around without making any significant changes or just add bloat.
Right now I'm still using FF because uBO works best with it. But if I can make Brave get to that level I'll switch to it.
I'll probably try FF, thank you for the suggestion.
oh fuck i am retarded lmfao
I'll use ungoogled till ublock stops working
then if thorium or cromite are viable and not dying I'll go there
else I'm not really sure if that leaves any good chromium browsers
I just want the barebones browser and not much else
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Browsers are more bloated than Linux distros yet these operating systems can draw better GUIs for a lot less.
there is no need for browsers to be this gigantic to begin with. fragment the web, fuck google and fuck W3C.
>accept the broken wcag 2.1 calculations!
yeah i never understood that shit. just for fun and curiosity, i designed a mockup of a forum and tried following these "standards".

let me tell you. the math was not mathing.
Browsers are bloated because they maintain compatibility with the gay ass GeoCities sites from the 90s that you aesthetics larpers can't stop jerking your microdicks over.
Go away psyop shill
Grow up and stop being an ignorant retard. Nostalgiafags are absolutely clueless about technology. You do not belong on this board.
Nothing to do with nostalgia you fag. no one mentioned anything about backwards compatibility.

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How do I use IRC on windows, safely? Is picrel with znc safe?

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chrome just killed bunch of my addons. sure, they work after reenabling them, for now.

im sick of google doing this shit and for me this was the last straw, im moving onto something else while everything still works, dont want to be caught with dick in my hand so to speak

but what the fuck do i move to? chrome served me perfectly fine for the last 10-15 years. had no complaints about it whatsoever.
how is firefox these days? what about chromium?
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everything works fine on firefox for me.
Ungoogled chromium and safart are fucked
Brave works but its a weird ui
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its not chrome's fault
in your pic, there is precisely one browser that still supports mv2. I'll let you figure out which one it is.

Is this the only mini PC that offers more than 2 USB4 ports? Why is Apple the only one who provides something like this?
why does apple charge $200 for 8 gigs of ram? they were almost perfect
Yeah, that's fucked. I just want something with a bunch of USB4 ports so I can build a network with them.
Not to be stackoverflow but what the hell could you possibly need more than two USB4 ports for
If I plug 2 of my USB4 devices into each other I get a 20gbps network link between them. I want to have something like a USB4 switch with a bunch of ports I can plug more devices into. It works fine to daisy chain them, but I'm assuming if I start using too much bandwidth on middle nodes then the edge nodes won't be able to communicate quickly.

/lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local language models.

Previous threads: >>104568292 & >>104560096

>(03/01) DeepSeek-V3/R1 Inference System Overview: https://xcancel.com/deepseek_ai/status/1895688300574462431
>(02/28) GPT-SoVITS v3 official release: https://github.com/RVC-Boss/GPT-SoVITS/releases/tag/20250228v3
>(02/28) DeepSeek releases 3FS, a distributed file system: https://github.com/deepseek-ai/3FS
>(02/27) Cohere releases Arabic model: https://hf.co/CohereForAI/c4ai-command-r7b-arabic-02-2025

â–ºNews Archive: https://rentry.org/lmg-news-archive
â–ºGlossary: https://rentry.org/lmg-glossary
â–ºLinks: https://rentry.org/LocalModelsLinks
â–ºOfficial /lmg/ card: https://files.catbox.moe/cbclyf.png

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Two more weeks
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Anyone know of any chinese(or any other country) services with a web presence that will do 3090 VRAM Upgrades?
new cohere model
supposedly as good as qwen vl 2.5 72b
That's right, context needs VRAM, and a lower sized model lets you fit more context.
So something like Q2 will run a lot faster than FP16 but will have way shittier outputs?

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Cafe edition

previous: >>104471722

READ THE WIKI! & help by contributing:

/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. Know all about NAS? Learn virtualization. Spun up some VMs? Learn about networking by standing up a OPNsense/PFsense box and configuring some VLANs. There's always more to learn and chances to grow. Think you’re god-tier already? Setup OpenStack and report back.

>What software should I run?
Install Gentoo. Or whatever flavor of *nix is best for the job or most comfy for you. Jellyfin/Emby/Plex to replace Netflix, Nextcloud to replace Googlel, Ampache/Navidrome to replace Spotify, the list goes on. Look at the awesome self-hosted list and ask.

>Why should I have a home server?
De-botnet your life. Learn something new. Serving applications to yourself, your family, and your frens feels good. Put your tech skills to good use for yourself and those close to you. Store their data with proper availability redundancy and backups and serve it back to them with a /comfy/ easy to use interface.

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>3-4 years
They should last for 5
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What happens when the count hits 1 or 0, does it explode?
I have an Ironwolf Pro also, 33400 hours, this is the count. Is it because it's better or because I don't hoard/run as much shit on it?
You are confused and worrying over nothing
Load unload refers to how many times the drive has spun up and down
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Just set up Komga. How long is the initial scan supposed to take? It's been an hour and most of my library still looks like this.
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So I just learned that the cloudflare proxy shit can be bypassed easily if you know the IP of my server.

I'm using Caddy, how can I make sure that the traffic is correctly proxied? Also I'd like some subdirectories to not be accessible from WAN, on the websites proxied by cloudflare. Is that possible? That shit is chinese to me

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Well it's official. Ublock Origin has stopped working for me. Time to stop using Chrome altogether. Fuck Google and fuck the Demiurge.
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What exactly do you think a post like this is going to accomplish other than making you look like a 14 year old whose parents should have bitch slapped years ago?
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Just go to manage extensions and turn it back on?
the t in xt stands for trans btw
can't someone just make a manifest 2.5 where it adds all functionality for 2 and 3?

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We are leaving FOR GOOD.
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The only reason I'm trying it, is cause almost everything else is shit.

Hardened Firefox doesn't mean shit anymore, tranny-wolf is gay shit, and most other options are even worse.
So anything has to be better, right?

>The Librewolf developer hates Yandex so much that he hardcoded Yandex cookies to never be saved, making it impossible to disable safe search for Yandex image search
so what's the best option now then? If firecuck is fucked and liberalwolf is ruled by a baizuo, what do I use now?

I'm not using brave ever btw
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there is a windows installer on their homepage
Maybe it's just me, but I'm looking for some hidden browsers.

(minimal browser?)
(It worker browser? So not for common people?)
What? https://www.forbes.com/sites/elaineramirez/2017/06/11/naver-whale-line-south-koreas-newest-browser-is-beautifully-designed-but-will-anyone-use-it/
>south korea
Oh, never mind.

Anyone have something different?


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>floorp floorp Wubba Lubba Dub Dub
who the fuck are naming these browsers

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So who made up this myth that apps run better on iOS?
Been using an iPhone 16 for 2 months now, and the thing is oddly glitchy.

I'm not even going to mention how the os feels like travelling back 10 years in time
>dae hate le apple??
>omg 200 up(you)s thank you so much
>itoddlers btfo we did it /g/eddit!
back to /r/android, jeet
idk their stuff is way glichier than people make them out to be.
Im talking shit you'd never see on windows/android even if your cpu started throttling like crazy and you ran out of ram.
Me because it's still true, Twitter and Instagram fucking suck on Android.
I also recently switched to iOS. Most of its design does feel pretty dated, the fundamentals are the same as they were when I was using an iPad in middle school like 12 or 13 years ago. Besides that, people online and in meatspace are insisting iOS 18 is just very buggy but I've only seen one OS bug, the rest seem pretty squarely the fault of 3rd party apps. The YouTube interface is very laggy and unresponsive all the time. I don't really get how they're gaining so much marketshare just from "health" "features" and imessage. But hey at least I don't have a notification about a new privacy policy 2-3 times a week.

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Why do people hate firefox lately?

Are there good alternatives where text is as sharp as on firefox?
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So, they should kill themselves because they use spaces between paragraphs?
>He doesn't know what freedom is
So what makes him different from anyone else?
resentful troon detected.
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>Why do people hate firefox lately?
bc it was abusively shilled recently
'might have something to do with the usaid money leak
Promotes Censorship
Sells your privacy data
Promotes tranny cult
Shit browser with shit performance

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