As a category of crucial wear-resistant alloys, high-chromium cast irons (HCCIs) are widely used in mining, minerals and cementation industries. The large volume fraction of coarse primary M7C3 carbides (PC) imparts excellent wear resistance. However, coarse carbides also induce brittleness, resulting in high cracking susceptibility, and early failure of components, particularly under impact. To minimize the brittleness and increase the service life of HCCI parts, different techniques have been developed through modifying the carbide morphology and refining its size. This paper comprehensively reviews the currently available methods that have either been used in industry production or in laboratory development to modify the primary M7C3 carbides in various HCCIs. The possible mechanisms that govern the refinement of primary carbides are also discussed in-depth. Based on previously published work, the mechanical performance of HCCIs is correlated with the microstructure of the matrix, and with the size, shape, volume fraction and distribution of primary carbides. This may provide solid fundamental to develop more effective techniques and/or new alloys to further improve the properties of this type of materials, increasing their engineering service life and to tailor their wider applications. In addition, the present work also seeks theoretical feasibility to apply the recently well-established theories/models of grain refinement for cast metals to refinement of the primary carbides in HCCIs.
Adapted with permission from reference [42]. Copyright 2012, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
Adapted with permission from reference [40]. Copyright 2012, Taylor & Francis
Adapted with permission from reference [43]. Copyright 1996, Taylor & Francis
Adapted with permission from reference [46]. Copyright 2012, Trans Tech Publications
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Adapted with permission from reference [42]. Copyright 2012, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
Adapted with permission from reference [125]. Copyright 2008, Elsevier
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Adapted with permission from reference [150]. Copyright 2014, The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials
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Adapted with permission from reference [178]. Copyright 1954, Metals Park, Ohio, American Society for Metals
Adapted with permission from reference [185]. Copyright 1977, American Foundrymen’s Society
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The authors would like to thank Australia Research Council (ARC) Industrial Transformation Training Centre program (IC160100036) for funding support.
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Jain, AS., Chang, H., Tang, X. et al. Refinement of primary carbides in hypereutectic high-chromium cast irons: a review. J Mater Sci 56, 999–1038 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-020-05260-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-020-05260-8