Miscellaneous thoughts and observations.
What fresh hell is this? Stayed at a big brand name hotel in Vermont the other night and was told there was no morning coffee. Was told the communal coffee stations would not be reopened until October. Bed and breakfasts from now on it is...
Mike Rowe is the best... "If you must study for an exam, you will never really know the subject matter." - Nicholas Nassim Taleb... I too would like to publicly announce that I am launching a bid to buy the New York Mets. All the cool kids seem to be doing this so I thought I'd jump in too (with probably an equal chance at success)...
Providence RI Mayor launches reparations process. "How much, what form, how long are all legitimate questions, but questions for another day. It's important to go step-by-step through this," said virtue signalling Mayor Elorza who just guaranteed Worcester remains the second largest city in New England by launching massive white flight from his city... In a surprise move Sesame Street announces a new progressive Muppet named Senor Gonorrhea to be introduced to warn children about the dangers of venereal disease... "The conscience is that part of the psyche which is soluble in alcohol." - William Ober...