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IWANN 2005: Barcelona, Spain
- Joan Cabestany, Alberto Prieto, Francisco Sandoval Hernández:
Computational Intelligence and Bioinspired Systems, 8th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2005, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona, Spain, June 8-10, 2005, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3512, Springer 2005, ISBN 3-540-26208-3
Mathematical and Theoretical Methods
- Leonardo Franco, José M. Jerez
, José M. Bravo:
Role of Function Complexity and Network Size in the Generalization Ability of Feedforward Networks. 1-8 - José Andrés Berzal
, Pedro J. Zufiria:
Analysis of the Sanger Hebbian Neural Network. 9-16 - José Luis Crespo, Richard J. Duro:
Considering Multidimensional Information Through Vector Neural Networks. 17-24 - Christian Blum, Maria J. Blesa
Combining Ant Colony Optimization with Dynamic Programming for Solving the k-Cardinality Tree Problem. 25-33
Evolutionary Computation
- Ginés Rubio, Héctor Pomares:
A Basic Approach to Reduce the Complexity of a Self-generated Fuzzy Rule-Table for Function Approximation by Use of Symbolic Interpolation. 34-41 - Cristina González
, A. Ramírez, José Antonio Lozano, Pedro Larrañaga
Average Time Complexity of Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. 42-49 - Carlos Cotta:
A Comparison of Evolutionary Approaches to the Shortest Common Supersequence Problem. 50-58 - Miguel Rocha, Paulo Cortez, José Neves:
Simultaneous Evolution of Neural Network Topologies and Weights for Classification and Regression. 59-66 - Enrique Domínguez, José Muñoz:
Applying Bio-inspired Techniques to the p-Median Problem. 67-74 - Wing Keung Cheung
, Kwok Yip Szeto:
Optimal Strategy for Resource Allocation of Two-Dimensional Potts Model Using Genetic Algorithm. 75-82 - Francisco J. Martínez-Estudillo, César Hervás-Martínez, Alfonso C. Martínez-Estudillo, Domingo Ortiz-Boyer:
Memetic Algorithms to Product-Unit Neural Networks for Regression. 83-90 - Wuhong He, Haifeng Du, Licheng Jiao, Jing Li:
Lamarckian Clonal Selection Algorithm Based Function Optimization. 91-98
Neurocomputational Inspired Models
- Ana Porto Pazos, Alejandro Pazos, Alfonso Araque:
Artificial Neural Networks Based on Brain Circuits Behaviour and Genetic Algorithms. 99-106 - Egidio D'Angelo
, Thierry Nieus, Michele Bezzi, Angelo Arleo, Olivier J. M. D. Coenen:
Modeling Synaptic Transmission and Quantifying Information Transfer in the Granular Layer of the Cerebellum. 107-114 - Angelo Di Garbo, Alessandro Panarese, Michele Barbi, Santi Chillemi:
The After-Hyperpolarization Amplitude and the Rise Time Constant of IPSC Affect the Synchronization Properties of Networks of Inhibitory Interneurons. 115-121 - Tino Lourens, Emilia I. Barakova
TiViPE Simulation of a Cortical Crossing Cell Model. 122-129 - Carlos Aguirre, Doris Campos, Pedro Pascual, Eduardo Serrano
A Model of Spiking-Bursting Neuronal Behavior Using a Piecewise Linear Two-Dimensional Map. 130-135 - Christian Boucheny, Richard R. Carrillo, Eduardo Ros, Olivier J. M. D. Coenen:
Real-Time Spiking Neural Network: An Adaptive Cerebellar Model. 136-144 - Carlos Martín-Vide, Tseren-Onolt Ishdorj
Modeling Neural Processes in Lindenmayer Systems. 145-152 - Hiroyuki Okada, Masamichi Sakagami, Hiroshi Yamakawa:
Modeling Stimulus Equivalence with Multi Layered Neural Networks. 153-160 - Joaquín J. Torres
, Jesús M. Cortés
, Joaquín Marro:
Instability of Attractors in Auto-associative Networks with Bio-inspired Fast Synaptic Noise. 161-167 - Richard R. Carrillo, Eduardo Ros, Eva M. Ortigosa
, Boris Barbour, Rodrigo Agís:
Lookup Table Powered Neural Event-Driven Simulator. 168-175
Learning and Adaptation
- Jason Weston, Bernhard Schölkopf, Olivier Bousquet:
Joint Kernel Maps. 176-191 - Andrés Yáñez Escolano
, Pedro Galindo Riaño
, Joaquín Pizarro Junquera
, Elisa Guerrero Vázquez
Statistical Ensemble Method (SEM): A New Meta-machine Learning Approach Based on Statistical Techniques. 192-199 - Michele La Rocca, Cira Perna
Neural Network Modeling by Subsampling. 200-207 - Iván Cantador, José R. Dorronsoro:
Balanced Boosting with Parallel Perceptrons. 208-216 - SeungGwan Lee, TaeChoong Chung:
A Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Using Temporal Difference Error in Ant Model. 217-224 - Enrique Romero:
Selection of Weights for Sequential Feed-Forward Neural Networks: An Experimental Study. 225-232 - Pedro J. García-Laencina, Aníbal R. Figueiras-Vidal, Jesús Serrano-García, José-Luis Sancho-Gómez
Exploiting Multitask Learning Schemes Using Private Subnetworks. 233-240 - Igal Raichelgauz, Karina Odinaev, Yehoshua Y. Zeevi:
Co-evolutionary Learning in Liquid Architectures. 241-248 - Kurt Stadlthanner, Fabian J. Theis, Carlos García Puntonet, Elmar Wolfgang Lang:
Extended Sparse Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. 249-256
Radial Basic Functions Structures
- José María Valls
, Ricardo Aler, Oscar Fernández:
Using a Mahalanobis-Like Distance to Train Radial Basis Neural Networks. 257-263 - Ralf Eickhoff, Ulrich Rückert:
Robustness of Radial Basis Functions. 264-271 - Alberto Guillén
, Ignacio Rojas, Jesús González
, Héctor Pomares, Luis Javier Herrera, Olga Valenzuela
, Alberto Prieto:
Improving Clustering Technique for Functional Approximation Problem Using Fuzzy Logic: ICFA Algorithm. 272-279 - Mohammed Awad, Héctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Luis Javier Herrera, Alberto Prieto:
Input Variable Selection in Hierarchical RBF Networks. 280-288 - Mohammed Awad, Héctor Pomares, Luis Javier Herrera, Jesús González
, Alberto Guillén
, Fernando Rojas
Approximating I/O Data Using Radial Basis Functions: A New Clustering-Based Approach. 289-296 - Antonio Jesús Rivera Rivas, Ignacio Rojas, Julio Ortega:
Application of ANOVA to a Cooperative-Coevolutionary Optimization of RBFNs. 297-305
Self-organizing Networks and Methods
- Hugues Berry, Olivier Temam:
Characterizing Self-developing Biological Neural Networks: A First Step Towards Their Application to Computing Systems. 306-317 - Habiba Drias, Souhila Sadeg, Safa Yahi:
Cooperative Bees Swarm for Solving the Maximum Weighted Satisfiability Problem. 318-325 - Valery Tereshko:
Deriving Cortical Maps and Elastic Nets from Topology-Preserving Maps. 326-332 - Francisco Bellas, José Antonio Becerra, Richard J. Duro:
Evolution of Cooperating ANNs Through Functional Phenotypic Affinity. 333-340 - Sebastián Moreno
, Héctor Allende, Cristian Rogel, Rodrigo Salas:
Robust Growing Hierarchical Self Organizing Map. 341-348
Support Vector Machines
- Sung-Hae Jun:
Web Usage Mining Using Support Vector Machine. 349-356 - D. Gutiérrez-González, Emilio Parrado-Hernández
, Ángel Navia-Vázquez:
Multi-kernel Growing Support Vector Regressor. 357-365
Cellular Neural Networks
- Daniela Danciu
, Vladimir Rasvan
Stability Results for Cellular Neural Networks with Time Delays. 366-373 - Qiang Zhang
, Dongsheng Zhou, Xiaopeng Wei, Jin Xu:
Global Exponential Stability Analysis in Cellular Neural Networks with Time-Varying Coefficients and Delays. 374-381
Hybrid Systems
- Juan R. Rabuñal, Julián Dorado, Marcos Gestal, Nieves Pedreira:
Diversity and Multimodal Search with a Hybrid Two-Population GA: An Application to ANN Development. 382-390 - Sung-Kwun Oh, Keon-Jun Park, Yong-Soo Kim, Tae-Chon Ahn:
Identification of Fuzzy Systems with the Aid of Genetic Fuzzy Granulation. 391-398 - Luis Javier Herrera, Héctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Alberto Guillén, Jesús González
, Mohammed Awad:
Clustering-Based TSK Neuro-fuzzy Model for Function Approximation with Interpretable Sub-models. 399-406 - Sung-Kwun Oh, Witold Pedrycz, Hyun-Ki Kim, Yong-Kab Kim:
Genetically Optimized Hybrid Fuzzy Neural Networks with the Aid of TSK Fuzzy Inference Rules and Polynomial Neural Networks. 407-415 - Sung-Kwun Oh, Seok-Beom Roh, Witold Pedrycz, Jong-Beom Lee:
IG-Based Genetically Optimized Fuzzy Polynomial Neural Networks. 416-423 - Karla Figueiredo
, Marley M. B. R. Vellasco, Marco Aurélio Cavalcanti Pacheco:
Hierarchical Neuro-fuzzy Models Based on Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent Agents. 424-432
Neuroengineering and Hardware Implementations
- Enric Claverol-Tinturé, Xavier Rosell, Joan Cabestany:
Interfacing with Patterned in Vitro Neural Networks by Means of Hybrid Glass-Elastomer Neurovectors: Progress on Neuron Placement, Neurite Outgrowth and Biopotential Measurements. 433-437 - Valeriu Beiu
, Artur Zawadski, Razvan Andonie
, Snorre Aunet:
Using Kolmogorov Inspired Gates for Low Power Nanoelectronics. 438-445 - Jung Hoon Lee, Konstantin Likharev:
CMOL CrossNets as Pattern Classifiers. 446-454 - Tim Kaulmann, Markus Ferber, Ulf Witkowski, Ulrich Rückert:
Analog VLSI Implementation of Adaptive Synapses in Pulsed Neural Networks. 455-462 - Guillermo Zatorre, Nicolás J. Medrano-Marqués, Santiago Celma, Bonifacio Martín-del-Brío, Antonio Bono-Nuez:
Smart Sensing with Adaptive Analog Circuits. 463-470 - Eduardo Ros, Eva M. Ortigosa
, Rodrigo Agís, Richard R. Carrillo, Alberto Prieto, Mike Arnold:
Spiking Neurons Computing Platform. 471-478 - Alejandro Linares-Barranco, Matthias Oster, D. Cascado, Gabriel Jiménez, Antón Civit, Bernabé Linares-Barranco:
Inter-spike-intervals Analysis of Poisson Like Hardware Synthetic AER Generation. 479-485 - Valeriu Beiu
, Asbjørn Djupdal, Snorre Aunet:
Ultra Low-Power Neural Inspired Addition: When Serial Might Outperform Parallel Architectures. 486-493 - Håvard Kolle Riis, Philipp Häfliger:
An Asynchronous 4-to-4 AER Mapper. 494-501 - Marta Ruiz-Llata, Horacio Lamela
Fast Optoelectronic Neural Network for Vision Applications. 502-509 - Christian A. Morillas, Samuel F. Romero, Antonio Martínez-Álvarez
, Francisco J. Pelayo, Eduardo Fernández
A Computational Tool to Test Neuromorphic Encoding Schemes for Visual Neuroprostheses. 510-517 - Rafael Paz, Francisco Gomez-Rodriguez, M. A. Rodriguez, Alejandro Linares-Barranco, Gabriel Jiménez, Antón Civit:
Test Infrastructure for Address-Event-Representation Communications. 518-526 - Antonio Martínez-Álvarez
, Leonardo Maria Reyneri, Francisco J. Pelayo, Samuel F. Romero, Christian A. Morillas, Begoña Pino:
Automatic Generation of Bio-inspired Retina-Like Processing Hardware. 527-533 - Francisco Gomez-Rodriguez, Rafael Paz, Lourdes Miro-Amarante, Alejandro Linares-Barranco, Gabriel Jiménez, Antón Civit:
Two Hardware Implementations of the Exhaustive Synthetic AER Generation Method. 534-540 - Dong-Sun Kim, Hyunsik Kim, Youn-Sung Lee, Duck-Jin Chung:
On the Design of a Parallel Genetic Algorithm Based on a Modified Survival Method for Evolvable Hardware. 541-551 - Brendan P. Glackin, T. Martin McGinnity, Liam P. Maguire
, Qingxiang Wu, Ammar Belatreche:
A Novel Approach for the Implementation of Large Scale Spiking Neural Networks on FPGA Hardware. 552-563 - Peter M. Kelly, T. Martin McGinnity, Liam P. Maguire
, L. J. McDaid:
A Quaternary CLB Design Using Quantum Device Technology on Silicon for FPGA Neural Network Architectures. 564-571 - Grégory Mermoud
, Andres Upegui, Carlos Andrés Peña-Reyes, Eduardo Sanchez:
A Dynamically-Reconfigurable FPGA Platform for Evolving Fuzzy Systems. 572-581 - Hafida Boumeridja, Miguel A. Atencia Ruiz
, Gonzalo Joya Caparrós
, Francisco Sandoval Hernández:
FPGA Implementation of Hopfield Networks for Systems Identification. 582-589 - Antonio Di Stefano, G. Costantino Giaconia:
An FPGA-Based Adaptive Fuzzy Coprocessor. 590-597
Pattern Recognition
- Nicolás García-Pedrajas, Domingo Ortiz-Boyer, Rafael del Castillo Gomariz, César Hervás-Martínez:
Cascade Ensembles. 598-603 - Joaquín Torres-Sospedra
, Carlos Hernández-Espinosa, Mercedes Fernández-Redondo:
Ensembles of Multilayer Feedforward: Some New Results. 604-611 - Naohiro Ishii, Toshinori Deguchi, Hiroshi Sasaki:
Layered Network Computations by Parallel Nonlinear Processing. 612-621 - Jerónimo Arenas-García
, Vanessa Gómez-Verdejo
, Sergio Muñoz-Romero
, Manuel Ortega-Moral, Aníbal R. Figueiras-Vidal:
Fast Classification with Neural Networks via Confidence Rating. 622-629 - José García Rodríguez, Francisco Flórez Revuelta
, Juan Manuel García Chamizo, Antonio Hernández Sáez:
Characterization and Synthesis of Objects Using Growing Neural Gas. 630-636 - Agustín León-Barranco, Carlos A. Reyes García:
ARGEN + AREPO: Improving the Search Process with Artificial Genetic Engineering. 637-645
Perception and Robotics
- Janet Aisbett, James T. Townsend, Greg Gibbon:
Modelling Perceptual Discrimination. 646-653 - Zhijie Wang, Hong Fan
Memory Retrieval in a Neural Network with Chaotic Neurons and Dynamic Synapses. 654-660 - Wanliang Wang, Bing-bing Xia, Qiu Guan, Shengyong Chen:
Neural Network Based 3D Model Reconstruction with Highly Distorted Stereoscopic Sensors. 661-668 - Gustavo Romero, Maribel García Arenas
, Pedro Ángel Castillo Valdivieso
, Juan Julián Merelo Guervós:
Evolutionary Design of a Brain-Computer Interface. 669-676 - Juan Pedro Bandera Rubio
, Changjiu Zhou, Francisco Sandoval Hernández:
Vision-Based Walking Parameter Estimation for Biped Locomotion Imitation. 677-684 - Pedro Ángel Castillo Valdivieso
, Gustavo Romero, Maribel García Arenas
, Juan Julián Merelo Guervós, Alberto Prieto:
Designing a Control System for an Autonomous Robot Using an Evolutionary Algorithm. 685-692 - Jie Ni, Qing Song:
Pruning Neural Networks for a Two-Link Robot Control System. 693-700 - Vicente Ruiz de Angulo, Carme Torras
Using PSOMs to Learn Inverse Kinematics Through Virtual Decomposition of the Robot. 701-708 - Ricardo A. Téllez, Cecilio Angulo, Diego E. Pardo:
Highly Modular Architecture for the General Control of Autonomous Robots. 709-716 - José Antonio Becerra, Francisco Bellas, José Santos Reyes, Richard J. Duro:
Complex Behaviours Through Modulation in Autonomous Robot Control. 717-724
Applications on Data Analysis and Preprocessing
- Marc Franzmeier, Ulf Witkowski, Ulrich Rückert:
Explorative Data Analysis Based on Self-organizing Maps and Automatic Map Analysis. 725-733 - Lifang Liu, Hongwei Huo
, Bao-Shu Wang:
A Novel Optimization of Profile HMM by a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm. 734-741 - Roberto Ruiz
, José Cristóbal Riquelme Santos, Jesús S. Aguilar-Ruiz
Heuristic Search over a Ranking for Feature Selection. 742-749 - Ezequiel López-Rubio, Juan Miguel Ortiz-de-Lazcano-Lobato, María del Carmen Vargas-González, José Miguel López-Rubio:
Intrinsic Dimensionality Maps with the PCASOM. 750-757
Applications on Data Mining
- Michel Verleysen, Damien François:
The Curse of Dimensionality in Data Mining and Time Series Prediction. 758-770 - Zheng Pei, Yajun Du, Liangzhong Yi, Yang Xu:
Obtaining a Complex Linguistic Data Summaries from Database Based on a New Linguistic Aggregation Operator. 771-778 - Juan José Rodríguez, Carlos J. Alonso, Oscar J. Prieto:
Bias and Variance of Rotation-Based Ensembles. 779-786 - Iván Olier
, Alfredo Vellido:
Comparative Assessment of the Robustness of Missing Data Imputation Through Generative Topographic Mapping. 787-794 - Gonzalo Ramos-Jiménez, José del Campo-Ávila, Rafael Morales Bueno:
Induction of Decision Trees Using an Internal Control of Induction. 795-803 - Raúl Giráldez, Norberto Díaz-Díaz, Isabel A. Nepomuceno-Chamorro, Jesús S. Aguilar-Ruiz
An Approach to Reduce the Cost of Evaluation in Evolutionary Learning. 804-811
Applications on Signal Processing
- Nurhan Karaboga, Bahadir Cetinkaya:
Efficient Design of Fixed Point Digital FIR Filters by Using Differential Evolution Algorithm. 812-819 - Cédric Archambeau, Michel Verleysen:
Manifold Constrained Finite Gaussian Mixtures. 820-828 - Abraham Prieto, Francisco Bellas, Richard J. Duro, Fernando López-Peña:
A Comparison of Gaussian Based ANNs for the Classification of Multidimensional Hyperspectral Signals. 829-836 - Juan Manuel Górriz, Javier Ramírez, José C. Segura
, Susana Hornillo-Mellado:
Voice Activity Detection Using Higher Order Statistics. 837-844 - Otman Chakkor, Carlos García Puntonet, Begoña Pino, Juan Manuel Górriz:
Matched Filter as Pre-processing Tool for Multi-user Detection in DS-CDMA System. 845-849 - C. Comas, Enric Monte-Moreno, Jordi Solé i Casals
A Robust Multiple Feature Approach to Endpoint Detection in Car Environment Based on Advanced Classifiers. 850-856 - Gaoming Huang, Luxi Yang, Zhenya He:
Canonical Correlation Analysis Using for DOA Estimation of Multiple Audio Sources. 857-864
Applications on Image Processing
- Raul Vicen-Bueno, Roberto Gil-Pita, Manuel Rosa-Zurera, Manuel Utrilla-Manso, Francisco López-Ferreras:
Multilayer Perceptrons Applied to Traffic Sign Recognition Tasks. 865-872 - Pedro Gil-Jiménez, Sergio Lafuente-Arroyo, Saturnino Maldonado-Bascón, Hilario Gómez-Moreno:
Shape Classification Algorithm Using Support Vector Machines for Traffic Sign Recognition. 873-880 - Cemil Öz, Fikret Erçal:
A Practical License Plate Recognition System for Real-Time Environments. 881-888 - Hyeong-Gyun Kim, Yong Ho Kim, Jong-Geun Jeong:
Matching Algorithm for Hangul Recognition Based on PDA. 889-898 - Vo Dinh Minh Nhat, Sungyoung Lee:
Block LDA for Face Recognition. 899-905 - F. Javier Toledo, J. Javier Martínez, F. Javier Garrigós
, José Manuel Ferrández de Vicente:
Image Processing with CNN in a FPGA-Based Augmented Reality System for Visually Impaired People. 906-912 - Maite García, Elsa Fernández, Manuel Graña, Francisco Javier Torrealdea:
A Gradient Descent MRI Illumination Correction Algorithm. 913-920 - In-Ho Song, Sangmin Lee, In-Young Kim, Doo-Soo Lee, Sun I. Kim:
Mutifractal Analysis of Electroencephalogram Time Series in Humans. 921-926 - Huaqing Li, Feihu Qi, Shaoyu Wang
Face Recognition with Improved Pairwise Coupling Support Vector Machines. 927-934 - Alaa Eleyan
, Hasan Demirel:
Face Recognition System Based on PCA and Feedforward Neural Networks. 935-942 - Yasar Becerikli, Tayfun M. Karan:
A New Fuzzy Approach for Edge Detection. 943-951
Applications on Forecasting
- Shengyong Chen, Chunyan Yao, Gang Xiao, Y. S. Ying, Wanliang Wang:
Fault Detection and Prediction of Clocks and Timers Based on Computer Audition and Probabilistic Neural Networks. 952-959 - Tobias Jung, Luis Javier Herrera
, Bernhard Schölkopf:
Long Term Prediction of Product Quality in a Glass Manufacturing Process Using a Kernel Based Approach. 960-967 - Daniel Rivero, Juan R. Rabuñal, Julián Dorado, Alejandro Pazos:
Time Series Forecast with Anticipation Using Genetic Programming. 968-975 - Kurosh Madani, Lamine Thiaw, Rachid Malti, Gustave Sow:
Multi-modeling: A Different Way to Design Intelligent Predictors. 976-984 - Antti Sorjamaa, Nima Reyhani, Amaury Lendasse:
Input and Structure Selection for k-NN Approximator. 985-992 - Juan Manuel Herrero Durá, Xavier Blasco Ferragud, Miguel Andres Martínez Iranzo, César Ramos:
Nonlinear Robust Identification with element-of-GA: FPS Under Several Norms Simultaneously. 993-1001 - Jarkko Tikka, Jaakko Hollmén, Amaury Lendasse:
Input Selection for Long-Term Prediction of Time Series. 1002-1009 - Yongnan Ji, Jin Hao, Nima Reyhani, Amaury Lendasse:
Direct and Recursive Prediction of Time Series Using Mutual Information Selection. 1010-1017 - Marcelo Espinoza, Johan A. K. Suykens, Bart De Moor:
Load Forecasting Using Fixed-Size Least Squares Support Vector Machines. 1018-1026 - Luis Javier Herrera, Héctor Pomares, Ignacio Rojas, Alberto Guillén
, Olga Valenzuela
, Alberto Prieto:
TaSe Model for Long Term Time Series Forecasting. 1027-1034
Applications on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Source Separation
- Susana Hornillo-Mellado, Rubén Martín-Clemente
, Juan Manuel Górriz Sáez:
Connections Between ICA and Sparse Coding Revisited. 1035-1042 - Fernando Rojas Ruiz
, Juan Manuel Górriz, Olga Valenzuela
Analysis of Variance of Three Contrast Functions in a Genetic Algorithm for Non-linear Blind Source Separation. 1043-1050 - Francisco Díaz Pérez, Raul Malutan
, Pedro Gómez
, María Victoria Rodellar Biarge, Carlos García Puntonet:
Robust Processing of Microarray Data by Independent Component Analysis. 1051-1058 - Guillermo Bedoya, Sergio Bermejo, Joan Cabestany:
Multichannel Blind Signal Separation in Semiconductor-Based GAS Sensor Arrays. 1059-1066 - Ingo R. Keck
, Elmar Wolfgang Lang, Salua Nassabay, Carlos García Puntonet:
Clustering of Signals Using Incomplete Independent Component Analysis. 1067-1074 - Matthias Böhm, Kurt Stadlthanner, Elmar Wolfgang Lang, Ana Maria Tomé, Ana R. Teixeira, Fabian J. Theis, Carlos García Puntonet:
A Hybridization of Simulated Annealing and Local PCA for Automatic Component Assignment Within ICA. 1075-1082 - Giulia Barbati, Camillo Porcaro
, Filippo Zappasodi, Franca Tecchio
An ICA Approach to Detect Functionally Different Intra-regional Neuronal Signals in MEG Data. 1083-1090 - Frédéric Vrins
, John Aldo Lee
, Michel Verleysen:
Filtering-Free Blind Separation of Correlated Images. 1091-1099 - Juan José Murillo-Fuentes, Rafael Boloix-Tortosa:
Robust Blind Image Watermarking with Independent Component Analysis: A Embedding Algorithm. 1100-1107
Applications on Power Systems
- Yusuf Oysal, Ahmet Serdar Yilmaz, Etem Koklukaya:
Adaptive Load Frequency Control with Dynamic Fuzzy Networks in Power Systems. 1108-1115 - Gregorio Ismael Sainz Palmero, R. García, Maria J. Fuente:
Fault Fuzzy Rule Extraction from AC Motors by Neuro-fuzzy Models. 1116-1123 - Jesús Fraile-Ardanuy
, Pedro J. Zufiria:
Adaptive Power System Stabilizer Using ANFIS and Genetic Algorithms. 1124-1131 - Jorge S. Benítez-Read, Da Ruan, Jorge A. Ruiz-Enciso, Régulo López-Callejas, Joel O. Pacheco-Sotelo:
Use of ANN in a Research Reactor Power Fuzzy Controller. 1132-1139
Other Applications
- Abdelaziz Ouali, Amar Ramdane-Cherif, Marie-Odile Krebs:
The Use of Bayesian Networks for Subgrouping Heterogeneous Diseases. 1140-1148 - Enrique Mérida Casermeiro
, Domingo López-Rodríguez
Graph Partitioning via Recurrent Multivalued Neural Networks. 1149-1156 - YongJun Zhong, DonChuan Sun, Jianjun Wu:
Dynamical Random Neural Network Approach to a Problem of Optimal Resource Allocation. 1157-1163 - Francisco Martínez-Contreras, Carlos Orrite, José Elías Herrero Jaraba
Biometric Hand Recognition Using Neural Networks. 1164-1171 - Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy
, Guillermo Mar Navarro Mérida:
Biometric Identification by Means of Hand Geometry and a Neural Net Classifier. 1172-1179 - Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy
Study of a Committee of Neural Networks for Biometric Hand-Geometry Recognition. 1180-1187 - Vicente Díaz Casás, Fernando López-Peña, Adolfo Lamas, Richard J. Duro:
An Evolutionary Environment for Wind Turbine Blade Design. 1188-1196 - Cemil Öz, Ming C. Leu:
Linguistic Properties Based on American Sign Language Recognition with Artificial Neural Networks Using a Sensory Glove and Motion Tracker. 1197-1205 - Miguel Ángel Patricio Guisado
, Darío Maravall Gómez-Allende, Luis Usero Aragonés
, J. Rejón:
Crack Detection in Wooden Pallets Using the Wavelet Transform of the Histogram of Connected Elements. 1206-1213 - Antonio Sánchez, Francisco J. Vico, Santiago Cabello, Francisco J. Veredas
, Yamina Seamari, Isaac López, Javier Farfán, Guillermo García-Herrera:
A Competitive-Based Method for Determining the Number of Groups: A Clinical Application. 1214-1221 - Eyal Kolman, Michael Margaliot
Knowledge Extraction from Neural Networks Using the All-Permutations Fuzzy Rule Base: The LED Display Recognition Problem. 1222-1229 - Rodolfo Haber-Guerra, Rodolfo Haber-Haber, José R. Alique:
Controlling Force Based on Radial Fuzzy Functions in High-Speed Machining Processes. 1230-1237 - Rosa Maria Alsina
, Jose Antonio Morán, Joan Claudi Socoró:
Sequential PN Acquisition Scheme Based on a Fuzzy Logic Controller. 1238-1245 - José Antonio Montero, Rosa Maria Alsina
, Jose Antonio Morán, Mariona Cid:
Fuzzy Logic System for Students' Evaluation. 1246-1253
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