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Citi (to read) conjugation

75 examples
Conjugation of citi
Present tense
I read
you read
he/she/it reads
we read
you all read
they read
Present perfect tense
am citit
I have read
ai citit
you have read
a citit
he/she/it has read
am citit
we have read
ați citit
you all have read
au citit
they have read
Past preterite tense
I read
you read
he/she/it read
we read
you all read
they read
Future tense
voi citi
I will read
vei citi
you will read
va citi
he/she/it will read
vom citi
we will read
veți citi
you all will read
vor citi
they will read
Conditional mood
aș citi
I would read
ai citi
you would read
ar citi
he/she/it would read
am citi
we would read
ați citi
you all would read
ar citi
they would read
Subjunctive present tense
să citesc
(so that/if) I read
să citești
(so that/if) you read
să citească
(so that/if) he/she/it read
să citim
(so that/if) we read
să citiți
(so that/if) you all read
să citească
(so that/if) they read
Subjunctive past tense
să fi citit
(so that/if) I have read
să fi citit
(so that/if) you have read
să fi citit
(so that/if) he/she/it have read
să fi citit
(so that/if) we have read
să fi citit
(so that/if) you all have read
să fi citit
(so that/if) they have read
Past impf. tense
I was reading
you were reading
he/she/it was reading
we were reading
you all were reading
they were reading
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu citi
do not read!
nu citiți
do not read!
Past pluperfect tense
I had read
you had read
he/she/it had read
we had read
you all had read
they had read
Future alternative 1 tense
am să citesc
I am going to read
ai să citești
you are going to read
are să citească
he/she/it is going to read
avem să citim
we are going to read
aveți să citiți
you all are going to read
au să citească
they are going to read
Future alternative 2 tense
o să citesc
I am going to read
o să citești
you are going to read
o să citească
he/she/it is going to read
o să citim
we are going to read
o să citiți
you all are going to read
o să citească
they are going to read
Future perfect tense
voi fi citit
I will have read
vei fi citit
you will have read
va fi citit
he/she/it will have read
vom fi citit
we will have read
veți fi citit
you all will have read
vor fi citit
they will have read
Future in the past tense
aveam să citesc
I was going to read
aveai să citești
you were going to read
avea să citească
he/she/it was going to read
aveam să citim
we were going to read
aveați să citiți
you all were going to read
aveau să citească
they were going to read
Conditional past tense
aș fi citit
I would have read
ai fi citit
you would have read
ar fi citit
he/she/it would have read
am fi citit
we would have read
ați fi citit
you all would have read
ar fi citit
they would have read
Presumptive tense
oi citi
I might read
oi citi
you might read
o citi
he/she/it might read
om citi
we might read
oți citi
you all might read
or citi
they might read
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi citind
I might be reading
oi fi citind
you might be reading
o fi citind
he/she/it might be reading
om fi citind
we might be reading
oți fi citind
you all might be reading
or fi citind
they might be reading
Presumptive past tense
oi fi citit
I might have read
oi fi citit
you might have read
o fi citit
he/she/it might have read
om fi citit
we might have read
oți fi citit
you all might have read
or fi citit
they might have read
Examples of citi
Example in RomanianTranslation in English
! Nu-ţi pot citi gândurile, Penny!I can't read your mind, Penny.
" Imposibilitatea de a citi printre rânduri . "It was nothing. I was reading this book for Max.
"... nimeni n-ar mai fi putut citi despre Falkor, sau Atreyu ..."...no one would read about Falkor, or Atreyu...
"A citi" este un cuvânt politicos.Ah, well, "reading" is a polite word.
"A citi.""To read."
" Dacă eu nu citesc o vie contabilă a acestei convergenţă ","If I do not read a vivid accounting of this convergence"
". Am vrut să citesc mai mult despre ceea ce a avut de spus""I wanted to read more about what you had to say."
"... mă cuprinde comă... ". Pot să citesc.Yeah, l can read it.
"...citesc ce-ai scris acolo..."...read you right there...
"Abia astept sa-ti citesc cartea, Ross. ""l can't wait to read your book, Ross. "
- Adică n-o s-o citești ?- You mean you're not gonna read it?
- Ar trebui să citești remarcile noastre de aici.From now on, maybe you should just read our prepared remarks.
- Ar trebui să îl citești pe Hegel.You should read something Hegel.
- Ce citești ?- What are you reading?
- Ce citești?- What are you reading?
(Dispecer Femeie) GPS pe masina 1504 citește mai 3900 Lake Shore.(Female dispatcher) GPS on car 1504 still reads 3900 Lake Shore.
- Cine citește manualul?- Who reads the manual?
-Dacă cineva citește acest lucru, vă rugăm să răspundeți.-If anyone reads this, please respond.
Acest citește mai mult ca o licență de vânătoare decât o anchetă adecvată.This reads more like a hunting license than a proper investigation.
Acest lucru se citește ca acesta a fost scris de un lobbyist ulei.This reads like it was written by an oil lobbyist.
" Să îndrăznim să citim, să gândim, să vorbim şi să scriem."- Write! "Let us dare to read, think, speak and write."
"La cât de des citim despre fetele care rămân insărcinate neintenţionat, nu vă puteţi da seama ce sentimente sunt când eşti chiar tu în aşa situaţie.""As often as you read about girls who become pregnant unintentionally, you cannot imagine the feelings until you believe you are in the situation yourself."
"Ne naştem fiind în stare să cântăm păsărilor şi să citim norii şi să ne vedem destinul în boabe de nisip.""We are born able to sing to birds and read clouds and see our destiny in grains of sand."
"Piesa pe care o citim"Of this play we read
"sa citim cartea dumneavoastra."to do the book table for your reading.
! Da, am citit cam tot ce am putut găsi despre prietenul nostru Merlin.Yeah, I've been reading everything I can find on our Ancient friend, Merlin.
! Nu ai citit Biblia?Didn't you read the Bible?
! Nu... Dar am citit că medicul francez Nostradamus a prevestit în sec al-XVI-lea ascensiunea lui Hitler.But I have read that French doctor Nostradamus predicted Hitler in XVI century.
! Sunt sigur că am citit undeva că spiriduşii sunt interesaţi de nebunie.~ I'm sure I read once that fairies have a strong interest in madmen.
" Cartile pe care le-am citit" The books I've read
" tot ce trebuie să faceți este să citiți "veghe în lanul de secară" ""all you have to do is read 'Catcher in the Rye'."
"Aici, citiți acest lucru", au spus ei."Here, read this," they said.
"Frate, de către dată când citiți acest voi fi mort."'brother, by the time you read this l'll be dead.'
"Mike, trebuie să citiți întreaga înregistrările, Mike."Mike, you got to read the whole records, Mike.
- Continuați să citiți instrucțiunile.Just keep reading your directions.
- Am putut citii semnele la telefon.- I could read it on the phone, the signs.
- Nu citii sfârşitul cărţii atunci.- Don't read the end.
- Nu ştii citii şi aşa... Ţi-a fost musai s-o deschizi! ?- You can not read why do they open?
- Nu. Nu pot citii!I can't bloody read!
Asta va citii Tritter pe reteta.That Tritter will read on the script.
- Am adormit în timp ce citeam.I fell asleep while I was reading.
- Azi citeam despre Marie Curie."Today I was reading about Marie Curie."
- Hei, nenorocitule, citeam aia.- Hey, asshole. I was reading that.
- Mai târziu, când citeam observaţiile tale foarte atente şi diagnosticele clinice...- Later I was reading your very sensible observation and your clinical judgments...
- Nu, citeam revista asta.- No, I was reading this magazine.
- Articolul pe care-l citeai...The law review article you were reading ...
- Îi citeai e-mailurile.You were reading her emails.
Ai răspuns la toate întrebările lui Maguire de parcă citeai din meniu.You answered Maguire's questions like you were reading off a menu.
Ai spus că Denker a avut un atac de cord în timp ce îi citeai o scrisoare.You said Denker had a heart attack while you were reading him a letter.
Aia pe care o citeai la cafenea. Ea m-a adus aici.The one you were reading at the bar, it brought me here.
"De câteva ori s-a uitat în cartea pe care o citea sora ei. "Dar nu avea poze sau dialoguri.Once or twice, she had peeked into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations.
- Dl Barrow o citea mai devreme.Mr Barrow was reading it earlier.
- Nu era de ajutor, citea.- He wasn't helping, he was reading.
- Nu, citea un mesaj, Moz.No, it was reading a text message, Moz.
- Pentru că citea.Because he was reading.
Cuplul de la restaurant... citeau cărţi.Couple at the restaurant, they were... ...they were reading books.
Câţi alţi oameni îl mai citeau în acelaşi moment?How many other people were reading it then, too?
Dacă într-adevăr citeau de pe ceva, au zis că se vor întoarce vinerea viitoare. "Ne vedem vinerea viitoare ", nu peste o săptămână sau peste două. Vineri.If they were reading from a script, they said, "I'll see you next friday", not two days, not two weeks, friday.
De data asta, citeau poezie.This time they were reading poetry.
Dle Archer, a mai fost comisă o crimă în afară de soţia dv, şi credem că cele două pot avea legătură cu o carte pe care o citeau.Mr. Archer, there's been another murder besides your wife, and we think that the two might be connected by a book they were reading.
Dar îi citisem lucrarea şi munca sa era extraordinară.But I had read his paper and his work was extraordinary.
L-am întâlnit pe Harvey pentru prima oară... citisem mult, auzisem multe despre el... însă asta era prima oară când eram faţă-n faţă.You know, I met Harvey for the first time - I mean, I had read about him and had heard a lot about him... but that was the first time I really met him.
Până la 12 ani, citisem tot ce-mi căzuse în mâini.By the time I was 12, I had read everything.
Tot ce ştiam despre Nicholas era ce citisem în câteva pliante.All I knew about Nicholas was what I had read on some of the missing posters.
Îţi citisem dosarul destul de des.I had read your file often enough.
Acest călugăr a ascuns ce a găsit, convins că, dacă cineva ar şti ce citise el, ar fi şi el înlăturat.This monk concealed what he found, certain that if any one knew what he had read, he too would be eliminated.
Cam când împlinise 4 ani, Matilda citise toate revistele din casă.At four. she had read every magazine in the house.
Ceea ce însemna că nu citise nimeni carneţelul.Which meant that no one had read the notebook.
Ea citise o multime, de reviste.She had read through the pile of magazines.
Eram în acest stagiu când l-am cunoscut pe Craig, cel care era detectivul muzicolog care îmi citise notele de pe disc şi care deasemenea îl căuta pe Rodriguez.At that stage I met Craig, who was the musicologist detective who had read my liner notes and who was also searching for Rodriguez.
", și vă puteți face pentru citind în dimineața următoare."and you can make it for your reading the next morning.
"Trebuie să invoci spiritul întunecat al directorului Harvis citind Rugăciunea Domnului.""You are to call upon the dark spirit of the Warden Harvis... "by reading the Lord's prayer"...
"citind în cămaşa de noapte, ""reading this in your nightgown,
- Ai obţinut asta citind-o?- You got this from reading her?
- Da, o văd citind ziarele.- Yeah, I see her reading the papers.
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