Example in Danish | Translation in English |
Få klaveret ud derfra, imens finder jeg et sted at stille det. | Get that piano out of there, while I'll find a place to put it. |
Jeg har faktisk nogle alvorlige spørgsmål at stille ambassadøren. | In fact, I have some serious questions to put to his ambassador. |
Det her skal nok stille dig i et godt lys. | This'll put you in solid with your boss. |
De kan stille bøgerne tilbage, når De kommer i morgen. | That's alright, Mrs Wilson. You can put the books back when you come to clean in the morning. |
Hvor skal jeg stille dem? | - Where should I put them? |
- Hvem stiller sig an? | - Who's putting on a front? |
vil De have mig undskyldt, mens jeg stiller den. | Would you excuse me a moment while I put this away, please? |
- Jeg stiller din taske på værelset. | - l'll put your bag in your room. |
Jeg stiller Dem ind. | I'll put you through. |
- I hvilket lys stiller det de andre? | - Where's that put everybody else? |
- Jeg stillede hendes bil i garagen. | I've put her car away. |
- Mindst. Jeg stillede mænd med spyd i en formation som makedonske falankser. | I put the spearmen in a formation like the Macedonian phalanx. |
Hvis jeg nu stillede ventilatoren i fryseboksen, lod lågen stå åben og lod soveværelsesdøren stå åben og dyppede sengetøjet i isvand. | Maybe if I took the fan, put it in the icebox and left the door open then left the bedroom door open and soaked the sheets in ice water... |
Da hendes onkel stillede træskoene, og efterlod Kate bulen, prøvede et par fyre at indfange hende. | When her uncle, Two-Gun Billings, cashed in and left this place to Kate a couple of hombres tried to put their brand on her. |
De stillede Dem mellem Ishidos pil og min ryg. | And I saw what you did, putting yourself between lshido's arrow and my back. |
Og stil kufferterne her et sted. | And put those trunks somewhere around here. |
Tag kassen og stil den herover, venner. | Take the box and put it over here, fellas. |
Ruby, løb op til huset og hent karret og stil det ved pumpen. | Ruby, run to the house... and f etch the tub and put it by the pump. |
Bare stil den ind bagi. | Just put it in here, please. |
Læg sangbøgerne væk og stil op ved jeres pulte. | Now, please put your song books away, then stand up alongside your desks. |
Jeg har en chance her... en helt enestående chance for at røre ved heltemodets inderste væsen. At høre svaret på et af de største spørgsmål, mennesket har stillet. | I have a chance here a chance that few men have ever had to put my hand on the bare heart of heroism to hear answers to one of the great questions man has ever asked about himself. |
Nogen har stillet sengen ind. | Somebody put the bed in. |
Se, hvor du har stillet bordet! | Look how you put the table! |
Jeg har stillet dine ting der. | I have put your stuff there. |
- Et hus blev stillet som sikkerhed. | - Someone put their house up for you. |