8 posts tagged with kids by cross_impact.
Displaying 1 through 8 of 8.
The "Drag List" for my kids
I dragged my kids (ages 13, 11, 9) to see Les Miserables. They loved it. What other works should Mean Dad "drag" them to enjoy so that they become well-rounded adults with perspective and taste when it comes to media choices? [more inside]
Help me get my kid "Fired Up"
Got my nine-year-old a Kindle Fire for her birthday. Help me set it up and fill it with good things. [more inside]
Make our family cruise memorable, but in a good way?
Taking the family on our very first cruise on a Carnival Conquest. A 7 day Western Carribean itinerary going to Montego Bay, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel. Help me with experienced cruiser/traveler tips, especially with children. What should I know about, avoid, and go out of my way to do. Of course special snowflake multiracial special needs family details inside. [more inside]
A Better Brand of Bubblegum
Fun but not vacuous, positive, current pop for my Katie Perry, Nicki Minaj obsessed 9 and 10 year old daughters. Help me guide their musical tastes toward the eclectic and sophisticated, while still being young, poppy, and fun. [more inside]
8 yrs old, going on 14. Tired of Nickelodeon.
Is there a kid-friendly portal to pop music videos? She is not satisfied by Kid Disney and she wants to listen to the "latest" hits. She begs us to let her watch music videos on YouTube, but she's not ready to be let loose on that yet. So where can we let her browse and watch "current" videos with not too much bad stuff? [more inside]
Quirky fun for adults and kids to have together
Analog Amusement Filter: Looking for creative quirky artsy ideas for indoor amusement with/and without kids. But I'm looking for something new, for ideas that cannot be found in any of those "one billion kids craft/fun/game/activity" type books. Further specs inside. [more inside]
A playlist to grow on
Help me fill an mp3 player for my 10 yr old son full of quality but age-appropriate music that will help him develop tastes he can take with him into adulthood. With a good beat. [more inside]
Daddy and Me Gaming
I would like to play video/computer games with my two youngest children who do not read well yet. And I would like to play *with* them, not watch/help them play. (details inside) [more inside]