33 posts tagged with kids and toddlers.
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Toddler friendly dishes with shredded chicken
Hosting a handful of international toddlers for lunch. None have dietary restrictions except for, well, the preferences of being a toddler. I have boiled a whole chicken and will shred it. Enchiladas would be too unfamiliar for the guests, so I'm thinking a pasta or rice based dish, but this is not my kind of cooking. Ideas?
How to survive 24 hours in a plane with kids.
Our family is taking the plunge and flying from Australia to NY in late April to visit family who we haven't seen in years. How can me and my partner keep two kids, 8 and 5, entertained for the flights while not losing our minds in the process? [more inside]
Help me pal around with a new big brother (age 2)
My friends have a 2 year old and another baby on the way.
I am the lucky friend who will get the call when it's time for mom & dad to go to the hospital and I get to hang out with the 2 year old. Yay!
What are some cool books or gifts that might help my little buddy feel great about becoming a big brother?
Hair Chalk for Little Kid
My little one (3yrs old) wants to put a little color in their hair. Streaks of color. Silly fun. I'm looking for something that's safe for kids of that age, easy to apply, and washes out easily without creating a painful situation or an horrific mess. My googlin' has led me to something called Hair Chalk. Is this the direction to go? Any recommendations? Pitfalls? Is this just an awful idea? Thx!
What fun tricks have you taught your kid?
What funny things have you taught your kids to do? I'm thinking of things like, "show me your tummy" but teaching them instead "where's your carotid?" (as a friend in medicine did with her toddler). I'm especially interested in toddler age, but older kid stuff is good too. What other party tricks can I teach my little kiddo?
PLEASE go play!?
Our almost 4.5 year old won't play alone if he's home - he just wants to be with us. Any suggestions? [more inside]
Hotel Living with a Toddler
My partner and I are taking my toddler to NYC for two to three weeks in August. We will be living out of a hotel while we are in NYC. I am looking for your advice on hotel living with a toddler, specifically around food and laundry. I also welcome activity recommendations. [more inside]
What are some great books for a 1.5-year-old that use the term "Mama"?
Every parent has their own preferred term of address. We have a lot of "daddy" board books, but comparatively few "mama" selections. I'd like to change that. What does the hivemind recommend? [more inside]
Is kids whining a cross-cultural phenomenon?
Is whining from young kids cross-cultural? I'm speaking specifically of any sort of wheedling, high pitched speaking designed to express negative emotion and desire at the same time. If it is, what are the theories for why young children do this as opposed to communicate in some other way? For reference, my kids are American English speakers who whine like it's their job.
What is the most relaxing kind of vacation you can have with a toddler?
We'd like a relaxing vacation, but no vacation we've taken as a family has ever been relaxing. They've been fun, and they've gotten us out of our routines, but they're always intense, and we're always more tired than when we left. Is there a Somewhere Special we could go where that wouldn't be the case? [more inside]
Microscope fun for toddlers - household substances edition
Dear hivemind:
I'm going to bring a 300X video microscope to my daughter's preschool. What easily obtainable substances will be super cool to view?
Bacteria are too small, red blood cells are a biohazard.
Toddlers could care less about onion skins, cork, and plant vasculature in my experience, and I am not doing anything that requires fixing/staining. [more inside]
Vacation house in San Diego for a BIG family
I've need to find a house in San Diego for my family vacation. This means 4 adult couples, 3 kids and 2 toddlers. I know about VRBO but the last time I was in San Diego was 10 years ago and stayed at a tiny hotel downtown, so I don't really know what areas to look at that would be nice for a summer vacation. Please help. [more inside]
Should we make our wedding kid-friendly? If so, how?
Most of our friends have kids under age five. We're considering whether and how to make our wedding a kid-friendly event. Have you seen this done? Have you tried it? As a parent, what would help? Or do you just want a night out? Would anything make you more likely to stay overnight for more fun the next day? [more inside]
What's a good video game controller for a toddler?
What's a good video game controller for a toddler? Absolutely required: A reliable way of connecting it to a Windows 7 or 8 laptop. I don't mind using JoyToKey or 3rd-party drivers if necessary. Preferred: Wireless, so it can't be used to pull the laptop off the desk; Durable and/or cheap, in case it gets thrown or dropped; Simple, few inputs. [more inside]
Stockholm with little kids
We will be spending four days in Stockholm in the middle of June, with two boys, three and six years old. We've got the standard order guidebook suggestions (Vasa Museum, Skansen, etc.) of things to do, but I'd really love some suggestions of fun things for kids, or even just playgrounds for them to run around when they have had enough of Vikings and whatnot. They tend to be very excited about all modes of transportation, so trams, ferries, etc are a bonus. We will be staying near Ostermalm.
That Obscure Object of Desire, you know, for kids.
What is the best special toy or activity to keep at my house to occupy or entertain my friends' little kids when they visit? [more inside]
What are the best IKEA products for ages one to three?
We are making a rare trip to IKEA tomorrow in part to get a table and chairs for our one-year old. What are other IKEA items that we should look at for him? [more inside]
Business trips when you have a toddler at home
How do you make business travel as painless as possible when you have a toddler at home? [more inside]
Hey, I don't really want to hug her, either.
Unwilling toddlers and forced social interactions with adults: is it OK to instruct your child to (for instance) hug Great-Aunt Maisie, when she'd prefer not to? [more inside]
Movies for the very young and the very immature
Movies that I can watch with my two-and-a-half year old, that both of us can enjoy? [more inside]
His Name Even Means Curly Headed
My two year old son has really curly hair. How do we brush it so he's not traumatized? [more inside]
What documentaries for a 2-year-old, like Babies?
How do you get toddlers to fall asleep in the same room?
Trying so hard to figure out how you get two toddlers to share a room and it's HARD! [more inside]
Help me introduce my peanuts to peanuts.
My kids are now 2 yrs and 7 months and we're going to be introducing them to peanut butter for the first time. Their pediatrician says it's safe. If you have direct experience with this can you please tell me at what age you introduced your kids to nuts and how it went? I'm specifically trying to figure out what possible allergic reaction warning signs we should be looking out for and how we should react to them. [more inside]
Books About a New Sibling for Toddlers?
Are there any good story books for toddlers that might help explain the arrival of a sibling? [more inside]
How can a serious person learn to be playful with kids?
I am generally serious, practical, logical and introverted. How can I learn to be lighthearted, playful, and entertaining with young children? I'm afraid I'm boring and unimaginative. Also I've forgotten a lot of kids songs and games. [more inside]
what can a toddler play with in the snow?
Toys for the snow, besides sleds and snowball makers? [more inside]
Toddler nudity: how much is too much?
Toddler nudity: how much is too much? [more inside]
What books do you recommend for babies and toddlers?
What are your recommendations for good baby and toddler books in English? [more inside]
Pat-a-cake; The Itsy Bitsy Spider ... and ....?
Pat-a-cake; The Itsy Bitsy Spider ... and ....?
Can you suggest some traditional rhymes/games with motions like the two above that I can play with my 16 month old son. Preferably things that can be done lying down (so Head Shoulder Knees and Toes won't work well).
Shake It Up Baby - name my children's music class
Need help naming a children's music class. [more inside]
Everyone's Pissed
Our cats are urinating inappropriately, and seem to be targeting our kid. Can the situation be salvaged? [more inside]
Good websites for toddlers
Hi, does anyone have any good recommendations for great web sites for 2 to 4 year olds? [more inside]