201213079 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係關於一種對脆性材料基板進行分割之方法,尤 其係關於一種對接著有樹脂之陶瓷基板進行分割之方法。 【先前技術】 關於對使用 LTCC(Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics, 低溫共燒陶瓷)或HTCC(High Temperature Co-fired Ceramics, 高溫共燒陶瓷)等之陶瓷及其他脆性材料而構成之脆性材 料基板(包括於主面或内部形成有電氣電路等之基板)進行 分割並切出多個分割單片之方法,有各種各樣之方法。例 如,有如下公知之形態:使用劃線輪等於脆性材料基板之 分割預定位置形成劃線,藉此沿著劃線而於脆性材料基板 之厚度方向形成垂直裂痕,然後,藉由施加外力(負載)而 使垂直裂痕於脆性材料基板之厚度方向上伸展,由此使脆 性材料基板分斷(例如,參照專利文獻1)。於該情形時,沿 著劃線所形成之垂直裂痕於脆性材料基板之厚度方向上伸 展並到達背面,藉此使脆性材料基板分斷。或者亦存在如 下if況.於脆性材料基板之製造過程中於分割預定位置預 • 先形成V字形槽(稱為V槽等),沿著V槽而進行分斷。一般 • 而。,V槽係於陶瓷之前驅物(陶瓷生片之積層體)之階段 形成。 [先前技術文獻] [專利文獻] [專利文獻1]曰本專利特開2010-173251號公報 155155.doc 201213079 【發明内容】 [發明所欲解決之問題] 於脆性材料基板中’為了對形成於主面之電路進行保護 等’有使玻璃環氧化物等之熱硬化性樹脂附著於該主面之 賴材料基板(具有樹脂之脆性材料基板”於使該具有樹 脂之脆性材料基板以上述方法自脆性材料基板側分斷之情 形時’會因為脆性材料基板與樹脂之材質不同,而產生垂 直裂痕未伸展至樹脂部分或未貫通樹脂部分之瑕疵。或 者’亦有裂痕未垂直伸展而產生被稱為倒刺等之斜裂之情 形。 又’於使熱硬化性接十月旨附著之過程巾,由於脆性材料基 板產生翹曲,而導致藉由分斷而切出之分割單片之尺寸精 度(平坦性)差之問題。言亥問題在未形成¥槽之脆性材料基 板之情形中較顯著。 本發明係ϋ於上述課題而完成者,其目的在於提供一種 與先前相比確實性更高、且尺寸精度提高之具有樹脂之脆 性材料基板之分割方法。 [解決問題之技術手段] 為了解決上述課題,技術方案1之發明係一種具有樹脂 之脆性材料基板之分割方法,其特徵在於:其係將於脆性 斗土板之主面上附著有樹脂之具有樹脂之脆性材料基 對主面垂直分割之方法,且其包括:槽部形成步驟,於 上述具有樹脂之脆性材料基板之樹脂側之分割預定位置形 成槽部:劃線形成步驟’於上述具有樹脂之脆性材料基板 155155.doc 201213079 之脆性材料基板側之分割預定位置形成劃線;及分斷步 驟,沿著劃線而分割上述具有樹脂之脆性材料基板。 技術方案2之發明係如技術方案1之具有樹脂之脆性材料 基板之分割方法’其中上述分斷步驟係如下之步驟:分斷 以特定之施力構件對上述脆性材料基板之主面上且相對於 • 上述脆性材料基板側之分割預定位置而對稱之2個位置、 及上述樹脂側之主面且沿著上述劃線而形成之垂直裂痕之 於上述脆性材料基板之厚度方向之延長線上之位置施力, 而分割上述具有樹脂之脆性材料基板。 技術方案3之發明如技術方案丨或2之具有樹脂之脆性材 料基板之分割方法,其中上述劃線形成步驟係藉由於上述 脆性材料基板上形成上述劃線而沿著上述劃線形成於上述 脆性材料基板之厚度方向上伸展之垂直裂痕之步驟,上述 分斷步驟係藉由使上述垂直裂痕向上述槽部伸展而分割上 述具有樹脂之脆性材料基板之步驟。 技術方案4之發明如技術方案丨至3中任一技術方案之具 有樹脂之脆性材料基板之分割方法,其中上述槽部形成步 驟係藉由切割機而形成上述槽部之步驟。 技術方案5之發明如技術方案丨至4中任一技術方案之具 有樹脂之脆性材料基板之分割方法,其中上述脆性材料基 板係 LTCC 或 HTCC。 & [發明之效果] 根據技術方案1至5之發明’可將具有樹脂之跪性材料美 板於相對於其主面而垂直之分割預定位置確實地且以優二 155155.doc 201213079 之尺寸精度進行分割。 【實施方式】 <具有樹脂之脆性材料基板> 圖1係表示本實施形態中成為分割對象之具有樹脂之脆 性材料基板H)之模式圖。具有樹脂之脆性材料基板1〇係使 ,璃環氧化物等之熱硬化性樹脂(以下’亦僅稱為樹脂)㈣ 者於使用LTCC(L〇W Temperature c〇_fired以以…叫或 HTCC(High Temperature CG_fired Ceramies)等之陶究及其 他脆性材料所構成之脆性材料基板丨之一個主面Η上。再 者’於本實施形ϋ中,脆性材料基板!包括於主面或内部 形成有電氣電路等之基板。樹脂2例如係為了對形成於主 面之電路進行保護等而設置。再者,於圖lt,表示了且 有樹脂之脆性材料基板10於水平方向(圖面觀察時左右^ 向)為平坦,但實際上存在如下情況:伴隨樹脂2硬化時之 收縮而壓縮應力作用於脆性材料基板丨之主面u,從而於 脆性材料基板i上產生了成為朝圖面觀察時之上方而凸起 之勉曲。 又,於圖1令,將表示具有樹脂之脆性材料基板ι〇之分 割預定位置之分割預定線L以虛線表示。於本實施形態 中,分割預定位置係設定為與脆性材料基板丨之主面h、 ib垂直。又,將分割預定線匕之脆性材料基板丨側之端部 (與主面lb之父叉位置)特別稱為分割預定位置ρι,將樹脂 2側之端部(與主面2a之交叉位置)稱為分割預定位置p2。於 該情形時,分割預定位置?1及分割預定位置匕為於與紙面 155155.doc 201213079 垂直之方向延伸之直線。 再者,圖1中之脆性材料基板1與樹脂2之尺寸、或樹脂2 之附著形態僅為例示。脆性材料基⑹及樹脂2均可按照各 自之目的而選擇適當之尺寸。雖無特別限定,但可為如下 所述:例如’具有樹脂之脆性材料基板1Q之厚度為Μ」 mm左右,脆性材料基板丨之厚度為〇卜2贿左右樹脂2 之厚度為0·卜2 mm左右。又,於圖μ (以下之圖中亦相 同)表示了 5處之分割預定位置(5條分割預定線l),但 僅為例示" <具有樹脂之材料基板之分割> 圖2係表示對本實施形能ψ且亡从nt /心'中具有樹脂之脆性材料基板10 進行分割之處理順序之圖。以下,按照圖2所示之順序, 對本實施形態之具有樹腊之脆性材料基板之分割處理 情進行說明。 首先,準備具有樹脂之脆性材料基板1〇(步驟S1)。於該 具有樹脂之脆性材料基板10上’如圖丨所示,設定出與脆 性材料基板1之主面la、lb垂直之分割狀位置。然後, 於所準備之具有樹脂之脆性材料基板1G之樹脂2側之分割 預定位置P2,進行槽部形成加工(步驟S2)。槽部形成加工 係可自切割機(d㈣、雷料束及其他公知之加工機構中 選擇適當之加工機構而進行。 圖3係表示使用切割機1〇〇進行槽部形成加工之情形之模 式圖。圖4係表示藉由該槽部形成加工而形成有槽部g之具 有樹脂之脆性材料基板10之圖。 八 155155.doc 201213079 於使用切割機1 〇〇進行槽部形成加工之情形時,首先, 將具有樹脂之脆性材料基板10以使樹脂2之主面2a成為被 加工面之方式將脆性材料基板1之主面lb作為載置面而载 置固定於切割機】〇〇之平台】〇1上。然後,將外周部分以金 鋼石等為材質之成為研削用之刀尖之圓板狀之刀片1们調 整至與槽部G之深度相稱之高度位置。然後’藉由未圖示 之驅動機構而使刀片102以軸1〇2a為中心如箭頭AR1所示 進行旋轉,且沿著分割預定位置p2而使平台1〇1如箭頭 AR2所示進行移動或者使刀片1〇2如箭頭AR3所示進行移 動,由此形成槽部G。圖4係表示對所有分割預定位置?2進 行相同加工後之狀態。 槽部G之深度可根據脆性材料基板丨及樹脂2之材質、硬 度、厚度等而適當設定。雖無特別限定,但例如槽部〇之 深度可為樹脂2之厚度之30〜90%左右。再者,於圖4中將 槽部G形成為剖面觀察時成矩形狀,但槽部〇之刮面形狀 未必限定於矩形。 由於形成有槽部G,因此於具有樹脂之脆性材料基板1〇 中,作用於脆性材料基板丨之主面la之壓縮應力得到緩 和。藉此,可減少具有樹脂之脆性材料基板1〇之翹曲。 於完成槽部G之形成後,繼而,對具有樹脂之脆性材料 基板10之脆性材料基板丨側之分割預定位置ρι進行劃線加 工(步驟S3)。 圖5係例示進行劃線加工之劃線裝置2〇〇之圖。圖6係表 示藉由劃線加工而形成有劃線礼,並且沿著劃線乩而形 155l55.doc 201213079 成有於脆性材料基板之厚度方向上伸展之垂直裂痕sc之具 有樹脂之脆性材料基板1 〇之圖。 劃線裝置200主要具備:用以載置固定被加工物之載台 201 ;將載台201向與紙面垂直之方向移動自如地引導之一 對導輥202 ;具備於前端部分形成有劃線之刀輪203之切割 頭204 ;及滑動部206,其將切割頭204如箭頭AR4所示升 降自如地配備、且以如箭頭AR5所示於圖面觀察時左右方 向滑動自如之形態安裝於導桿205上而成。 刀輪203係圓周部分之剖面成圓錐形之圓板狀之構件。 又’刀輪203係將其圓板狀部分之中心轴支於切割頭204 上’藉此由外力而旋轉自如。刀輪203係以例如超硬合 金、燒結金鋼石、SUS、SKH(工具鋼)、藍寶石等等作為 其材質。 於使用劃線裝置200進行具有樹脂之脆性材料基板10之 劃線加工之情形時’首先’將具有樹脂之脆性材料基板1〇 以使脆性材料基板1之主面lb成為被加工面之方式將樹脂2 之主面2a作為載置面而載置固定於劃線裝置200之載台2〇1 上°於該狀態下’如果使刀輪2〇3抵接於分割預定位置p 1 並且使滑動部206於圖面觀察時自左到右或者自右到左進 行移動,則於分割預定位置P1形成劃線SL,且沿著劃線 SL而於脆性材料基板!之厚度方向上使垂直裂痕sc伸展。 圖6係表示對所有之分割預定位置ρι進行相同加工後之狀 態。 如圖6所示’劃線加工後之具有樹脂之脆性材料基板1〇 155I55.doc 201213079 成為如下狀態:槽部G與劃線SL及垂直裂痕Sc形成於相同 之分割預定線L上。 劃線SL及垂直裂痕SC之深度之總和取決於脆性材料基 板1及樹脂2之材質、硬度、厚度、或槽部〇之深度等,但 理想的疋至少為脆性材料基板1之厚度之1 〇%左右以上。 於該情形時,於後段之過程中可適當分割具有樹脂之脆性 材料基板10。 形成劃線SL及垂直裂痕SC後,繼而,進行使具有樹脂 之脆性材料基板1〇沿著劃線SL及垂直裂痕sc而分斷之分 斷加工(步驟S4)。 圖7係表示進行分斷加工之分斷裝置3〇〇之情形之模式刮 面圖。圖8係表示分斷加工後之具有樹脂之脆性材料基板 10之圖。 分斷裝置300主要具備:將黏著固定有被加工物之彈性 膜301於其端緣部水平打開並保持之框架3〇2 ;於相較被加 工物更靠上側進行上下移動之2個上側分斷棒3〇3(3〇3a、 3〇3b);及於相較被加工物更靠下側進行上下移動之丨個下 側分斷棒304。2個上側分斷棒303a' 3〇3b於水平方向(圖 面觀察時左右方向)上分開配置。較佳為可調節兩者之分 開距離。又,下側分斷棒3〇4配置於水平方向上與2個上側 分斷棒303a、303b相隔等距離之位置。 於使用分斷裝置3〇〇而使具有樹脂之脆性材料基板1〇分 斷之情形時,首先,將樹脂2之主面2a作為固定面而將具 有樹脂之脆性材料基板10黏著固定於彈性膜3〇1之黏著面 155155.doc • 10- 201213079 3 01 a。然後’於黏著面3 〇 1 a成為上方之狀態下,使彈性膜 301於框架302上打開。 繼而’將下側分斷棒304以與彈性膜301分開之狀態而配 置於成為分斷對象之分割預定線L(以下,稱為對象分割預 定線)之延長線上之位置。然後,將2個上側分斷棒3〇3a、 303b以與脆性材料基板1分開之狀態並相對於該分割預定 線L而對稱之方式,以特定之間隔分開配置。於該狀態 下,使2個上側分斷棒303下降而使各自之前端303e抵接於 脆性材料基板1之主面lb,並且使下側分斷棒304上升而使 其前端304e經由彈性膜301抵接於樹脂2之主面2a ^藉此, 具有樹脂之脆性材料基板1 〇藉由上側分斷棒303而鉛垂朝 下地受到施力,並藉由下側分斷棒304而鉛垂朝上地受到 施力。於是,於具有樹脂之脆性材料基板丨〇上,3點之管 曲應力作用於對象分割預定線之位置。當該應力作用時, 會由沿著該位置之劃線SL所形成之垂直裂痕SC而產生沿 著該對象分割預定線之裂痕伸展,並形成到達正下方之槽 部G之垂直之裂痕CR »藉由該裂痕CR之形成而完成對象分 割預定線之位置之分斷。 再者’於圖7中,例示出上側分斷棒303之前端303e與下 側分斷棒304之前端304e於剖面觀察時成銳角,並與脆性 材料基板1或彈性膜301線接觸(於圖7所示之剖面中成為點 接觸)之形態,但並非必需如此,亦可為前端303e及前端 304e於剖面觀察時成矩形狀,並與脆性材料基板丄或彈性 膜301面接觸之形態。 155155.doc 201213079 圖8係表示對所有之分割預定線L進行相同加工後之狀 態。於使用本實施形態之分割方法之情形時,裂痕cR| 沦著设置於脆性材料基板!上之劃線SL所形成之垂直裂痕 SC而沿著分割預定線L向樹脂2之槽部G垂直且確實地(再 現性良好地)伸展。再者,於分斷加工之後,如圖8所示, 複數個分割單片11彼此成為於裂痕CR處大致接觸之狀態, 但當然,各個分割單片丨丨於物理上為不同之個體,可進行 個別處理。 圖9係表示用於對比所示之、關於除了未進行槽部形成 加工之外、其餘以與上述相同之順序進行加工後的具有樹 脂之脆性材料基板1 〇之分斷加工後之情形之圖。於該情形 時,如圖9所示,有時亦會出現如下情況:樹脂2中藉由形 成自分割預定線L偏離之歪斜裂痕(裂痕CR1或裂痕CR2)而 產生斜裂,或者形成有僅伸展到樹脂2之中途之裂痕(裂痕 CR3或裂痕CR4) ’或僅於脆性材料基板1之範圍内伸展之 裂痕(裂痕CR5)。又’假設即便已進行良好之分割,但於 分斷時,仍必需對具有樹脂之脆性材料基板1〇賦予較本實 施形態更大之力。這意味著’如本實施形態所述,於樹脂 2上預先形成槽部G,能有效地將具有樹脂之脆性材料基板 10良好地分斷。 又’於本實施形態中’如上所述藉由槽部G之形成而減 少翹曲,並且對具有樹脂之脆性材料基板丨〇進行分割,因 此對於各個分割單片11而言,亦成為翹曲減少之分割單 片。即,可使分割單片11成為與先前相比尺寸精度(平坦 155155.doc -12- 201213079 性)更為優異之分割單片β 以上,如所說明般,根據本實施形態,於樹脂側之分割 預定位置形成有槽部,並且進行劃線加工與分斷加工,由 此能以與先前相比更高之確實性及更優異之尺寸精度,將 具有樹脂之脆性材料基板於相對於其主面而垂直之分割預 定位置進行分割。 <變形例> 分斷加工之形態並不限於上述之實施形態。例如,亦可 為使用如下分斷裝置之形態:下側分斷棒之構成與上述分 斷裝置300為相同,但將上側分斷棒設置作為支承構件, 其具有較為寬幅且與脆性材料基板丨之主面比乃至於與彈 陡膜301以充分之接觸面積相接觸之形狀,且與主面^之 接觸面含有橡膝等之彈性構件。該分斷裳置中,於使上述 支承構件預先接觸到形成有劃線SL之主面“之狀態下,將 配置於對象分割預定線之延長線上之下側分斷棒經由彈性 膜3〇1而對樹脂側之主面2a線接觸,並對具有樹脂之脆性 材料基板10施力,由此實現分斷。 或者’亦可取代藉由分斷棒進行分斷之分斷裝置,而使 用如下形式之分斷裝置:利用輕來按壓樹脂2側之主面 以’由此使垂直裂痕於具有樹脂之脆性材料基板1〇之厚度 方向上伸展。或者,亦可不使用分斷裝置,而利用人之= 來折斷形成有劃線SL及垂直裂痕%之具有樹脂之脆 料基板10。 【圖式簡單說明】 155155.doc •13· 201213079 圆1係表示本實施形態中成 性材料基㈣之模式圖。I㈣象之具有樹脂 .圖2係表示對本實施形態中具有樹脂 進行分割之處理順序之圖 圖3係表示使用切割機_進行槽部 式圓。 圖4係表示藉由槽部形成加 之脆性材料基板10之圖。 圖5係例示進行劃線加工之劃線裝置2〇〇之圖。 之表示藉由劃線加I而形成有劃線儿及垂直裂痕SC 具有树脂之脆性材料基板10之圖。 圓7係表示進行分斷加 面圖。 之脆201213079 VI. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field] The present invention relates to a method for dividing a brittle material substrate, and more particularly to a method for dividing a ceramic substrate followed by a resin. [Prior Art] A brittle material substrate composed of ceramics and other brittle materials such as LTCC (Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics) or HTCC (High Temperature Co-fired Ceramics) There are various methods for dividing and cutting out a plurality of divided single pieces including a substrate on which a main surface or an internal circuit is formed. For example, there is a well-known form in which a scribing wheel is used to form a scribe line equal to a predetermined position of the brittle material substrate, whereby a vertical crack is formed along the scribe line in the thickness direction of the brittle material substrate, and then, by applying an external force (load The vertical crack is stretched in the thickness direction of the brittle material substrate, thereby breaking the brittle material substrate (for example, refer to Patent Document 1). In this case, the vertical crack formed along the scribe line extends in the thickness direction of the brittle material substrate and reaches the back surface, thereby breaking the brittle material substrate. Alternatively, in the manufacturing process of the brittle material substrate, a V-shaped groove (referred to as a V-groove or the like) may be formed at a predetermined division position, and the V-groove may be divided. General • And. The V-groove is formed at the stage of the ceramic precursor (the laminate of the ceramic green sheets). [Prior Art Document] [Patent Document 1] [Patent Document 1] Japanese Patent Laid-Open Publication No. 2010-173251 No. 155155.doc 201213079 [Disclosed] [Problems to be Solved by the Invention] In a brittle material substrate, The circuit of the main surface is protected, etc., a material substrate (a brittle material substrate having a resin) on which a thermosetting resin such as glass epoxy is adhered to the main surface, and the brittle material substrate having the resin is self-made by the above method. When the side of the brittle material substrate is broken, 'there will be a difference between the material of the brittle material substrate and the resin, and the vertical crack does not extend to the resin portion or the resin portion is not penetrated. Or the crack also does not extend vertically. In the case of a slanting crack such as a barb, etc., the dimensional accuracy of the divided single piece cut by the breaking is caused by the warpage of the brittle material substrate in the process of attaching the thermosetting property to the tenth month. The problem of (flatness) is poor. The problem of the problem is remarkable in the case where the fragile material substrate of the groove is not formed. The present invention has been completed in view of the above problems, and In order to solve the above problems, the invention of the first aspect of the invention is to provide a method of dividing a resin-based brittle material substrate which is more reliable than the prior art and has improved dimensional accuracy. A method for dividing a substrate of a brittle material, characterized in that it is a method for vertically dividing a main surface of a resin-containing brittle material to which a resin adheres to a main surface of a brittle soil board, and comprising: a groove forming step, Forming a groove portion at a predetermined predetermined position on the resin side of the resin-containing brittle material substrate: a scribe line forming step of forming a scribe line at a predetermined predetermined position on the side of the brittle material substrate having the resin brittle material substrate 155155.doc 201213079; In the breaking step, the above-mentioned substrate having a brittle material having a resin is divided along the scribe line. The invention of claim 2 is a method for dividing a substrate of a brittle material having a resin according to claim 1 wherein the above-described breaking step is as follows: Breaking the specific force member against the main surface of the above-mentioned brittle material substrate and relative to Positioning at a position on the extension line in the thickness direction of the brittle material substrate at two positions which are symmetrical at a predetermined position on the brittle material substrate side and a vertical crack formed along the scribe line on the resin side main surface And the method for dividing the brittle material substrate having the resin according to the invention of claim 3 or 2, wherein the scribing forming step is performed by forming the above-mentioned plan on the brittle material substrate a step of forming a vertical crack extending in a thickness direction of the brittle material substrate along the line, wherein the dividing step divides the resinous brittle material substrate by extending the vertical crack to the groove portion The method of dividing a brittle material substrate having a resin according to any one of the aspects of the invention, wherein the groove forming step is a step of forming the groove portion by a cutter. The invention of the invention of claim 5, wherein the brittle material substrate is LTCC or HTCC. & [Effects of the Invention] According to the inventions of claims 1 to 5, the resin-based material sheet can be vertically divided with respect to the main surface thereof at a predetermined position and is surely dimensioned with a precision of 155155.doc 201213079. Split. [Embodiment] <Standard material having a resin brittle material> Fig. 1 is a schematic view showing a resin-containing brittle material substrate H) to be divided in the present embodiment. A brittle material substrate having a resin, a thermosetting resin such as a glass epoxy, and the like (hereinafter, simply referred to as a resin) (4) are used in LTCC (L〇W Temperature c〇_fired to call or HTCC) (High Temperature CG_fired Ceramies), etc., on the main surface of the brittle material substrate formed by ceramics and other brittle materials. In addition, in this embodiment, the brittle material substrate is included on the main surface or inside. The substrate of the electric circuit or the like is provided, for example, in order to protect the circuit formed on the main surface, etc. Further, the resin brittle material substrate 10 is shown in the horizontal direction (the left and right sides of the drawing) ^)) is flat, but actually there is a case where the compressive stress acts on the principal surface u of the brittle material substrate 伴随 with the shrinkage at the time of curing of the resin 2, so that the brittle material substrate i is observed as viewed from the drawing. In the above embodiment, the predetermined dividing line L indicating the predetermined position of the partition of the brittle material substrate ι with resin is indicated by a broken line. In the present embodiment, The division predetermined position is set to be perpendicular to the main faces h, ib of the brittle material substrate 。. Further, the end portion of the brittle material substrate side of the predetermined line 分割 (the parent fork position of the main surface lb) is particularly referred to as a division plan. The position ρι, the end portion on the resin 2 side (the intersection with the main surface 2a) is referred to as a division predetermined position p2. In this case, the division predetermined position ?1 and the division predetermined position 匕 are perpendicular to the paper surface 155155.doc 201213079 The straight line extending in the direction of the brittle material substrate 1 and the resin 2 in Fig. 1 or the adhesion form of the resin 2 are merely exemplified. The brittle material base (6) and the resin 2 may be appropriately selected according to their respective purposes. The size is not particularly limited, but may be as follows: for example, the thickness of the brittle material substrate 1Q having a resin is about mm mm, and the thickness of the brittle material substrate 〇 is 2, and the thickness of the resin 2 is 0. Bu 2 mm or so. Also, Fig. μ (the same in the following figures) shows the five predetermined positions (five divided lines 1), but only for the example "< division of the material substrate with resin > Figure 2 The processing procedure for dividing the brittle material substrate 10 having the resin from the nt/heart' in the present embodiment is shown. Hereinafter, the brittle material substrate having the wax of the present embodiment is applied in the order shown in FIG. First, a brittle material substrate 1 having a resin is prepared (step S1). On the resin-containing brittle material substrate 10, the main surface of the brittle material substrate 1 is set as shown in FIG. The la and lb are vertically divided. Then, the groove forming process is performed on the predetermined predetermined position P2 on the resin 2 side of the resin-containing brittle material substrate 1G (step S2). The groove forming processing system can be performed by selecting an appropriate processing mechanism from a cutting machine (d), a beam of lightning, and other known processing mechanisms. Fig. 3 is a schematic view showing a state in which a groove portion is formed by using a cutter 1 Fig. 4 is a view showing a resin-containing brittle material substrate 10 in which a groove portion g is formed by the groove portion forming process. 八155155.doc 201213079 When a groove forming process is performed using the cutter 1 First, the resin-containing brittle material substrate 10 is placed on the cutting surface of the cutting machine by placing the main surface lb of the brittle material substrate 1 as a mounting surface so that the main surface 2a of the resin 2 becomes a processed surface. Then, the outer peripheral portion is made of diamond or the like, and the blade 1 of the blade shape for grinding is adjusted to a height position commensurate with the depth of the groove portion G. Then The drive mechanism is shown to rotate the blade 102 about the axis 1〇2a as indicated by the arrow AR1, and to move the platform 1〇1 as indicated by the arrow AR2 along the divided predetermined position p2 or to make the blade 1〇2 Arrow AR3 The movement is performed to form the groove portion G. Fig. 4 shows the state in which the same processing is performed for all the predetermined division positions 2. The depth of the groove portion G can be determined according to the material, hardness, thickness, etc. of the brittle material substrate 丨 and the resin 2 . Although it is not specifically limited, for example, the depth of the groove portion may be about 30 to 90% of the thickness of the resin 2. Further, in Fig. 4, the groove portion G is formed into a rectangular shape when viewed in cross section, but the groove is formed. The shape of the scraped surface of the portion is not necessarily limited to a rectangular shape. Since the groove portion G is formed, the compressive stress acting on the main surface la of the brittle material substrate 缓 in the brittle material substrate 1 having the resin is alleviated. The warpage of the brittle material substrate having the resin is reduced. After the formation of the groove portion G is completed, the predetermined predetermined position ρ of the brittle material substrate side of the resin brittle material substrate 10 is then subjected to scribing processing (step S3). Fig. 5 is a view showing a scribing device 2〇〇 for performing scribing processing. Fig. 6 is a view showing a scribing ceremony formed by scribing, and forming a shape along the scribing line 155l55.doc 201213079 Brittleness A schematic diagram of a resin brittle material substrate 1 垂直 extending perpendicularly in the thickness direction of the substrate. The scribing device 200 mainly includes a stage 201 for placing and fixing a workpiece, and the stage 201 is oriented to the paper surface. A pair of guide rollers 202 are movably guided in a vertical direction; a cutting head 204 having a cutter wheel 203 having a scribe line formed at a front end portion thereof; and a sliding portion 206 for elevating and lowering the cutting head 204 as indicated by an arrow AR4 Further, it is attached to the guide bar 205 in a sliding manner in the left-right direction as viewed by the arrow AR5. The cutter wheel 203 is a disk-shaped member having a circular cross section in a circumferential portion. The 203 system supports the central axis of the disc-shaped portion on the cutting head 204, thereby being freely rotatable by an external force. The cutter wheel 203 is made of, for example, superhard alloy, sintered diamond, SUS, SKH (tool steel), sapphire or the like. When the scribe line device 200 performs the scribing process of the resin-based brittle material substrate 10, the first brittle material substrate having the resin is first formed so that the main surface lb of the brittle material substrate 1 becomes the processed surface. The main surface 2a of the resin 2 is placed and fixed on the stage 2〇1 of the scribing device 200 as a mounting surface. In this state, if the cutter wheel 2〇3 is brought into contact with the division predetermined position p1 and the sliding is made When the portion 206 moves from left to right or from right to left when viewed from the drawing, the scribe line SL is formed at the division predetermined position P1, and is formed on the brittle material substrate along the scribe line SL! The vertical crack sc is stretched in the thickness direction. Fig. 6 is a view showing a state in which all of the divided predetermined positions ρι are subjected to the same processing. As shown in Fig. 6, the resin-containing brittle material substrate 1 155I55.doc 201213079 is formed in a state in which the groove portion G is formed on the same dividing line L as the scribe line SL and the vertical slit Sc. The sum of the depths of the scribe line SL and the vertical crack SC depends on the material, hardness, thickness, or depth of the groove portion of the brittle material substrate 1 and the resin 2, but the ideal 疋 is at least the thickness of the brittle material substrate 1 〇 More than %. In this case, the brittle material substrate 10 having the resin can be appropriately divided in the subsequent stage. After the scribe line SL and the vertical crack SC are formed, the breaking process of breaking the brittle material substrate 1 having the resin along the scribe line SL and the vertical crack sc is performed (step S4). Fig. 7 is a schematic plan view showing a state in which the breaking device 3 is cut. Fig. 8 is a view showing the resin-containing brittle material substrate 10 after the breaking process. The breaking device 300 mainly includes a frame 3〇2 that horizontally opens and holds the elastic film 301 to which the workpiece is adhered and fixed to the edge portion thereof, and two upper sides that move up and down in comparison with the workpiece. The broken bar 3〇3 (3〇3a, 3〇3b); and the lower side breaking bar 304 which moves up and down on the lower side than the workpiece. The two upper dividing bars 303a' 3〇3b They are arranged separately in the horizontal direction (the left and right direction when the drawing is viewed). Preferably, the separation distance between the two can be adjusted. Further, the lower split bar 3〇4 is disposed at a position equidistant from the two upper split bars 303a and 303b in the horizontal direction. When the breaking device 3 is used to break the brittle material substrate having the resin, first, the main surface 2a of the resin 2 is used as a fixing surface, and the resin-containing brittle material substrate 10 is adhered and fixed to the elastic film. Adhesive surface of 3〇1 155155.doc • 10- 201213079 3 01 a. Then, the elastic film 301 is opened on the frame 302 with the adhesive surface 3 〇 1 a being placed upward. Then, the lower branching bar 304 is placed at a position on the extension line of the dividing line L (hereinafter referred to as the object dividing predetermined line) which is the object to be divided, in a state of being separated from the elastic film 301. Then, the two upper split bars 3〇3a and 303b are disposed apart from each other in a state of being separated from the brittle material substrate 1 and symmetric with respect to the division planned line L, at a specific interval. In this state, the two upper split bars 303 are lowered, and the front ends 303e are brought into contact with the main faces 1b of the brittle material substrate 1, and the lower break bars 304 are raised to have the front ends 304e passing through the elastic film 301. Abutting against the main surface 2a of the resin 2, the resin-containing brittle material substrate 1 is biased downward by the upper branching bar 303, and is vertically lowered by the lower dividing bar 304. The land was subjected to force. Then, on the substrate of the brittle material having the resin, the tube bending stress at 3 points acts on the position where the object is divided. When the stress acts, a crack along the predetermined line of division of the object is generated by the vertical crack SC formed along the line SL of the position, and a vertical crack CR of the groove portion G directly below is formed. The division of the position of the object division planned line is completed by the formation of the crack CR. In addition, in FIG. 7, the front end 303e of the upper side breaking bar 303 and the front end 304e of the lower side breaking bar 304 are formed at an acute angle when viewed in cross section, and are in line contact with the brittle material substrate 1 or the elastic film 301 (FIG. Although the cross section shown in Fig. 7 is in the form of a point contact, the front end 303e and the front end 304e may be formed in a rectangular shape when viewed in cross section, and may be in surface contact with the brittle material substrate 丄 or the elastic film 301. 155155.doc 201213079 Fig. 8 shows a state in which all the divided planned lines L are subjected to the same processing. In the case of using the dividing method of the present embodiment, the crack cR| is placed next to the brittle material substrate! The vertical crack SC formed by the upper scribe line SL extends perpendicularly and surely (reproducibly) toward the groove portion G of the resin 2 along the dividing line L. Further, after the breaking process, as shown in FIG. 8, the plurality of divided single pieces 11 are in a state of being substantially in contact with each other at the crack CR, but of course, each of the divided pieces is physically different from each other. Perform individual processing. Fig. 9 is a view showing a state after the breaking process of the resin-containing brittle material substrate 1 后 after the processing in the same order as described above except for the groove portion forming process. . In this case, as shown in FIG. 9, there is a case where a crack is generated in the resin 2 by forming a skew crack (fracture CR1 or crack CR2) deviated from the dividing line L, or only A crack (fracture CR3 or crack CR4) that extends to the middle of the resin 2 or a crack (fracture CR5) that extends only within the range of the brittle material substrate 1. Further, it is assumed that even if a good division has been made, it is necessary to impart a greater force to the substrate of the brittle material having the resin than to the embodiment at the time of breaking. This means that the groove portion G is formed in advance on the resin 2 as described in the embodiment, and the brittle material substrate 10 having the resin can be effectively separated. Further, in the present embodiment, the warpage is reduced by the formation of the groove portion G as described above, and the brittle material substrate 具有 having the resin is divided. Therefore, the warpage is also caused for each of the divided single pieces 11. Reduce the split monolith. In other words, the divided single piece 11 can be made into a divided single piece β which is more excellent in dimensional accuracy (flat 155155.doc -12 - 201213079) than the previous one, and as described above, according to the present embodiment, on the resin side A groove portion is formed at a predetermined position, and a scribing process and a breaking process are performed, whereby a brittle material substrate having a resin can be opposed to the main body with higher accuracy and more excellent dimensional accuracy than before. The surface is divided into a predetermined position and divided vertically. <Modifications> The form of the breaking process is not limited to the above embodiment. For example, the configuration may be such that the lower breaking bar has the same configuration as the above-described breaking device 300, but the upper dividing bar is provided as a supporting member, which has a relatively wide and brittle material substrate. The main surface of the crucible has a shape that is in contact with the elastic steep film 301 in a sufficient contact area, and the contact surface with the main surface contains an elastic member such as a rubber knee. In the state in which the support member is brought into contact with the main surface on which the scribe line SL is formed in advance, the lower side of the extension line disposed on the predetermined line for dividing the object is divided by the elastic film 3〇1 On the other hand, the main surface 2a of the resin side is in line contact, and the brittle material substrate 10 having the resin is biased to thereby achieve the breaking. Alternatively, the breaking device can be replaced by the breaking bar, and the following is used. Formal breaking device: the main surface of the side of the resin 2 is pressed lightly to thereby 'extend the vertical crack in the thickness direction of the substrate 1 of the brittle material having the resin. Alternatively, the user may be used without using a breaking device. = to break the brittle substrate 10 having the resin with the scribe line SL and the vertical crack %. [Simple description of the drawing] 155155.doc •13· 201213079 The circle 1 series indicates the mode of the base material (4) in the present embodiment. Fig. 2 is a view showing a processing procedure for dividing a resin in the present embodiment. Fig. 3 is a view showing a groove type circle using a cutter. Fig. 4 is a view showing formation of a groove by a groove portion. Fig. 5 is a view showing a scribing device 2A for performing scribing processing, and showing a scribing material and a vertical crack SC by a scribing plus I. Fig. Circle 7 series indicates that the fracture is added.
之脆性材料基板1 Q 工之情形之模 工而形成有槽部G之具有樹脂 工之分斷裝置300之情形之模式剖 圖 圖8係表示分斷加工後之具有樹脂之脆性材料基板⑺之 圖9係表示關於未進行槽部形成加 材料基板10之分斷加工後之情形之圆 【主要元件符號說明】 工之具有樹脂之脆性 2 10 11 100 脆性材料基板 (脆性材料基板之)主面 樹脂 具有樹脂之脆性材料基板 分割單片 切割機 155155.doc -14- 201213079 101 平台 102 刀片 200 劃線裝置 201 載台 202 導輥 203 刀輪 204 切割頭 205 導桿 206 滑動部 300 分斷裝置 301 彈性膜 301a 黏著面 302 框架 303(303a、303b) 上側分斷棒 303e (上側分斷棒之)前端 304 下側分斷棒 304e 前端 CR、CR1 〜CR5 裂痕 G 槽部 L 分割預定線 PI (脆性材料基板側之)分割預定位置 P2 (樹脂側之)分割預定位置 SC 垂直裂痕 SL 劃線 155155.doc -15-FIG. 8 is a schematic cross-sectional view showing a case where the resin material breaking device 300 is formed with the groove portion G in the case where the brittle material substrate 1 is formed. FIG. 8 shows the resin-containing brittle material substrate (7) after the breaking process. Fig. 9 is a view showing a state in which the breaking process of the groove forming material substrate 10 is not performed. [Main element symbol description] The brittleness of the resin 2 10 11 100 brittle material substrate (the brittle material substrate) main surface Resin with resin brittle material substrate split single piece cutting machine 155155.doc -14- 201213079 101 platform 102 blade 200 scribing device 201 stage 202 guide roller 203 cutter wheel 204 cutting head 205 guide rod 206 sliding portion 300 breaking device 301 Elastic film 301a Adhesive surface 302 Frame 303 (303a, 303b) Upper side breaking bar 303e (upper side breaking bar) Front end 304 Lower side breaking bar 304e Front end CR, CR1 to CR5 Crack G Groove portion L Division line PI (brittleness) Splitting predetermined position P2 (on the resin side) dividing predetermined position SC Vertical crack SL scribe line 155155.doc -15-