> A collection request has been placed with TNT Express.
> Attached is the consignment note that relates to this collection request.
> To view and print the consignment note, you will need the freely available document viewer, Adobe Acrobat Reader, version 5.0 or later. If you have any problems reading the attachment, download your free copy from the Web. To download, go to:
> http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html
> Please print off all copies of the consignment note and ensure you have read our terms and conditions, which are also attached and applicable hereto, before signing each copy of the consignment note, whereby you confirm to have fully accepted said terms and conditions.
> When the TNT representative arrives to collect your consignment, please hand over all copies of the consignment note with the exception of the Sender copy. (Retain this copy for your own reference).
> For enquiries, please do not respond to this Email but contact your local Customer Services department on 0800 100 600.
大変よくわかりました。 補足まで訳して下さり感謝します。