TOEFL ライティングについて
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Some people may prefer to believe that the best way of learning about life is by listening to advice of family and friends.But pesonally,I think that it is more important to experience many things in my life.Therfore, I prefere to believe that the best way of learning about life is through personal experience.
Of course,it is not difficult to argue that there are advantages in learning about life is bby listening to advice of family and friends.For example,It doesn't require any effort to achieve something.So it is very easy to do.Furthermore,it anable us to know the experience that we can never experience.One illustration od this is that man can't pregnant.
But on careful consideration,I find more advantages in learning through personal experience.One specific advantage that comes readily to mind is that I can get the spirit of charenge by through self experience.For instance,speeching in fornt of large audience needs a lot of courage.If you were heard what speech is like,you couldn't speak fluently.This means that it requires a lot of expwrience.Farhermore, it is easy to adapt to anything.One example of this is that playing sports such as baseball soccor swiming is very difficult to learn unless the person practice many times by useing their body.As you know,although family and friends advised you how to throw,how to kick and how to swim,you can't do.Farhermore, it is easy to adapt to anything.
Considering all of the above factors,though there are advantages to learning about life from family and friends ,I prefer to learn about life through personal experience.
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