Miscellaneous thoughts and observations.
I still don't see why
Michele Obama would agree to be on Joe Biden's ticket. Then again I didn't see why Tom Brady would want to play for any franchise other than the Patriots...
This post on Things We're Missing sums up my feelings pretty well. Though in my own personal case I'd replace church with playing pool, seeing live music and golf (don't judge me)... "Sin that pays its way can travel freely, and without a passport; whereas Virtue, if a pauper, is stopped at all frontiers." - Herman Melville...
Don't judge me... There's not much enthusiasm for Joe Biden and outside of Michele Obama there probably won't be much enthusiasm for whoever is picked as VP. None of the women who campaigned for President had much support (otherwise they wouldn't have lost to the desiccated husk of Biden to begin with). And Hillary? She would negatively impact his appeal. The only outside the box solution I can see is Tulsi Gabbard but the DNC would never allow that. The lack of enthusiasm could really harm the down-ticket Democrat candidates...
The Irish have long memories...