Miscellaneous thoughts and observations.
Claude Julien was the best coach the Boston Bruins ever had but I agree with many Bruins fans in that it was time for a change. Even Scotty Bowman never coached in one city for more than 9 seasons. Claude was in Boston for 10... What the weather was like in my city yesterday... Charles Dolan should never sit down among the fans at Madison square Garden. His very presence is a provocation to Knick fans... It is still a punishment - right?... Samurai Jack is coming back? Awesome!... Wherever he lands Julien will make some franchise a great coach... I've stopped following Deadspin on Twitter because only one in three tweets are now about sports... Little known fact but no human speaks faster than an NHL player or coach during a post game interview. Breathless... Is Ben Roethlisberger still playing the diva about coming back next season?...