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Redirected Walking for Exploring Immersive Virtual Spaces With HMD: A Comprehensive Review and Recent Advances

Published: 01 October 2023 Publication History


Real walking techniques can provide the user with a more natural, highly immersive walking experience compared to the experience of other locomotion techniques. In contrast to the direct mapping between the virtual space and an equal-sized physical space that can be simply realized, the nonequivalent mapping that enables the user to explore a large virtual space by real walking within a confined physical space is complex. To address this issue, the redirected walking (RDW) technique is proposed by many works to adjust the user's virtual and physical movements based on some redirection manipulations. In this manner, subtle or overt motion deviations can be injected between the user's virtual and physical movements, allowing the user to undertake real walking in large virtual spaces by using different redirection controller methods. In this paper, we present a brief review to describe major concepts and methodologies in the field of redirected walking. First, we provide the fundamentals and basic criteria of RDW, and then we describe the redirection manipulations that can be applied to adjust the user's movements during virtual exploration. Furthermore, we clarify the redirection controller methods that properly adopt strategies for combining different redirection manipulations and present a classification of these methods by several categories. Finally, we summarize several experimental metrics to evaluate the performance of redirection controller methods and discuss current challenges and future work. Our study systematically classifies the relevant theories, concepts, and methods of RDW, and provides assistance to the newcomers in understanding and implementing the RDW technique.


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IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics  Volume 29, Issue 10
Oct. 2023
297 pages


IEEE Educational Activities Department

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Published: 01 October 2023


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