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Quantum Information Processing, Volume 11
Volume 11, Number 1, February 2012
- Fei Wu, Xiaohua Wu:
Designing the optimal quantum cloning machine for qubit case. 1-21 - Min Jiang, Hui Li, Zengke Zhang, Jia Zeng:
Faithful teleportation via multi-particle quantum states in a network with many agents. 23-40 - Wenliang Jin:
Quantum search in a possible three-dimensional complex subspace. 41-54 - Luís Tarrataca, Andreas Wichert
Can quantum entanglement detection schemes improve search? 55-66 - Fernando L. Semião
, Mauro Paternostro
Quantum circuits for spin and flavor degrees of freedom of quarks forming nucleons. 67-75 - Kamran Karimi
, Neil G. Dickson
, Firas Hamze, Mohammad H. S. Amin, Marshall Drew-Brook, Fabián A. Chudak, Paul I. Bunyk, William G. Macready, Geordie Rose:
Investigating the performance of an adiabatic quantum optimization processor. 77-88 - Abolfazl Bayat
, Pasquale Sodano
, Sougato Bose
Exploiting Kondo spin chains for generating long range distance independent entanglement. 89-112 - Chun-Wei Yang
, Chia-Wei Tsai
, Tzonelih Hwang:
Thwarting intercept-and-resend attack on Zhang's quantum secret sharing using collective rotation noises. 113-122 - Byung-Soo Choi
Optimality proofs of quantum weight decision algorithms. 123-136 - Naresh Sharma:
Equality conditions for the quantum f-relative entropy and generalized data processing inequalities. 137-160 - Runhua Shi, Hong Zhong:
Multiparty quantum secret sharing with the pure entangled two-photon states. 161-169 - Mohammad Ali Jafarizadeh
, Rahime Sufiani, Maryam Azimi, Faghiheh Eghbali Fam
Perfect state transfer over interacting boson networks associated with group schemes. 171-187 - Luís Tarrataca, Andreas Wichert
A quantum production model. 189-209 - B. Allés, Semra Gündüç, Yigit Gündüç:
Maximal entanglement from quantum random walks. 211-227 - Yan-Li Shi, Feng Mei, Ya-Fei Yu, Xun-Li Feng, Zhi-Ming Zhang:
Generation of a genuine four-particle entangled state of trap ions. 229-234 - Yi Huang, Daowen Qiu
Concurrence vectors of multipartite states based on coefficient matrices. 235-254 - João Luzeilton de Oliveira, David Sena Oliveira, Rubens Viana Ramos
Entanglement measure for pure six-qubit quantum states. 255-267 - Abraham G. Kofman
Optimal conditions for Bell-inequality violation in the presence of decoherence and errors. 269-309 - Giacomo Mauro D'Ariano:
Gregg Jaeger: Entanglement, Information, and the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (The Frontiers Collection). 311-312 - Timothy C. Ralph:
Howard Wiseman and Gerard Milburn: Quantum measurement and control. 313-315
Volume 11, Number 2, April 2012
- Jing Xin Cui, Tao Zhou, Gui-Lu Long
Density matrix formalism of duality quantum computer and the solution of zero-wave-function paradox. 317-323 - Lian-Jie Zhao, Yan-Song Li, Liang Hao, Tao Zhou, Gui-Lu Long:
Geometric pictures for quantum search algorithms. 325-340 - Norio Konno
, Iwao Sato:
On the relation between quantum walks and zeta functions. 341-349 - Kamal Berrada, Morad El Baz, Hichem Eleuch
, Yassine Hassouni:
Bipartite entanglement of nonlinear quantum systems in the context of the q-Heisenberg Weyl algebra. 351-372 - Hsinyi Tseng, Jason Lin
, Tzonelih Hwang:
New quantum private comparison protocol using EPR pairs. 373-384 - Chunfang Sun, Kang Xue, Gangcheng Wang
, Chengcheng Zhou, Guijiao Du:
Entanglement and Yangian in a V⊗3 Yang-Baxter system. 385-395 - E. Sriram Prasath, Sreraman Muralidharan, Chiranjib Mitra
, Prasanta K. Panigrahi:
Multipartite entangled magnon states as quantum communication channels. 397-410 - Ivan Fialík:
Noise and the magic square game. 411-429 - Hong-Fu Wang, Li-Li Sun, Shou Zhang
, Kyu-Hwang Yeon:
Scheme for entanglement concentration of unknown partially entangled three-atom W states in cavity QED. 431-441 - M. Ramzan, M. K. Khan:
Decoherence and entanglement degradation of a qubit-qutrit system in non-inertial frames. 443-454 - Tian-Yin Wang, Zong-Li Wei:
One-time proxy signature based on quantum cryptography. 455-463 - Norio Konno
Sojourn times of the Hadamard walk in one dimension. 465-480 - Dafa Li:
The n-tangle of odd n qubits. 481-492 - Adrian Kent:
Why classical certification is impossible in a quantum world. 493-499 - Shahriar Salimi
, A. Mohammadzade, Kamal Berrada:
Concurrence for a two-qubits mixed state consisting of three pure states in the framework of SU(2) coherent states. 501-518 - Qin Li
, Chengqing Li
, Dongyang Long, Wai Hong Chan, Chun-Hui Wu:
On the impossibility of non-static quantum bit commitment between two parties. 519-527 - B. Nasr-Esfahani, M. Aghaee:
Tripartite entanglements seen from a relativistically moving frame. 529-540 - Anargyros Papageorgiou, Chi Zhang:
On the efficiency of quantum algorithms for Hamiltonian simulation. 541-561 - Yi-you Nie, Yuan-hua Li, Jun-chang Liu, Ming-huang Sang:
Quantum information splitting of an arbitrary three-qubit state by using a genuinely entangled five-qubit state and a Bell-state. 563-569 - Dong Zhou
, Robert Joynt:
Disappearance of entanglement: a topological point of view. 571-583 - Yong Zhang:
Quantum computing via the Bethe ansatz. 585-590 - Giuliano Gadioli La Guardia:
Asymmetric quantum Reed-Solomon and generalized Reed-Solomon codes. 591-604 - Yan Xia, Pei-Min Lu, Yong-Zhi Zeng:
Effective protocol for preparation of N-photon Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states with conventional photon detectors. 605-613 - Debashis Saha
, Prasanta K. Panigrahi:
N-qubit quantum teleportation, information splitting and superdense coding through the composite GHZ-Bell channel. 615-628 - Mikio Nakahara:
Frank Gaitan: Quantum error correction and fault tolerant quantum computing. 629-631 - Eric Cavalcanti
Christopher A. Fuchs: Coming of age with quantum information: notes on a Paulian idea. 633-636
Volume 11, Number 3, June 2012
- Arun Kumar Pati, Pankaj Agrawal:
Special issue on quantum information theory. 637-638 - Ming Zhang, Min Lin, Sophie G. Schirmer, Hong-Yi Dai, Zongtan Zhou, Dewen Hu:
On the role of a priori knowledge in the optimization of quantum information processing. 639-673 - Aditi Sen(De), Ujjwal Sen
Entanglement mean field theory: Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Model. 675-683 - A. R. Usha Devi
, Sudha, A. K. Rajagopal:
Majorana representation of symmetric multiqubit states. 685-710 - Guruprasad Kar, Ramij Rahaman
Local cloning of multipartite entangled states. 711-727 - Mohammad Ali Jafarizadeh
, Rahime Sufiani, S. Nami, M. Golmohammadi:
Bose-Mesner algebra on finite G/H coset graphs and its application on continuous time quantum walks. 729-749 - Mingxing Luo, Xiu-Bo Chen, Yi-Xian Yang, Xinxin Niu:
Experimental architecture of joint remote state preparation. 751-767 - Ariel Danan, Lev Vaidman:
Practical quantum bit commitment protocol. 769-775 - N. Behzadi:
Entanglement observation among single mode bosonic field and an atom. 777-785 - Howard E. Brandt:
Tools in the Riemannian geometry of quantum computation. 787-839 - Arun Kumar Pati, Biswajit Pradhan, Pankaj Agrawal:
Entangled brachistochrone: minimum time to reach the target entangled state. 841-851 - J. Solomon Ivan, M. Sanjay Kumar, Rajiah Simon:
A measure of non-Gaussianity for quantum states. 853-872 - J. Solomon Ivan, N. Mukunda, Rajiah Simon:
Generation and distillation of non-Gaussian entanglement from nonclassical photon statistics. 873-885
Volume 11, Number 4, August 2012
- Robert W. Boyd, Peter J. Reynolds:
Introduction to the special issue on quantum imaging. 887-889 - Robert W. Boyd, Jonathan P. Dowling:
Quantum lithography: status of the field. 891-901 - Malvin Carl Teich, Bahaa E. A. Saleh, Franco N. C. Wong, Jeffrey H. Shapiro:
Variations on the theme of quantum optical coherence tomography: a review. 903-923 - John C. Howell, Petr M. Anisimov, Jonathan P. Dowling, Robert W. Boyd:
Single and biphoton imaging and high dimensional quantum communication. 925-948 - Jeffrey H. Shapiro, Robert W. Boyd:
The physics of ghost imaging. 949-993 - Yanhua Shih:
The physics of ghost imaging: nonlocal interference or local intensity fluctuation correlation? 995-1001 - Jeffrey H. Shapiro, Robert W. Boyd:
Response to "The physics of ghost imaging - nonlocal interference or local intensity fluctuation correlation?". 1003-1011
Volume 11, Number 5, October 2012
- Yutaka Shikano
Special issue on quantum walks. 1013-1014 - Salvador Elías Venegas-Andraca:
Quantum walks: a comprehensive review. 1015-1106 - Takuya Kitagawa:
Topological phenomena in quantum walks: elementary introduction to the physics of topological phases. 1107-1148 - María José Cantero, F. Alberto Grünbaum, Leandro Moral, Luis Velázquez
The CGMV method for quantum walks. 1149-1192 - Chaobin Liu:
Asymptotic distributions of quantum walks on the line with two entangled coins. 1193-1205 - Yusuke Ide, Norio Konno
, Etsuo Segawa
Time averaged distribution of a discrete-time quantum walk on the path. 1207-1218 - Andre Ahlbrecht, Christopher Cedzich, Robert Matjeschk, Volkher B. Scholz, Albert H. Werner
, Reinhard F. Werner
Asymptotic behavior of quantum walks with spatio-temporal coin fluctuations. 1219-1249 - Alain Joye
Dynamical localization for d-dimensional random quantum walks. 1251-1269 - Alain Joye
Erratum to: Dynamical localization for d-dimensional random quantum walks. 1271 - Anastasiia Anishchenko, Alexander Blumen, Oliver Mülken:
Enhancing the spreading of quantum walks on star graphs by additional bonds. 1273-1286 - C. M. Chandrashekar
, Thomas Busch
Quantum walk on distinguishable non-interacting many-particles and indistinguishable two-particle. 1287-1299 - Ilya Sinayskiy
, Francesco Petruccione
Efficiency of open quantum walk implementation of dissipative quantum computing algorithms. 1301-1309
Volume 11, Number 6, December 2012
- Yannick Deville, Alain Deville:
Classical-processing and quantum-processing signal separation methods for qubit uncoupling. 1311-1347 - Joydip Ghosh, Michael Geller:
Controlled-NOT logic gate for phase qubits based on conditional spectroscopy. 1349-1357 - Libao He, Liusheng Huang, Wei Yang, Rui Xu, Dian-Qi Han:
Cryptanalysis and melioration of secure quantum sealed-bid auction with post-confirmation. 1359-1369 - Yohei Sekiguchi, Kiri Sakahara, Takashi Sato:
Existence of equilibria in quantum Bertrand-Edgeworth duopoly game. 1371-1379 - Zheng-Yuan Xue
Fast geometric gate operation of superconducting charge qubits in circuit QED. 1381-1388 - Mojtaba Jafarpour, Abbass Sabour
A useful strong lower bound on two-qubit concurrence. 1389-1402 - Mohammad Ali Jafarizadeh
, Mahmoud Mahdian
Relativistic entanglement in single-particle quantum states using non-linear entanglement witnesses. 1403-1418 - Piotr Zawadzki
Security of ping-pong protocol based on pairs of completely entangled qudits. 1419-1430 - Mark M. Wilde
, Min-Hsiu Hsieh
The quantum dynamic capacity formula of a quantum channel. 1431-1463 - Mark M. Wilde
, Min-Hsiu Hsieh
Public and private resource trade-offs for a quantum channel. 1465-1501 - Mark M. Wilde
, Min-Hsiu Hsieh
Erratum to: The quantum dynamic capacity formula of a quantum channel; Public and private resource trade-offs for a quantum channel. 1503-1509 - Z. W. E. Evans, A. M. Stephens:
Optimal correction of concatenated fault-tolerant quantum codes. 1511-1521 - Jason F. Ralph, Joshua Combes
, Howard M. Wiseman
An interleaved sampling scheme for the characterization of single qubit dynamics. 1523-1531 - Renu Tripathi:
Polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography: a review of classical and quantum perspectives. 1533-1549 - Alexandre I. Zenchuk:
Unitary invariant discord as a measures of bipartite quantum correlations in an N-qubit quantum system. 1551-1570 - J. A. Miszczak, Piotr Gawron
, Zbigniew Puchala
Qubit flip game on a Heisenberg spin chain. 1571-1583 - Zhang-yin Wang:
Classical communication cost and probabilistic remote two-qubit state preparation via POVM and W-type states. 1585-1602 - Gregory B. Furman
, Victor M. Meerovich
, Vladimir L. Sokolovsky
Entanglement in dipolar coupling spin system in equilibrium state. 1603-1617 - Yu-Guang Yang, Xin Jia, Hong-Yang Wang, Hua Zhang:
Verifiable quantum (k, n)-threshold secret sharing. 1619-1625 - Hao You, J. D. Franson:
Theoretical comparison of quantum Zeno gates and logic gates based on the cross-Kerr nonlinearity. 1627-1651 - Xiu-Bo Chen, Song-Ya Ma, Yuan Su, Ru Zhang, Yi-Xian Yang:
Controlled remote state preparation of arbitrary two and three qubit states via the Brown state. 1653-1667 - Tao Zhou:
Unambiguous discrimination between two unknown qudit states. 1669-1684 - Hasan Cavit Sezer, Hoshang Heydari:
A representation of extra-special 2-group, entanglement, and Berry phase of two qubits in Yang-Baxter system. 1685-1694 - S. Shelly Sharma
, N. K. Sharma
Negativity fonts, multiqubit invariants and four qubit maximally entangled states. 1695-1714 - Mingming Wang, Xiu-Bo Chen, Shoushan Luo, Yi-Xian Yang:
Efficient entanglement channel construction schemes for a theoretical quantum network model with d-level system. 1715-1739 - Ying Sun, Fei Gao, Zheng Yuan, Yan-Bing Li, Qiao-Yan Wen:
Splitting a quantum secret without the assistance of entanglements. 1741-1750 - Erkka Haapasalo
, Teiko Heinosaari
, Juha-Pekka Pellonpää
Quantum measurements on finite dimensional systems: relabeling and mixing. 1751-1763 - Chengcheng Zhou, Kang Xue, Lidan Gou, Chunfang Sun, Gangcheng Wang
, Taotao Hu:
Birman-Wenzl-Murakami algebra, topological parameter and Berry phase. 1765-1773 - Gangcheng Wang
, Kang Xue, Chunfang Sun, Guijiao Du:
Yang-Baxter ˘R matrix, entanglement and Yangian. 1775-1784 - Zhihao Liu, Hanwu Chen, Juan Xu, Wenjie Liu, Zhiqiang Li:
High-dimensional deterministic multiparty quantum secret sharing without unitary operations. 1785-1795 - Xiao-Qiang Shao, Tai-Yu Zheng, Shou Zhang
Fast synthesis of the Fredkin gate via quantum Zeno dynamics. 1797-1808 - Sergey A. Podoshvedov:
Displaced rotations of coherent states. 1809-1828 - Min Jiang, Daoyi Dong
, Rebing Wu:
Multiple independent quantum states sharing under collaboration of agents in quantum networks. 1829-1844 - Peng Huang, Jun Zhu, Xiao-Qi Xiao, Guangqiang He, Guihua Zeng:
Different dynamics of classical and quantum correlations under decoherence. 1845-1865 - W. P. Bastos, Wesley B. Cardoso
, Ardiley T. Avelar
, Norton Gomes de Almeida, Basílio Baseia
Controlled teleportation via photonic Faraday rotations in low-Q cavities. 1867-1881 - J. G. Filgueiras
, Thiago O. Maciel, Ruben Auccaise
, Reinaldo O. Vianna
, Roberto S. Sarthour, Ivan S. Oliveira:
Experimental implementation of a NMR entanglement witness. 1883-1893 - Alexey E. Rastegin
Fano type quantum inequalities in terms of q-entropies. 1895-1910 - Zhong-Xiao Man, Yun-Jie Xia:
Quantum teleportation in a dissipative environment. 1911-1920 - Clement Ampadu:
Limit theorems for decoherent two dimensional quantum walks. 1921-1929 - Andreas F. Terzis, Petros Androvitsaneas, Emmanuel Paspalakis
Thermal quantum discord and classical correlations in a two-qubit Ising model under a site-dependent magnetic field. 1931-1950 - Hari Prakash
, Vikram Verma
Minimum assured fidelity and minimum average fidelity in quantum teleportation of single qubit using non-maximally entangled states. 1951-1959 - Wonmin Son, Luigi Amico
, Vlatko Vedral
Topological order in 1D Cluster state protected by symmetry. 1961-1968 - Zhenghan Wang:
Introduction to topological quantum computation by J. Pachos. 1969-1973
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