Example in Romanian | Translation in English |
! Lumea va striga după mine că sunt bătrână şi proastă. | I mean, people are gonna start calling me old and trashy. |
" Eu sunt Jonathan Moxon, dar aproape toti ma striga Mox. " | I'm Jonathan Moxon, but most people call me Mox. |
"Atunci Domnul va spune, va striga: | Then the Lord will call. We shall hear him call: |
"Bowser." Isi striga cainele. | "Bowser." He was calling for his dog. |
"Cu flori de măr în păr. Ce mă striga pe nume, şi fugind | "With apple blossom in her hair Who called me by my name and ran, |
"..strig după viaţă şi moartea îmi răspunde." | "I call the living, and the dead respond. |
"Am venit să îl strig." | "l've come to call out to him." |
"Când îl strig în limba nativă a piticilor cu care locuieşte, el îmi vine în ajutor." | "When I call upon him in the native tongue of the tree elf "with whom he dwells, he comes to my assistance." |
"Droguri este un termen special cu care îmi place să-l strig pe tati." | "Dope is a special name I like to call Daddy." - What is his name? |
"Aţi înţeles toţi?" Să strigi. | "Y'all got it?" Really call it out. |
"Nu tată, tati sau Babă." tu mă strigi după numele meu acum! tu eşti fiul meu! | "Not father, daddy or Baba ." You're call ing me by name ! |
"Şi să nu-mi mai strigi numele tare" | ♪ And you can't call my name out loud ♪ |
# Cum iti strigi iubitul ? | # # How you call your loverboy? |
# Swanee, mă strigi râu nebun # | # Swanee, you're calling me you crazy river # |
"... gluma este că teaca lui strigă după orice sabie, chiar si de paie." | "...the joke of it all is that his scabbard calls for any puff's sword he can stow." |
"Cine strigă atât de tare?" | "Who calls so loud?" |
"Dacă cineva te strigă Lisa, ignoră-l." | If anybody calls you Lisa, ignore 'em. |
"Inima mea o strigă pe a ta." | "My heart calls out to your heart." |
"Sufletul meu îmi strigă numele?" | Is it my soul that calls my name? |
"Aşa o strigăm pe moment!" | "We're call her that for now!" |
- Ce-ar fi să-l strigăm pe Michal? | Perhaps we should call Michal. |
- Doamne, să o strigăm! | - Oh gee, calling out! |
- Ia numărul şi te strigăm noi. | There you are. Take that number and we'll give you a call. |
- O să te strigăm "Martin". | We'll just call you Martin. |
" Inima mea a strigat la mine" | "My heart called out to me." |
"Am strigat-o pe nume," "dar nu mi-a răspuns." | I called out using her name, but no answer. |
"Apoi au strigat 'Cata vreme, Doamne? '" | "Then they called out in a loud voice, 'How long, Lord?"' |
"Dar apoi mi-ai strigat numele | "But then you called my name |
"Deci Romeo ar putea să nu audă când Romeo este strigat," "păstrând acea perfecţiune pe care o are." | "So Romeo would, were he not Romeo called, retain that clear perfection which he owes." |
- iti strigam numele. | - I was calling your name. |
Doctorul a spus că te strigam. | The doctor said I was calling out for you... |
O strigam să se întoarcă alături de mine. | I was calling at her to come back with me. |
Îl strigam si el doar mă privea. | And I was calling his name but he just stared back. |
Ma strigai pe nume. | You were calling my name. |
Mă strigai... | You were calling my name... |
Mă strigai. | You were calling me. |
O strigai în somn. | You were calling her name in your sleep. |
Îi strigai numele în somn. | You were calling her name in your sleep. |
Astea ma strigau. | These were calling out to me. |
Copiii il strigau Gabriel. | The children were calling him GabrieI. |
Mă strigau pe nume, vă jur. | They were calling to me, I swear. |
Si toate frunzele ma strigau pe nume, lar "piciorul cocosului" dadea zambitor din cap, | "And all the leaves were calling me." "And the buttercups nodded their smiling heads, |
Îmi amintesc că tipii îl strigau "Cy," dar nu era numele lui real. | I remember guys were calling him "Cy," but that wasn't his real name. He had this large mole between his eyes. |
- Jur! Haide, ce poate fi mai romantic decât Stallone, plin de sânge si vânatai, fara sa-i pese daca va câstiga sau va pierde, strigând-o pe femeia pe care o iubeste? | Come on, what is more romantic than Stallone, all bloody and bruised, not caring if he's won or lost, just calling out for the woman he loves? |
- Te-am auzit strigând. | Um, I heard you calling out. |
- Unde a fost atunci când am fost strigând numele ei | - Where was she when I was calling out her name |
A, scuză-mă, cred că am auzit-o pe nevasta mea strigând. | Excuse me. I think I hear my wife calling. |
Am auzit strigând după ajutor. | I heard 'em calling for help. |