Example in Swedish | Translation in English |
"Bobs bror har spelskulder som vi hjälper honom att betala av." | Bob's brother, Future Man, has accumulated some extensive legal debts. But we're gradually helping him to pay those off. |
"De" har de bästa sjukhusen, de bästa labben, och "de" kommer att betala oss en gigantisk summa pengar. | "Them" has the best hospitals, the best labs, and "them" is gonna pay us a very big, giant amount of money. |
"Dessutom åläggs den tilltalade att betala ett skadestånd" "på 60000 kronor till staten, Naturvårdsverket." | "In addition, obliges the accused to pay a substitute" "of 60.000 SEK to the State, Environmental Protection Agency." |
"Engelska kronan lovar att betala- 5000 guldguineas till Auda Abu Tayi." | "The Crown of England promises to pay 5000 golden guineas to Auda Abu Tayi." |
"Herr president, jag utmålades som Satan själv" "och ålades att betala 21 miljoner dollar i skadestånd till stammarna" "och 1,7 miljoner till skattemyndigheten." | Mr. President, at the end of the day, I was vilified as Satan and ordered to pay restitution of more than 21 million dollars to the Indian tribes as well as 1.7 million to the IRS. |
! - Ska jag betala för hans otrohet? | - and I'm supposed to pay for his infidelity? |
! Låt honom betala mig! | Let him pay me my money. |
"..betala mr Kane, så länge han lever--" | "...to pay to Charles Foster Kane, as long as he lives--" |
"Blir det inte premiär kan han inte betala sina skulder." Minns du, Catti? | If there's no premiere, he can't pay his debts, right? |
"Bobs bror har spelskulder som vi hjälper honom att betala av." | Bob's brother, Future Man, has accumulated some extensive legal debts. But we're gradually helping him to pay those off. |
! -Han betalar vad jag vill ha. | - He'll pay me what I tell him to pay! |
! Jag blir lugn när du betalar tillbaks alla mina pengar. | I will be calm when you pay back all my money. |
! Jag kan betalar dej senare..." | I'll pay you back later. |
"..betalar för vad han har gjort oss. | "...paying him for what he had done to us. |
"César betalar inte sin kreditskuld, utan spenderar sina sista 30 dollar på lotto. | "Instead of paying his credit card, César spends his last $30 on Powerball tickets. |
- Den som är väl förnöjd, är väl betalad .. .. jag är förnöjd för det att jag er räddat .. .. och ser mig därigenom väl betalad. | He is well paid that is well satisfied and I, delivering you, am satisfied and therein do account myself well paid - fare you well. |
Clarence han har blivit väl betalad! | Marry, as for Clarence, he is well repaid. |
Den är köpt och betalad. | It's all bought and paid for. |
Den är redan betalad. | It's already paid for. |
Du blir betalad bra nog. | You'll be paid well enough. |
"Backen" betalade mitt rymdläger. | Actually, "the reverse" paid for my space camp. |
"Han betalade en avgift till fru Schultz..." "...för en tjänst som inbegrep mörk magi." | He paid a fee to Ms. Schultz... for a service involving dark magic. |
"Hur längesen var det jag sist betalade er, Clifton?" | "How long has it been since I last paid you, Clifton?" |
"Jag betalade dej tillbaka. | "I paid you back. |
"Jag inser att jag är offer för betalade informatörer och att min kärriär är slut. | "I realise that I am the victim of paid informers and that my career is ruined. |
- Den är till betalande kunder, inte dig. | - lt's for paying customers Not you |
- Det är bokat av betalande gäster. | The efficiencies are booked to paying customers. |
- En betalande gäst. | A paying guest. Oh, stop it. |
- En betalande kund behöver service. | You got a paying customer here needs some service! |
- En betalande kund som bestämmer. | - And a paying customer. If he says the foie gras is not done, it's not. |
"Er son Michael struttar omkring i sin nya kostym, som jag har betalat" "medan jag inte har en smula för att hålla ihop kropp och själ." | There's your son, michael, parading around the world in his new suit, which I paid for, while I myself have barely a crust to keep body and soul together. " |
"Har du betalat din skuld, Jack?" "Ja, sir. Jag har postat checken." | "Have you paid your dues, Jack?" "Yes, sir, the check is in the mail." |
"Ja, jag har betalat. | "Yeah, I paid you. I paid you. |
- Att du har knullat honom? - Eller att du har betalat honom? | That you slept with him or that you paid him to like her? |
- Bara för att du betalat... för Juni i förväg, avfärdar vi inte sena utgifter... om du försummat in i Oktober. | - It means just because you paid June in advance, we don't waive late charges if you're delinquent in October. |