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Montrer (to show) conjugation

30 examples
Conjugation of montrer
Present tense
je montre
I show
tu montres
you show
il/elle/on montre
he/she/it shows
nous montrons
we show
vous montrez
you all show
ils/elles montrent
they show
Present perfect tense
j’ai montré
I showed
tu as montré
you showed
il/elle/on a montré
he/she/it showed
nous avons montré
we showed
vous avez montré
you all showed
ils/elles ont montré
they showed
Past impf. tense
je montrais
I was showing
tu montrais
you were showing
il/elle/on montrait
he/she/it was showing
nous montrions
we were showing
vous montriez
you all were showing
ils/elles montraient
they were showing
Future tense
je montrerai
I will show
tu montreras
you will show
il/elle/on montrera
he/she/it will show
nous montrerons
we will show
vous montrerez
you all will show
ils/elles montreront
they will show
Past perfect tense
j’avais montré
I had shown
tu avais montré
you had shown
il/elle/on avait montré
he/she/it had shown
nous avions montré
we had shown
vous aviez montré
you all had shown
ils/elles avaient montré
they had shown
Past preterite tense
je montrai
I showed
tu montras
you showed
il/elle/on montra
he/she/it showed
nous montrâmes
we showed
vous montrâtes
you all showed
ils/elles montrèrent
they showed
Past anterior tense
j’eus montré
I had shown
tu eus montré
you had shown
il/elle/on eut montré
he/she/it had shown
nous eûmes montré
we had shown
vous eûtes montré
you all had shown
ils/elles eurent montré
they had shown
Future perfect tense
j’aurai montré
I will have shown
tu auras montré
you will have shown
il/elle/on aura montré
he/she/it will have shown
nous aurons montré
we will have shown
vous aurez montré
you all will have shown
ils/elles auront montré
they will have shown
Present subjunctive tense
que je montre
that I show
que tu montres
that you show
qu’il/elle/on montre
that he/she/it show
que nous montrions
that we show
que vous montriez
that you all show
qu’ils/elles montrent
that they show
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie montré
that I have shown
que tu aies montré
that you have shown
qu’il/elle/on ait montré
that he/she/it have shown
que nous ayons montré
that we have shown
que vous ayez montré
that you all have shown
qu’ils/elles aient montré
that they have shown
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je montrasse
that I would show
que tu montrasses
that you would show
qu’il/elle/on montrât
that he/she/it would show
que nous montrassions
that we would show
que vous montrassiez
that you all would show
qu’ils/elles montrassent
that they would show
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse montré
that I had shown
que tu eusses montré
that you had shown
qu’il/elle/on eût montré
that he/she/it had shown
que nous eussions montré
that we had shown
que vous eussiez montré
that you all had shown
qu’ils/elles eussent montré
that they had shown
Conditional mood
je montrerais
I would show
tu montrerais
you would show
il/elle/on montrerait
he/she/it would show
nous montrerions
we would show
vous montreriez
you all would show
ils/elles montreraient
they would show
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais montré
I would have shown
tu aurais montré
you would have shown
il/elle/on aurait montré
he/she/it would have shown
nous aurions montré
we would have shown
vous auriez montré
you all would have shown
ils/elles auraient montré
they would have shown
Imperative mood
let's show!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie montré
have shown
ayons montré
let's have shown
ayez montré
have shown
Examples of montrer
Example in FrenchTranslation in English
! Eh bien, de quelle autre façon aurions-nous pu te faire sortir pour te montrer ça !Well, how else were we gonna get you out here to show you this!
! Je besoin de te montrer quelque chose.I need to show you something.
! Je vais te montrer ce que j'ai fait !I'll show you what I've done!
! On va vous montrer !Well, we'll show you!
" Tu dois me montrer le prochain, Moss ". -Moi ?"You must show me the next one, Moss." Did I?
" Et une gratitude éternelle pour mon Seigneur et mari qui m'a montré, par ses actes... un chemin plus saint, et m'a délivrée de l'ignorance de ma foi aveugle. ""And in eternal gratitude to my Lord and husband, "who has shown me by his works a holier path, "and delivered me from the ignorance of my blind faith."
"Dieu a scruté le cœur des hommes "et leur a montré que, aussi imparfaits que nous fussions, "nous n'avons jamais sanctionné la violence ou la violation des lois.The Good Lord has looked into the hearts of men, and shown them that, imperfect as we are, we did never countenance violence nor any violation of the law.
"Dieu m'a montré qu'une chose terrible s'y produirait. ""God has shown me something terrible is going to happen there. "
"Et je suis convaincu que Dieu m'a montré la voie."And I do believe that God has shown me the way.
"Etabli et démodé, Ie commandement s'est montré craintifEntrenched and outmoded, the leadership has shown itself fearful
" Cette carte montre les Rocheuses, Jeeves."This card shows the Rockies, Jeeves.
" Chacun est une lune avec un côté sombre, qu'il ne montre jamais à personne.""Everyone is a moon who has a dark side, which he never shows to anybody."
"" montre-moi ci, montre-moi ça...""show me this, show me that...
"Apporte ton ordi, montre-moi ce que tu as. ""Bring your computer, " you said, "show me everything you've got. "
"Bien que vous ayez un passé en dents de scie... cette liste montre que vous avez vraiment changé de vie.Even though you've got a bit of a checkered past, this list shows that you've really turned your life around.
- Enfin libres - En harmonie, montrons à l'univers Qu'on est libres# In harmony let's show the world that we've got liberty #
Allez, Larry, montrons leur comment on fait.Come on, Larry, let's show 'em how we do it.
Allez, montrons à ces mauviettes que les Urgences n'ont pas peur d'un... Pic à glace de 25 centimètres dans le crâne d'un type ?Come on, let's show those wusses that the ER is not afraid of a... 10-inch ice pick in a man's skull?
Allez, montrons-lui qui est le patron.All right, now, let's show him who's boss.
Allons, montrons que nous avons de l'humour.On you go, let's show we've got a sense of humor.
! Aller, montrez-vous!Come on, show yourselves!
"Alors, s'il vous plaît ne lui montrez pas mes lettres"."so please don't show her my letters"
"C'est vous qui me montrez ces photos cochonnes !"You're the one showing me all the dirty pictures."
"Donc montrez-lui la porte""So show him the door"
"Rapportez notre visite nocturne à Hoog et montrez le document soustrait."Report on our nighttime visit to Hoog and show the captured document...
- ... Qu'elle m'a répondu en me montrant son nèg' en plâtre touten morceaux....she said, showing her broken iittle plaster negro.
- Comparée à toi. Une femme qui paie ses verres en montrant les soeurs Bronte.Well, compared to you, a woman who paid for our drinks by... showing off the Bronte sisters.
- En en montrant beaucoup.- By showing a lot of it.
- La jupe relevée, montrant tout !-Skirts up, showing all.
- Mon Dieu. On lui a appris à être un guide en lui montrant quoi faire.We taught it how to be a guide pig by leading it around and showing it what to do.
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