Example in Basque | Translation in English |
Eta zuk erre beharko zenuke leku atsegin batean zure amatasuna kaltetzeko. | And you'd have to be smoking in a pretty funny place to wreck your childbearing properties. |
- Ez zenuke erre beharko. | - You shouldn't be smoking. |
Zigarro bat erre dezaket? | Can I have another one of your cigarettes? |
"eta denek, erretzaileek ere, birresan zuten:" "'Ez erre, kamaradak!". | "and everybody, including the smokers took up the cry, "'Don't smoke, comrades!' |
Basamortuko beroa hilgarria da, zuen larruazala erretzen du, zuen indarrak xahutzen ditu, zuen eraginkortasuna mugatzen du eta zuen gorputza urgabetzen du eta zuen odola loditzen du ura edan ezean. | The desert heat is a killer. It will burn your skin, sap your strength, cut your efficiency, drain the moisture from your body and thicken your blood unless you drink water. |
Guk gogor egiten dugu lan bizi ahal izateko, ikastetxeak eraikitzeko, zergak ordaintzeko, eta zuek bezalako jendeak, etortzen dira eta dena erretzen dute. | A lot of us work hard to build those schools and pay taxes. And build these universities for our kids to go to. And you people just come along and burn them right down. |
Ikasleek ez dituzte eraikinak erretzen, hori gezur-ipuin bat da. | Students don't burn buildings down. That's just a myth. |
Beraiek ez dituzte eraikinak erretzen. Hare gehiago, nik ez dut indarkeria aldarrikatzen. | Students don't burn buildings down, and, besides, I don't advocate violence. |
Nahiago duzu ez badut erretzen saioetan? | Would you rather I didn't smoke during rehearsals? |
Mario bere aitak Maciste hartu... eta erreko duelaren beldur da. | Mario's worried that his dad will take Hercules and fry him. |
"Zihurrenik orri hauek erre egingo ditut..." "horrelaxe erreko ditut liburuak, altzariak eta etxeak..." "berogailua pizturik edukitzeko." | Most likely I will burn these pages... just as we will burn all of the books, furniture and flooring... to keep the stove going. |
Zin egizu zure amaren hilobiagaitik eta bertan erreko zarela. | Swear on your mother's grave and to sear like her. |
Zin egiten dut... nire amaren hilobiagaitik eta... bertan erreko zarela hil arte... Eta bertan erreko naizela hil arte... Ez dut Marius Italiara eramango. | I swear on... my mother's grave and... sear like her and hope to die... sear like her and hope to die... |
Nire lehengusinarekin noa, baina aurretik dena erreko dugu. | With my cousin. But first we're going to burn everything. |