Example in Estonian | Translation in English |
"Jah, mu südameke, ma abiellun sinuga. | "Yes, my dear heart, I wiII marry you . |
"Kui ma abiellun selle värvilise isikuga, siis kas meie lapsed saavad olema mustad?" | "If I marry this coloured person, will our children be black? |
"Kullake, põrutasin su õde viie aasta eest, aga kui oleks teadnud, et kunagi sinuga abiellun, poleks seda teinud." | "Baby, I banged your sister five years ago, "but if I'd known I was going to marry you someday, I wouldn't have done it." |
"Issakene! Kas abiellud minuga?" | "Will you marry me, diddly-eye? |
"Ja siis ma laskun põlvele, "et küsida, Vanessa, kas abiellud sa minuga?" | "And so I get on bended knee "To ask, Vanessa, wiII you marry me?" (PEOPLE EX CLAI MI NG ) ( APPLAUDI NG ) |
"Kas abiellud minuga?" | Will you marry me? |
"Jumal, ma loodan et ta abiellub minuga." | "God, I hope he marries me." |
-Te ütlete, et kui Darren abiellub... | -You say that if Darren marries... |
Aga kui su elu armastus abiellub kellegi teisega, mida valimist on sul aga uputavad ennast või kreemitäidisega? | But when the love of your life marries somebody else, what choice do you have but to drown yourself in butter cream filling? |
Barry abiellub Irise, mitte sinuga. | Barry marries Iris, and not you. |
"Kohtumised seni, kuni mõni parem silmapiirile tuleb" ulatuses... või "abiellume ja kolime East Hamptonisse" ulatuses? | "Dating a few months until somebody better comes along" a lot... or "marrying and moving to East Hampton" a lot? |
Aga ennem abiellume. Me oleme naabrid. | But if you will, we marry first |
Aga mõtlen, kui abiellume, aitaks see lahendada meie mõlema probleemid. | But I figure if we marry... it'll help solve both our problems. |
Asi on selles, et aasta tagasi andsime Tzeiteliga üksteisele vande, et abiellume. | Over a year ago, Tzeitel and I gave each other our pledge that we would marry. |
Britta, Anna ja mina otsustasime üle üheksa aia ronida, kuigi juba teadsime, kellega abiellume. | * Britta, Anna, and I decided to give it a try anyway. We climbed over nine fences although it wasn't necessary. * * We already knew who we were going marry: * |
- Kas te abiellute onu Ethaniga ja saate koos lapse? | - Hello ... To T and Ethan are going to marry and have a baby? |
- Ma ei taha, et temaga abiellute. | I don't want you to marry her. |
Daamid, kui te abiellute mehega, kellel on $300 milj, siis te pole tavalised perenaised. | But if you marry a man with $300 million, you ain't no regular housewife. |
- Räägitakse, et nad abielluvad varsti | - Word is she'll marry him soon. |
Aga ikkagi, sellelsinasel Bostoni hommikul rääkiv mängukaru ja tema tüdruksõber abielluvad. | And yet on this bright sunny Boston afternoon, a talking teddy bear is about to marry his girlfriend. |
Aga kui paljud paarid abielluvad armastusest? | But how many couples marry for love? . |
"Ma ei abiellu sinu tütrega" ilma sinu õnnistuseta. | "I will not marry your daughter unless I have your blessing." |
- Ei, Shea. Ma ei abiellu Henryga. | I mean, I'm not marrying Henry. |
- Ma ei abiellu Lisaga, vaid Theresaga! | - I am not marrying Lisa! I am marrying Theresa! |
- Ma ei abiellu Lylega! | - I am not marrying Lyle, Mother. |
"Ma abiellusin Alfiga ja me oleme üsna õnnelikud." | "I married Alf, and we're pretty happy." |
"Ma abiellusin. | "I'm married. |
"Pärast sõda ma abiellusin." | After the war, I got married. |
"Kuulsin, et sa abiellusid". | "Heard you got married." |
- Ei loe. Samuti abiellusid sa kellegagi peaaegu 6 kuud tagasi. | You almost married somebody else 6 months ago. |
- Jah, enne kui nad abiellusid. | - Yeah, before they got married. |
- Jah, nad abiellusid, aga ta ei ole enam rase. See oli 6 aastat tagasi. | Yeah, they got married, but she's no longer pregnant. |
- Jah, nad abiellusid, aga ta ei ole enam rase. | Yeah, they got married, but she's no longer pregnant. |
"Armas Susy, Maria abiellus laupäeval." | "Dear Susy, Maria was married on Saturday." |
- Ei, ma pole abiellus. | - No, I'm not married. - What a shame. |
- Jah, aga me abiellusime. | - Yeah, but we got married. |
- Jah, me abiellusime täna uuesti. | Oh, yeah. We got "remarried" this morning. |
- Jah, me just abiellusime. | - Yeah. Yeah, we just got married. |
- Kui kaua sellest te abiellusite? | How long after that were you married? |
- Sest te abiellusite mehega-- | - Because you married a man- |
- Te abiellusite äärepealt. | You almost married |
- Ära helista. - Te abiellusite äärepealt. | You almost married this woman. |
Ma ei abiellunud Lallybrochi maaomanikuga. | I did not marry the laird of Lallybroch. |
Ma ei abiellunud esimese tüdrukuga, kes suudles mind keelega. | I did not marry the first girl who slipped me the tongue. |
Ma ei abiellunud kurja mehega. | I did not marry an evil man, OK? |
- abielluksin temaga. | - I would marry him. |
...abielluksin ma sinuga homme uuesti, mu arm. | ...I would marry you again tomorrow, my love. |
Kui ma arvaksin, et temaga olemine päästab elusid, abielluksin kohe homme. | Richard, if I believed that staying with Isabelle would save all those lives, I would marry her tomorrow. |
Ideaalses maailmas, abielluksid kõik armastuse nimel, aga maailm ei ole täiuslik. | In an ideal world, everyone would marry for love, but the world isn't perfect. |
Nii et abielluksid Wisley'ga? | And so you would marry Wisley? |
"Bob, ära võta seda tööd, ära abiellu selle nõiaga... " | "Bob, don't take that job. Bob, don't marry that harpy," you know? |
"Enda kohta aga, kui mu kaasa on nüüd lahkunud..." "...on 73%-ne tõenäosus, et suren järgmise 9 aasta jooksul." "Eeldades, et ei abiellu uuesti." | In my own case, now that my wife has died... there is a 73% chance I will die within 9 years... provided that I do not remarry. |
"Kui sa tüdrukuga oled, siis on see sinu jaoks liiga hea ning abiellu temaga". | He said, "If you ever are with a girl that's too good for you marry her." |
Aga abielluge kellegagi, kes on... Hea. | But try and marry someone kind. |
Noh, abielluge Mr. Edgar'iga siis. | Well, marry Mr. Edgar then. |
Olgu, eks abielluge temaga siis! | Then why don't you all marry him? |
Ärge kunagi abielluge, Charles. | You should never marry. |
Ärge kunagi abielluge, hr. Gray. | Never marry, Mr Gray. |
"Kiosk" minuga abielluma. | Kiosk her to marry me. |
- Kümnes on kõik sinuga veedetud õhtud. Esimene koht - kui sa nõustusid minuga abielluma. | Number one is when you said you'd marry me, Mrs. Cullen. |
- Lihtne, tulin su tütrega abielluma tahan alati parimat. | - Simple. I'm here to marry your daughter. |
- Lihtne, tulin su tütrega abielluma... ... tahan alati parimat. | - Simple. I'm here to marry your daughter. |
"Henry Crawford otsustas Mariaga mitte abielluda." | "Henry Crawford chose not to marry Maria. " |
"Jebediah ja Aleena said kuningas Wanglorilt loa abielluda, 737 00:41:14,973 --> 00:41:17,973 "ja see oli esimene inimese ja palja Amazoni tulnuk-naise pulm, | "Jebediah and Aleena were allowed to marry by alien King Wanglor. |
"Jebediah ja Aleena said kuningas Wanglorilt loa abielluda, | "Jebediah and Aleena were allowed to marry by alien King Wanglor. |
"Miks sa pole abiellunud ja saanud kolme last, nagu su õed?" | "Why aren't you married with three kids like your sisters?" |
- Ei, kuni pole abiellunud. | Not until I'm married. |
- Ei, ta ei abiellunud sellisega. | No, no, he wasn't married to one. |
Mu kuningas on abiellunud ja võlgnen kuningannale pulmakingi. | My king has married and I owe my new queen a wedding gift. |
Mõistate? Nüüd, mil see Mr. Dixon on abiellunud Campbellide perekonda, oleks ta ka seal olnud. | Now that Mr. Dixon has married into the Campbells, he would have been there. |
Nüüd, mil see Mr. Dixon on abiellunud Campbellide perekonda, oleks ta ka seal olnud. | Now that Mr. Dixon has married into the Campbells, he would have been there. |
Ta räägib teile pärast seda, kui Tema Kõrgus on abiellunud oma Sergioga. | She will tell you after His Honour has married his Sergio |
Ma imestan nii väga, Miss Woodhouse, et sina ei ole abiellunud. | I do so wonder, Miss Woodhouse, that you're not married. |
Nad olid abiellunud ilma mu teadmise või nõusolekuta. | Apparently they had married without my knowledge or consent. |
Ema oli abiellunud Billiga umbes 1 aasta enne uude kohta kolimist. | My mom had married Bill about a year before we moved to the Valley. |
- Mis ei takistanud sind, minu pojaga abiellumast. | Didn't stop you from marrying my son. Oh God, no. |
Aiden võib-olla meie ainus lootus takistada Danielil Emily'ga abiellumast. | Aiden may be the only hope we have of stopping Daniel from marrying Emily. |
Pole midagi, mida ta ei teeks, et takistada su isa uuesti abiellumast. | There is nothing he would not do to prevent your father marrying again. |
- Sinuga ma abielluks. | - I would marry you. |
Aga kes abielluks Doncasteri krahviga? | Who would marry the Earl of Doncaster? |
Arvate, et pr Godwini surma korral abielluks hr Godwin teiega? | If Mrs. Godwin were to die You and Mr. Godwin would marry |
Sest, kui sa ei oleks, siis ma oleks abiellunud sinuga. | Because if you hadn't, I would have married you. |
Ta oleks abiellunud emaga ja töötanud Härra Burnsi heaks. | He would have married Mom and worked for Mr. Burns. |
Tänan sind. Sest, kui sa ei oleks, siis ma oleks abiellunud sinuga. | Because if you hadn't, I would have married you. |
Võibolla me oleks abiellunud kaksikutega, selle asemel, et siin uberikus üksteise aega viita. | Maybe we would have married the local twins instead of wasting each other's time in this dump. |
Tõsi - ma pole abiellunud. | lt is true, I have not married. |
Tõsi, ma pole abiellunud. | It is true, I have not married. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Afrikaans | trou | Azeri | evlənmək |
Catalan | casar,casar-se | Danish | gifte, ægte |
Dutch | huwen, trouwen, uithuwelijken | English | marry |
Esperanto | edzigi, edzinigi, geedzigi, kasacii | Faroese | gifta |
Finnish | mennä naimisiin, naida, naittaa, vihkiä | French | convoler, épouser, marier, mariner |
German | heiraten, verheiraten, vermählen, vermehren | Greek | παντρεύομαι, παντρεύω, παξιμαδιάζω, παπαγαλίζω, παπουτσώνομαι, παπουτσώνω, παραβαραίνω, παραβράζω, στεφανώνομαι |
Hungarian | egybekel | Icelandic | kvæna |
Indonesian | mengawinkan | Italian | accasare, ammogliare, imparentarsi, maritare, sposare |
Japanese | 降嫁, 婿入り | Latvian | precēt |
Lithuanian | apsivesti, sutukuoti, sutuokti, tuokti | Macedonian | венча |
Norwegian | ekte | Persian | ازدواج کردن |
Polish | ożenić, poślubiać, poślubić, pożenić, zaślubić, żenić | Portuguese | casar |
Romanian | căsători, însura, mărita | Russian | обвенчать, повенчать, пожениться |
Spanish | casar, casarse, desposar | Swedish | gifta, äkta |
Thai | แต่งงาน, สมรส | Turkish | evermek, evlendirmek, evlenmek |
Vietnamese | kết hôn |