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EC商品検索・サイト内検索、レビュー・口コミ・Q&A、ハッシュタグ、OMO・DXソリューションの提供|ZETA CXシリーズ
■ 楽天ad4Uの隠しリンクを露出させるユーザスタイルシート 脆弱性を突いてブラウザの閲覧履歴を調べるという禁じ手に手を出した、掟破りの(自称「次世代」)行動ターゲティング広告「楽天ad4U」について、amachangの「IEのinnerHTMLやappendChildで要素が挿入された瞬間を取得する方法」を参考に、その隠しリンクを露出させるユーザスタイルシートを作ってみた。(Internet Explorer用。) #ad4u_list { display: expression(function() { if (!this.__mark) { this.__mark = true; // alert(this.innerHTML); var o = '<div style="overflow:scroll; border:dashed 4px red;">'; o = o + this
Kohonen's self-organizing feature maps in Processing Processing If you haven't used processing, you should spend some time with it. It lowers the bar for 2D and 3D graphics programming without significantly restricting your creativity or flexibility. In addition to what you'll find below, here are some beautiful examples of what's possible, complete with source code. The examples on this page use
Yeah, big news, CS4 announced today, which means we are one step closer to holding a contest. Unfortunately, they did not announce an actual release date publicly yet. Amazon is saying CS4 will ship mid November when I looked this morning. But people who pre-ordered CS4 today were told it would ship October 14 or 15. Anyway, the contest can’t really begin until there is a trial download, since I i
Pirates of the Amazonの旅はついに終わった。Pirates of the Amazonとは、Amazon.comの製品ページとPirate Bay上のtorrentファイルとのクロスリファレンス(相互参照)により、映画、ゲーム、テレビ番組、MP3ファイルの違法な無料ダウンロードを可能にするFirefox用アドオンだ。 WebwareがPirates of the Amazonについて報じた翌日の米国時間12月4日、Amazon.comの弁護団が早速、対応策を講じた。The New York Times紙によると、同弁護団がPirates of the Amazonをリリースした2人の学生が利用するインターネットサービスプロバイダー(ISP)に対し、「ノーティスアンドテークダウン」通知を送付したところ、学生らはそれに従い、同ツールを削除したという。 Pirates of
Alexa Siu: Helping people create accessible PDFs From creating accessible tools for the visually impaired to advancing AI for document intelligence, Alexa Siu is transforming how we interact with information. Her work earned a Tech Excellence Award from Adobe, and the AI Assistant for Acrobat made TIME’s 2024 best inventions. Scott Cohen on 25 years of innovation at Adobe Research Scott Cohen, Sen
In 2004 a book was published by the Interaction Design Institute of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Zürich, on the subject of "the interaction" and its place in the world of man-machine-communications. The book, Total Interaction, is a compilation of nineteen essays which offer different perspectives on this complex thematic field; the issues they tackle form the basis of the Institut
Zoetrope: Interacting with the Ephemeral Web Eytan Adar, Mira Dontcheva, James Fogarty, Daniel S. Weld The Web is ephemeral. Pages change frequently, and it is nearly impossible to find data or follow a link after the underlying page evolves. We present Zoetrope, a system that enables interaction with the historical Web (pages, links, and embedded data) that would otherwise be lost to time. Using