This manifesto outlines Prisma’s vision for the future: addressing key challenges, setting clear priorities, and empowering collaboration to build a better experience for our community. Refocusing for the Future Prisma has come a long way, and we’re proud of what we’ve achieved together. From Accelerate and Pulse to TypedSQL and Prisma Postgres, the tools we’ve built have grown alongside an incred
There’s been some discussion about arenas in Rust recently, and I thought I’d write about them. Arenas aren’t something you would typically reach for in Rust so fewer people know about them; you only really see them in applications for various niche use cases. Usually you can use an arena by pulling in a crate and not using additional unsafe, so there’s no need to be particularly skittish around t
Psst. Hey kid. You wanna write confusing Rust? I’ve got just the thing. Bring us let and constQuick rundown on let and const in Rust: letYou use let to declare a new variable. Wow. let x = 5; This is in the form let PAT = EXPR;, which makes it a bit more powerful than first seems. // +---- this is a pattern. Same as the things you use in matches. // | // vvvvv let (a, b) = (5, 10); You can combine
Announcing Toasty, an async ORM for RustOctober 23, 2024 Toasty is an asynchronous ORM for the Rust programming language that prioritizes ease of use. Toasty supports SQL and NoSQL databases, including DynamoDB and Cassandra (soon). Toasty is currently in the early stages of development and should be considered a "preview" (not ready for real-world usage yet). It also isn't released on y
Jun 19, 2024 Why I am not yet ready to switch to Zig from Rust I am not going to lie: I love programming in C. I know it’s a little bit irrational, but programming in C just feels right. Perhaps that’s because I did spend a lot of time programming with C as I contributed to the Linux kernel. Those were good times because I had the opportunity to learn from some of the best C programmers in the wor
import CommandTabs from '@components/CommandTabs.astro'; import TableCompatibility from '@components/plugins/TableCompatibility.astro'; import Cta from '@fragments/cta.mdx'; import FeaturesList from '@components/list/Features.astro'; We are very proud to finally announce the stable release for the new major version of Tauri. Welcome to Tauri 2.0! What is Tauri? :::note[Definition] Tauri is a frame
昨日、年初からぼちぼちやってたOXCに関するOSS活動で、書き留めておきたいことが2つ起きた。 OSSで報酬をもらった OXCのコアメンバーになった たぶん単発だったらブログに書いてないけど、同時多発になんか新鮮な気持ちになったので。 OSSで報酬をもらった OXCに古くからあるIssueで、oxlintにeslint/no-invalid-regexpのルールを実装したいというものがあって、それに対してかかってた$50の懸賞金をもらった。 [$50 Opire Bounty] feat(linter): eslint/no-invalid-regexp · Issue #611 · oxc-project/oxc 単純なルールでありつつも簡単に実装できるものではなく、実は「正規表現のパーサーそのも
DOVER, DELAWARE, USA, June 12, 2024 – The Rust Foundation, AdaCore, Arm, Ferrous Systems, HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH, Lynx Software Technologies, OxidOS, TECHFUND, TrustInSoft, Veecle, and Woven by Toyota are thrilled to jointly announce the Safety-Critical Rust Consortium. The primary objective of this group will be to support the responsible use of the Rust programming language in safety-critical
Exploring Type-Informed Lint Rules in Rust based TypeScript Linters | Rust製TypeScript Linterにおける型情報Lintルールの模索 This slides are used at TSKaigi 2024 | …
気合いで実装、どうもかわしんです。 この記事は Rust Advent Calendar 2023 の6日目 兼 情報検索・検索技術 Advent Calendar 2023 の 6 日目です。 Rust で SQLite をフルスクラッチで実装しています。 なぜ SQLite を Rust で再実装しようと思ったのかについては以前の記事で紹介しています。一言で言えば、誰も Rust で SQLite を書いている人がいなかったからやってみたのですが、そもそも SQLite が強すぎるということが再実装しているうちにわかってきて絶望しています。 4 ヶ月前にこの記事を書いたときは簡単な SELECT 文しか実行できなかったのですが、現時点では SELECT, INSERT, DELETE 文をサポートし、express
The Signal Hook As promised in the previous article (thanks for all the valuable feedback ‒ I didn’t have the time to act on it yet, but I will), this talks about Unix signal handling. Long story short, I wasn’t happy about the signal handling story in Rust and this is my attempt at improving it with the signal-hook library. What is a signal? If you come from the Windows world or didn’t have the o
Welcome to the first article in a new series called Zed Decoded. In Zed Decoded I'm going to take a close look at Zed — how it's built, which data structures it uses, which technologies and techniques, what features it has, which bugs we ran into. The best part? I won't do this alone, but get to interview and ask my colleagues here at Zed about everything I want to know. Companion Video: Async Rus
Command line apps in Rust Rust is a statically compiled, fast language with great tooling and a rapidly growing ecosystem. That makes it a great fit for writing command line applications: They should be small, portable, and quick to run. Command line applications are also a great way to get started with learning Rust; or to introduce Rust to your team! Writing a program with a simple command line