Gearpump is an Apache Incubator project that provides a real-time streaming engine based on Akka. It allows users to easily program streaming applications as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) and handles issues like out-of-order data processing, flow control, and exactly-once processing to prevent lost or duplicated states. Gearpump also enables dynamic updates to the DAG at runtime and provides visu
The need for gleaning answers from data in real-time is moving from nicety to a necessity. There are few options to analyze the never-ending stream of unbounded data at scale. Let’s compare and contrast the core principles and technologies the different open source solutions available to help with this endeavor, and where in the future processing engines need to evolve to solve processing needs at
As you may or may not have been aware of, a lot of stream processing is going on behind the curtains here at Baqend. In our quest to provide you with the lowest-possible latency, we have not only built a system to enable query caching and real-time notifications (similar to changefeeds in RethinkDB/Horizon) on top of Baqend cloud, but we have also learned a lot about the competition in the field o