Atlassian Sourcetree is a free Git and Mercurial client for Windows. Atlassian Sourcetree is a free Git and Mercurial client for Mac. You caught us doing some quick maintenance, temporarily restricting your repository to read-only access. HAcid HAcid enables multi-row transactions in HBase. This is a decentralized transaction manager that runs on the client side through a jar library, using specia
MD-HBase is a scalable multi-dimensional data infrastructure that uses a multi-dimensional index built on top of an ordered key-value store like HBase. It represents subspaces in the multi-dimensional index using the longest common prefix of keys to preserve boundary information. This allows for efficient multi-dimensional range and k nearest neighbor queries by pruning subspaces without scanning
FacebookでのHbase利用について、 アーキテクトのJonathan Grayさんに来てもらって、プレゼンしてもらうという 素晴らしい会に参加しました。 @tatsuya6502 さんによるJonathanのプレゼン資料の日本語訳 Tokyo HBase Meetup - Realtime Big Data at Facebook with Hadoop and HBase (ja) View more presentations from tatsuya6502 (英語資料は未公開) 感想 FacebookでHiveで15-24hoursかかってた処理がPUMA(+PTail)というので10-30 secになった。衝撃的。PTailは数週間(a couple o
ツイート Today, I attended #hbasetokyo which held at Harajyuku Japan, so let me share you some knowledges what I learned from there. What's #hbasetokyo like? So many people attended*1 #hbasetokyo, most of them in a casual style. There are 2 monitors ahead, right one displays English presentation, and left one displays Japanese version of presentation. Motivation for me to attend #hbasetokyo. From this
The document discusses Facebook's use of HBase to store messaging data. It provides an overview of HBase, including its data model, performance characteristics, and how it was a good fit for Facebook's needs due to its ability to handle large volumes of data, high write throughput, and efficient random access. It also describes some enhancements Facebook made to HBase to improve availability, stab
OSC 2012 Tokyo Spring HBaseのIOのアーキテクチャと、性能検証、Zabbixでの性能監視の発表資料です。 OSCのサイトにも掲載されています。 The document discusses Facebook's use of HBase to store messaging data. It provides an overview of HBase, including its data model, performance characteristics, and how it was a good fit for Facebook's needs due to its ability to handle large volumes of data, high write throughput, and efficient random access. It
« Lily 0.3 - the Valentine release! this is the last entry I was looking into more detail at how HBase compactions work, and given my experience collecting metrics for Lily, and also inspired by this blog post on Lucene, I thought it would be nice to do some tests and make some graphs of the HBase flush and compact process. Background When something is written to HBase, it is first written to an
We are excited to announce the acquisition of Octopai, a leading data lineage and catalog platform that provides data discovery and governance for enterprises to enhance their data-driven decision making. Cloudera’s mission since its inception has been to empower organizations to transform all their data to deliver trusted, valuable, and predictive insights. With AI and […] Read blog post