SmoothOperator: Reducing Power Fragmentation and Improving Power Utilization in Large-scale DatacentersASPLOS 2018 With the ever growing popularity of cloud computing and web services, Internet companies are in need of increased computing capacity to serve the demand. However, power has become a major limiting factor prohibiting the growth in industry: it is often the case that no more servers can
co-IZmo/I(コイズモアイ) 間接外気空調とIT機器を一体型設計で搭載。 大幅な電力削減を実現。 詳しく見る
Facebook’s new front-end server design delivers on performance without sucking up power One of the primary goals of efficient data center infrastructure is to extract the maximum amount of compute capacity while expending the least power. At Facebook, our web servers must process an increasingly large number of requests simultaneously while responding to each individual request as quickly as possi
Guaranteed latency in datacenter networks QJump offers a range of network service levels, from guaranteed latency for low-rate, latency-sensitive network coordination services to line-rate throughput for data intensive services. See how it works » Ready to deploy QJump is implemented as a single kernel module using the Linux TC interface and a simple application utility to configure unmodified bin
1) Google has been developing their own data center network architectures using merchant silicon switches and centralized network control since 2005 to keep up with increasing bandwidth demands. 2) Their network designs have evolved from Firehose and Watchtower to the current Saturn and Jupiter networks, increasing port speeds from 1/10Gbps to 40/100Gbps and aggregate bandwidth from terabits to pe
A Tour Inside CloudFlare's Latest Generation Servers2013-07-22 CloudFlare operates at a significant scale, handling more than a trillion requests through our network every month. To ensure this is as efficient as possible, we own and operate all the equipment in our 23 locations around the world in order to process the volume of traffic that flows through our network. We spend a significant amount
The other day, we notice a terrible burning smell coming out of the server room. Long story short, it ended up being one of the battery modules that was burning up in the UPS unit, but it took a good couple of hours before we were able to figure it out. The main reason we were able to figure it out is that the UPS display finally showed that the module needed to be replaced. Here was the problem:
「データセンターの不思議 運用テクニック」 ~ 機械にやさしい高密度実 装TIPS ~ ブロケードコミュニケーションズシステ ムズ株式会社 菊池 之裕 © 2013 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 1 Legal Disclaimer All or some of the products detailed in this presentation may still be under development and certain specifications, including but not limited to, release dates, prices, and product features, may change. The products may not func
About Google Data Centers Google owns and operates data centers all over the world, helping to keep the internet humming 24/7. Learn how our relentless focus on innovation has made our data centers some of the most high-performing, secure, reliable, and efficient data centers in the world. Data Center Impact Assessment – Taiwan 2024 A Google data center is more than a bustling hub where your Gmail
If you're looking for the beating heart of the digital age--a physical location where the scope, grandeur, and geekiness of the kingdom of bits become manifest--you could do a lot worse than Lenoir, North Carolina. This rural city of 18,000 was once rife with furniture factories. Now it's the home of a Google data center. A central cooling plant in Google's Douglas County, Georgia, data center.Pho
Solar Farm in Tucson, Arizona. Image courtesy of IBM Research, Flickr Creative Commons. A123 Systems Alphabet Energy Amyris Battery Battery Ventures Biofuel Bloom Energy BP BrightSource Energy California Cleantech Open California Public Utilities Commission Cap and Trade Carbon Capture Carbon Emissions Cellulosic Ethanol Charging Clean Power Cleantech Climate Change Climos Coal Coskata Coulomb Tec
11月15日、さくらインターネットは石狩データセンターの開所式とともに、関係者に向けた内覧会を行なった。ほぼ通年で利用される外気冷却や高電圧直流(HVDC)給電システムなどの先進的な技術はもちろん、郊外型ならではの「割り切り」を元にした、コスト削減の工夫が随所に盛り込まれている。 モジュール構成で柔軟な増設が可能 今回、石狩データセンターに建設されたのは、1棟あたり500ラックまで対応できる建物2棟分で、開所時は200ラックが設置されていた。地上2階建ての鉄骨造で建設面積は約7000㎡。設計と施工は大成建設が担当した。
July 2, 2012 We’d like to share more about the service disruption which occurred last Friday night, June 29th, in one of our Availability Zones in the US East-1 Region. The event was triggered during a large scale electrical storm which swept through the Northern Virginia area. We regret the problems experienced by customers affected by the disruption and, in addition to giving more detail, also w