This Guide Is Made By: Billy/Billycar11, MartyMcNuts, Blackened2687, Coopervid, d00zah, mike admin, SamuriHL, st4evr, TeddyRaspin, Woodstock, Bluntman, Alex/jonghotti, garygomm Even if they didn't contribute directly i have used their information Don't Forget To Buy MakeMkv Once You Get Ripping Your UHDs: STOP READ BEFORE FLASHING IMPORTANT Before you flash: 1. Make su
I have two files A-nodes_to_delete and B-nodes_to_keep. Each file has a many lines with numeric ids. I want to have the list of numeric ids that are in nodes_to_delete but NOT in nodes_to_keep, i.e. A\B Doing it within a PostgreSQL database is unreasonably slow. Any neat way to do it in bash using Linux CLI tools? UPDATE: This would seem to be a Pythonic job, but the files are really, really large
僕は以下の3つのツールを複数プラットフォーム向けにクロスコンパイルしてバイナリ配布しており、以下のように全て異なる言語で開発している。 Go: sqldef Rust: xremap mruby: mitamae クロスコンパイルに苦労している話をするとZigを使ってみたらいいんじゃないかと言われることがあり、周りでもZigが何となく流行り始めた気がするので、これらのツールに実際自分で使ってみてどうだったかという事例を紹介したい。 Zigとは Zigはそもそもプログラミング言語なのだが、C/C++とのinteropがやりやすい言語なようで、おそらくそれに必要でLLVMベースのC/C++ツールチェインが同梱されていて、しかもそれをDrop-In Replacement for GCC/Clangとして売りにしている。 僕はZig言語そのものにはそれほど興味はないのだが、クロスコンパイラとして
Even if there exists modules that do this (see other answer), I tried to write one simple, self-contained version. Here is a class KeyValueStore (key and value are strings) that works like this: Demo from sqlitekeyvaluestore import KeyValueStore kv = KeyValueStore('test.db') # uses SQLite print(len(kv)) # 0 item kv['hello1'] = 'you1' kv['hello2'] = 'you2' kv['hello3'] = 'you3' print(kv['hello1'])
Way back in Dec 2015, @maxogden wrote a nice guide on stabilizing your own video with ffmpeg. I return to it on occasion and have updated my gist comment to offer some updated commands. Since enough has changed regarding installation and use, I figure a new, spiffy, and working guide deserves a non-gist home. Presenting the 2021-era guide to pretty easy DIY video stabilization! On Mac OS, install
Bun is under active development. Use it to speed up your development workflows or run simpler production code in resource-constrained environments like serverless functions. We're working on more complete Node.js compatibility and integration with existing frameworks. Join the Discord and watch the GitHub repository to keep tabs on future releases. Bun is an all-in-one toolkit for JavaScript and T
Data encryption at rest is a must-have for any modern Internet company. Many companies, however, don't encrypt their disks, because they fear the potential performance penalty caused by encryption overhead. Encrypting data at rest is vital for Cloudflare with more than 200 data centres across the world. In this post, we will investigate the performance of disk encryption on Linux and explain how w
Guide to perform a full disk encryption of the SD Card of a Raspberry Pi running Raspberry Pi OS View on GitHub LUKS on Raspberry Pi Last updated: February 2021. This guide explains how to encrypt the root partition of an SD Card with Raspberry Pi OS with LUKS. The process requires a Raspberry Pi running Raspberry Pi OS on the SD Card and a USB memory with the same capacity as the SD Card at least