Reliability testing and Chaos Engineering tools to drive real availability improvements at enterprise scale.
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2. 2Copyright©2017 NTT corp. All Rights Reserved. 諸説あるが、ここでの定義は「部分的な故障を許容するシステム」の事 複数台のコンピュータを接続して信頼性を高めたり データが途中で化けても再送したり訂正したり 一部のコンピュータが突然故障しても引き継いだり 故障を設計の一部に組み込む事が必須となる 分散システムとは 3. 3Copyright©2017 NTT corp. All Rights Reserved. • 世はまさに分散システム戦国時代 • Hadoopを皮切りに次々出てくる巨大分散OSS • シリコンバレーでも分散ミドルウェアベンチャーが多数出現 • 高信頼なシステムを作ろうと思った場合には複数台のマシンによる高可用構成 が前提になる • Google、Facebook、Amazon等はもちろん • 金融、流通などのエンタープラ
Several years ago we introduced a tool called Chaos Monkey. This service pseudo-randomly plucks a server from our production deployment on AWS and kills it. At the time we were met with incredulity and skepticism. Are we crazy? In production?!? Our reasoning was sound, and the results bore that out. Since we knew that server failures are guaranteed to happen, we wanted those failures to happen dur
PRINCIPLES OF CHAOS ENGINEERING Last Update: 2019 March (changes) Chaos Engineering is the discipline of experimenting on a system in order to build confidence in the system’s capability to withstand turbulent conditions in production. Advances in large-scale, distributed software systems are changing the game for software engineering. As an industry, we are quick to adopt practices that increase