Just a few days ago, Dropbox open-sourced PyAnnotate, a Python library that observes the execution of a Python program and automatically outputs Python type annotations. PyAnnotate greatly simplifies the process of using a type-checker (e.g. Mypy) with a legacy codebase. Meanwhile, Kensho engineers have been hard at work preparing to include Mypy into our development process. As part of this effor
Good judgement is the result of experience ... Experience is the result of bad judgement. — Fred Brooks I've been wondering how property-based testing tools, such as QuickCheck affects the Test-Driven Development process and the designs that the process drives out. When TDD was introduced in the late 1990s, it was described in terms of example-based testing tools, such as the xUnit family of frame
What are the top downloaded pytest plugins? I want to know this. And I’d like the answer updated regularly. So today I decided to write a script to do that for me. Grab data Let’s start with Top PyPI Packages from Hugo van Kemenade. This list is “A monthly dump of the 8,000 most-downloaded packages from PyPI.” Perfect. Parse Now: Filter for “pytest” in the package name Remove “pytest” itself.... p
はじめに こんにちは、Python界の情弱です。前回はJenkinsを導入するところまで。今回はPythonで書かれたプロジェクトのテストを走らせて結果を表示するまで。pytestを使った場合の結果の取得方法を調べたのでメモ。 前回のエントリはこちら。 参考 Using Tox with the Jenkins Integration Server — tox 1.4-1 documentation ここに全部書いてあるので特に困ることはなかった 準備 まずテストを走らせるためにCIが実行するスクリプトが必要。Jenkinsはユーザjenkinsで動いているためそいつにPythonとかGitの設定をしてやらないといけない。 Gitの設定 GitHubにアクセスするときはempty identだとエラーになるので設定しておく。Gitのユーザ名とメールアドレスをJenkinsの管理画面で設定し
Python Testing Python Software Development and Software Testing (posts and podcast) I think of pytest as the run-anything, no boilerplate, no required api, use-this-unless-you-have-a-reason-not-to test framework. This is really where testing gets fun. As with previous intro’s on this site, I’ll run through an overview, then a simple example, then throw pytest at my markdown.py project. I’ll also c