6 posts tagged with religion by phrontist.
Displaying 1 through 6 of 6.
Tharif in Islam
According to Wikipedia, some Muslims believe that some of the texts held sacred by Jews were modified, and thus convey divine revelation imperfectly. How widespread is this belief among religious leaders and laypeople? Is it enunciated in any exegetical works popular today? Are there any organized tendencies within Islam that do not take this position and/or do not hold to a supersessionist view of Judaism? As a bonus question: are there any organized tendencies that do not take a supersessionist view of Christianity?
Book concerning the origins of the Israeli state and it's conflict with Palestine
What book should I read to get an understanding of the the current Israeli/Palestinian conflict and the history of the Israeli state? [more inside]
Morning Run
In this episode of 30 Days Morgan Spurlock lives on a Navajo reservation and takes part in various rituals. One of these is a morning run... where could I read more about that?
I really want to stop wanting things.
In Buddhist philosophy, how is one supposed to do anything? [more inside]
Why do our fundies like their fundies?
Is there some reason that christians support Israel? I was browsing the Rapture Ready message boards, and while I realize they are a bit of a fringe, they seem to be fanatically pro-israel (see this signature), and that sentiment seems to be echoed amongst many other christians I know. I would have figured christians to be mildy anti-israel, as it's inhabitants sort of shunned their prophet/savior. What gives?
Religious Conviction History
Has data ever been assembled showing the religous convictions of Americans over time, starting at the countries conception? A sort of compendium of the religious history of the United States... It seems as though such a thing should certainly exist, but I've yet to find it.