16 posts tagged with religion and christian.
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Making faith your own? Wrestling with evangelical upbringing
Complicated feelings and thoughts and confusion around Christian religion specifically. Mid 20s woman (other factors below fold) who is trying to figure out Christianity and faith after being raised and growing up in it. How exactly do I deal with guilt? How do I make my faith my own and not someone else's while sorting through the exhausting confusion? Personal stories appreciated. [more inside]
Jesus says no!
Roomies' religious convictions are colliding with my lifestyle. They're saying no sex in the house, period. They want overnight guests to sleep in a separate room. I really need the house. How do I manage this? [more inside]
Looking for an articulate explanation of literal interpretation of the bible vs. non-literal
Bible filter: Question on biblical interpretation [more inside]
Does anyone remember this kids Christian game show from the 1980s?
Probably a shot in the dark, but does anyone recall a kids game show that aired (briefly) during the mid-80s, featuring teams of religious schools competing "Family Feud"-style against one another answering questions about the Bible? [more inside]
How does an agnostic write an encouraging note to a religious relative?
How does an agnostic write an encouraging note to a religious relative? [more inside]
Deconverting Christians
How do I convince [the more liberal] Christians to become atheists?
(Issues you have with the wording of this question are likely addressed inside.) [more inside]
The accidental minister's wife
My husband, who has been agnostic since we met and hasn't attended church in years, has rather suddenly decided to pursue a career in the ministry. I don't know what to do or who to talk to about my concerns. [more inside]
Yes, they'll know I am Christian... how?
Christian-faith-filter: What do evangelicals think of Catholics? What sorts of things would be good to emphasize, or, conversely, to avoid mentioning, as a Catholic who wants to be taken seriously as a Christian by a group of evangelically-oriented Protestants?
[more inside]
ReligionBookfilter: History of Protestant Christianity for a Lapsed Catholic?
Help me find a book that explains the taxonomy of Christian churches and sects! [more inside]
"Fellowship": What Am I Missing (Besides Christian Salvation, I Guess)?
I'm Jewish, so at least I've got a good explanation for why this baffles me so much.
I'm trying to figure out what Christians (particularly the Evangelical variety) mean when they use the word "fellowship". Sometimes it seems as though the word is simply being used as follows its dictionary definition of amity, friendliness, togetherness, commonality, etc.
But I'm increasingly hearing Christians use it as an intransitive verb, which puzzles me to no end. What could it possibly mean "to fellowship"?
My dictionary also indicates that the word can refer to communion (uncapitalized, so I had assumed that just meant a secular kind of togetherness) - does "fellowship" mean to take Communion together? Or does it just refer to hanging out with other Christians?
Anyone out there who can cast some light on this for a poor benighted Jew?
Worry about tomorrow today, or tomorrow?
Relationshipfilter: I'm agnostic. She's Christian. We've been dating for four months. We fit eachother well and are very happy together, but of course clash over our deeply-held ideologies. Should we worry about the ideological clashes now, or be happy with eachother now and worry about how to raise the kids if/when we have kids? [more inside]
I want my dry cleaner to starch my shirts, not save my soul!
Help me politely but firmly stop my dry cleaner from trying to save my soul. Seriously. For about six months now, he's been sending me cassette tapes of sermons and leaflets from his church. Tonight I got home to find that he's upped the ante. . . [more inside]
What would Jesus extract?
Can anyone recommend books, articles, etc., that (a) lay out religious (preferably Christian) arguments in favor of conservation or (b) give a history of the church-based environmental justice movement?
Dealing with the long term effects of childhood religious indoctrination
I was raised as a christian scientist, meaning no medicine, no doctors and I was not even allowed to believe that any physical symptom of illness or injury I might have was real. Needless to say such beliefs have not promoted a healthy self awareness, self image or even much of an instinct for self-preservation. I also had some persistent medical problems as a child that went untreated. [more inside]
Causing deaths by rapture?
ReligionEthicsFilter: in all the Apocalypse/Rapture stuff, planes will crash and cars and trains, etc, because the drivers will have been swept up. Doesn't that mean that Christians shouldn't do those things, esp if other people will be harmed as a result? [more inside]
Why don't Jews like Jesus?
What is the deal with the Jews and Jesus? If Jesus was a jew, why are the Jewish not Christians, and seem so touchy about that issue? Christmas vs. Hanuka. Jesus on the cross, etc. Don't they acknowledge him the way Christians do? Or am I wrong? Always seems to invoke an eye rolling when I see Jesus mentioned to a Jewish person on TV...why? [more inside]