137 posts tagged with mythology.
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dance with the devil

Tell me your favorite descent to hell stories! [more inside]
posted by allymusiqua on Aug 15, 2023 - 23 answers

Ancient Greek translation request | ἑλλογοοδβυε

What are the best ways to say "Goodbye X, Hello Y" in Ancient Greek? [more inside]
posted by Glier's Goetta on Nov 24, 2022 - 3 answers

What is the best Greek mythology book (in my chosen categories)?

I'm looking for a book on Greek mythology with the best retellings, the best cultural/historical info, and -- most importantly -- the best art. I mean Classical relics, Renaissance paintings, maps, everything. Not just Edith Hamilton with some line drawings. Classical Myth from this question looks pretty good, but is there anything else?
posted by Flying Saucer on Jul 9, 2022 - 4 answers

Unicorn Lore

Tell me your unicorn lore from various parts of the world. My 5-year-old is obsessed with unicorns, and wants me to make a story-adventure for her (like an escape-room-in-a-box sort of thing) about unicorns, and also possibly rainbows and cheetahs. [more inside]
posted by Eyebrows McGee on Jan 30, 2022 - 13 answers

Seek and Ye Shall Not Find

I want to know of any mythological/fictional characters that are doomed to search for something and never find it. [more inside]
posted by falsedmitri on Sep 27, 2021 - 22 answers

Looking for the origin of this: a god who came to Earth and became a pig

I think this may be part of Indian mythology, but I am not sure. It is story of a god who came down to earth, turned himself into a pig and forgot he was a god [more inside]
posted by Quillcards on Apr 20, 2021 - 8 answers

Spear maiden, wolf of winter myth?

A bit back, I stumbled down a wikipedia hole of mythological solstice narratives, and one from a linked citation page stuck out: Every year, the wolf of winter chases the spring/sun/dawn maiden, getting closer and closer. The wolf finally starts to swallow the maiden on the fall equinox; the winter solstice is when the spear of the spring/sun/dawn maiden finally starts to pierce the wolf's belly and the vernal equinox is when she's fully out again. I believe it was of Slavic or Baltic origin. There are a lot of similar stories, but this one stuck out and I want to track down the origin and the mythology site I found it on. More on the specific details inside — I've already reread a lot of the Wikipedia pages that I was skimming, but haven't found the exact story again. [more inside]
posted by klangklangston on Feb 24, 2021 - 0 answers

Looks for books featuring women + folk tale/myth retelling

I've found a formula that really works for me in fiction: strong women characters + a retelling of mythology or folk tales. Some good examples include Circe by Madeline Miller and Spinning Silver and Uprooted by Naomi Novik. What else should I try? Other elements I'm into but are of secondary importance to what I listed above: witchcraft (women coming into their power), a story that weaves together separate narrative threads mid-way through the book, and longitudinal looks at people's lives. I'm not into hetero romance so much, but I'll put up with a little bit of it if I must. I don't want it to be the main event. Whatcha got?
posted by sugarbomb on Jun 30, 2020 - 48 answers

What is this fable?

I am in possession of a list of folktales and myths. The titles have been translated from Japanese. I assume the translator doesn't speak English well or is using Google Translate, because there are some very unusual things in there, however, they are identifiable. This list includes the tantalizing title "Compared the Back of Acorns." Does anyone have any idea what this is? [more inside]
posted by Missense Mutation on Jun 12, 2020 - 4 answers

How do I commission a Medusa door knocker?

I live in an apartment building with dramatic 8 ft wooden doors, and almost everyone has a unique door knocker. I want to up my game and have a slightly ominous door knocker that nods to my love of mythology, and have found this image. (This is also awesome, but I kind of prefer Medusa pre decapitation). [more inside]
posted by larthegreat on May 17, 2020 - 19 answers

Do you recognize this set of books?

When I was a kid in the late 70's/early 80's, my mom had a set of books for kids that I believe she bought when she bought our set of encyclopedias. The set consisted of about 9 volumes. I don't remember all the volumes but hopefully describing what I do recall will help. [more inside]
posted by Neely O'Hara on Apr 26, 2020 - 8 answers

What character can relate to both luxury and poverty at the same time?

Much in the same way a folkloric court jester combined wisdom and folly. Is there an iconic character (folklore, mythology, or world history) who could typically walked with kings and commoners alike?
posted by omar.a on Mar 3, 2020 - 46 answers

Question about Hindu god Chitragupta

In Hindu mythology, Chitragupta was born to help Yama avoid making mistakes. What became of Yama’s previous mistakes? [more inside]
posted by klausman on Feb 23, 2020 - 2 answers

Creatures Made of Multiple Human Beings?

Are there creatures from folklore or mythology that are multiple human beings, or parts thereof, joined into a monstrous whole? Not in the Frankenstein sense of one human being made from spare parts, or the Blob sense of human beings trapped in something else, but more like Pilobolus, with too many legs and arms and heads? (E.g. https://www.mymcmedia.org... Pilobolus_2018c Duggan_008-1024x683.jpg)
posted by musofire on Dec 3, 2019 - 18 answers

Do you have any background on these images and protest posters?

I bought this illustration and three protest posters (1, 2, 3) at Goodwill and an estate sale, respectively. I think they're great images, but I want to be sure I understand what they are and their context before I consider displaying them in my home. Do you know more context of any of these images and protest posters? [more inside]
posted by limeonaire on Sep 8, 2019 - 5 answers

What does the ghost say?

I usually hear that ghosts say "boo!" or "oooooooo" or sometimes people's names / phrases important to them. But are there other standard ghost sounds, like in different languages / cultures / time periods? I'm also good with hearing ghost languages that appear in fiction / movies /etc. But to be clear, I'm definitely seeking ghost languages and not just things individual ghosts say.
posted by mermaidcafe on Jul 7, 2019 - 10 answers

Mythology for Dummies

I recently read Circe by Madeline Miller, and I realized I have a huge knowledge gap when it comes to Greek and Roman mythology. I know almost nothing. Please help me get up to speed! [more inside]
posted by bonheur on Jan 21, 2019 - 18 answers

Collection of Chinese myths and legends for school age?

Can you recommend a collection of illustrated Chinese myths and legends for school aged readers? In particular, something which includes stories about folk deities (e.g., Kuan Yin), the Monkey King and the Eight Immortals would be ideal. [more inside]
posted by apcmwh on Dec 27, 2018 - 3 answers

Is there a Persian Percy Jackson?

My 8-year-old loves Greek and Norse mythology, and contemporary fiction based on them. What books might she like that engage with non-Western mythologies? [more inside]
posted by dr. boludo on Nov 20, 2018 - 11 answers

Help me name some city streets! :D

I am designing a housing development and I might get to name the streets! I need 3-7 street names (it will depend on if the city wants one street to be considered a loop or different streets). I am looking for some additional ideas for street names! In particular, if anyone knows names from Hispanic mythology that would be cool/appropriate to use, that would be awesome. [more inside]
posted by miss so and so on Oct 3, 2018 - 26 answers

Which translation of The Odyssey?

I just finished listening to Caroline Alexander's translation of the Iliad, read by Dominic Keating. I loved it. Which translation and reading of the Odyssey should I listen to? [more inside]
posted by Winnie the Proust on Aug 3, 2018 - 11 answers

Where Did Poseidon Live

I understand that all the gods hung out in Olympus, but I also have read that Poseidon / Neptune had a coral palace that he occupied when he wasn't up on the mountain. Did this fortress / castle / seat of power have a name, in either the Roman or Greek traditions?
posted by The Blue Olly on Jun 27, 2018 - 1 answer

Good translations of ancient classics

A couple of years ago a professor introduced me to incredible translations of the Iliad, the Odyssey, and the Aeneid. Even though I had always found legends, epics, and mythology boring, I was completely hooked by them. Now, I'm wanting more- but instead of sticking to the Greco-Roman classics, I want to expand to the equivalent in other cultures. But I'm not sure what they are, or where to find good translations for them. [more inside]
posted by perplexion on Oct 7, 2017 - 29 answers

Pandora, Cassandra, and who else?

Can you add to this list of mythological representations of human traits: For example : --- Pandora: Curiosity gets her into trouble. --- --- Cassandra: Always right yet never believed.--- --- Narcicus: Wastes his life away admiring himself.--- --- Sisyphus: Endures endless repetition of meaningless tasks--- [more inside]
posted by metadave on Sep 27, 2017 - 20 answers

Like the D'Aulaires, but for grownups

What is the best retelling of Greek myths aimed at adults? I'm looking for something that covers a large number of stories about both gods and heroes, sticks fairly close to the original source texts, and is a little more story-shaped and entertaining to read than the work of Edith Hamilton or Robert Graves. [more inside]
posted by darchildre on Jun 27, 2017 - 6 answers

Irish/Gaelic mythology literature

I’ve recently watched a few movies drawing on Irish/Gaelic (not sure of the difference) mythology: The Secret of Kells, The Secret of Roan Inish, and Song of the Sea. I'd like to go to the source of the myths. What books can you recommend?
posted by falsedmitri on Jun 24, 2017 - 6 answers

Can you recommend a comprehensive book on Polynesian mythology?

I am interested in finding a book that is a good introduction to the differences and similarities of the mythologies of the many Polynesian islands. Can you recommend something that is for adult readers, but not overly academic?
posted by abirdinthehand on Dec 25, 2016 - 1 answer

Once upon a time...

What are some good books/resources on the craft of oral storytelling? [more inside]
posted by roll away the dew on Mar 16, 2016 - 5 answers

Looking for people who sold their soul to the Devil

So I'm starting research on a new project that involves people who supposedly sold their soul to the Devil for something Robert Johnson style. Unfortunately all the searching I'm doing is pointing to him. Help me find the early deals, the famous ones besides RJ and the most recent soul sales attributed to old Scratch.
posted by rileyray3000 on Jan 15, 2016 - 28 answers

How much of classical antiquity was known in the Middle Ages?

I know that Aristotle mostly faded out after the fall of Rome, and that it was revived when Christian scholars began to translate Arabic editions into Latin in the 12-13th centuries. Fair enough. But what about Homer and the playwrights? Did they similarly disappear, and were they rediscovered alongside Aristotle? Would a 12th century monk have known who Pericles was? Would he have known Herodotus? The Pre-Socratics? If not, how were they recovered? Can someone point me toward some free online material where I can read about this topic? Thanks.
posted by jwhite1979 on Jan 12, 2016 - 14 answers

I know that I hung on a wind-rocked tree, nine whole nights...

The Norse god, Odin, in his guise of the Traveller, is usually described as wearing a blue or black cloak and a broad-brimmed hat. Cosplayer MeFites: what *kind* of hat would you wear, based on that description? [more inside]
posted by hanov3r on Jul 21, 2015 - 6 answers

Variations on a Theme in Myth

I am trying to find more stories (preferably myths/folklore, but general fiction/film/etc of any time is fine) that contain a certain motif. I would also like to know if there is a term for a story that contains this kind of theme which I can only describe by example beneath the fold. Sorry I can't distill its essence, but I can answer questions if you need more precision. [more inside]
posted by mermaidcafe on May 24, 2015 - 18 answers

Looking for a myth or folk tale

A friend of ours loves mythology and folk tales. For a birthday present, we're trying to pick a story to illustrate and make a tiny book out of. From any culture, though Asian would be particulary nice. We'd like an interesting but old story with some humour or a twist at the end. Maybe something unusual. I'd love to hear your ideas and suggestions and favourites!
posted by miaow on Feb 3, 2015 - 11 answers

World religion for kids

What are some good books of mythology/stories from world religion for kids? [more inside]
posted by lieberschnitzel on Nov 29, 2014 - 12 answers

I Want An Encyclopedia of Demonology, Mysticism, the Occult, etc.

Let's say I wanted to see the history of the angel Uriel. Or Zoroaster. Or Astaroth. Or one of the many demon-like figures in Japanese folklore. Is there such a comprehensive work of mythological beings? Something with facts like the first historical mention of the figure, various physical descriptions throughout time with context, their backstory(ies), etc? [more inside]
posted by Willie0248 on Nov 17, 2014 - 8 answers

Can you teach me everything you know about Roman goddesses?

In the American version of his autobiography, Klaus Mann uses the metaphor of Jupiter and Minerva to talk about his maternal grandparents. In the German version, he changes this to Jupiter and Juno. It seems that Jupiter and Juno are married (but are also siblings. ick), while Minerva is basically Jupiter's daughter, so Juno is a more appropriate goddess to name in the metaphor. Am I missing something? [more inside]
posted by kinddieserzeit on Oct 17, 2014 - 19 answers

Are there any good podcasts about mythology?

I want to hear podcasts that tell and analyze myths. Preferably not constrained to one culture/time period. Suggestions? [more inside]
posted by mccarty.tim on Sep 2, 2014 - 5 answers

Examples of mythological creatures used to describe real thing

I have a specific question about a particular type of "mythology made reality" transformation via language and cultural contact. I'm looking for other instances of this sort of thing, but I'm not sure what to call this or where to search. [more inside]
posted by deathpanels on Aug 21, 2014 - 13 answers

Looking for read stories about being forced to go in one direction.

Is there a story in the Bible or elsewhere in literature or myth about a person who wants to do many things, but is thwarted, by all sorts of forces, and ends up doing only one? [more inside]
posted by Clotilde on Aug 16, 2014 - 12 answers

I need an expert in Middle Eastern demonology

Can somebody help me identify the mythological or literary sources for the enemies in this Arabian Nights-themed video game? [more inside]
posted by prize bull octorok on Jul 25, 2014 - 5 answers

My daughter wants to read mythology about girls.

My daughter is nuts for mythology and folklore, but after a particularly testosterone-powered Norse story last night she was asking if there were any collections of stories that weren't all about the boy-gods and heroes. So: recommendations for female-centric mythology and folklore, either story-cycles or lesser-known pantheons, suitable for bedtime-reading to an intelligent six-year-old. She wants actual myths rather than modern fiction based on or in the style of myths, or traditional myths retold from a female POV. (Yes, I have the Angela Carter books of fairy-tales. No, they are not suitable for a six-year-old.)
posted by Hogshead on Apr 30, 2014 - 38 answers

Let me listen to vikings

Does anyone know of any good podcasts or audio books covering viking history, Norse mythology or both? I'd very much like to learn about Vikings through my ears. Bonus points for series rather than one offs.
posted by merocet on Mar 7, 2014 - 8 answers

I need a montage

I'm looking for fairy tales, myths, and similarly imaginative stories where the heroine or hero triumphs because of their perseverance or dedication to developing a skill, not because of an inherent personal characteristic or being "the chosen one." [more inside]
posted by fast ein Maedchen on Feb 25, 2014 - 38 answers

I would like to learn more about Japanese mythology

What are some good English-language resources to learn about Japanese mythology? Book recommendations are welcome, too. My interest is mostly to gain some background knowledge that would help me understand better Japanese novels or manga, in the way that knowing Greek or Norse mythology is helpful when reading Western literature.
posted by needled on Dec 29, 2013 - 5 answers

What could they be, the 12 Flavours of Hercules?

Homebrewing brother brainstorming for a series of Classically-inspired beers. One such thought - 12 Labors of Hercules. Trying to pin down geographically helps - lots of apples, oranges, dates, different kinds of aromatic trees, etc. Milk stouts for the cattle. Have any of you seen a food/drink play on the 12 Labors before?
posted by J0 on Nov 22, 2013 - 9 answers

Can you help me find a good book on African mythological creatures?

I've found some kids' books and some extremely brief online articles, but not much more than that. Can you help me find something more in-depth?
posted by jumelle on Jun 29, 2013 - 3 answers

Multi armed mythical humanoids

Are there mythological figures with three, four, five, six, seven or eight arms? If so, what are their names? Note, I'm specifically looking for humanoid type figures with more than two arms, not beasts such as Cerberus, the three headed dog or Hekatonkheires, the hundred eyed or headed giants. We're just talking arms here. I need to name a few things.
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Jun 13, 2013 - 17 answers

Help with project? Please list fictional cities !

For a project I'm currently working on as part of my graduation in Graphic Design, I wanted to compile something like an atlas of fictional cities. These may be from books, legends, stories, video games, advertisements, comics, really whatever... Even "real" cities but alternate versions, imagined or in some way deviate from their real counterpart are valid. [more inside]
posted by ahtlast93 on May 18, 2013 - 47 answers

What is this myth I'm misremembering?

Is it Hercules? Ulysses? Odysseus or some other old mythic dude? What's the myth where he (whoever he is) has to fight a terrible creature, and it keeps changing shape. The key to triumph has something to do with the fact that he's strong enough (physically or mentally) to hold on through all these changes? Is this ringing a bell? What myth am I misremembering?
posted by BlahLaLa on Apr 25, 2013 - 11 answers

Mythology 'encyclopedia'

Bookfilter: I read part of a book a few years back about mythology, and I can't remember what it was called or who it was by. It was in an encyclopedic format; everything I think was in alphabetic order, and any given entry would be from a few paragraphs to a few pages long. [more inside]
posted by vulgar_wheat on Apr 10, 2013 - 11 answers

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