760 posts tagged with religion.
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Books on the historical Jewish presence in the Muslim world?
Please recommend me books on the Jewish presence in the historic Muslim world. [more inside]
Can you identify the meaning of this detail in a stained glass window?
This medallion is the only non-geometric detail in an abandoned church's large stained glass windows. I'm curious about the meaning of the meeting of the four men. [more inside]
Reconnecting to break up with a friend?
Reconnecting with an old friend, but I don’t think I want to be friends anymore. I’ve never done a friend breakup and usually do a mutual fade away, but I don’t think I can do that this time. I also want to give reconnecting a chance, but I have a hunch it’s not going to work out. [more inside]
Good Samaritans in other cultures and traditions?
Please tell me about non-Christian stories, legacies, traditions, and philosophies for helping the poor, hungry, and homeless? [more inside]
Navigating religious bias in charity donors
I'm trying to raise money for a secular program that exists under a religious umbrella organization. I'm trying to find a way to approach this so that won't put people off, and I'm stuck on a particular decision. [more inside]
Bible stories for cultural literacy
I am looking for a kid’s book of bible stories that would be the equivalent to a book of classic Greek mythology. Do you have any recommendations for something to help support cultural literacy in this regard? Would also be interested in the same for other major religions.
The god of small things
I'm wondering if there is a name for the concept that looking after something small can help cultivate your desired qualities on a larger scale. [more inside]
My gut says that having the capacity for faith/belief/spirituality is as born in as being gay or right handed. Have there been any studies on this?
Books on non-Western, non-Eastern religions
I'm writing a book for conworlders about religions, and I need more resources, especially about religions from Africa, the Americas, or Australia. Preferably more on the anthropological side; I'm not after inspirational literature, and not too interested in mere lists of gods or retellings of myths. [more inside]
Why do evangelicals appear to be less enthusiastic about Trump post-Roe?
I want to know if there is a news article out there that attempts to explain the evangelical drift away from Trump before his more recent base-dividing comments (around 9/23) regarding the abortion issue - I believe as a result of a combination of polls he was shown and the midterm backlash - but after he captured the Roe victory for them.
Sacredness of Jewish Tallit - ok to use in visual theatrical reference?
I am curious about the use of something like the Tallit in a theatrical production to indicate Judaism, in a space where the actors and audience are almost certainly not Jewish themselves... [more inside]
Who is the author of this vaguely-remembered quote about religion?
The gist was, and I'm sure I'm loosely paraphrasing: "It's ok to believe in whatever convenient little lie (or fiction?) that helps you get through the day."
My first thought was Vonnegut, but I can't find it or anything similar.
History book recommendations for the Camino de Santiago
I'm looking for reading about pilgrimages or specifically the pilgrimage route the Camino de Santiago. I'd prefer non-fiction, particularly historical information. But I'll take a memoir or factually grounded novel if it's particularly insightful about the route. I'd love to read a history book that talks about their cultural or economic impact of pilgrimage in Europe (or elsewhere). A book like Salt or this book about the spice trade, only for pilgrimages. [more inside]
Why do most Jews maintain their attachment to Judaism after 2,000 years?
Asking for a Jewish friend: For 2,000 years, Jews have faced social stigma, physical harm, and
emotional trauma for the sake of their religion. Why do most Jews maintain their attachment to Judaism?
Could you help identify royal religious apologia?
I’m searching for other texts like The Questions of King Milinda, wherein a respected religious authority presented an account of his or her religion to a governing authority.
Recommend books/other resources for someone becoming a priest's partner
I'm an atheist (though raised christian with extensive exposure) dating someone looking to be a priest in the episcopal church in a major, progressive city. We're OK with it (though recognize this will be a lot of work at times). Things are looking serious. Are there any books or other resources for someone who is going to be a priest's partner? Obviously "talk to your partner regularly" and "discretion!" are things I'm already doing, but other resources are appreciated.
Ancient religions that persist
Micro McGee, 11, is learning about ancient Mesopotamia, and is curious which ancient religions, from anywhere in the world, survive to the modern era, that are not among the "big five" (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism) or their offshoots. It's okay if they're syncretic or influenced by later movements; among those we've discussed are the religion of the Yazidi, Zoroastrianism, Dravidians, etc. [more inside]
Have you ever explored a religious vocation?
Do you work in ministry, and/or have you ever had a call from God urging you to make a big change in your life? What advice can you give me? [more inside]
Christianity for Atheists
Can you point me to religious podcasts or reading material that focus on virtues, doing good deeds, and living a good or moral life? [more inside]
Comparative Religion Course, Independent Study Version
For 20+ years, I've regretted not taking a comparative religion course in high school, as I think it would have helped me to overcome my Christian fundamentalist upbringing much faster than I subsequently did. But rather than continue to uselessly rue something I can't change now, I would like to address that regret by a course of self-study. I want to better understand the origins and role of religion in human history from a secular standpoint, and to learn more about other religions. What books/articles would you recommend I read in order to accomplish that?
New Testament readings for a funeral.
Catholic funeral mass. Old Testament one is all set. Priest is fine with the family choosing readings.
Need one from the gospels (M,M,L,J) and one not.
Any extraneous advice on funerals in general are fine.... [more inside]
Examples of individuals who left their group?
I'm fascinating by individuals who leave their group, usually at great personal cost. I imagine this is a genre, but I don't know what it is. I'd love to read stories about these people. Here are examples in different categories. [more inside]
Seeking an Anne Lamott quote.
Not sure which book this is from, and I have no hard copies. Any idea where it is from? [more inside]
Finding Faith and Understanding Prayer
I am a middle-aged man working a job far below my capabilities due to COVID layoffs. I was baptised Baptist last summer alongside my wife, and at the time I felt something that I attributed to something bigger than myself in the months prior, but its faded and doubt has clouded my heart. How did you find faith and how do you recommend someone find faith? [more inside]
The effect of canon on human society and collective storytelling
It was recently pointed out to me that for most of human existence, the lack of widespread literacy (among other factors) prevented the development of the concept of 'canon': an officially sanctioned, unchanging version of a religious/spiritual/mythical story. I am looking for discussions, books, and / or papers exploring the effect that this has had on human societies in general, and individuals living in a society where collective storytelling and the evolution of those stories has been halted. [more inside]
Have any scholars written about The Chosen?
I've been watching The Chosen, about the life of Jesus of Nazareth (yeah - I'm usually at least a year behind on media). I'm wondering about its historical accuracy, but I'm not finding anything. [more inside]
What is the song "Sky Takes the Soul" by the Proclaimers about?
I've heard the some a million times. I vaguely assumed it was about mortality and faith or something. Mostly I just liked the hook. Driving home tonight, out of nowhere I actually noticed the lyrics. Later I replayed it to make sure I heard it right. [more inside]
What's the deal with super online tradcaths?
I'm defining 'super online tradcaths' here as extremely online seeming, usually hard-right right wing people who post A LOT about religious stuff, but to an outside observer it looks like they're basically 4chan people posting Catholic flavored 4chan stuff.
Are these people related to existing Catholic right-wing cranks? Do online tradcaths show up at churches? What do churches or church organizations think about these people? Are tradcaths even on normie Catholics' radar? [more inside]
Believers: how does prayer work?
I am not religious or spiritual, but I find it interesting. I don't understand how prayer is supposed to work. I do understand that praying can be a way to help you get your thoughts centered, and that expressing gratitude can be good for your mood. What I don't understand is the idea that praying for something might cause that thing to happen, that wouldn't've happened if you didn't pray. [more inside]
What does Ashkenazi Jewish mean to you?
When someone mentions to you that their background is Ashkenazi Jewish, what associations does this activate in your mind? What would you understand or assume based on them or their ancestors being Ashkenazi Jews? What might someone expect the other person to understand by mentioning this?
I'm not sure what to make of "Jesus Loves You"
My HVAC guy, the father and son who take care of my lawn, the guy who details my car: they all say 'God Bless You' or 'Jesus Loves You' or something similar at the end of every text, email, and face to face encounter. I'm not sure how to feel about this, or how to respond because as a Jew I know that anyone who invokes Christ instead of saying "take it easy" thinks I'm going to burn in Hell. [more inside]
Headstone symbolism
What is the significance or meaning of the mouthless face and aureole (?) on these 18th-century headstones? Pictures can be found in this folder. [more inside]
Do Boy Scouts recite the oath at each meeting?
The Boy Scout oath starts "On my honor, I will do my best/To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law..." Does this get recited at the beginning of weekly meetings? [more inside]
Which Baltimore catechism?
I would like to figure out which edition or editions of the Baltimore catechism I was taught from as a child and purchase copies. Is there any kind of definitive list? [more inside]
Dating with your parents in mind
I am preoccupied with finding a partner whose family of origin compliments my own. This is a difficult task as my parents are a little unusual. Have you navigated this before? [more inside]
Unorthodox Anglican orthodoxy, Regency-era England
I need some pointers on Anglican theology, religious positions etc. during the Regency era in England, particularly more fringe or less mainstream beliefs, for the purposes of fiction research. [more inside]
Tharif in Islam
According to Wikipedia, some Muslims believe that some of the texts held sacred by Jews were modified, and thus convey divine revelation imperfectly. How widespread is this belief among religious leaders and laypeople? Is it enunciated in any exegetical works popular today? Are there any organized tendencies within Islam that do not take this position and/or do not hold to a supersessionist view of Judaism? As a bonus question: are there any organized tendencies that do not take a supersessionist view of Christianity?
The Varieties of Religious Experience: streaming edition
I really like shows about people who are serious about religion. Snowflakes within. [more inside]
Looking for the origin of this: a god who came to Earth and became a pig
I think this may be part of Indian mythology, but I am not sure. It is story of a god who came down to earth, turned himself into a pig and forgot he was a god [more inside]
Vedas and Bhagavad Gita
Please help me understand how the Vedas and Bhagavad Gita both fit into Hinduism. The Bhagavad Gita seems monotheistic but is welcomed by Hindu practitioners and this confuses me as the Vedas are clearly pointing to a polytheistic approach, and Hinduism in general follows the polytheistic approach. I am confused how Hinduism accepts Bhagavad Gita as not somehow usurping the Vedic understanding. [more inside]
How to pray to die?
I’m not in danger of self harm. Content note death and wanting to die. I’m looking for leads on how to respectfully pray to die in any spiritual or religious tradition. I think it would help me a lot and ironically would make me more resilient. Thanks so much!
Why are there no comedy vicars in American sitcoms?
Having finally started watching Miranda now that it has been adapted for a US audience, I was reminded that Anglican vicars and Catholic priests are stock figures in traditional British sitcoms. That's not true in the US, or at least I'm not aware of them beyond Father Mulcahey in M*A*S*H (who was a fully-formed character). Was there ever a time when clerical characters were part of mainstream American comedy? [more inside]
Biblical verses in resumes?
A job candidate's application materials prominently include a thinly-veiled passage from the Bible. Am I supposed to pretend that I didn't see it? Is this a potential professionalism red flag? [more inside]
Trying to learn more about the Puritans and received wisdom about them.
What are some resources--articles and books--that will help me learn more about the Puritans in North America, in the context of their time, their legacy, popular conceptions of their culture, etc? [more inside]
Lingering religious indoctrination in step-kids
How should my wife and I address religious issues with our children resulting from years of indoctrination by a narcissistic grandparent? [more inside]
How many times must I forgive my neighbor?
(Some of the) big numbers in the Old Testament: 1 Chronicles 21:5. 2 Samuel 24:9. Jesus and his squad had that background. So I've been thinking lately that Matthew 18:21-22 has not been preached well. [more inside]
Seeking origin of quote that's attributed to Spinoza
A Facebook post has been making the rounds lately, and I'm trying to determine the actual origin of a quote that's being attributed to Baruch Spinoza. [more inside]
Home High Holy Days Traditions
Jews of Metafilter, what home traditions of the High Holy Days do you remember most fondly from your childhood? What traditions did you create for yourself and your family as an adult? [more inside]
Help me find a blog post about Roman Gods and Religion
Maybe 4-6 months ago someone left a comment on the blue that linked to a really interesting discussion about the historical practice of Roman religion. It discussed, among other things, the separation between personal or local gods, and the state gods which required larger state sacrifices. The website has a dark red background. I'd love to find it again but it's long gone from my internet history.
Interfaith Marriage in the late 1800s USA
I'm looking for demographics as well as societal feelings on interfaith marriage in the US in the late 1800s. I'm specifically interested in marriage between Jewish and Protestant people. [more inside]