4 posts tagged with college by Postroad.
Displaying 1 through 4 of 4.
Need recommendation for best book to use for GRE
Daughter planning to go to grad school to further study psychology and industrial management (sort of human resources) and needs a book for GRE others who have gone on to grad school have found very useful.
my daughter needs your help for going to college
My daughter wants to go to college, but she needs your help [more inside]
Help my daughter choose a school
Sending daughter to college ...but which of these? [more inside]
best place to borrow for college costs
60 Minutes last evening had a devestating report on the biggest college lending company, Sallie May. Seems they make money when loans plus interest returned; if defaulted, the govt pays tab; and additionally they own the collection agencies going after--relentlessly--those in default.
Any suggestions for a superior or decent outfit from which to borrow college money for my son, who goes off to college in the Fall.