2 posts tagged with austin by lunalaguna.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.

A Hunka Burnin' Love (in Austin)

Where do I get Elvis-themed goodies and decorations in Austin? [more inside]
posted by lunalaguna on Feb 14, 2007 - 8 answers

How to escape from SXSW?

Help me escape from SXSW! In live in Austin and for reasons I won't get into, I find the city intolerable during the week of SXSW. The music portion of the conference (March 15-19) is the most miserable and nearly impossible for me to avoid, and I'd like to just leave town and skip the whole thing this year. Any ideas on where to go for a few days? Something relatively cheap? [more inside]
posted by lunalaguna on Jan 31, 2006 - 26 answers

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