2 posts tagged with att by 4ster.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.

Help me be somewhat out of touch.

I don't want any access to email when I am on vacation this year. However, I do need cellphone access. I am currently using an AT&T iPhone 4. Can use the iPhone 4 micro sim card (with an adapter) in a GoPhone? Barring that, what is the most featureless AT&T phone I can put my iPhone 4 sim in (including ones I can buy used). Thanks!
posted by 4ster on Jun 5, 2011 - 11 answers

It sounds like a satellite phone.

A week and a half ago, I bought an iPhone 4, thus switching to AT&T for the first time. Now, when people call me on the iPhone, there is a lag of a couple of seconds between when I stop talking and when they hear me, or vice-versa. The result of this is that we end up talking over one another, or saying "HELLO?" to one another, thinking that they other has not heard what I/they just said, when we are really just waiting out the delay. [more inside]
posted by 4ster on Oct 12, 2010 - 14 answers

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