7 posts tagged with att by decrescendo.
Displaying 1 through 7 of 7.
So I dropped my iPhone and the screen shattered. Now what? What should I buy and how does it affect my ATT contract?
So I dropped my iPhone and the screen shattered. Now what? What should I buy and how does it affect my ATT contract? [more inside]
Help me find a cheap, reliable, standard phone for use on AT&T. I need to find something cheap so I can sell my iPhone.
Help me find a cheap, reliable, standard phone for use on AT&T. I need to find something cheap so I can sell my iPhone. [more inside]
Help me find a moderately cheap phone for use on AT&T. I'm taking my iPhone back.
Help me find a moderately cheap phone for use on AT&T. I'm taking my iPhone back. [more inside]
So I bought an iPhone for AT&T and it is aggravating. I need something else. What do you suggest?
So I bought an iPhone for AT&T and it is aggravating. I need something else. What do you suggest? [more inside]
Narrowed my phone choices down to: iPhone, Blackberry Bold, and Samsung Omnia. Which one should I get?
Narrowed my phone choices down to: iPhone, Blackberry Bold, and Samsung Omnia. Which one should I get? [more inside]
What type of phone should I buy next month and what carrier should I be on?
What type of phone should I buy next month and what carrier should I be on? I'm on a Verizon family plan right now with my parents and it expires around Thanksgiving. I have a free upgrade with Verizon, as well. [more inside]
New phone/carrier recs.
It's come the time to buy a new cellphone. I have a RAZR V2 and it's falling apart. My Verizon contract is up in November. Should I re-up with Verizon and stay on my family plan or should I break off and/or go to another carrier? And what phone should I look into? All I know is that I do not want a huge fold out QWERTY keyboard like a 16-year-old girl with a Sidekick and probably do not want a Motorola. [more inside]