129 posts tagged with cellular.
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Seeking a durable version of these shades

Are there any top-down bottom-up blackout cellular shades that are actually durable? Even given daily operation in a window that gets direct sun? For years on end? The ones we have keep breaking. [more inside]
posted by daisyace on Mar 22, 2024 - 8 answers

Home internet via my phone?

I know I should be able to connect via my phone, but I have questions. [more inside]
posted by Marky on Sep 24, 2023 - 10 answers

What to do with old Palm & Handspring PDAs?

I have a number of PDAs from years past. They all power up and run, and all are in good-to-great condition. It seems a shame to recycle them. What can I do with them? [more inside]
posted by StrawberryPie on Dec 17, 2022 - 5 answers

Should I switch from AT&T to T-Mobile?

I'm in the market for a new iPhone (will likely be getting the iPhone 14 when it drops) and I'm trying to decide whether to change carriers. I figured this was a good question for the hive mind. [more inside]
posted by holborne on Sep 4, 2022 - 13 answers

Help me add a second line to my new iPhone

For professional troubleshooting purposes, my spouse would like to add a second line to their American AT&T iPhone 13. The SIM tray is empty, but it looks like we can put both lines on the eSIM. Who's the cheapest pre-paid provider with the shortest term? [more inside]
posted by Kyol on Jan 25, 2022 - 7 answers

Massive T-Mobile hack...what now?

As a T-mobile customer, what should I be doing to protect my online security? [more inside]
posted by diode on Aug 22, 2021 - 7 answers

Cheapest way to get an iPhone

I am looking for the cheapest way to get an iPhone and be able to use it as my phone. [more inside]
posted by blueberry on Jun 16, 2021 - 18 answers

Cellular Picture Frames?

I'm thinking a digital picture frame would be a good thing for my mom - keep her updated with pics of her granddaughter, the usual stuff. I've seen discussions here before, like this one, but have an added degree of difficulty. Mom lives in the middle of nowhere with a horrible DSL connection that's barely better than dialup and no Wi-Fi. Is there a good frame that connects via cellular, sort of the way a Kindle does?
posted by Naberius on Apr 30, 2021 - 8 answers

Is there any way to get AT&T or Verizon to cover my neighborhood?

Right now, only T-Mobile and Sprint work in my neighborhood. I live in Los Angeles, so one would think AT&T and Verizon would work everywhere. They work in more places than T-Mobile and Sprint, which is why I'd love to switch. Is there any way to get said cell phone giants to cover my neighborhood (not just my house), or would it be a quixotic undertaking?
posted by Anonymousness on Jul 27, 2020 - 7 answers

How to video-monitor my farm, on demand, on battery, on cell-data

I'm looking for help finding the right remote camera system to see what's happening at my farm (far from my home) without having to drive there. There isn't electricity or internet out there yet, so I need a battery powered system. All I can find are "trail cams" for hunters, chock full of expensive features I don't need. Any tips? [more inside]
posted by the_arbiter on Nov 23, 2019 - 6 answers

What's the best way to usea backup SIM card on a hotspot with GoogleFi?

My wife's business has an issue with the [business class, Comcast] internet dropping, sometimes weekly, sometimes monthly. This is a large inconvenience as it impacts video conferencing (1 on 1), VOIP phones, SaaS solutions, and internet. I think adding a free GoogleFi SIM to my account and buying a hotspot device would help with the remainder of the items and would hardly impact my Flexible for 1 plan. Help me with my logic and hardware decision because SIMs and hotspots confuse me. [more inside]
posted by RolandOfEld on Oct 16, 2019 - 7 answers

New Pixel 3a Sucking Up Data Like a Crazy Data Sucker-Upper

I recently replaced my Samsung Galaxy 5S with a Google Pixel 3a. The other phone on the plan is also a Galaxy 5. My old Galaxy 5S is disconnected and off. Up until I switched phones we were using - on average - 1200 MB data. In the first month of the new phone, we used over 16 GB. This is not sustainable. Help! [more inside]
posted by Gray Duck on Sep 21, 2019 - 12 answers

Why Would Location Services Suddenly Stop Working?

AT&T recently made some changes to their network -- in prep for 5G they claim -- that borked some of my customer's cell boosters. Did their fix also bork their location services? [more inside]
posted by terrapin on Jul 18, 2019 - 1 answer

Uber data

Help me tech support my dad: last couple months he keeps running out of cellular data. I'm visiting and checked his iphone and it says the Uber app used 1.5 GB, and App store used 13.1 GB. Everything else is in the MB or KB range. I just turned off data use for the App store (so he can only use when in wifi) but he needs to have data access for Uber since he uses it out and about. Why would it suck up so much data? Lyft used much less this month. [more inside]
posted by latkes on Sep 14, 2018 - 7 answers

Traveling outside the USA: how do I make my smartphone work

At the end of the week I will be traveling internationally to Taiwan. This is my first time owning an unlocked smartphone (a Moto E4) and I am trying to figure out how to keep in contact back home. My current carrier is a PAYGO plan with Mint and my impression is that it would be cost-prohibitive to continue using SMS and calling people. But I would like to be able to check my voicemail. I need an International Phone Use For Dummies. Please help? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Apr 9, 2018 - 10 answers

Total Noob

How do I use my unlocked cell phone in Germany? [more inside]
posted by loveandhappiness on Feb 23, 2018 - 10 answers

Mobile data in Mexico

My partner and I are traveling to Mexico for 12 days next month and would like to know about the easiest and most cost-effective options for mobile data for our smartphones while we're there. (Whether that's a SIM card, an international plan, etc.) We both have iPhones. She has AT&T and I have Verizon (both based in the U.S.). Not particularly concerned about talk & text—just want to be able to get online. Thanks!
posted by Conrad Cornelius o'Donald o'Dell on Feb 5, 2018 - 13 answers

Call my maybe? Use iPad as my only phone?

I want to carry just one device. I want to be able to phone (voice/text) to any other phone (so, not just iMessages or Google Hangouts). Most importantly I want the tablet to have a callable phone number. I'm thinking an iPad mini 4 cellular plus a wireless bone conduction headset, but perhaps there's a better approach? Is there a VOIP service that I can port my current number to, and then answer calls to that number on my iPad? Do mobile hotspots have callable phone numbers? Is this a terrible idea?
posted by Jesse the K on Oct 20, 2017 - 7 answers

Will Verizon Un-Throttle my Data?

I purchased a Verizon mobile hotspot on Friday. I also purchased an unlimited 4G LTE data plan. I need this to do work for my actual job while my band is on tour. Apparently, I've gone over the 10GB in 2 days and I'm now throttled back to 3G. [more inside]
posted by capnsue on Jun 18, 2017 - 9 answers

Help me pick a cellular carrier

So, I just got a new iPad Pro and I love it. It's wifi-cellular model. Now I need to pick a cellular carrier. And it can't be Verizon because i didn't buy a Verizon iPad. I currently have AT&T on my old iPad Air 2 and it's fine. I need about 3GB a month, and I'm looking for the broadest fastest coverage, as I travel with my iPad instead of a laptop for business. Should I stick to AT&T or jump to TMobile or something else? I'm based in Seattle.
posted by bearwife on Jun 16, 2017 - 5 answers

Which cell phone is best for my needs?

This may be a bit of a lazyweb/crowdsource request. I'm shopping for a new cell phone and would like to find a great option that meets certain criteria. It should be unlocked, for use in the US with AT&T. [more inside]
posted by attercoppe on Jun 14, 2017 - 5 answers

Prepaid sim card with affordable data that works throughout Europe?

My family is traveling to Germany, France, Sweden, and Italy this summer. Where can they get a prepaid SIM card for their iPhones with at least 1GB data and no country restrictions? Must they really buy a new SIM card as they enter each country? The last discussion about this was in 2015 so I assume the mobile landscape have changed since then.
posted by Typographica on May 18, 2017 - 15 answers

Cell phones: institutional edition

The institution I work for allows cell phones as long as they are pre-paid and have no camera, internet capability or voice recording. Does such a thing (still) exist? [more inside]
posted by arrmatie on Jan 3, 2017 - 15 answers

Smartest route for an iPhone 7 on Verizon?

I have an iphone 6 with Verizon. My contract is about to expire. Googling has left me with a wide variety of seemingly conflicting answers. What is the cheapest, smartest route for me to get a new iPhone 7? I'm not sure I trust the local Verizon people to give it to me straight, so what has your experience been? [more inside]
posted by nevercalm on Nov 15, 2016 - 3 answers

Verizon wireless "upgrade" policy?

I'm not understanding Verizon wireless's "upgrade" policy - is there any benefit? [more inside]
posted by Mid on Nov 15, 2016 - 4 answers

AT&T refuses to unlock my phone. What should I do?

AT&T refuses to unlock a phone that I own... What are my options? [more inside]
posted by matkline on Oct 20, 2016 - 10 answers

Can the office network dept intercept cellular signal?

At the office, they put in a Wilson Panel Antenna (looks like this one) for a stronger cell phone signal indoors (for Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile I think they said). My question is, can they (the network people at the office) intercept the signal such that they could see employee phone calls, texting, and web traffic?)
posted by allelopath on Aug 10, 2016 - 8 answers

Is Ting, Google Voice, and BYOD the best for me?

I’ve never had to buy my own phone or cell plan before -- it’s always been through an employer. I know the phone I want, and I want to get the best value on it and a suitable service plan. I have a strawman. Is it the right idea? [more inside]
posted by daisyace on Apr 22, 2016 - 23 answers

Replacement wireless antenna for Verizon SCS-2U01 network extender?

Have the Samsung SCS-2U01 network extender for Verizon. Moved homes. Lost the wireless antenna for the thing – not the GPS antenna, but the stubby antenna attached to the unit itself. (See this picture.) Where can I find a replacement? [more inside]
posted by StrawberryPie on Dec 3, 2015 - 3 answers

Can I get landline caller ID on a cell phone?

Caller ID on landlines typically shows the name of the person or business calling. Caller ID on cell phones only shows the name if you have it in your cell phone contact list. Otherwise it just shows the number. Why the difference? [more inside]
posted by alms on Nov 25, 2015 - 6 answers

Boosting Cell Service in Very Rural Virginia

For the time being, I'm living in southwest Virginia. I'm having major problems making and receiving calls. Details within. [more inside]
posted by mermaidcafe on Aug 20, 2015 - 10 answers

Answer-only (dumb) cell-phone for USA and Canada

I'm a US resident, looking for a cell-phone I can use both in the USA and Canada to receive phone calls. Any outgoing calls would be a case of a very serious emergency, and I don't particularly care what they cost. Minimal if any texting. No smartphone. Minimal minutes. I'm looking for a way to have a phone on which a few select people can reach me if they need to, and which will work across the widest area possible. Long standby battery life a plus. Suggestions for phone and plan appreciated. [more inside]
posted by DaveP on Apr 7, 2015 - 11 answers

New Contract vs. Outright Purchase: Cell Phone

I wonder: should I buy new cell phone outright, or get another subsidized phone? [more inside]
posted by maxwelton on Jan 23, 2015 - 16 answers

Activating a prepaid phone without phone or internet

Made the mistake of leaving the house yesterday on a long road trip without my regular cell phone. Then I made the mistake of buying a TracFone from a WalMart, thinking I could activate it without - a phone. Because - I didn't have a phone. Which was why I needed a phone. [more inside]
posted by randomkeystrike on Jan 8, 2015 - 13 answers

Poor cell service -- newer handset likely to have any impact?

My well-worn Verizon iPhone 4 often doesn't ring for incoming calls when I'm inside my apartment. Is upgrading to a new phone likely to fix it, or do I need to change carriers? [more inside]
posted by Alterscape on Oct 20, 2014 - 10 answers

PLEASE help me switch iPhones & providers, & give old iPhone to friend

Normally I’d solve this by myself, but a severe bout of depression is making it impossible for me to think clearly. I’m so overwhelmed I’m barely keeping myself from bursting into tears at work. I’m basically asking AskMe to proofread my plan, point out vital information I’m missing, and let me know if there’s anything else I haven’t considered. Please keep your responses simple--providing links to websites with directions is fine, so long as you're sure that those instructions are RIGHT. Details inside. [more inside]
posted by tzikeh on Sep 24, 2014 - 11 answers

iEffed Up

I traded in my iPad to Best Buy and completely forgot to cancel the wireless recurring charges before I handed it over. How can I cancel my recurring charge on my iPad 3G account...without the iPad? [more inside]
posted by MultiFaceted on Sep 20, 2014 - 5 answers

Help me compare carriers of low-cost phone plans?

I'm wasting a ton of money on my current cell phone/home internet plan. To tighten up, I could pay the cancellation fee to AT&T, and for almost a third the monthly cost, give up the home network and switch to something like ConsumerCellular or (from a comparison website) T-Mobile's Simple Starter plan (600 minutes, 500 messages, 2GB; data pass available for unexpected overage; I can keep my iPhone 4). Roaming is not a big issue. [more inside]
posted by mmiddle on Sep 19, 2014 - 15 answers

Best Cellular Data for MBTA Providence / Stoughton Line

I'm trying to get some work done on the train from Providence to Back Bay. I have Verizon Wireless, which works well until about Mansfield inbound. After that I barely have data at all. The in-car wifi is mostly non-operational and unusable (I have heard that the new management company is prioritizing upgrading the wifi but that's an 18 month project). What cell network do you use for reliable data service for this journey?
posted by grubby on Sep 8, 2014 - 2 answers

IMEI on GSM in the UK: Do phones broadcast their IMEI to the network?

When GSM phones in the UK are on a 3G network, is there any broadcast or query of the handset's IMEI number to or with the network operator? [more inside]
posted by davemee on May 28, 2014 - 5 answers

IFTTT on iOS used 7.5GB of cellular data

I just received a huge cellphone bill due to excessive data usage. I checked my iPhone's cellular data usage, and the IFTTT app has used 7.5GB (yes, gigabytes) of data in the last month. WTF! [more inside]
posted by krunk on May 9, 2014 - 14 answers

Dirt cheap secret Verizon prepaid plans?

Are there any Verizon prepaid plans other than the two: $60/mo 2GB data or $70/mo 4GB data [more inside]
posted by laconic skeuomorph on Jan 11, 2014 - 9 answers

What's the best short term high speed cellular data solution?

I'm taking a 10 day driving trip from Atlanta to Cooperstown (and back) in about two weeks. I want to be able to connect multiple devices, so a hotspot is needed. Where is the sweet spot in terms of initial investment, bandwidth allowance and data rate with no contract?
posted by donpardo on Jun 28, 2013 - 6 answers

What fits in a megabyte these days?

I'm using my first smartphone ever -- a secondhand iPhone 4 - on a prepaid plan. I generally leave cellular data turned off because most of my day is spent in range of WiFi, and because data transmission on my otherwise cheap prepaid plan is very expensive: $0.99/MB. I have no idea how much data is transmitted in the course of typical online activities. What's it take to, say, download a few emails, perform a Google search or open a basic, non-video-laden web page?
posted by jon1270 on Jun 14, 2013 - 19 answers

How to manage the logistics of a cellphone provider switch? Added Difficulty: Christmas Gift

We are switching from AT&T cell phone to service to Verizon, and I'd like to perform the switch smoothly while also using one of the new phones as a Christmas gift. Your advice on the proper procedure would be welcome. [more inside]
posted by Rock Steady on Nov 20, 2012 - 14 answers

I want cellular voice & data - but only on the days I ask for it.

Cell phone plans filter: I want a cell phone-sized Android device to mostly use on WiFi, and the Nexus 4 may be the right one. But I might use occasional cell voice & data - help me get that voice & data as cheaply as possible. [more inside]
posted by Tehhund on Oct 31, 2012 - 15 answers

Using a cellphone for an office LAN

In the aftermath of Sandy, my office in Stamford, CT, is still out of elecrical grid power and out of internet. Now, the building has diesel power and is letting workers back in today, so I'm trying to brainstorm a way to get them online. [more inside]
posted by thanotopsis on Oct 31, 2012 - 7 answers

Mi-Fi router / prepaid mobile data in Philadelphia

Upcoming trip to the US; smartphone and pre-existing 2G US number. Does it make sense to get a pre-paid Mi-Fi router? [more inside]
posted by bokane on Sep 2, 2012 - 3 answers

Share the cell data?

How best to share my Internet connection from my Nokia E63 S60 to my iPad? [more inside]
posted by usermac on Aug 12, 2012 - 3 answers

Macbook screen dead, is it time for an iPad?

I dropped my Macbook and now the screen is severely distorted. The computer itself still funs fine and can be used, if one works around the partially blacked out screen. Since it's a 2008 Macbook, it's a bit long in the tooth, so I'm thinking of just getting an iPad for every day usage and plugging the Macbook into an external monitor for the one or two desktop applications I need it for. But which iPad to get? [more inside]
posted by lynnshaze on Jul 31, 2012 - 5 answers

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