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JP4640687B2 - Automatic steering device activated by EEG - Google Patents

Automatic steering device activated by EEG Download PDF


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JP4640687B2 JP25928599A JP25928599A JP4640687B2 JP 4640687 B2 JP4640687 B2 JP 4640687B2 JP 25928599 A JP25928599 A JP 25928599A JP 25928599 A JP25928599 A JP 25928599A JP 4640687 B2 JP4640687 B2 JP 4640687B2
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automatic steering
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JP2001048037A (en
義隆 平野
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義隆 平野
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  • Control Of Driving Devices And Active Controlling Of Vehicle (AREA)
  • Auxiliary Drives, Propulsion Controls, And Safety Devices (AREA)
  • Steering Control In Accordance With Driving Conditions (AREA)


PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To automatically steer a vehicle when a θwave and δ wave of brain waves, which appear when a person falls into a doze, are detected. SOLUTION: This device comprises a brain wave input means 1, a brain wave analytic means 2, and an automatic steering means.


本発明は、脳波により起動される 自動操舵装置についての ものである。
当発明者は、先に 99年7月25日に、居ねむり事故防止用の「脳波による制動装置」を出願した。上記 99年7月25日の出願によれば、道路が まっすぐであり、自車が その直線道路に沿って、走っておるならば、居ねむりが完全な睡眠に なろうと、なんら 問題は、生じない。
自動操舵の仕組みは立派だが、いつ どんな時に 行うのか。
現実の運転では、1m の差で ガードレールを よけたり、中央分離体から30cm のところを通りつつ 左折したり、停止車両の50cm 以内のところを通過することが 時々ある。ベテランのバスの運転手は、停止車両に さらに接近しつつ バスを あやつることもある。
これらの例では、いずれも 上記先行技術、特開平5−50934で いう「最小車間距離」、「許容範囲」を おそらく割ったこところまで、自車が 先行車やガードレールに近ずいておるのである。
これらの実例は、人間の3次元的視覚能力と、頭脳という認識判断手段の すばらしさを示しておるのであるが、人が 覚醒しておる限り、自動操舵の必要性は 事実上、無いことを示してもおるように 思える。
しかし、レーザーは 人の目に有害である。自車から発射したレーザービームが、対向車の運転手や、助手席の人の目に入ったり、又、前方車両で反射したレーザービームが 自車の運転席、助手席の人物の目に入る可能性が 有る。
すると、その人々の目を痛めたり、レーザービームの 当たりどころが悪いと、目つぶしとなり、かえって 交通事故を 引きおこすことになろう。図6は、後続車が 発射したレーザービームが、先行車の車体の へりで反射し、後部座席から後ろを向いておる子供に当たるところを描いている。
さて、当発明者の 99年7月25日 の出願に戻って論じると、居ねむりにおちいっておる時に
イ)道路が カーブしておるならば、
ロ)道路が まっすぐでも、ちょっとした きっかけで、ハンドルを左右にきったような時、
その出願では、自動制動装置により、減速しつつあるので 、ガードレールに激突しないにしても、
接触する可能性も 出てこよう。また、減速しておるので、激突とは いえないにしても、中央分離帯に接触する可能性も、でてくる。
たまたま、対向車が 有れば、自車は減速しておるので、相手のほうで よけてくれるかもしれないが、ぶつかる可能性も 0 とは いえない。
ドライバーが 覚醒時には、自動操舵を行わず、ドライバーが 居ねむりにおちいった時のみ、自動操舵を行うように したものである。
なお、米国特許4949726では、脳波により おもちゃを左右に動かす仕組みが 開示されておるが、次ぎのように論じることができる。
米国特許4949726は、脳波そのものにより、おもちゃを左右に転回させようとするものであるが、本発明の自動操舵は、その起動こそは 脳波によりなされるが、起動後の細かい制御は、マイクロプロセサに依るものである。
車両の運転手の脳波が、脳波入力手段1により、本システムに取りこまれ、その脳波は 脳波分析手段2により解析され、
脳波分析手段2は、増幅器6、帯域通過フィルタ7、A/Dコンバータ8、そして コンピュータ9、もしくは、マイクロプロセサ9から 成るものである。図13。
脳波のうち、δ波は 睡眠時に現れるものであり、0.5〜3.5Hz.θ波は、居ねむりし始める時に現れるものであり、3.5〜7.5Hz。
このθ波、δ波の周波数帯域は、脳医学の進歩により、今後 少し変わる可能性が有るし、又、個人差も有り、さらに、年令によっても、少し 変わろう。
他に、覚醒時に現れるα波、β波が有ることが 知られておる。
本発明においては、計測制御プロセサ16は、処理速度向上のために、脳波分析手段2の制御下にある、独立したマイクロプロセサとしてもよいし、また、処理容量に余力が あれば、脳波分析手段2のコンピュータ9を流用してもよい。いずれの構成でも、ドライバーが居ねむりに陥る時、つまり、
θ波、あるいは、δ波の比率が大のときのみ、計測制御プロセサ16は、脳波分析手段2により 作動され、ドライバーの覚醒時には 計測制御プロセサ16は作動しない。後述の、自動操舵の始まる、少し前に 初期値としての、ガードレールとの距離を得るために、超音波による計測を始めるのは、その例外である。
脳波入力手段1と、先駆的な脳波分析手段を統合した、優れた先行技術がHAL<Hemispheric Activation Level Detector>として 知られておる。
Steve Ciarcia<July 1988、”BYTE” >
入力された脳波は、高速フーリエ変換することで、その周波数成分が得られる。その周波数分布をB(f)とする。ここに fは 脳波の周波数、B(f)は脳波の強度、脳波信号の振幅である。
θpは、脳波の全成分中で、θ波が 占める比率である。
図4、図5で max(δ)は δ波の信号成分の最大値である。
max(θ)は θ波の信号成分の最大値である。
δp’は、δ波、θ波、α波、β波の各信号成分の最大値にのみ着目して、そのうちのδ波の比率を表すのであり、 θp’は、同様に θ波の比率を表すものである。以上、δ波やθ波が、全脳波成分のうちで占める比率を表す、二つの方法を述べたのであるが、これら以外でも、δ波やθ波が全脳波に占める比率を表す、より適切な計算式が 脳医学の進歩により発見されたならば、それをソフトウエアとして組みこむことは、困難では あるまい。
さて、車体とガードレールの間の 超音波の伝搬時間は、発信と受信のタイミングの差として 容易に測定できる。その時間が短くなるならば、それは 車体が ガードレールに接近しておるのであり、その伝搬時間が長くなるならば、それは 車体が ガードレールから離れ、たとえば、第1車線を走っていたものが、第2車線へ入ろうと しておるのである。
この、車体とガードレール間の伝搬時間の初期値は、あらかじめ、キーボードより、入力しておくことができる。また、時間ではなく、車体とガードレールの間の距離として、入力しておくのもよい。例 2m。あるいは、自動操舵の始まる、少し前に 超音波による計測を始めるようにし、一例として θp>0.6,
その時の伝搬時間、もしくは、ガードレールとの距離を 初期値として用いると、より その時の運転状況に みあったものとなろう。
その居ねむり前の時点における、最初の伝搬時間を維持する、つまり、居ねむり前の ガードレールとの間の距離を維持するように、システムは 働くのである。下記は、その初期値の例である。
例 2m であれば、2m × 2 ÷ 340 =11、8ms。
340m/s は 、 大約 室温での音速。音速は気温で、変わる。
左側通行を考えると、計測により 伝搬時間が短くなったならば、微小角Δ だけ、ハンドルを右に回す に相当する動きを、電動モータに なさしめる。
この微小角Δ は 一例として、ハンドルの遊び角a の2倍の角度であってもよい、また、普段の運転、長時間運転時の常用の速度にて 車体を90度 転回させる時の操舵角の1%であってもよい。この微小角Δ は、あらかじめ キーボードから 入力しておけば よい。
上記のガードレールの計測とハンドル制御を、一例として60ms ごとに行う。この計測と制御の時間間隔も、事前にキーボードより、入力しておくことができる。すなわち、これらのパラメータは、キーボードより変更入力が可能とし、ドライバーの考える最適値となるように フィードバックできるようにしておく。
60km/hは 約1.7cm/ms に あたるので、この間に 概ね、車体が 1m 進むと みてよい。
さて、計測の結果、伝搬時間が 10.6ms であるならば、ガードレールとの距離は、 10.6×340 ÷ 2÷ 1000= 1.8m ゆえ、20cmほど ガードレールへ近ずいたことになり、ハンドルを Δ だけ、右へ回すに相当する、自動操舵をする。
さらに、60ms後、計測して 伝搬時間が11.2ms になれば、距離は
11.2 × 340 ÷2÷ 1000 = 1.9m
これは、ガードレールへの接近が やんだ ことを意味しておる。ハンドル は、そのままにする。
さらに、60ms後、計測して ガードレールとの距離が 2.1m になったら、これは 初期値 2m より大きいので、ハンドル を Δ だけ、左に回す に相当する、自動操舵を行う。
このような、自動操舵が 繰り返され、ガードレールとの距離を一定に保つのである。
図9は、 この仕組みを示す フローチャート である。
名紳や東名のようなガードレールのあるハイウエイでは、上記の仕組みをそのまま用いることができるし、名古屋市内の都市高速のように、ガードレールの無いハイウエイでは、側壁または防音壁が、ガードレールと同様 超音波の反射体の役目をし、やはり 上記の仕組みを用いることができる。
防音壁とガードレールが両方ある時、ケースによっては、内側のガードレールからの反射波が、まず検出され、ついで、外側の防音壁からの反射波が、受信器に入ることが ありえようが、パルス波を用いておるので、より車体に近いほうの、ガードレールからの反射波により、伝搬時間がカウントされるので、計測上の問題は生じない。
このガードレールとの距離を一定ならしめるための自動操舵では、右もしくは左へ、車体を転回させるわけではないので、方向指示器の点灯は不用と いえる。
なお、前記 計測と制御の時間間隔は、伝搬時間より やや大きくなるように設定するのが良いかもしれない。なお、本文の末尾で述べるように、超音波に代えて、マイクロ波を用いるときには、この考慮は 不用である。
ところで、本実施例において、前掲「脳波による制動装置」を併用しておれば、居ねむりが 始まると同時に、エンジンブレーキが 掛かり、その後、居ねむりが 深まるについて、ハーフブレーキ、フルブレーキが 掛かるので、車体はやがて停止する。その停止に到る、数分間、もしくは、10分間なり 自動操舵が、適切に行われれば、道路がカーブしていても、車は 第1車線で安全に停止するはずである。しかし、この間に、ガードレールが 間断なく、延びておるとは限らず、途中にガードレールの切れめが 1mなり、2mある こともあろう。さて、ガードレールに 切れめが有って、その外側に 側壁も防音壁も無いならば、発信した超音波パルスは、行きっぱなしで、反射波が 無い。
この場合は、システムの方で、ガードレールも、側壁も無い と、容易に判断できる。この場合、ハンドルは そのままに、すれば良い。
ガードレールに、1mの切れめが有り、ただし、その外側に 奥行き1m のところに、防音壁が有るとする。設定離隔距離を2mとすると、このときの伝搬時間は、(2+1)×2/340=約17.6ms。
初期値 11.8msに比し、5.8ms 長くなっておる。
ハンドル操作は、微小角Δ の単位で行っており、1m 前進する間に、横方向に、1mに相当する距離を、車体が急に移動することは、ありえない。
<微小角Δの設定にあたっては、東名高速なり、中央高速なりの、ゆるやかなカーブを もっぱら想定して入力するのであり、この意味の入力チェックが なされる。>つまり、60km/hで60msごとの、計測であれば、1m 前進する間の、横方向の偏位は、それを越えぬはずである。<これが、上記の入力チェックの意味であり、そのように 微小角Δが 設定されることを推奨する。>
また、計測間隔40ms ならば、この40msの間の前進距離は約68cm、横方向への、その間のシフトは、68cmを越えぬはずである。ゆえに、伝搬時間の変化は、0.68×2/340=約ms以下のはずである。
ところで、車が トンネルへ入った場合、超音波の使用は 混信を生じる可能性が 有る。 先に、一例として ms のパルス幅の超音波ビームとしたが、混信が 無いならば、前記の計測間隔60ms の間に、このパルス は「パルス」として計測される はずである。ガードレールでの反射のさい、その形状のために、反射波のパルス幅が 若干広がるかもしれない。しかし、この パルスが まだん無く続くようでは、混信が 生じておるのであり、トンネル 等に入ったといえる。
このことは、車体に照度センサ15、もしくは、光センサ15を設けておき、トンネルへ 入ったか、どうかの判断の一助とすることができる。
このような場合に限って、 つまり 、 トンネル壁との離隔距離を一定ならしめる場合にのみ、レーザービームを計測に用いるのである。
実用上、トンネルの少ないハイウエイを往復する、バスやトラック では、このための考慮は不用であろう。
なお、レーザービームによる計測は、雨の有無により、大きく精度が左右されるが、本システムのように、トンネル内に限定して、使用すれば 精度を落とさずに済む。
さて、レーザーは より 光学的性質が大きいので、車体が やや傾いて、トンネル壁に車体が 近ずいておる時、つまり、レーザービームのトンネル壁への入射角が90度でない時には、一例として 図10では、反射光は 少し後方にて検出されよう。そこで、レーザー受光素子を 図8 の時と同様、前後方向へ水平に複数個 車体へ付けるのが よかろう。又、レーザービームも 一例として、2m先で 10cmのように光学上 やや広がりをもたせて発射するのもよい。これは、レンズにより可能である。
また、車体が トンネル壁17から離れて行く時には、一例として 図11の時には、車体の前方においたレーザー発光器13の反射波を、前方に併設した受光器14で得られることができないので、車体の後方に設けたレーザー発光器13から発射したビームを、後方に併設した受光器14で受けることになる。
レーザービームを用いる場合には、伝搬時間には注目せず、 トンネルとの距離が 一例2m を保つように、自動ハンドルを行うのである。図12 。
当出願人は、先に レーザーの有害を説いたが、本システムでは レーザーによる計測は トンネルの中でのみ行うのであり、トンネルの外と違い、助手席に人が いたとしても、その人が 景色を眺めるために、よこを向く ことも少ないだろう。つまり、助手席の人へ損傷を与えることは、ちいさかろう。
しかも、本システムは 元来 居ねむり運転時にのみ、自動操舵を行うのであり、したがって、トンネルの中なら 常に、レーザー計測をする わけではないのである。居ねむり運転の途中で、トンネルに さしかかった時のみ、しかも、超音波で混信が生じた時のみ、レーザーによる計測が、なされるのである。
この意味で、レーザーによる、歩行者を含め、周囲の人々へのダメージは 先行技術と違って、本システムでは 最小化されておる。
なお、ガードレールや 先行車の車体と違って、トンネル壁は より ざらざらしておるので、投射したレーザービームは 散乱され、この意味からも安全度は 高いと いえよう。
さて、まれな ケースとして、自車が居ねむり運転に入ってまもなく、ハイウエイの渋滞に 巻き込まれることが あろう。このような 停止した先行車両は、たとえば 前記の超音波発信器11と超音波受信器12を車体の前面に設置し、使用することで容易に検出可能である。
本実施例では、前記99年7月25日 出願の「脳波による制動装置」を搭載しておることになっておるので、居ねむり時には 既にエンジンブレーキなり、ハーフブレーキが かかっておると いえる。が、停止した先行車両が検出されたときには、そこに記載の自動制動手段を流用し、計測制御プロセサ16が 停止車両を検出と同時に、脳波分析手段2により、ただちに フルブレーキを かけることが可能であり、追突を防ぐことになろう。
なお、後述の図15のパラメタのうち、左上の項目、及び、枠内の項目以外については、つまり、計測制御プロセサ16でのみ使われる諸項目は、覚醒時に疑似的に、コンピュータ9へ、テストモードとして、居ねむり情報を与え、テスト的に自動操舵を 行わしめ、そのパラメタ設定の よしあしを事前に検討できる。そこで、調整された最適値を、居ねむりが起きた時に、実際に使うようにすれば、実状に即した好結果を得よう。
他のα波、β波に対して、θ波とδ波の成分が強くなったならば、一例としてθp + δp > 0.7 なら、居ねむりが進んだ可能性が高いので、その旨、やや大きな音でアナウンスしつつ、自動操舵を継続する。
ユーザーが使っていて、自動ハンドルの制御が粗いと判断したならば、よりきめ細かにハンドル制御を すべく、その時間間隔を50msへ 事後的に変更入力できる。すると、自動計測、自動ハンドル制御の時間間隔として、この50msが、以後、計測制御プロセサ16により使用される。
すなわち、ドライバーは うとうとしていて、手足を動かす気力が無いとしても、ハッとした瞬間のことを覚えていて、事後的にでも 計測と制御のパラメタを修正し、次回の居ねむり運転に生かすのである。
θp’ + δp’ > 0.7 になった時も、居ねむり状態が進んだ可能性が高いので、その旨、やや大きな音量でアナウンスしつつ、自動操舵を 継続する。この場合も、「中ほどの居ねむり」用の、自動計測、自動ハンドルの時間間隔が、計測制御プロセサ16により利用される。図15。
なお、この 中ほどの居ねむりの判断基準として、θp+δp を用いるほうが、θp’+δp’ を用いることより、効果的だと判断したら、θp’+δp’>1 とゆう条件式にすれば、この条件は シスデムにより無視される。
他のα波、β波、θ波に対して、δ波の比率が大きくなったら、一例として、δp > 0.7 となったら、完全な居ねむり状態になった可能性が高いので、大きな、もしくは、特大の音量で、その旨、アナウンスしつつ、自動操舵を継続する。
この場合は、完全な居ねむりと いえるので、もっとも、きめ細かく自動操舵をしようと思ったら、事後的に、この「深い居ねむり」の時の、自動計測、自動ハンドル制御の時間間隔を40msへ変更入力できる。
この深い居ねむりの状態では、人手による操舵が入る可能性が、最も小さいので、自動計測、自動ハンドルの時間間隔が、浅い居ねむり、中ほどの居ねむりの時に比べて、最も短くなるのである。なお、変更入力のさい、この意味での入力チェックが なされる。
通常は、超音波のみを使用し、照度センサ、光センサ15で 車外の明るさの変化も参照しつつ、超音波計測で混信が生じた時に、トンネルへ入ったと判断し、トンネル内でのみ、レーザーによる計測を行うようにしたのは、本システムの特徴の一つである。図14。
なお、この超音波による計測でさえ、常に行うのでは なく、ドライバーが居ねむり運転に陥ったときのみ、その自動計測、自動操舵を行うのである。
それゆえ、本システムが 地上の全車両に採用されたとしても、他車の発する超音波、あるいは、レーザー光により、混信が生じる可能性は小さいのである。同時刻、同じ場所で、2台以上の車が 居ねむり運転に陥ったとしても、たとえば、超音波ビームの波長を、自動車ナンバーに関連させ、少しずつ、各車で区別を することで、混信の可能性を 絶無にできる。
本システムでは、そのドライバーの常用の速度、ガードレール、トンネル壁との 常用の離隔距離を考慮して、複数の超音波受信器を設置しておるので、自動計測の精度が高い。
また、レーザー光の トンネル壁への入射角が垂直でなくても、誤差が生じぬように、レーザー発信器を車体の前方と後方へ設置し、それぞれに、数台ずつのレーザー受信器を併設しておる。
なお、レーザーに光学上のビームの広がりを持たせることで、受信精度を上げることができ、また、乗用車では 感度の高いレーザー受信器を、車体の前方と後方へ1台ずつ設置するだけで済ますことも、可能となろう。
本システムでは、いったんは、θp,θp’,δp,δp’なりの居ねむりパラメタにより、居ねむりを検出するのであるが、同時に、その前後の脳波パターンを、そのときの運転状況、ガードレールとの離隔距離と共に、ディスク、半導体メモリへ記憶し、パラメタ設定が最適値の時の、その記憶した脳波パターンを、事後的に抽出して、次ぎの運転からは、その脳波パターンが現れたことを 脳波分析手段2が 検出した時に、自動操舵を行うようにしてもよい。
ドライバーの居ねむり運転時に、その車両へ自動操舵を掛けるので、ガードレール、あるいは、トンネル壁との接触を、自動的に 無からしめることができる。
なお、超音波ビームの使用に代えて、特公平4−21145記載のマイクロ波技術を用いてもよい。この先行技術は、先行車との車間距離の測定用に開発されたものだが、これを ガードレールとの距離の測定に流用するのである。
【図1】本発明の概略 構成図。
車軸24には、ギヤ26が噛合し、このギヤ26が クラッチ手段27を介して、モータ28によって回転駆動される。なお、ステアリングホイールのシャフトの下端、ピニオン23は 車軸24のラック部25に、噛合している。
【図8】バスの車体に、超音波発信器10と超音波受信器11が 設置されておる様子。図は、その一部を表し、超音波受信器11は 12台なり、18台 設けることになる。0〜20cmは、その設置間隔の一例。
【図10】トンネル壁に、バスが やや傾いて、接近しておる様子。加えて、車体の前方に、レーザー発信器13とレーザー受信器14が、設置されておる様子。トンネル壁の法線に対して、レーザービームが 角度を持って入射、反射しておる。レーザービームに持たせる、光学的なビームの広がりに応じて、一例 0〜10cmの間隔で、数台のレーザー受信器が、設けられている。
【図11】トンネル壁から、やや傾いて バスが、離れて行く時の、車体の後方に設置されておる、レーザー発信器13とレーザー受信器14。
なお、油圧式の自動操舵機構を簡単に説明する。車軸に、自動操舵と共用のパワーステアリング装置のパワーシリンダが設けてある。油ポンプより供給される圧油を、自動操舵バルブ、パワーバルブを通じて、このパワーシリンダ、<自動操舵シリンダ>へ供給する。計測制御プロセサ16により、自動操舵バルブ、パワーバルブが 制御され、微小角Δのハンドル操作に相当する、自動操舵がおこなわれるのである。
【図15】計測と制御の各パラメタの入力画面。イ)とロ)は、又、ハ)とニ)は、どちらか、一方のみ 必ず入力が 必要である。使わぬ方は、ブランクにする。下線部は、入力可能項目である ことを、示す。
但し、実用上、これが 問題となるのは、居ねむりを していて、しかも、上記のような箇所を、自車が通りかかった時に、限られる。
1は 脳波入力手段。
2は 脳波分析手段。
3は 自動操舵手段。
6は 増幅器。
7は 帯域フィルタ。
8は A/Dコンバーター
9は コンピュータ
10は 超音波発信器。
11は 超音波受信器。
12は ガードレール。
13は レーザー発信器。
14は レーザー受信器。
15は 照度センサ、もしくは、光センサ
16は 計測制御のためのマイクロプロセサ
17は トンネル壁
23は ピニオン
24は 車軸
25は 車軸のラック部
26は ギヤ
27は クラッチ手段
28は 電動モータ
The present invention relates to an automatic steering apparatus activated by an electroencephalogram.
[Prior art]
As an automatic steering device, there is an excellent prior art as disclosed in JP-A-5-50934.
The inventor previously applied for a “braking device using electroencephalogram” on July 25, 1999 for preventing a seizure accident. According to the above-mentioned application on July 25, 1999, if the road is straight and the car is running along the straight road, no problem arises even if the sleep becomes a complete sleep. Absent.
As a real driver, when I look at JP-A-5-50934, I feel the following questions.
The automatic steering mechanism is fine, but when and when to do it.
In actual driving, the guardrail may be avoided by a difference of 1m, or may turn left while passing 30cm from the central separator, or it may pass within 50cm of the stopped vehicle. Veteran bus drivers may handle the bus while getting closer to the stopped vehicle.
In these examples, the host vehicle is close to the preceding vehicle and the guard rail until the “minimum inter-vehicle distance” and “tolerable range” described in the above prior art, Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 5-50934 are probably divided.
These examples show the three-dimensional visual ability of humans and the greatness of the recognition and judgment means of the brain, but as long as people are awake, there is virtually no need for automatic steering. It seems to me.
Now, many prior arts, including Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 5-50934, for the purpose of collision avoidance use lasers for measuring the distance between vehicles.
However, lasers are harmful to human eyes. The laser beam emitted from the vehicle enters the eyes of the driver of the oncoming vehicle and the passenger seat, and the laser beam reflected by the vehicle in front of the vehicle enters the eyes of the driver seat and passenger seat of the vehicle. There is a possibility.
Then, if the people hurt their eyes or the laser beam hits badly, they would be blinded and cause a traffic accident. Fig. 6 depicts the laser beam fired by the following vehicle reflected at the edge of the body of the preceding vehicle and hitting the child facing back from the rear seat.
Now, back to our inventor's application on July 25, 1999, when we talk about it,
B) If the road is curved,
B) Even when the road is straight, when the steering wheel is turned left or right
In that application, because it is decelerating by the automatic braking device, even if it does not crash into the guardrail,
There is a possibility of contact. In addition, since it is decelerating, there is a possibility of contact with the median strip even if it is not a crash.
If there is an oncoming vehicle, your vehicle will slow down and you may be able to get away with it, but you may not be able to hit it.
The present invention is for solving the above problems,
When the driver is awake, automatic steering is not performed, and automatic steering is performed only when the driver falls asleep.
In addition, the use of a laser beam is limited.
In addition, US Pat. No. 4,949,726 discloses a mechanism for moving a toy left and right by an electroencephalogram, but it can be discussed as follows.
U.S. Pat. No. 4,949,726, as in the present invention, is different from the case of being awake, that is, when the consciousness is disappearing, or the brain wave after the disappearance is detected and automatic steering is applied. The brain wave is used to move the toy to the left and right consciously with the brain wave without using the limbs, and the gist is different from the present invention.
US Pat. No. 4,949,726 does not mention the δ wave during sleep.
U.S. Pat. No. 4,949,726 attempts to turn the toy from side to side using the brain wave itself, but the automatic steering of the present invention is activated only by the brain wave, but fine control after activation is performed by the microprocessor. It depends.
An electroencephalogram input means 1, an electroencephalogram analysis means 2 for analyzing a theta wave indicating a state in which a person is going to sleep from the electroencephalogram, and a delta wave that appears when the person is already sleeping, and a vehicle handle control are automatically performed. It consists of the automatic steering device 3 to perform. FIG.
The brain wave of the driver of the vehicle is taken into the system by the electroencephalogram input means 1, and the electroencephalogram is analyzed by the electroencephalogram analysis means 2.
When a .theta. Wave signifying the start of snoring or a .delta. Wave indicating complete snoring is detected, the electroencephalogram analysis means 2 starts automatic steering.
When you wake up from your sleep, automatic steering is canceled and you return to steering by the driver.
As the electroencephalogram input means 1, an electroencephalograph can be used.
The electroencephalogram analysis means 2 comprises an amplifier 6, a band pass filter 7, an A / D converter 8, and a computer 9 or a microprocessor 9. FIG.
Among the electroencephalograms, the δ wave appears during sleep and is 0.5 to 3.5 Hz. The θ wave appears when it starts to sleep, and is 3.5 to 7.5 Hz.
The frequency bands of the θ and δ waves may change slightly in the future due to advances in brain medicine, may vary from individual to individual, and may change slightly depending on the age.
In addition, it is known that there are α waves and β waves that appear at awakening.
As an electric automatic steering device, an excellent example is disclosed in JP-A-5-50932, publication p244, left column, third row to right column from the bottom, and fifth row from the top. An example of a hydraulic type is also disclosed in the publication, p246, right column 2nd to 12th rows. FIG. 7 is an example of an electric type.
In the present invention, the measurement control processor 16 may be an independent microprocessor under the control of the electroencephalogram analysis means 2 in order to improve the processing speed, or if there is a surplus in processing capacity, the electroencephalogram analysis means. Two computers 9 may be used. In any configuration, when the driver falls asleep,
Only when the ratio of the θ wave or the δ wave is large, the measurement control processor 16 is operated by the electroencephalogram analysis means 2, and the measurement control processor 16 is not operated when the driver is awakened. The exception is the start of ultrasonic measurement to obtain the distance from the guardrail as an initial value shortly before the start of automatic steering, which will be described later.
An excellent prior art that integrates the electroencephalogram input means 1 and the pioneering electroencephalogram analysis means is known as HAL <Hemispheric Activation Level Detector>.
Steve Cearcia <Jully 1988, "BYTE">
Here, the characteristic part of the electroencephalogram analysis means 2 of this system will be described.
The input brain wave is subjected to fast Fourier transform to obtain its frequency component. Let the frequency distribution be B (f). Here, f is the electroencephalogram frequency, and B (f) is the electroencephalogram intensity and the electroencephalogram signal amplitude.
The signal intensity of the θ wave or δ wave is obtained by integrating this in the frequency band of the θ wave or δ wave. Based on these, δp in FIG. 2 and θp in FIG. 3 are obtained.
Here, the denominators in FIGS. 2 and 3 are the integrated values of the electroencephalogram signal for all the frequency components <0.5 to 30.5 Hz> of the electroencephalogram. The numerator in FIG. 2 is an integral value of a δ wave electroencephalogram signal. The numerator in FIG. 3 is an electroencephalogram signal integration value of the θ wave.
δp is the ratio of δ waves in all components of the electroencephalogram,
θp is the ratio of the θ wave to all the components of the electroencephalogram.
Together with δp and θp, δp ′ and θp ′ in FIGS. 4 and 5 can also be used.
4 and 5, max (δ) is the maximum value of the signal component of the δ wave.
max (θ) is the maximum value of the signal component of the θ wave.
max (α) is the maximum value of the signal component of the α wave <7.5 to 13.5 Hz>.
max (β) is the maximum value of the signal component of the β wave <13.5 to 30.5 Hz>.
δp ′ represents only the maximum value of each signal component of δ wave, θ wave, α wave, and β wave, and represents the ratio of δ wave, and θp ′ similarly represents the ratio of θ wave. It represents. In the above, we have described two methods that represent the ratio of δ waves and θ waves to the total brain wave component, but other than these, more appropriate that represents the ratio of δ waves and θ waves to the total brain waves. If a simple calculation formula is discovered by the advancement of brain medicine, it is not difficult to incorporate it as software.
The analysis means described above is implemented in software in the computer 9 of the electroencephalogram analysis means 2 and is calculated, for example, in units of 1 ms. Thus, θp, δp and θp ′, δp ′ are calculated. If the θ wave becomes stronger than other components of the electroencephalogram, for example, if θp> 0.7, there is a great possibility that he / she has started to crawl. Therefore, automatic steering is started while announcing that fact. In this announcement, the information recorded in the tape recorder or the semiconductor IC is reproduced by an instruction from the computer 9. __
The main purpose of the present application is to safely stop a car that is running on a highway or the like and is driving without touching the guardrail and the median strip. <In the following, the description will be given exclusively from the viewpoint of preventing contact with the guardrail. That is, the following automatic steering is performed by the measurement control microprocessor 9 which operates according to an instruction of the computer 9. It is assumed that the car runs on the first lane of the highway. Simultaneously with automatic steering, automatic measurement for detecting the distance from the guardrail is also performed. An ultrasonic sensor is used as means for detecting the distance to the guardrail or the like. That is, one ultrasonic transmitter 10 and several ultrasonic receivers 11 are provided beside the vehicle body along the traveling direction of the vehicle. FIG. The ultrasonic beam is emitted perpendicular to the vehicle body. At 120 km / h, the body moves about 34 cm in 1 s and about 34 cm in 10 ms. At 60 km / h, it moves about 17 cm in 10 ms. Several ultrasonic receivers 11 are provided in consideration of the above-described circumstances and that the incident angle of the ultrasonic beam to the guard rail is not necessarily 90 degrees. __ habit of the driver, as a characteristic, the speed of a long period of time during the operation, the separation distance between the guardrail is, generally, would Nikki decided. If these values are 60 km / h and 2 m, respectively, the emitted beam is received after about 11.8 ms as will be described later. During this time, the vehicle body is 1.7 × 11.8 = about Move 20 cm. Therefore, the first receiver is placed next to the transmitter, and another receiver is placed 20 cm from there. Considering changes in the driving situation, several or a dozen receivers are placed at an interval of 10 cm as an example before and after that. As an example, an ultrasonic beam is emitted with a pulse width of about 1 ms, but its focusing is slightly relaxed, and the beam is slightly widened regardless of the shape of the guardrail. Even if it is tilted, it will be easier to receive the reflected waves there. See also FIG. 10 and FIG. 11 described later. If a highly sensitive receiver is used, the ultrasonic beam can be expanded to a considerable extent, and in that case, only one receiver can be used. For example, considering the installation of the receiver 11, a low-sensitivity but low-priced receiver 11 is provided for buses and trucks in the front-rear direction, and a high-sensitivity receiver for a passenger car is expensive. It would be nice to have one. In FIG. 8, the ultrasonic transmitter 10 and the ultrasonic receiver 11 are provided on the left side of the car body in consideration of left-hand traffic. However, if it is also installed on the right side of the car body, automatic measurement such as a median strip is possible. Let's go.
Now, the propagation time of the ultrasonic wave between the vehicle body and the guard rail can be easily measured as the difference between the transmission timing and the reception timing. If the time is shortened, it means that the vehicle body is approaching the guard rail, and if the propagation time is long, it means that the vehicle body is separated from the guard rail, for example, the one running in the first lane, You are about to enter the lane.
The initial value of the propagation time between the vehicle body and the guard rail can be input in advance from the keyboard. It is also possible to input the distance between the vehicle body and the guard rail instead of the time. Example 2m. Alternatively, ultrasonic measurement is started a little before automatic steering begins. For example, θp> 0.6,
If the propagation time at that time or the distance to the guardrail is used as the initial value, it will be more appropriate for the driving situation at that time.
The system works to maintain the initial propagation time at that point before leaving, that is, to maintain the distance from the guardrail before leaving. The following is an example of the initial value.
Example 2m 2m x 2 ÷ 340 = 11, 8 ms.
340m / s is the speed of sound at room temperature. The speed of sound changes with temperature.
Considering left-hand traffic, if the propagation time is shortened by measurement, the electric motor is made to move equivalent to turning the handle clockwise by a small angle Δ.
As an example, this small angle Δ may be twice the free angle a of the steering wheel, and the steering angle when the vehicle body is turned 90 degrees at the normal speed during normal driving and long-time driving. 1% of may be sufficient. This small angle Δ may be input in advance from the keyboard.
An example of brain wave measurement is 10 I do it every ms
As an example, the above guardrail measurement and handle control 60 Perform every ms. The time interval between measurement and control can also be input in advance from the keyboard. In other words, these parameters can be changed and input from the keyboard, and feedback can be provided so that the optimum values that the driver thinks can be obtained.
60km / h is about 1.7 Since it corresponds to cm / ms, it can be assumed that the vehicle body will travel approximately 1m during this time.
As a result of the measurement, if the propagation time is 10.6 ms, the distance from the guardrail is 10.6 × 340 ÷ 2. ÷ 1000 = 1.8m Therefore, it means that it has approached the guard rail by about 20cm, and it performs automatic steering equivalent to turning the steering wheel to the right by Δ.
Furthermore, after 60ms, if the measurement time is 11.2ms, the distance is
11.2 × 340 ÷ 2 ÷ 1000 = 1.9m
This means that the approach to the guardrail has ceased. Leave the handle as it is.
Further, after 60 ms, when the distance from the guard rail is 2.1 m, the automatic steering is performed, which is equivalent to turning the steering wheel to the left by Δ because it is larger than the initial value of 2 m.
Such automatic steering is repeated to keep the distance from the guardrail constant.
FIG. 9 is a flowchart showing this mechanism.
For highways with guardrails such as famous gentlemen and Tomei, the above mechanism can be used as is, and for highways without guardrails, such as urban highways in Nagoya city, the side walls or sound barriers are the same as guardrails. It acts as a sound wave reflector and can also use the above mechanism.
When both the sound barrier and the guard rail are present, in some cases, the reflected wave from the inner guard rail is detected first, and then the reflected wave from the outer sound barrier may enter the receiver. Therefore, since the propagation time is counted by the reflected wave from the guard rail that is closer to the vehicle body, there is no measurement problem.
In the automatic steering to keep the distance from the guardrail constant, it is not necessary to turn on the direction indicator because the vehicle body does not turn to the right or left.
Note that the measurement and control time interval may be set to be slightly larger than the propagation time. As described at the end of the text, this consideration is not necessary when using microwaves instead of ultrasound.
By the way, in this example, if the above-mentioned `` brake device with brain waves '' is used in combination, the engine brake is applied at the same time as the start of snoring, and then the half brake and full brake are applied to deepen the snoring. The car will eventually stop. If the automatic steering is properly performed within a few minutes or 10 minutes to reach the stop, the car should stop safely in the first lane even if the road is curved. However, during this time, the guardrail does not necessarily extend without interruption, and the guardrail may be cut 1m along the way, and there may be 2m. Now, if there is a cut in the guardrail, and there are no side walls or sound barriers outside, the transmitted ultrasonic pulse will continue and there will be no reflected waves.
In this case, the system can easily determine that there are no guardrails or side walls. In this case, the handle can be left as it is.
It is assumed that the guardrail has a cut of 1 m, but there is a soundproof wall at a depth of 1 m outside. If the set separation distance is 2 m, the propagation time at this time is (2 + 1) × 2/340 = about 17.6 ms.
default value 11.8 compared to ms, 5.8 ms It's getting longer.
However, at 60 km / h, 60 The travel distance in ms is about 1 m.
Self Movement The steering wheel operation is performed in units of a small angle Δ 1, and it is impossible for the vehicle body to suddenly move a distance corresponding to 1 m in the lateral direction while moving forward by 1 m.
<When setting the small angle Δ, input is performed assuming a gentle curve with Tomei Expressway and Chuo Expressway, and this input check is performed. > In other words, at 60km / h 60 If measured every ms, the lateral deviation while moving forward by 1 m should not exceed it. <This is the meaning of the input check above, and it is recommended that the small angle Δ be set as such. >
The change in propagation time is 1 x 2/340 = approx. 5.8 Should be less than ms.
Measurement interval 40 If ms, this 40 The advance distance during ms is about 68 cm and the shift in the lateral direction should not exceed 68 cm. Therefore, the change in propagation time is 0.68 × 2/340 = about 4 Should be less than ms.
The assumed maximum value of the change in propagation time can be calculated in the same manner even at 120 km / h. When the change in the propagation time exceeding the maximum value is observed in the direction in which the time increases, that is, it is estimated that there is a break in the guardrail. Therefore, in this case, it is 1 m, 2 m, and it is assumed that the guardrail is cut and it is necessary to pass through the cut. 60 ms, 120 During ms, the system keeps the steering wheel intact and does not auto-steer leftward.
By the way, when a car enters a tunnel, the use of ultrasonic waves may cause interference. First, as an example 1 If the ultrasonic beam has a pulse width of ms, but there is no interference, the measurement interval 60 During ms, this pulse should be measured as a “pulse”. Due to the shape of the reflection at the guardrail, the pulse width of the reflected wave may be slightly widened. However, if this pulse continues, there is interference and it can be said that it has entered a tunnel.
This can be provided with an illuminance sensor 15 or an optical sensor 15 on the vehicle body to help determine whether or not the vehicle has entered the tunnel.
Only in such a case, that is, only when the distance from the tunnel wall is made constant, the laser beam is used for measurement.
In practice, this would not be necessary for buses and trucks that travel on highways with few tunnels.
In addition, the accuracy of laser beam measurement is greatly affected by the presence or absence of rain, but as in this system, it is not necessary to reduce the accuracy if it is used only in a tunnel.
Now, since the laser has more optical properties, when the vehicle body is slightly inclined and the vehicle body is close to the tunnel wall, that is, when the incident angle of the laser beam to the tunnel wall is not 90 degrees, as an example, FIG. Then the reflected light will be detected a little behind. Therefore, it is advisable to attach a plurality of laser detectors to the vehicle body horizontally in the front-rear direction, as in FIG. As an example, a laser beam may be emitted with a slight optical extension such as 10 cm at 2 m ahead. This is possible with a lens.
Further, when the vehicle body moves away from the tunnel wall 17, as an example, in the case of FIG. 11, the reflected wave of the laser emitter 13 placed in front of the vehicle body cannot be obtained by the light receiver 14 provided in front of the vehicle body. The beam emitted from the laser emitter 13 provided behind is received by the light receiver 14 provided behind.
As an example, 30 The distance is measured while emitting a laser beam alternately by the light emitter 13 placed in front of the vehicle body and the light emitter 13 placed behind the vehicle body every ms.
The distance measurement by laser has already been commercialized as described in <Laser Measurement Handbook> 1993 <p135-139 for the basis and p408-413 for the application>.
When using a laser beam, the automatic handle is used so that the distance from the tunnel is kept at 2 m. FIG.
The applicant previously explained the harmful effects of laser, but in this system, laser measurement is performed only in the tunnel, and unlike the outside of the tunnel, even if there is a person in the front passenger seat, the person can see the scenery. There will be little to turn to look at In other words, it would be minor to damage the passenger seat.
Moreover, this system originally performs automatic steering only during sleep driving, so laser measurement is not always performed in a tunnel. Laser measurement is performed only when the tunnel is approached during midway operation and only when there is interference from ultrasonic waves.
In this sense, the laser damage to the surrounding people, including pedestrians, is minimized in this system, unlike the prior art.
Unlike the guardrail and the car body of the preceding vehicle, the tunnel wall is more rough, so the projected laser beam is scattered, and in this sense it can be said that the safety level is high.
Now, as a rare case, your car may get caught up in highway traffic shortly after you start driving. Such a stopped preceding vehicle can be easily detected by, for example, installing and using the ultrasonic transmitter 11 and the ultrasonic receiver 12 on the front surface of the vehicle body.
In the present embodiment, the “brake device by electroencephalogram” filed on July 25, 1999 is mounted, so that it can be said that the engine brake is already applied and the half brake is applied when the user is idle. However, when a stopped preceding vehicle is detected, the automatic braking means described there can be used, and at the same time that the measurement control processor 16 detects the stopped vehicle, the electroencephalogram analysis means 2 can immediately apply full braking. Yes, it will prevent rear-end collisions.
Of the parameters shown in FIG. 15 to be described later, items other than those in the upper left and in the frame, that is, various items used only in the measurement control processor 16 are simulated to the computer 9 at awakening. As a mode, it is possible to give comfort information, perform automatic steering on a test basis, and examine the appropriateness of parameter settings in advance. Therefore, if the adjusted optimum value is actually used when craving occurs, you will get a good result that matches the actual situation.
As described above, the method of automatic steering in this system has been described, and supplementary description of automatic stop has been described. In the following, how to handle the electroencephalogram information that serves as the trigger will be described. First, it is said that automatic steering is entered under the condition of θp> 0.7, but if the driver slowly remembers the state of automatic steering, the timing for the driver to perform automatic steering is too early. When you feel that, from the instrument panel keyboard, . 7 for example 0 . It can be changed to 8. FIG. On the other hand, if it is felt that the method of automatic steering is slow, as an example, a change of 0.6 may be input. Thus, the user - Can allow the computer 9, that is, the electroencephalogram analysis means 2, to use the optimum value according to the constitution of each person. Similarly, when θp ′> 0.7, there is a possibility that he / she has started to sleep. Therefore, automatic steering is performed while announcing that. User - However, if it is determined that the use of θp ′ is more effective than the use of θp as a procedure for detecting snoring, 1 is input instead of 0.7 in which θp> 0.7. Then, θp> 1 cannot occur, so this condition is ignored by the system.
If the θ wave and δ wave components become stronger than other α waves and β waves, for example, if θp + δp> 0.7, there is a high possibility that pioneering has progressed. Continue the automatic steering while announcing a little loud sound.
If the user uses it and decides that the automatic handle control is rough, the time interval is set to make the handle control finer. 50 It is possible to input changes afterwards to ms. Then, this time interval for automatic measurement and automatic handle control 50 ms is subsequently used by the measurement control processor 16.
In other words, even if the driver is trying and is not willing to move the limbs, he remembers the moment when he is surprised, and corrects the parameters of measurement and control even after the fact, so that he can use it for the next idle driving. is there.
Even when θp ′ + δp ′> 0.7, there is a high possibility that the state of sleep has progressed. Therefore, automatic steering is continued while announcing a little louder. Also in this case, the measurement control processor 16 uses the time interval of automatic measurement and automatic handle for “medium sleep”. FIG.
If it is determined that θp + δp is more effective than θp ′ + δp ′ as a criterion for determining mid-life, this condition can be obtained by using the conditional expression θp ′ + δp ′> 1. Is ignored by Sysdem.
If the ratio of δ waves to other α waves, β waves, and θ waves increases, as an example, if δp> 0.7, there is a high possibility that a complete stagnation has occurred. Or, at an excessively large volume, automatic steering is continued while announcing that effect.
In this case, it can be said that it is a complete stay, so if you want to make fine automatic steering, the time interval between automatic measurement and automatic handle control at the time of this `` deep stay '' afterwards 40 Change input to ms.
In this deep sleep state, the possibility of manual steering is the smallest, so the time interval of automatic measurement and automatic handle is the shortest compared to shallow sleep and middle sleep. . In addition, input check in this sense is performed during change input.
Similarly, when δp ′> 0.7, there is a high possibility that the state has fallen completely, so automatic steering is performed while making a loud announcement to that effect. User - However, if it is determined that using δp is more effective than using δp ′ as a means of detecting that it has completely fallen into craving, instead of 0.7 where δp ′> 0.7 1.0 may be input. FIG. 15 is a parameter input screen for measurement and control used in this system. By correcting and inputting these parameters, users can feed back to the system the optimum values that match their constitution and normal driving conditions. The parameters in the frame of FIG. 15 are drawn in consideration of the combined use with the “brake device using brain waves”. If the “braking device using electroencephalogram” is used in combination, when the deep braking of δp> 0.8 or δp ′> 0.9 is established, the automatic braking means described above may be used for sudden braking. Even if the automatic braking means breaks down, the automatic steering means 3 makes it possible to operate the vehicle without any accident while the driver is sitting down. By the way, when it is determined by the system that the user has woken up, that is, when the ratio of α waves and β waves to the whole brain waves becomes high, the measurement control processor is instructed by the instruction of the computer 9 of the electroencephalogram analysis means 2. It stops working and the automatic steering is released. By the way, the setting of the parameters in the frame of FIG. 15 is probably the most reasonable according to the constitution of each individual, if the “braking device by electroencephalogram” is used together. - It seems that it can be done by itself, but if it is not used together, δ wave, θ wave, or their integrated value is set as 70-80% or more as a general standard value You should do it.
Normally, only ultrasonic waves are used, and the illuminance sensor and light sensor 15 refer to changes in brightness outside the vehicle, and when interference occurs in ultrasonic measurement, it is determined that the tunnel has been entered. One of the features of this system is that measurement is performed with a laser. FIG.
Note that this ultrasonic measurement is not always performed, but only when the driver falls asleep and performs automatic measurement and automatic steering.
Therefore, even if this system is adopted in all vehicles on the ground, there is little possibility of interference due to ultrasonic waves or laser light emitted by other vehicles. Even if two or more cars are forced to drive at the same time and at the same place, for example, the wavelength of the ultrasonic beam is related to the car number, and each car is differentiated little by little. Can completely eliminate the possibility of
In this system, multiple ultrasonic receivers are installed in consideration of the driver's normal speed, guard rail, and normal separation distance from the tunnel wall, so the accuracy of automatic measurement is high.
Also, even if the incident angle of the laser beam on the tunnel wall is not vertical, laser transmitters are installed at the front and rear of the vehicle body so that no error occurs, and several laser receivers are installed in each. I do.
In addition, it is possible to improve the receiving accuracy by giving the laser a beam spread on the optical system. In passenger cars, it is only necessary to install one high-sensitivity laser receiver at the front and rear of the vehicle. It will be possible.
In this system, once the snoring is detected by the snoring parameters such as θp, θp ′, δp, and δp ′. At the same time, the electroencephalogram patterns before and after that are detected based on the driving conditions at that time and the guardrail. Along with the separation distance, it is memorized in the disk and semiconductor memory, and when the parameter setting is the optimum value, the memorized electroencephalogram pattern is extracted afterwards, and the electroencephalogram appears from the next driving. Automatic steering may be performed when the analysis means 2 detects it.
When the driver is driving, the vehicle is automatically steered, so contact with the guardrail or tunnel wall can be automatically eliminated.
Note that the microwave technology described in Japanese Patent Publication No. 4-21145 may be used instead of using an ultrasonic beam. This prior art was developed for measuring the distance between the vehicle and the preceding vehicle, but it can be used to measure the distance to the guardrail.
In this case, the mechanism of FIG. 12 is used for automatic steering.
If Japanese Patent Publication No. 4-21145 is used, it will be possible to use only one antenna for transmission and one for reception.
In this microwave technology, the signal processing part related to the speed detection circuit, speed calculation, and road roughness calculation is not used directly in this system. Can be reduced.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a schematic configuration diagram of the present invention.
FIG. 2 is a calculation formula for obtaining the ratio of δ wave by an integral value.
FIG. 3 is a calculation formula for obtaining a θ wave ratio by an integral value.
FIG. 4 is a calculation formula for obtaining the ratio of δ wave by the maximum value. See also explanatory text in FIG. 3 and FIG.
FIG. 5 is a calculation formula for obtaining the θ wave ratio by the maximum value.
FIG. 6 is an explanatory diagram showing the danger of using a laser beam.
FIG. 7 is a schematic view of an electric, automatic steering mechanism.
A gear 26 meshes with the axle 24, and this gear 26 is rotationally driven by a motor 28 via a clutch means 27. The lower end of the steering wheel shaft and the pinion 23 mesh with the rack portion 25 of the axle 24.
FIG. 8 shows that an ultrasonic transmitter 10 and an ultrasonic receiver 11 are installed on the bus body. The figure shows a part thereof, and there are 12 ultrasonic receivers 11 and 18 are provided. 0 to 20 cm is an example of the installation interval.
FIG. 9 is a flowchart of automatic handle control when using ultrasonic waves.
[Fig. 10] The bus is tilted slightly closer to the tunnel wall. In addition, a laser transmitter 13 and a laser receiver 14 are installed in front of the vehicle body. The laser beam is incident and reflected at an angle to the normal of the tunnel wall. Depending on the optical beam spread given to the laser beam, several laser receivers are provided at intervals of 0 to 10 cm.
FIG. 11 shows a laser transmitter 13 and a laser receiver 14 installed at the rear of the vehicle body when the bus is tilted slightly away from the tunnel wall.
FIG. 12 is a flowchart of automatic handle control when using a laser.
13 is a schematic diagram of electroencephalogram analysis means 2. FIG.
FIG. 14 is a configuration diagram of the present system in which the contents of the automatic steering means 3 are depicted in some detail. When the electric and automatic steering mechanism shown in FIG. 7 is used, the measurement control processor 16 controls the operation of the electric motor 28 to realize automatic steering corresponding to the minute angle Δ.
The hydraulic automatic steering mechanism will be briefly described. A power cylinder of a power steering device shared with automatic steering is provided on the axle. Pressure oil supplied from an oil pump is supplied to this power cylinder, <automatic steering cylinder>, through an automatic steering valve and a power valve. The automatic steering valve and the power valve are controlled by the measurement control processor 16, and automatic steering corresponding to a steering operation with a small angle Δ is performed.
FIG. 15 is an input screen for measurement and control parameters. Only one of b) and b) and c) and d) must be input. If you do not use it, leave it blank. Underlined parts indicate items that can be entered.
Here, the electroencephalogram analysis means 2 and the measurement control processor 16 move in accordance with values input in advance.
The length of guardrail cuts may vary from place to place. Therefore, when the cut is slightly long, the vehicle may shift slightly to the left even if it is in the first lane. As a precaution, the distance from the left side object is considered to be the distance from the guardrail so that the following vehicle does not interrupt between the own vehicle and the guardrail, assuming that the vehicle runs in the first lane. However, it is also possible to determine the value.
However, in practice, this is a problem only when you are sitting down and your vehicle passes through the above points.
[Explanation of symbols]
1 is an electroencephalogram input means.
2 is an electroencephalogram analysis means.
3 is an automatic steering means.
6 is an amplifier.
7 is a bandpass filter.
8 is an A / D converter
9 is a computer
10 is an ultrasonic transmitter.
11 is an ultrasonic receiver.
12 is a guardrail.
13 is a laser transmitter.
14 is a laser receiver.
15 is an illuminance sensor or light sensor
16 is a microprocessor for measurement control.
17 is the tunnel wall
23 is pinion
24 is the axle
25 is the rack part of the axle
26 is the gear
27 is a clutch means.
28 is an electric motor

Claims (6)

An electroencephalogram input means 1 and an electroencephalogram analysis means 2 for analyzing a .theta. Wave indicating a state when a person tries to fall asleep from the electroencephalogram and a .delta. Wave that appears when sleeping.
While driving on Highway_,
The ratio of the θ wave and δ wave to the total EEG is input in advance by the user .
When it becomes larger than the value when falling asleep, automatic measurement to detect the distance to the left object such as guard rail, tunnel wall, side wall or soundproof wall is done, even if the road is curved,
An automatic steering device activated by brain waves, in which steering control is automatically performed by the automatic steering means 3 of the vehicle so as to maintain the distance to the left object.
An electroencephalogram input means 1 and an electroencephalogram analysis means 2 for analyzing a .theta. Wave indicating a state when a person tries to fall asleep from the electroencephalogram and a .delta. Wave that appears when sleeping.
While driving on Highway_,
The ratio of the θ wave and δ wave to the total EEG is input in advance by the user .
When it becomes larger than the value when falling asleep, automatic measurement is performed to detect the distance to the left object such as a guardrail, tunnel wall, side wall or sound barrier, and the distance between the left object and the vehicle is maintained. Handle control is automatically performed by the automatic steering means 3,
When approaching the left-hand object, it automatically steers, which corresponds to turning the steering wheel to the right with a small angle entered in advance, and when the distance to the left-hand object is greater than the entered distance, An automatic steering device activated by brain waves that performs automatic steering equivalent to turning a corner and repeats such automatic steering to keep the distance from the left object constant.
An electroencephalogram input means 1 and an electroencephalogram analysis means 2 for analyzing a .theta. Wave indicating a state when a person tries to fall asleep from the electroencephalogram and a .delta. Wave that appears when sleeping.
While driving on Highway_,
The ratio of the θ wave and δ wave to the total EEG is input in advance by the user .
When it becomes larger than the value when falling asleep, automatic measurement is performed to detect the distance to the left object such as a guardrail, tunnel wall, side wall or sound barrier, and the distance between the left object and the vehicle is maintained. Handle control is automatically performed by the automatic steering means 3,
B) Compared to the entered initial value, the separation distance from the left object does not change, and if it is the original separation distance,
Leave the handle
B) When the distance from the left object is shorter than the entered initial value,
B-1) If the separation distance is longer than the previous measurement, it is assumed that the approach to the left object has stopped, the handle is left as it is,
B-2) If the separation distance is shorter than the previous measurement, divide the initial separation distance and assume that you are approaching the left object.
If the separation is the same as the previous measurement, it is running parallel to the left object, but it is shifting to the left object,
The steering wheel is automatically steered away from the left object,
C) When the distance to the left object is longer than the entered initial value,
C-1) If the distance is shorter than the previous measurement, leave the handle
C-2) When the separation distance is longer than the previous measurement, it is assumed that the distance from the left object is exceeded beyond the initial separation distance.
When the distance is the same as the previous measurement,
An automatic steering device activated by brain waves that automatically steers the handle toward the left object.
深い居眠りの状態では、自動計測、自動ハンドルの時間間隔が、浅い居眠り、中ほどの居眠りの時に比べて、最も短くなるようにした、請求項1〜請求項3の脳波で起動される自動操舵装置。The automatic steering activated by the electroencephalogram according to claim 1, wherein the time interval between automatic measurement and automatic steering is shortest in a deep doze state compared to a shallow doze and a middle doze. apparatus. α波、β波の脳波全体に占める比率が高くなった時に、ユーザーが目を覚ましたと判断し、脳波分析手段2の指示により、自動操舵が解除される、請求項1〜請求項3の脳波で起動される自動操舵装置。The electroencephalogram according to claim 1, wherein when the ratio of α waves and β waves to the whole electroencephalogram becomes high, it is determined that the user has woken up and automatic steering is canceled according to an instruction from electroencephalogram analysis means 2. Automatic steering device activated by 居眠りを検出した時の脳波パターンを記憶し、次ぎの運転からはその脳波パターンが現れたことを、脳波分析手段2が検出した時に、自動操舵を行うようにした、請求項1〜請求項3の脳波で起動される自動操舵装置。4. An electroencephalogram pattern when a doze is detected is stored, and an automatic steering is performed when the electroencephalogram analysis means 2 detects that the electroencephalogram pattern appears from the next driving. Automatic steering device activated by the brain wave
JP25928599A 1999-08-09 1999-08-09 Automatic steering device activated by EEG Expired - Lifetime JP4640687B2 (en)

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JP25928599A JP4640687B2 (en) 1999-08-09 1999-08-09 Automatic steering device activated by EEG

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JP25928599A JP4640687B2 (en) 1999-08-09 1999-08-09 Automatic steering device activated by EEG

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