In b4 the “oh my god why don’t they just let this show die” assholes who always seem to congregate around SPN renewal time.
Ain’t nobody making you watch this shit. Move along, Cujo. Not your circus, not your monkeys, and pls to get a life if you have energy to be pissed that people are enjoying something you don’t. Go rain on somebody else’s parade.
As I was explaining to people at SeaCon… I started watching the show in the middle of season NINE… that really WASN’T THAT LONG AGO. So people like me, and ones that have started after me, sit here watching the people bitching about the show needing to ‘die’ and get REALLY FUCKING IRRITATED! We haven’t been around since Day 1, so why don’t you back the fuck off and let us enjoy the thing, huh? I don’t see anyone bitching about The Simpsons (which is literally older than I am) continuing on and on. People like shows, the SPN crew still likes making the show, so fuck off.
EXACTLY. I started watching the show between seasons 10 and 11. Having new seasons to watch as they air brings me great joy. So go find something else to take a steaming dump on, haters.