User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-h
h {letter} | :: letter |
H {letter} | :: The eighth letter of the Spanish alphabet |
Haapsalu {prop} | :: Haapsalu (town) |
Haarlem {prop} | :: Haarlem (city/and/capital) |
haba {f} | :: broad bean, horse bean (Fabaceae, Vicia faba) |
haba {f} | :: bean (cocoa, coffee, etc.) |
haba {f} | :: ballot ball |
haba {f} | :: nodule (in stone) |
haba {f} | :: nugget of ore (with gangue) |
haba {f} | :: bump (caused by insect bite) |
haba {f} [veterinary] | :: equine palatitis (disease of horses) |
Habacuc {prop} {m} | :: Habakkuk (book) |
Habacuc {prop} {m} | :: Habakkuk (prophet) |
habado {adj} [veterinary] | :: suffering equine palatitis |
habado {adj} | :: spotted, dapple (having spots on the skin) |
habado {adj} | :: multicolored (of chicken) |
Habana {prop} | :: only used in La Habana |
habanera {f} | :: habanera (music style and dance) |
habanera {f} | :: feminine noun of habanero |
habanero {adj} | :: native or related to Havana |
habanero {m} | :: an inhabitant or native of Havana |
habanero {m} | :: a variety of hot chilli pepper |
habano {adj} | :: Havanan |
habano {m} | :: Havana cigar |
habar {m} | :: bean patch |
habas fritas {fp} | :: deep fried or roasted broad beans, popular in Spain. They can be eaten with a large selection of foods or as a snack on their own |
habeas {particle} | :: only used in habeas corpus |
hábeas corpus {m} [legal] | :: habeas corpus |
habénula {f} [anatomy] | :: habenula |
habenular {adj} [anatomy] | :: habenular |
haber {v} [auxiliary verb taking past participle to build various perfect tenses] | :: to have |
haber {v} | :: to hold; to possess |
haber {v} [impersonal, in third person singular only] | :: to exist; “there is”, “there are” (hay); “there was”, “there were” (había) |
haber {v} [with “de” + infinitive] | :: to have to do |
haber {v} | :: used to denote a past obligation |
haber {m} | :: asset |
haber {m} | :: history |
haber {m} | :: credit side |
haber gato encerrado {v} [idiom, impersonal] | :: To have something fishy going on |
haber gato encerrado {v} [idiom, impersonal] | :: To have a catch; a concealed condition or difficulty |
habérselas con {v} [idiom] | :: to deal with; to be up against |
había una vez {phrase} [used at the beginnings of fairytales] | :: once upon a time |
habichuela {f} [Castilla La Mancha, Murcia, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico] | :: bean plant |
habichuela {f} [Castilla La Mancha, Murcia, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico] | :: bean seed |
habichuela {f} [Canarias, Andalusia, Cuba, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela] | :: green bean |
habida cuenta de {prep} | :: given, in view of, in light of, taking account of, in the face of |
habida cuenta de {prep} | :: because of, having regard to, owing to, due to |
habido y por haber {adj} [idiomatic] | :: under the sun, imaginable |
habiente {mf} [formal, legal] | :: holder, haver |
hábil {adj} | :: suitable, able |
hábil {adj} | :: deft, skillful |
habilidad {f} | :: ability, skill |
habilidosamente {adv} | :: skilfully |
habilidoso {adj} | :: skilled, talented |
habilísimamente {adv} | :: superlative of hábilmente |
habilísimo {adj} | :: superlative of hábil |
habilitación {f} | :: enablement |
habilitación {f} | :: financing |
habilitación {f} | :: authorization |
habilitante {adj} | :: habilitating |
habilitar {v} | :: to enable (to give strength or ability to) |
habilitar {v} | :: to enable (to activate a function of an electronic or mechanical device) |
habilitar {v} [business] | :: to finance |
hábilmente {adv} | :: ably, skillfully, cleverly |
habiloso {adj} | :: dexterous, skillful, adroit |
habita {f} | :: short for habitación |
habitabilidad {f} | :: habitability |
habitable {adj} | :: habitable, inhabitable |
habitación {f} | :: room (separate part of a building) |
habitación {f} | :: bedroom (room with a bed for sleeping) |
habitación {f} | :: habitation (the act of inhabiting) |
habitación {f} | :: habitat (place where an organism occurs) |
habitacional {adj} | :: habitational |
habitacional {adj} | :: habitable |
habitáculo {m} | :: interior, passenger compartment (of an automobile) |
habitáculo {m} | :: living space, habitacle |
habitador {m} | :: liver; inhabitant |
habitadora {f} | :: feminine noun of habitador |
habitante {adj} | :: inhabiting; said of something that inhabits |
habitante {mf} | :: inhabitant |
habitar {v} | :: to inhabit, to live or dwell in / on |
hábitat {m} | :: habitat |
hábito {m} | :: Habit (of a monk) |
hábito {m} | :: Habit, custom |
hábito {m} | :: Military rank |
hábito {m} | :: Insignia (indicating a military rank) |
hábito {m} [mineralogy] | :: Habit (of a crystal) |
habituación {f} | :: habituation |
habitual {adj} | :: habitual |
habitual {m} [Louisiana] | :: beans |
habitualidad {f} | :: regularity |
habitualmente {adv} | :: habitually, normally |
habituar {vtp} | :: to be inured to, be accustomed to [by habit] |
habitud {f} [obsolete] | :: habit |
habitué {m} | :: habitué; regular |
habla {f} | :: speech (faculty of speech) |
habla {f} | :: speaking (action) |
habladera {f} [Central America, Caribbean, colloquial] | :: prattle; droning; blabbering |
hablador {adj} | :: talkative |
hablador {m} | :: talker, speaker |
habladuría {f} | :: gossip, rumor |
habladurías {fp} | :: gossip, rumors, hearsay |
habla inglés {phrase} [formal] | :: do you speak English? |
hablando del rey de Roma {phrase} [idiom] | :: speak of the devil |
hablante {adj} | :: speaking |
hablante {mf} | :: speaker (one who speaks) |
hablante nativa {f} | :: feminine noun of hablante nativo |
hablante nativo {m} | :: native speaker |
hablar {vi} | :: to talk; to speak; to communicate using words |
hablar {vt} | :: to speak (a language) |
hablar como un papagayo {v} [simile] | :: to parrot (repeat what was said without thinking) |
hablar como un papagayo {v} [simile] | :: to chatter |
hablar en general {v} [idiom] | :: To generalize; to paint with a broad brush |
hablar por los codos {v} [idiomatic] | :: to run one's mouth off; to run off at the mouth; to talk nonstop |
hablarse {v} | :: reflexive of hablar |
hablas inglés {phrase} [colloquial] | :: do you speak English? |
hablilla {f} | :: gossip; rumour |
hablista {mf} | :: good or elegant speaker |
habón {m} | :: A raised bump, a wheal |
hace {adv} | :: ago, has been (Note: unlike in English, hace precedes the number.) |
hace {prep} | :: in |
hace {prep} | :: before |
hace {prep} | :: after |
hacedero {adj} | :: doable, feasible |
hacedor {m} | :: maker |
hacedora {f} | :: feminine noun of hacedor |
hacelotodo {m} | :: handyman; jack of all trades |
hacendada {f} | :: feminine noun of hacendado |
hacendado {m} | :: landowner |
hacendar {v} | :: to transfer (property, ownership, etc.) to someone |
hacendario {adj} | :: financial, relating to the treasury |
hacendista {mf} | :: economist |
hacendoso {adj} | :: punctilious in domestic matters; house-proud |
hacer {v} | :: to do |
hacer {v} | :: to make (something) |
hacer {v} | :: to make (eg. someone do something or feel a certain way.) |
hacer {v} | :: to play (a part in a play) |
hacer {vr} | :: to become; to get |
hacer {vr} | :: to get used to |
hacer {vr} | :: to sham, dissimulate |
hacer {m} | :: doing, action |
hacera {f} [obsolete] | :: sidewalk; pavement |
hacer acto de presencia {v} [idiom] | :: to show up; turn up; rear one's ugly head |
hacer ademán de {v} [idiomatic] | :: to make as if to |
hacer agua {v} | :: to let in water, to leak |
hacer agua {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be flawed, to be riddled with holes, to not hold water |
hacer alarde {v} [idiomatic] | :: to flaunt, to show off |
hacer a pelo y pluma {v} [idiom] | :: to swing both ways; to bat for both sides; to be AC/DC (bisexual) |
hacer barra {phrase} [idiom, colloquial, El Salvador] | :: root for, cheer on a person or team |
hacer barra {phrase} [idiom, colloquial, El Salvador] | :: accompany, come along with somebody |
hacer brindis al sol {v} [idiomatic] | :: to play to the gallery |
hacer buenas migas {v} [idiomatic] | :: to get along (to interact or coexist well, without argument or trouble) |
hacer bulto {v} [idiomatic] | :: to make up the numbers |
hacer caja {v} [idiomatic] | :: to cash up |
hacer calceta {v} [idiomatic] | :: to knit; do knitting |
hacer campana {v} [idiom] | :: to play hookey |
hacer campanas {v} [idiom] | :: to play hookey |
hacer carrera {v} [idiom] | :: to thrive; make a killing |
hacer caso {v} | :: to obey, to do what is said |
hacer caso {v} | :: to pay attention, to take notice |
hacer caso {v} | :: to reciprocate (sentimentally) |
hacer caso omiso {v} [idiom] | :: to turn a blind eye; look the other way |
hacer caso omiso {v} [idiom] | :: to ignore, to disregard (+ de) |
hacer clic {v} | :: to click a computer mouse |
hacer cola {v} [idiomatic] | :: to line up, queue up |
hacer cosquillas {v} | :: to tickle |
hacer cumplir {v} | :: to enforce (make comply) |
hacer cumplir {vp} | :: to be enforced |
hacer de cuenta {v} [idiom, especially, Latin America] | :: to pretend |
hacer de cuerpo {v} [idiom] | :: to move one's bowels (defecate) |
hacer de su capa un sayo {v} [idiomatic] | :: to do whatever one fancies, to do as one pleases |
hacer de tripas corazón {v} [idiom] | :: To pull oneself together |
hacer eco de {v} [idiom] | :: to echo (something said by another) |
hacer el amor {v} [sex] | :: to make love, have sex |
hacer el caldo gordo {v} [idiomatic] | :: to make things easy (for someone) |
hacer el canelo {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: to play the fool |
hacer el círculo {v} [idiomatic] | :: to go round in circles |
hacer el fuchi {v} [idiom, Mexico] | :: to snub; turn up one's nose (at) |
hacer el ganso {v} [idiom] | :: to clown around; prat about |
hacer el ojo {v} [idiom] | :: to give the evil eye |
hacer el pino {v} [idiomatic] | :: to do a handstand |
hacer el primo {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be a sucker; to be easily fooled |
hacer el quite {v} [idiomatic] | :: to avoid, to slip by |
hacer el vacío {v} [idiomatic] | :: to give the cold shoulder |
hacer falta {v} | :: to be necessary, have need of |
hacer gala {v} [idiomatic] | :: to show off |
hacer gancho {v} [idiom, Chile, Argentina] | :: to set up, pair off, matchmake (join two people into a relationship) |
hacer historia {v} [idiom] | :: to make history |
hacer la cama {v} | :: to make the bed |
hacer la cama {v} | :: to conspire against someone |
hacer la chancha {v} [Andes] | :: To play hookey |
hacer la cimarra {v} [idiom] | :: to play hookey |
hacer la cobra {v} [idiomatic] | :: To pull away (from a kiss) by leaning away; To back away (from a kiss) by leaning away |
hacer la corte {vt} [idiomatic] | :: to suck up (to) |
hacer la estrecha {v} [colloquial, idiomatic] | :: to play hard to get |
hacer la gamba {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: to play the fool; piss around |
hacer la pelota {v} [idiomatic] | :: to suck up; brownnose |
hacer la puñeta {v} [idiomatic] | :: to bug; piss off; get someone's goat |
hacer las paces {v} [idiomatic] | :: to make peace, to make amends, to make up |
hacer la tijera {v} [idiom, sex] | :: alternative form of hacer la tijereta |
hacer la tijera {v} [idiom] | :: Accidentally turn the cab of an articulated truck |
hacer la tijereta {v} [idiom, sex] | :: to scissor |
hacer la vista gorda {v} [idiomatic] | :: to turn a blind eye, to shut one's eyes, to look the other way |
hacer leña del árbol caído {v} [idiomatic] | :: to kick someone when they are down |
hacer llegar {v} [idiomatic] | :: to convey, send, pass, give |
hacer mangas y capirotes {v} [idiom] | :: to completely ignore; send to Coventry |
hacer maravillas {v} [idiom] | :: to work wonders |
hacer méritos {v} [idiomatic] | :: to strive for recognition |
hacer novillos {v} [idiom] | :: to play truant, to skip school, to play hooky, to skive |
hacer oídos sordos {v} [idiomatic] | :: to turn a deaf ear |
hacer ojitos {v} [idiomatic] | :: to flutter eyelashes |
hacer papilla {v} [idiomatic] | :: to blow to smithereens, blow to bits, blow to pieces |
hacer partícipe {v} [idiomatic] | :: to share news (of) |
hacer pata ancha {v} [Argentina, Uruguay, colloquial, idiomatic] | :: to face a danger or difficulty |
hacer pellas {v} [idiom] | :: play truant (to be absent from school without permission) |
hacer perro muerto {v} [idiom, Chile, Peru] | :: to dine and dash |
hacer pie {v} [idiom] | :: to touch the bottom (of a body of water, with one's feet) |
hacer pipí {v} [idiom] | :: to take a leak; to urinate |
hacer pirola {v} [Aragón, idiom] | :: to play truant, to skip school, to play hooky |
hacer por escrito {v} [idiomatic] | :: to put into words |
hacer pucheros {v} [idiomatic] | :: to pout; make a face |
hacer puente {v} [figuratively] | :: To take a long weekend; to take an extra day off work in addition to a public holiday that falls on a Thursday or Tuesday, or between two public holidays, thereby making a four-day weekend |
hacer sábado {v} [idiomatic] | :: to do one's spring cleaning |
hacerse a la mar {v} [nautical, ] | :: to embark; to set sail |
hacerse cargo {v} | :: to take charge |
hacerse cargo {v} | :: to take charge of (+ de) |
hacerse eco de {v} [idiom] | :: to echo (something said by another) |
hacerse el duro {v} [idiomatic] | :: to act tough |
hacerse el leso {v} [Chile, idiom] | :: to play the fool |
hacerse el muerto {v} [idiom] | :: to play dead |
hacerse el pendejo {v} [idiom, vulgar, Latin America] | :: to play the fool; piss around |
hacerse el sueco {v} [idiomatic] | :: to play the fool (act dumb or stupid) |
hacerse humo {v} [idiomatic] | :: to vanish into thin air; to disappear |
hacerse la muerte {v} [idiomatic] | :: to play dead |
hacerse la picha un lío {v} [idiom, colloquial] | :: get one's knickers in a twist |
hacerse la rata {v} [idiom, Argentina, Uruguay] | :: to play hookey |
hacerse lenguas de {v} [idiom] | :: to praise to the skies |
hacerse pajas {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: beat off, jerk off, wank |
hacerse pasar por {v} | :: to personate, impersonate, to masquerade as, to pass oneself off as/for (pretend to be a different person) |
hacerse una paja {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: beat off, jerk off, wank |
hacerse un ovillo {v} [idiomatic] | :: to curl up in a ball |
hacerse un ovillo {v} [idiomatic] | :: to tie oneself up in knots |
hacer soga {v} [idiomatic] | :: To lag, lag behind |
hacer su agosto {v} [idiomatic] | :: to make a killing |
hacer sus necesidades {v} [idiomatic, euphemism] | :: to do one's business, relieve oneself (excrete) |
hacer tilín {v} [idiom] | :: to set (someone's) heart aflutter; to turn on |
hacer trizas {v} [idiomatic] | :: to shatter, rip to shreds |
hacer una montaña de un grano de arena {v} | :: to make a mountain out of a molehill |
hacer un calvo {v} [idiom] | :: to moon (show one's buttocks) |
hacer un feo {v} [idiomatic] | :: to snub; turn down |
hacer uso de la palabra {v} [idiomatic] | :: to take the floor (to speak at a meeting) |
hacer viento {v} [idiom, impersonal] | :: To be windy; to blow |
hach {m} | :: hajj |
hacha {f} | :: axe, hatchet (tool for felling trees or chopping wood) |
hacha {f} [colloquial] | :: ace, wizard (someone who is especially skilled or unusually talented in a particular field) |
hacha {f} | :: a kind of torch or large candle (often with four sticks) |
hacha {f} | :: a kind of wick or fuse (often made with esparto grass and tar), which does not go out easily in the wind |
hacha {f} | :: bundle of straw tied up like a strip and often used to help cover huts or other field constructions |
hachar {v} | :: To axe (cut with an axe) |
hachazo {m} | :: hit with an axe |
hache {f} | :: letter: h |
hachemita {adj} | :: Hashemite |
hachera {f} | :: feminine noun of hachero |
hachero {m} | :: axeman |
hachero {m} | :: sconce |
hachís {m} | :: hashish |
hachón {m} | :: large axe |
hachuela {f} | :: small axe |
hacia {prep} | :: toward, towards |
hácia {prep} | :: obsolete spelling of hacia |
hacia atrás {adv} | :: backwards |
hacienda {f} | :: treasury |
hacienda {f} | :: hacienda |
hacienda {f} | :: livestock |
Hacienda {f} | :: treasury, tax office (governmental organization administrating finances) |
hacina {f} | :: stack |
hacina {f} | :: pile |
hacinamiento {m} | :: cluttering, pile-up, heaping up |
hacinar {v} | :: to stack |
hacinar {vr} | :: to pile up; to cram |
hacino {adj} [obsolete] | :: miserable, wretched |
hackathon {m} | :: hackathon |
hackatón {m} | :: hackathon |
hackear {vt} [computing] | :: to hack |
hackeo {m} | :: hacking |
hacker {mf} | :: alternative form of hácker |
hácker {mf} [computing] | :: hacker |
hacking {m} [computing] | :: hacking |
hacktivismo {m} | :: hacktivism |
hacktivista {mf} | :: hacktivist |
hada {f} | :: fairy |
hada {f} [obsolete] | :: one of the Fates |
hadado {adj} [attributive] | :: fairy |
hada madrina {f} | :: fairy godmother |
Hades {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Hades (god) |
Hades {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Hades (underworld) |
hadiz {m} [Islam] | :: hadith |
hado {m} [literary] | :: fate, destiny |
hadrón {m} [physics] | :: hadron |
hadrosáurido {m} | :: hadrosaurid |
hadrosaurio {m} | :: hadrosaur |
hadrosauroide {m} | :: hadrosauroid |
haecceitas {f} [philosophy] | :: haecceity |
hafnio {m} | :: hafnium |
hafsí {adj} | :: Hafsid |
hafsí {mf} | :: Hafsid |
hagadá {m} | :: Haggadah |
hágase la luz {phrase} | :: let there be light |
Hageo {prop} {m} [bible] | :: Haggai (the book of the Bible) |
hagiógrafa {f} | :: feminine noun of hagiógrafo |
hagiografía {f} | :: hagiography |
hagiográfico {adj} | :: hagiographic |
hagiógrafo {m} | :: hagiographer |
haida {adj} | :: Haida |
haida {mf} | :: Haida |
haida {m} | :: Haida (language) |
haiga {m} [rare, pejorative, Spain] | :: a huge and flashy motorcar, automobile |
haiku {m} | :: haiku |
haikú {m} | :: alternative form of haiku |
Haití {prop} {m} | :: Haití (country) |
haitiana {f} | :: feminine noun of haitiano |
haitiano {adj} | :: Haitian |
haitiano {m} | :: Haitian |
hala {interj} | :: come on! let’s go! |
hala {interj} | :: wow! (an indication of surprise) |
hala {interj} | :: my goodness! (an indication of surprise, shock, or amazement) |
halach uinic {mf} | :: halach uinic |
Halach Uinic {mf} | :: alternative form of halach uinic |
Halach Uinik {mf} | :: alternative form of halach uinic |
halagadísimo {adj} | :: most flattered, most pleased, most cajoled, most coaxed, most buttered up |
halagadísimo {adj} | :: experiencing schadenfreude (enjoyment from another's misfortune) |
halagado {adj} | :: flattered |
halagador {adj} | :: agreeable, pleasant |
halagar {v} | :: to flatter |
halagar {v} | :: to please |
halagar {v} | :: to gratify |
halago {m} | :: flattery |
halagüeñamente {adv} | :: charmingly |
halagüeño {adj} | :: charming |
halagüeño {adj} | :: promising, optimistic, rosy |
halagüeño {adj} | :: agreeable |
halajá {f} [Judaism] | :: Halacha (Jewish law) |
halájico {adj} [Judaism] | :: halachic |
halal {adj} | :: halal |
halar {v} [nautical] | :: to haul, to pull |
halar {v} [dialectal] | :: to pull, to tug |
halcón {m} | :: falcon (diurnal bird of prey in Falconidae and especially in Falco) |
halcón {m} [slang, Mexico] | :: spotter employed by drug dealers to keep watch on the street |
halcón {m} [politics] | :: hawk, hardliner (firm, uncompromising advocate of aggressive political positions) |
halconcito {m} | :: falconet |
halconera {f} | :: falconer |
halconero {m} | :: falconer |
halcón gerifalte {m} | :: gyrfalcon, Falco rusticolus |
halcón peregrino {m} | :: peregrine falcon |
halda {f} | :: skirt |
halda {f} | :: a kind of sack |
halibut {m} | :: halibut |
halicácabo {m} | :: bladder cherry |
Halifax {prop} {m} | :: Halifax (city) |
Halifax {prop} {m} | :: Halifax (city) |
haligoniana {f} | :: feminine noun of haligoniano |
haligoniano {adj} | :: Haligonian (of or pertaining to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada) |
haligoniano {m} | :: Haligonian (native or resident of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada) |
halita {f} [mineral] | :: halite |
hálito {m} [poetic] | :: breath (from the mouth) |
hálito {m} | :: waft; a brief, gentle breeze |
hálito {m} | :: whiff |
halitosis {f} | :: halitosis |
hall {m} | :: hall, lobby, lounge |
hallaca {f} [Venezuela] | :: Venezuelan Christmas dish made with corn dough, it may be filled with many ingredients, including: beans, meat, chicken, pork. The mix is wrapped in banana leafs and is then cooked by steaming or in boiling water |
hallaquera {f} | :: feminine noun of hallaquero |
hallaquero {m} [Venezuela] | :: tamale maker |
hallar {v} | :: to find |
hallar {v} | :: to strike (e.g. a balance) |
hallarse {v} | :: reflexive of hallar |
hallazgo {m} | :: discovery |
hallazgo {m} [obsolete] | :: reward (for discovering and returning lost property to the owner) |
Halloween {m} | :: Halloween (31st of October) |
halloysita {f} [mineral] | :: halloysite |
hallulla {m} | :: A type of bread common in Chile and Bolivia |
hallux {m} | :: hallux |
halo- {prefix} | :: halo- (indicates salt) |
halo {m} | :: halo (atmospheric phenomenon) |
halo {m} | :: halo (nimbus around the head of a holy figure) |
haloalcano {m} [organic chemistry] | :: haloalkane |
halófila {f} | :: feminine noun of halófilo |
halófilo {adj} | :: halophilic |
halófilo {m} | :: halophile |
halófita {f} | :: halophyte |
haloformo {m} [chemistry] | :: haloform |
halogenación {f} [chemistry] | :: halogenation |
halogenar {v} [chemistry] | :: to halogenate |
halógeno {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: halogen |
halógeno {adj} [attributive] | :: halogen |
halogenuro {m} | :: halide |
halometano {m} [chemistry] | :: halomethane |
haloperidol {m} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: haloperidol |
haloterapia {f} | :: halotherapy |
haltera {mf} [weightlifting] | :: barbell |
halterófila {f} | :: weightlifter (competitive) |
halterofilia {f} [sports] | :: weightlifting |
halterófilo {m} | :: weightlifter (competitive) |
haluro {m} [chemistry] | :: halide |
hamaca {f} | :: hammock |
hamaca {f} [Argentina, Costa Rica, Cuba, Uruguay] | :: swing |
hamacar {v} | :: to rock (in a hammock) |
hamacar {v} | :: to rock; sway |
hamachi {m} | :: hamachi |
hamadríada {f} | :: hamadryad |
hamam {m} | :: Turkish bath |
hamamelis {f} | :: hamamelis |
hamaquear {v} | :: to rock (in a hammock) |
hamartoma {m} [pathology] | :: hamartoma |
Hamás {prop} {m} | :: Hamas (Islamic militant organization) |
hambre {f} | :: hunger |
hambreada {f} | :: famishment; great hungry |
hambreador {adj} | :: hunger-causing |
hambrear {v} | :: to cause to go hungry; to starve |
hambre canina {m} [idiom] | :: great; ravenous hunger; the state of being hungry as a hog |
hambriento {adj} | :: very hungry, famished |
hambriento {adj} | :: hungry |
hambriento {m} | :: hungry |
hambrón {m} | :: glutton |
hambruna {f} | :: famine |
Hamburgo {prop} {m} | :: Hamburgo (the second-largest <<city>> in <<c/Germany>>) |
Hamburgo {prop} {m} | :: Hamburgo (a <<state>> of <<c/Germany>> containing the city of the same name) |
hamburgués {adj} | :: Hamburger, of or from Hamburg |
hamburgués {m} | :: Hamburger, a person from Hamburg |
hamburguesa {f} | :: hamburger |
hamburguesa {f} | :: feminine noun of hamburgués; Hamburger |
hamburguesa de soja {f} | :: soyburger |
hamburguesa vegetariana {f} | :: veggie burger, vegetarian hamburger |
hamburguesería {f} | :: burger bar, burger restaurant, burger shop (a restaurant that sells hamburgers) |
hamiltoniano {adj} [mathematics, physics] | :: Hamiltonian |
hamiltoniano {adj} | :: Hamiltonian (of or pertaining to Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) |
hamiltoniano {adj} | :: Hamiltonian (of or pertaining to Hamilton, New Zealand) |
hamiltoniano {m} | :: Hamiltonian (native or resident of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) |
hamiltoniano {m} | :: Hamiltonian (native or resident of Hamilton, New Zealand) |
Hamlet {prop} {m} | :: Hamlet (the main character of the play Hamlet) |
hamletiano {adj} | :: Hamletian |
hammam {m} | :: hammam (communal bathhouse in Islamic countries) |
hamo {m} | :: fish-hook |
hampa {f} | :: underworld (part of society that is engaged in crime or vice) |
hampón {m} | :: thug, mobster, goon |
hamponil {adj} [attributive] | :: thug; gang |
hámster {m} | :: hamster |
Hañagua {prop} {f} | :: given name from the Canary Islands |
hanball {m} | :: handball (sport) |
handball {m} | :: handball |
hándbol {m} | :: handball |
handicap {m} | :: handicap |
hándicap {m} [golf] | :: handicap |
handisport {m} | :: disabled sport; parasport |
hanega {f} | :: alternative form of fanega |
hangar {m} | :: hangar |
hanguear {v} [colloquial, Puerto Rico] | :: to hang out |
hangul {m} | :: Hangeul (Korean phonetic script) |
hankismo {m} | :: The political beliefs or tenure of Jorge Hank Rhon, Mexican businessman and politician |
Hanói {prop} {f} | :: Hanói (capital) |
hanoiense {adj} | :: Hanoian (of or pertaining to Hanoian) |
hanoiense {mf} | :: Hanoian (native or resident of Hanoi, Vietnam) |
Hanóver {prop} {m} | :: Hanover, Hannover |
hanoveriana {f} | :: feminine noun of hanoveriano |
hanoveriano {adj} | :: of or from Hannover |
hanoveriano {m} | :: Someone from Hannover |
hanseático {adj} | :: Hanseatic |
hanta {m} | :: hantavirus |
hanzo {adj} [obsolete] | :: happy |
hápax {m} | :: hapax |
hapax legomenon {m} | :: alternative form of hápax legómenon |
hápax legómenon {m} | :: hapax legomenon |
háplico {adj} | :: haplic |
haplogrupo {m} | :: haplogroup |
haploide {adj} [biology] | :: haploid |
haploide {m} | :: haploid |
haploidía {f} | :: haploidy |
haplotipo {m} | :: haplotype |
happening {m} | :: happening |
happy hour {m} | :: happy hour |
hapteno {m} [immunology] | :: hapten |
háptica {f} | :: haptics |
hapticidad {f} | :: hapticity |
haptofita {f} | :: haptophyte |
haptonomía {f} | :: haptonomy |
haragán {adj} | :: lazy (unwilling to work) |
haragán {m} | :: idler, loafer |
haragán {m} [Cuba, Venezuela, northern Argentina] | :: squeegee mop |
haraganear {vi} | :: to idle, to loaf around |
haraganería {f} | :: laziness, idleness |
harakiri {m} | :: alternative form of haraquiri |
Harán {prop} [Biblical character] | :: Haran |
Harán {prop} [Biblical] | :: Haran |
harapiento {adj} | :: shabby, raggedy |
harapo {m} | :: rag |
harapo {m} [in plural] | :: garb, togs, glad rags (clothes) |
haraposo {adj} | :: ragged; tatty |
haraquiri {m} | :: hara-kiri (ceremonial suicide by ripping open the abdomen) |
Harare {prop} | :: Harare (capital city) |
hard {adj} | :: hard, heavy, hardcore |
hardcore {m} | :: hardcore |
hard rock {m} | :: hard rock |
hardware {m} [computing] | :: hardware |
harén {m} | :: harem |
harina {f} | :: flour |
harina {f} [colloquial, slang, uncountable] | :: cocaine |
harina de fuerza {f} | :: strong flour, hard flour |
harina de maíz {f} | :: cornmeal |
harina de otro costal {f} [idiom] | :: a horse of a different color; a different matter |
harinero {adj} | :: of or relating to flour |
harinoso {adj} | :: floury |
harissa {f} | :: harissa |
harki {m} | :: Harki |
harlista {mf} | :: a (Latino) Harley-Davidson motorcycle rider or aficionado |
harmatán {m} | :: harmattan (wind) |
harnear {v} [Chile] | :: to riddle; sift |
harnero {m} | :: sieve |
harpa {f} | :: rare spelling of arpa |
harpía {f} | :: alternative form of arpía |
harpía {f} | :: harpy eagle |
hartamente {adv} | :: really; largely; hugely |
hartar {v} [colloquial] | :: to bore, tire |
hartar {v} [dated] | :: to satisfy |
hartar {vrt} [vulgar, El Salvador] | :: to eat |
hartazgo {m} | :: stuffing, pigging out |
hartazgo {m} | :: ennui |
hartísimo {adj} | :: superlative of harto |
harto {adj} | :: tired, fed up |
harto {adj} | :: having the appetite satisfied; stuffed, sated |
harto {adv} [formal] | :: extremely, aplenty, a lot |
hartura {f} | :: satiety |
hartura {f} | :: surfeit |
Haryana {prop} | :: Haryana (state) |
hasanía {m} | :: Hassānīya |
hashtag {m} | :: hashtag |
hasidismo {m} | :: alternative form of jasidismo |
hasio {m} | :: hassium |
hassaniya {m} | :: Hassaniya |
hasta {adv} | :: even |
hasta {prep} | :: until |
hasta {prep} | :: up to, to the point of, as much as |
hasta {prep} | :: even |
hasta ahora {adv} | :: up to now, so far, heretofore |
hasta ahora {phrase} | :: see you later |
hasta decir basta {adv} [idiom] | :: incredibly; to a fault |
hasta después {phrase} | :: laters; see you; see you later |
hasta el carné de identidad {adv} [idiom] | :: absolutely everything; totally and utterly |
hasta el culo {adj} [idiomatic, vulgar] | :: up to here, up to one's neck |
hasta el momento {adv} [idiomatic] | :: so far, up to now |
hastag {m} | :: hashtag |
hasta la fecha {adv} [idiom] | :: so far, thus far |
hasta la médula {adv} [idiomatic] | :: to the bone, to the core |
hasta la próxima {interj} | :: see you later! See you! (literally, until the next [time]) |
hasta las cejas {adv} [idiomatic] | :: to the limit |
hasta las trancas {adv} [idiomatic] | :: to the full; excessively |
hasta la vista {phrase} | :: goodbye, see you later, until next time |
hasta luego {phrase} | :: goodbye, see you later, bye, take care |
hasta mañana {phrase} | :: goodbye, see you tomorrow, until tomorrow |
hasta nuevo aviso {adv} [idiomatic] | :: until further notice |
hasta pronto {phrase} | :: see you soon! |
hasta que {conj} | :: until, till |
hasta siempre {phrase} | :: farewell, godspeed |
hastiado {adj} | :: jaded, world-weary, tired, fed up, bored, sick and tired |
hastial {m} | :: gable |
hastiar {v} | :: to bore |
hastiar {vr} | :: to get tired of, to get sick and tired of |
hastío {m} | :: ennui, boredom, weariness, tedium |
hastioso {adj} | :: annoying |
hataca {f} [obsolete] | :: rolling pin |
hatajo {m} | :: herd, flock (of animals, especially farm animals) |
hatajo {m} | :: bunch; gang; flock (of any things or people in a group) |
hatchback {m} | :: hatchback |
hater {mf} | :: hater |
hatillana {f} | :: feminine noun of hatillano |
hatillano {adj} | :: Of or from El Hatillo Municipality, Venezuela |
hatillano {m} | :: An inhabitant of El Hatillo Municipality, Venezuela |
hatillo {m} | :: bundle |
hato {m} | :: herd |
hato {m} | :: flock of sheep |
hato {m} | :: a clique; a ring of people |
hato {m} [Latin America] | :: cattle ranch |
Haumea {prop} {f} [Hawaiian mythology] | :: Haumea (goddess of fertility and childbirth) |
Haumea {prop} {f} | :: Haumea (dwarf planet) |
hausa {m} | :: Hausa (language) |
hausa {mf} | :: Member of the Hausa |
Hauschild {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Hauschildt {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Hawái {prop} | :: Hawaii |
hawaiana {f} | :: feminine noun of hawaiano |
hawaiana {f} [Chile, Peru] | :: flip-flop |
hawaiano {adj} | :: Hawaiian |
hawaiano {m} | :: Hawaiian |
hawaiano {m} | :: Hawaiian (language) |
haya {f} | :: beech, beech tree |
haya austral {f} | :: lenga beech |
Haydée {prop} {f} | :: given name |
hayedo {m} | :: beech wood, area of beeches |
hay más peces en el mar {proverb} | :: There are many more potential opportunities available |
hay que joderse {phrase} [idiomatic, vulgar] | :: you're [fucking] kidding me; crap; holy crap (to express bitter disappointment) |
hay que joderse {phrase} [idiomatic, vulgar] | :: would you believe it; fuck me (to express surprise) |
hay ropa tendida {phrase} [idiom] | :: someone is within earshot; someone might be listening in to the conversation |
haz {f} | :: bundle |
haz {f} | :: beam |
haz {f} | :: face |
haz {f} [archaic] | :: façade |
hazaña {f} | :: feat; deed |
hazañoso {adj} | :: heroic; derring-do |
hazara {mf} | :: Hazara |
hazienda {f} | :: obsolete spelling of hacienda |
hazmerreír {m} [colloquial] | :: laughingstock |
hb {f} | :: abbreviation of hora boliviana |
HDA {f} [pathology] | :: initialism of hemorragia digestiva alta |
HDB {f} [pathology] | :: initialism of hemorragia digestiva baja |
he {adv} [poetic, dated] | :: here is |
he {adv} [biblical, dated] | :: behold [+ aquí] |
he {f} | :: he; the Hebrew letter ה |
headliner {m} | :: headliner |
headscissors {m} | :: headscissors |
he aquí {phrase} | :: voilà; here you have; behold |
heavy {adj} | :: heavy (pertaining to heavy metal) |
heavy {adj} | :: heavy (intense) |
heavy metal {m} | :: heavy metal (genre of music) |
hebdómada {f} | :: A seven-year period |
hebdómada {f} [rare] | :: week |
hebdomadario {adj} | :: weekly |
hebdomadario {m} | :: weekly (periodical or newspaper issued every week) |
hebdomadario {m} | :: hebdomadary |
hebefilia {f} | :: hebephilia |
Hebert {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
hebilla {f} | :: buckle, clasp |
hebra {f} | :: thread, strand, filament |
hebra {f} | :: fiber (a single elongated piece of a given material) |
hebraísta {mf} | :: Hebraist |
hebrea {f} | :: feminine noun of hebreo |
hebreo {adj} | :: Hebrew |
hebreo {m} | :: Hebrew person |
hebreo {prop} {m} | :: Hebrew language |
Hebreos {prop} {m} [bible] | :: Hebrews (the book of the Bible) |
hebrero {m} | :: obsolete spelling of febrero |
Hébridas {prop} {fp} | :: Hébridas (archipelago) |
Hebrón {prop} {m} | :: Hebrón (city) |
Hécate {prop} {f} | :: Hecate (Greek goddess) |
hecatombe {f} | :: hecatomb |
hecceidad {f} | :: haecceity |
heces de vino {n} [plural only] | :: lees |
hecha la ley, hecha la trampa {proverb} | :: every law has its loophole, every law has a loophole |
hechicera {f} | :: feminine noun of hechicero |
hechicería {f} | :: sorcery, witchcraft, wizardry |
hechicería {f} | :: A spell |
hechicero {m} | :: magician |
hechicero {adj} | :: enchanting, bewitching |
hechizar {v} | :: to enchant |
hechizar {v} | :: to bewitch |
hechizar {v} | :: to perform magic |
hechizo {adj} | :: artificial, fake |
hechizo {adj} [archaic] | :: counterfeited, forged |
hechizo {adj} [archaic] | :: apt, appropriate |
hechizo {m} | :: magic word, spell |
hechizo {m} | :: spell, enchantment (state of enchantment) |
hecho {adj} | :: done or completed |
hecho {adj} | :: made |
hecho {m} | :: fact |
hecho {m} | :: act |
hecho a mano {adj} | :: handmade, hand-made, handcrafted |
hecho consumado {m} | :: fait accompli |
hecho pelota {adj} [Argentina] | :: knackered; shattered; pooped |
hechor {m} | :: wrongdoer |
Hechos {prop} {m} [bible] | :: Acts (Acts of the Apostles) (the book of the Bible) |
hecho una pena {adj} [idiomatic] | :: being a sight for sore eyes; in a bad state |
hecho un basilisco {adj} [idiom] | :: ballistic, raging mad |
hecho un brazo de mar {adj} [idiomatic] | :: dressed to kill; dressed to the nines |
hecho y derecho {adj} [idiomatic] | :: full-grown |
hecho y derecho {adj} [idiomatic] | :: fully fledged |
hechura {f} | :: appearance, form |
hectárea {f} | :: hectare |
hecto- {prefix} | :: hecto- |
hectogramo {m} | :: hectogram |
hectolitro {m} | :: hectoliter |
hectólitro {m} | :: hectoliter |
hectométrico {adj} | :: hectometric |
hectómetro {m} | :: hectometre |
hectopascal {m} | :: hectopascal |
Héctor {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Hector |
Héctor {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Hécuba {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] | :: Hecuba (the wife of King Priam) |
heder {vi} | :: to stink, to reek |
hediondez {f} | :: stench, malodor |
hediondez {f} | :: something that stinks |
hediondilla {f} | :: night-blooming jessamine; Cestrum nocturnum |
hediondilla {f} | :: stinking goosefoot; Chenopodium vulvaria |
hediondo {adj} | :: stinking |
hedonismo {m} | :: hedonism |
hedonista {adj} | :: hedonistic |
hedonista {mf} | :: hedonist |
hedonístico {adj} | :: hedonistic |
hedor {m} | :: stench, malodor, fetidness (bad smell) |
hedua {f} | :: feminine noun of heduo |
heduo {adj} | :: Aedui |
heduo {m} | :: Aedui |
Hefesto {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Hephaestus |
Hefestos {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Hephaestus (Greek god) |
heftalita {adj} | :: Hephthalite |
heftalita {mf} | :: Hephthalite |
hegelianamente {adv} [philosophy] | :: In a Hegelian manner |
hegeliano {adj} [philosophy] | :: Hegelian (relating to Hegel or his philosophical system) |
hegemonía {f} | :: hegemony |
hegemónicamente {adv} | :: hegemonically |
hegemónico {adj} | :: hegemonic |
hegemonismo {m} | :: hegemonism |
hegemonizar {v} | :: to hegemonize |
hégira {f} [Islam] | :: Hegira (emigration of Muhammad from Mecca to Meddina) |
helada {f} | :: frost |
helada {f} | :: freezing |
helada {f} [El Salvador] | :: handcuffs [plural] |
heladera {f} | :: feminine noun of heladero |
heladera {f} | :: ice cream maker |
heladera {f} [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] | :: refrigerator |
heladería {f} | :: ice cream parlor [US], ice cream parlour [UK] |
heladero {m} | :: ice-cream seller |
heládico {adj} | :: Helladic |
heladísimo {adj} | :: superlative of helado |
helado {adj} | :: icy, frozen |
helado {adj} | :: shocked |
helado {m} | :: ice cream |
helado {m} | :: popsicle, ice pop |
helador {adj} | :: cold, freezing, icy |
heladora {f} | :: ice cream maker |
heladora {f} | :: freezer (appliance to store food) |
helar {vt} | :: to freeze, to cool |
helar {vi} [impersonal] | :: to freeze |
helarse {v} | :: reflexive of helar |
helecho {m} | :: fern |
helénico {adj} | :: Hellenic |
helenismo {m} | :: Hellenism (the culture and civilization of the Hellenistic period) |
helenismo {m} | :: Hellenism (a Greek idiom or turn of phrase) |
helenismo {m} | :: Hellenism (the admiration for and adoption of ancient Greek culture) |
helenista {adj} | :: Hellenistic |
helenista {mf} | :: Hellenist |
helenístico {adj} | :: Hellenistic |
helenización {f} | :: Hellenization |
helenizar {vt} | :: to Hellenize |
heleno {adj} | :: Hellenic |
helero {m} | :: glacier |
helero {m} | :: névé |
Helesponto {prop} {m} | :: Hellespont |
helicasa {f} [enzyme] | :: helicase |
hélice {f} | :: helix |
hélice {f} [geometry, anatomy] | :: helix |
hélice {f} | :: propellor |
Hélice {prop} {f} | :: Helix (nebula) |
helicicultor {m} | :: snail farmer |
helicidad {f} | :: helicity |
helicoidal {adj} | :: helical, helicoidal |
helicoidalmente {adv} | :: helicoidally |
helicoide {m} [geometry] | :: helicoid |
helicóptero {m} | :: helicopter (an aircraft that is borne along by one or more sets of long rotating blades which allow it to hover) |
helicotrema {m} [anatomy] | :: helicotrema |
helictita {f} | :: helictite |
helio- {prefix} | :: helio- |
helio {m} | :: helium |
heliocéntrico {adj} | :: heliocentric |
heliocentrismo {m} | :: heliocentrism |
heliofísica {f} | :: heliophysics |
heliogábalo {m} | :: glutton |
Heliogábalo {prop} {m} | :: Heliogabalus |
heliómetro {m} | :: heliometer |
helión {m} | :: helion |
Helios {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Helios (god) |
heliotropismo {m} [biology] | :: heliotropism |
heliotropo {m} | :: heliotrope |
helipuerto {m} | :: heliport |
helitransportable {adj} | :: heliportable |
helitransportar {v} | :: to helicopter |
hellinero {adj} | :: Of or from Hellín |
hellinero {m} | :: Someone from Hellín |
helmintiasis {f} [medicine] | :: helminthiasis |
helminto {m} | :: helminth |
helmintología {f} | :: helminthology |
helsinguina {f} | :: feminine noun of helsinguino |
helsinguino {adj} | :: Helsinkian (of or pertaining to Helsinki, Finland) |
helsinguino {m} | :: Helsinkian (native or resident of Helsinki, Finland) |
Helsinki {prop} | :: Helsinki (capital city) |
helvecia {f} | :: feminine noun of helvecio |
helvecio {adj} | :: Helvetian |
helvecio {m} | :: Helvetian |
helvético {adj} | :: Helvetian |
hemaglutinina {f} [protein] | :: hemagglutinin |
hemangioma {f} [pathology] | :: hemangioma |
hemangiosarcoma {f} | :: hemangiosarcoma |
hemartros {m} [pathology] | :: hemarthrosis |
hematemesis {f} [pathology] | :: hematemesis |
hemático {adj} | :: hematic; haematic |
hematíe {m} [biology] | :: red blood cell |
hematita {f} [mineral] | :: hematite |
hemato- {prefix} | :: haemato- |
hematocolpos {m} [pathology] | :: hematocolpos |
hematocrito {m} | :: hematocrit |
hematoencefálico {adj} | :: hematoencephalic |
hematofagia {f} | :: hematophagy |
hematófago {adj} | :: hematophagous |
hematóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of hematólogo |
hematología {f} [medicine] | :: hematology / haematology |
hematológico {adj} | :: hematologic |
hematólogo {m} [medicine] | :: haematologist |
hematoma {m} [medicine] | :: bruise |
hematometra {f} [medicine] | :: hematometra |
hematooncológico {adj} | :: hemato-oncological |
hematopoyesis {f} [hematology] | :: hematopoiesis |
hematopoyético {adj} | :: hematopoietic |
hematoquecia {f} [pathology] | :: hematochezia |
hematotoxicidad {f} [medicine] | :: hematotoxicity |
hematoxilina {f} [organic compound] | :: hematoxylin |
hematuria {f} [pathology] | :: hematuria |
hematúrico {adj} [medicine] | :: hematuric |
hembra {f} | :: female |
hembrismo {m} | :: femismo |
hembrista {adj} | :: femist (relating to or in accordance with femismo) |
hembrista {adj} | :: feminazi |
hembrista {mf} | :: femist (relating to or in accordance with femismo) |
hembrista {mf} | :: feminazi |
hembrita {f} | :: diminutive of hembra |
heme {phrase} | :: here I am |
Hemera {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] | :: Hemera |
hemerálope {adj} [medicine] | :: hemeralopic |
hemeralopía {f} [medicine] | :: hemeralopia |
hemerocalis {m} | :: daylily |
hemerográfico {adj} | :: hemerographic |
hemerología {f} | :: hemerology |
hemeroteca {f} | :: A place, such a section of a library, where periodicals (newspapers, magazines, and so on) are archived for consultation |
hemi- {prefix} | :: hemi-, half |
hemiacetal {m} [organic chemistry] | :: hemiacetal |
hemicelulosa {f} [organic compound] | :: hemicellulose |
hemicetal {m} [organic chemistry] | :: hemiketal |
hemiciclo {m} | :: semicircle |
hemiciclo {m} [politics] | :: chamber |
hemicordado {m} [zoology] | :: hemichordate |
hemiélitro {m} | :: hemelytron |
hemínico {adj} | :: containing haem |
hemiparesia {f} | :: hemiparesis |
hemiplejia {f} | :: hemiplegia |
hemíptero {m} | :: hemipter, hemipteran |
hemisférico {adj} | :: hemispheric |
hemisférico {adj} | :: hemispherical |
hemisferio {m} | :: hemisphere (half of the celestial sphere) |
hemisferio {m} | :: hemisphere (half of the Earth) |
hemisferio {m} | :: hemisphere (half of any sphere) |
hemisferio cerebral {f} | :: cerebral hemisphere |
hemispingo {m} | :: hemispingus |
hemistiquio {m} | :: hemistich (an approximate half-line of verse) |
hemiterpeno {m} [organic compound] | :: hemiterpene |
hemiterpenoide {m} [organic compound] | :: hemiterpenoid |
hemitórax {m} | :: hemithorax |
hemo- {prefix} | :: hemo- |
hemo {m} [biochemistry] | :: heme |
hemocianina {f} [organic compound] | :: hemocyanin |
hemocitoblasto {m} [cytology] | :: hematopoietic stem cell |
hemocromatosis {f} | :: haemochromatosis |
hemocultivo {m} | :: blood culture |
hemoderivado {m} | :: hemoderivative |
hemodiálisis {f} | :: hemodialysis |
hemodinamia {f} | :: hemodynamics |
hemodinámica {f} | :: hemodynamics |
hemodinámicamente {adv} | :: hemodynamically |
hemodinámico {adj} | :: hemodynamic |
hemodonación {f} | :: blood donation |
hemofilia {f} [pathology] | :: haemophilia/hemophilia |
hemofílico {adj} | :: haemophilic |
hemofílico {m} | :: haemophiliac |
hemofiltración {f} | :: haemofiltration |
hemoglobina {f} [protein] | :: hemoglobin |
hemoglobinopatía {f} [pathology] | :: hemoglobinopathy |
hemoglobinuria {f} [medicine] | :: hemoglobinuria |
hemograma {f} | :: hemogram |
hemolinfa {f} [zoology] | :: hemolymph (a circulating fluid in the bodies of some invertebrates) |
hemolisis {f} [medicine] | :: haemolysis |
hemólisis {f} | :: alternative form of hemolisis |
hemolítico {adj} [medicine] | :: haemolytic |
hemopoyesis {f} | :: alternative form of hematopoyesis |
hemopoyético {adj} | :: alternative form of hematopoyético |
hemoptisis {f} | :: hemoptysis |
hemorragia {f} [pathology] | :: hemorrhage |
hemorrágico {adj} | :: hemorrhagic |
hemorroidal {adj} | :: hemorrhoidal, haemorrhoidal |
hemorroide {f} | :: [usually in plural] hemorrhoid, haemorrhoid |
hemorroides {fp} | :: haemorrhoids |
hemosiderina {f} | :: hemosiderin |
hemostasia {f} [medicine] | :: hemostasis (keeping of blood inside a damaged vessel) |
hemostático {adj} | :: hemostatic |
hemóstato {m} | :: hemostat |
Henao {prop} {m} | :: Henao (province) |
henar {m} | :: hayfield |
henchir {v} | :: to swell, to fill |
Hendaya {prop} {f} | :: Hendaya (town) |
hendedura {f} | :: alternative form of hendidura |
hender {vt} | :: To split, to cleave apart |
hender {vt} | :: To crack into pieces |
hender {vt} | :: To mar |
hendíadis {f} | :: alternative spelling of endíadis |
hendido {adj} | :: cracked, cleft (palate) |
hendidor {m} | :: cleaver (prehistoric tool) |
hendidura {f} | :: cleft, groove, cleavage, indentation, slot, slit |
hendija {f} | :: A small groove, slit or other indentation |
hendir {v} | :: to cut open |
hendir {v} | :: to slice or cut through (water, waves, crowd etc.) |
henequén {m} | :: henequen |
henequenera {f} | :: feminine noun of henequenero |
henequenero {adj} | :: of or relating to henequens |
henequenero {m} | :: henequen producer or seller |
henil {m} | :: hayloft |
heñir {v} | :: to knead |
henna {m} | :: henna (Lawsonia inermis) |
heno {m} | :: hay |
Henoch {prop} {m} | :: Enoch (Biblical character) |
henos {phrase} | :: here we are |
henrio {m} | :: henry (unit of inductance) |
heparán {m} | :: heparan |
heparina {f} [carbohydrate] | :: heparin |
hepática {f} | :: hepatica |
hepático {adj} | :: hepatic |
hepatítico {adj} | :: hepatitic |
hepatitis {f} [pathology] | :: hepatitis |
hepato- {prefix} | :: hepato- |
hepatocarcinoma {m} [pathology] | :: hepatocarcinoma |
hepatocelular {adj} | :: hepatocellular |
hepatocito {m} | :: hepatocyte |
hepatoencefalopatía {f} [pathology] | :: hepatoencephalopathy |
hepatóloga {f} | :: hepatologist |
hepatología {f} | :: hepatology |
hepatólogo {m} | :: hepatologist |
hepatomegalia {f} [pathology] | :: hepatomegaly |
hepatopatía {f} [pathology] | :: hepatopathy; liver disease |
hepatorrenal {adj} | :: hepatorenal |
hepatotoxicidad {f} [medicine] | :: hepatoxicity |
hepatotóxico {adj} | :: hepatotoxic |
hepatotropo {adj} | :: hepatotropic |
hepcidina {f} [hormone] | :: hepcidin |
heptacampeón {m} | :: seven-time champion |
heptadecágono {m} [geometry] | :: heptadecagon |
heptagonal {adj} | :: heptagonal |
heptágono {adj} | :: heptagonal |
heptágono {m} | :: heptagon |
heptalogía {f} | :: heptalogy |
heptano {m} | :: heptane |
heptasílabo {adj} | :: heptasyllabic |
heptatleta {mf} | :: heptathlete |
heptatlón {m} | :: heptathlon |
hepteno {m} [organic chemistry] | :: heptene |
heptosa {f} [organic chemistry] | :: heptose |
heptóxido {m} | :: heptoxide |
Hera {prop} {f} | :: Hera |
Heracles {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Heracles (the son of Zeus) |
Héracles {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Heracles |
Heraclión {prop} {f} | :: Iraklion (the capital city of Crete) |
heraclitana {f} | :: feminine noun of heraclitano |
heraclitano {adj} [philosophy] | :: Heraclitan |
heraclitano {m} [philosophy] | :: Heraclitan |
Heráclito {prop} {m} | :: Heraclitus (a pre-Socratic Ionian philosopher) |
heráldica {f} | :: heraldry (the profession of devising and blazoning arms) |
heráldicamente {adv} | :: heraldically |
heráldico {adj} | :: heraldic |
heraldista {mf} | :: heraldist |
heraldo {m} | :: herald (messenger) |
herbáceo {adj} | :: herbaceous |
herbal {adj} | :: herbal |
herbar {v} | :: to adorn or tan with grass |
herbario {adj} | :: herbal |
herbario {m} | :: herbarium (collection of plants) |
herbazal {m} | :: grassland |
herbicida {adj} | :: herbicidal |
herbicida {m} | :: herbicide (substance used to kill plants) |
herbivoría {f} | :: herbivorousness |
herbívoro {adj} | :: herbivorous |
herbívoro {m} | :: herbivore |
herbolaria {f} | :: feminine noun of herbolario |
herbolario {adj} | :: herbalist |
herbolario {m} | :: herbalist |
herborista {mf} | :: herbalist |
herboristería {f} | :: the sale of medical plants |
herborización {f} | :: collation or collection of plants |
herborizar {v} | :: to collect or collate plants |
herboso {adj} | :: grassy |
herciniano {adj} | :: Hercynian |
hercio {m} | :: hertz |
herculana {f} | :: feminine noun of herculano |
herculano {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Hércules CF, a football club from Alicante |
herculano {m} | :: Someone associated with Hércules CF, as a fan, player, coach etc |
Herculano {prop} {m} | :: Herculaneum |
hercúleo {adj} | :: Herculean |
hércules {m} | :: Hercules (strong man) |
Hércules {prop} {m} [Roman mythology] | :: Hercules |
herculina {f} | :: feminine noun of herculino |
herculino {adj} | :: Of or from A Coruña, Galicia |
herculino {m} | :: Someone from A Coruña |
heredabilidad {f} | :: heritability |
heredable {adj} | :: inheritable |
heredad {f} [agriculture] | :: property; estate |
heredamiento {m} | :: inheritance |
heredar {v} | :: to inherit |
heredera {f} | :: feminine noun of heredero |
heredera forzosa {f} | :: feminine noun of heredero forzoso |
heredera presunta {f} | :: feminine noun of heredero presunto |
heredero {m} | :: heir |
heredero forzoso {m} | :: heir apparent |
heredero presunto {m} | :: heir presumptive |
herediana {f} | :: feminine noun of herediano |
herediano {adj} | :: Of or from Heredia Province, Costa Rica |
herediano {m} | :: An inhabitant of Heredia Province, Costa Rica |
hereditariamente {adv} | :: inherently |
hereditario {adj} | :: hereditary |
hereje {adj} | :: heretic |
hereje {adj} [colloquial, Latin America] | :: disrespectful |
hereje {adj} [colloquial, Latin America] | :: hard (severe, harsh, unfriendly, brutal) |
hereje {mf} | :: heretic |
herejía {f} | :: heresy |
herencia {f} | :: heredity, inheritance |
herero {adj} | :: Herero |
herero {mf} | :: Herero |
heresiarca {mf} | :: heresiarch |
herético {adj} | :: heretic, heretical |
herida {f} | :: wound |
herido {adj} | :: hurt, injured |
herir {vt} | :: to wound, injure (to cause physical injury and pain) |
herir {vt} | :: to hurt, offend, wound (to cause emotional pain) |
herirse {v} | :: reflexive of herir |
herma {m} | :: herm |
hermafrodita {adj} | :: hermaphroditic |
hermafrodita {m} | :: hermaphrodite |
Hermafrodito {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Hermaphroditus (Greek god) |
hermana {f} | :: feminine noun of hermano, sister |
hermanamiento {m} | :: twinning |
hermanar {v} | :: to unite |
hermanar {v} | :: to match |
hermanar {v} | :: to harmonize |
hermanastra {f} | :: feminine noun of hermanastro, stepsister and half-sister |
hermanastro {m} | :: stepbrother (stepsister for the feminine form) |
hermanastro {m} | :: half-brother (half-sister for the feminine form) |
hermanastro {m} | :: stepsibling (gender unspecified) |
hermandad {f} | :: brotherhood |
hermandar {v} | :: to twin (towns) |
hermane {mf} [gender-neutral, neologism] | :: sibling |
hermanillo {m} | :: diminutive of hermano |
hermanita {f} | :: diminutive of hermana |
hermanito {m} | :: diminutive of hermano; little brother |
hermano {m} | :: brother |
hermano {m} | :: sibling |
hermano {m} | :: bro |
hermenéutica {f} [theology] | :: hermeneutics |
hermenéutico {adj} | :: hermeneutic |
hermes {m} | :: Statue of Hermes |
Hermes {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Hermes |
herméticamente {adv} | :: hermetically |
hermeticidad {f} | :: hermeticity |
hermético {adj} | :: hermetic |
hermetismo {m} | :: utmost secrecy |
hermetismo {m} | :: unpenetrable |
hermetizar {v} | :: to seal hermetically |
hermítico {adj} | :: Hermitian |
Hermógenes {prop} {m} | :: given name |
hermosamente {adv} | :: attractively, prettily |
hermoseamiento {m} | :: embellishment; beautification |
hermosear {vt} | :: to embellish, to beautify |
hermosillense {adj} | :: Of or from the city of Hermosillo, Mexico |
hermosillense {mf} | :: Someone from the city of Hermosillo, Mexico |
Hermosillo {prop} | :: surname |
Hermosillo {prop} | :: Hermosillo (city/capital) |
hermosísimo {adj} | :: superlative of hermoso |
hermoso {adj} | :: gorgeous, beautiful, lovely (woman, animal, plant, sight, place) |
hermoso {adj} | :: handsome (man) |
hermosura {f} | :: beauty (the quality of being attractive or pleasing) |
hermosura {f} | :: beauty (someone who is beautiful) |
Hernán {prop} {m} | :: Shortened form of Hernando |
Hernández {prop} | :: surname |
Hernando {prop} {m} | :: given name. |
hernia {f} [pathology] | :: hernia |
herniación {f} | :: herniation |
herniario {adj} | :: hernial |
herniarse {v} | :: to herniate |
herniarse {v} [ironic] | :: to get very tired; to rupture oneself; don't inconvenience or trouble yourself to do something. Usually used sarcastically |
Herodes {prop} {m} | :: Herod (king) |
Heródoto {prop} {m} | :: Herodotus (ancient historian) |
héroe {m} | :: hero |
heroicamente {adv} | :: heroically |
heroicidad {f} | :: heroicness |
heroicidad {f} | :: a heroic deed |
heroico {adj} | :: heroic |
heroína {f} | :: heroine |
heroína {f} | :: heroin |
heroinómana {f} | :: feminine noun of heroinómano |
heroinómano {adj} | :: addicted to heroin |
heroinómano {m} | :: heroin addict |
heroísmo {m} | :: heroism |
heroísmo {m} | :: A heroic action or deed |
heroniano {adj} | :: Heronian |
heroyco {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of heroico |
herpes {mf} | :: herpes |
herpes {mf} | :: cold sore |
herpes simple {m} [pathology] | :: herpes simplex |
herpesvirus {m} [virology] | :: herpesvirus |
herpes zóster {m} | :: shingles, herpes zoster |
herpético {adj} | :: herpetic |
herpetiforme {adj} | :: herpetiform |
herpetóloga {f} | :: female equivalent of herpetólogo |
herpetología {f} | :: herpetology |
herpetológico {adj} | :: herpetological |
herpetólogo {m} | :: herpetologist (one who studies reptiles, a reptile specialist) |
herradero {m} | :: The branding of bulls |
herradero {m} | :: A pen or enclosure used to brand the bulls |
herradero {m} | :: The time of the year in which the bull-branding takes place |
herrador {m} | :: farrier (person who trims and shoes horses' hooves) |
herradora {f} | :: feminine noun of herrador |
herradura {f} | :: horseshoe |
herraj {m} | :: charcoal made from the stones of pressed olives |
herraje {m} | :: ironwork |
herramental {adj} [attributive] | :: tool |
herramienta {f} | :: A tool; an implement |
herrar {v} | :: to horseshoe, to shoe a horse |
herrar {v} | :: to brand |
herrén {m} | :: fodder |
herreña {f} | :: feminine noun of herreño |
herreño {adj} | :: Of or from the island of El Hierro in the Canary Islands |
herreño {m} | :: An inhabitant of the island of El Hierro in the Canary Islands |
herrera {f} | :: feminine noun of herrero |
Herrera {prop} | :: surname |
herrerana {f} | :: feminine noun of herrerano |
herrerano {adj} | :: Of or from Herrera Province |
herrerano {m} | :: Someone from Herrera Province |
herrería {f} | :: ironworker's shop |
herrería {f} | :: ironworker's workshop |
herrería {f} | :: ironmonger's |
herrería {f} | :: ironmongering |
herreriano {adj} | :: Herrerian |
herrerillo {m} | :: titmouse |
herrerillo común {m} | :: blue tit |
herrerista {adj} | :: Herrerist |
herrerista {mf} | :: Herrerist |
herrero {m} | :: blacksmith |
Herrero {prop} | :: surname |
herreruelo {m} | :: a type of hat |
herrete {m} | :: tag |
herrete {m} | :: aglet, aiglet |
herriko {f} [Basque Country, politics, colloquial] | :: A bar where members of the abertzale left (Basque nationalists) congregate |
herriko taberna {f} [Basque Country, politics] | :: A bar where members of the abertzale left (Basque nationalists) congregate |
herrumbrar {v} | :: to rust, go rusty |
herrumbre {f} | :: rust |
herrumbroso {adj} | :: rusty |
hertciano {adj} | :: alternative form of hertziano |
hertz {m} | :: hertz |
hertz {m} | :: plural of hertz |
hertziano {adj} | :: Hertzian |
hérula {f} | :: feminine noun of hérulo |
hérulo {adj} | :: Herule |
hérulo {m} | :: Herule |
hervidero {m} | :: swarm, crowd, throng |
hervidero {m} | :: hot spring |
hervidero {m} | :: breeding ground, hotbed |
hervidor {m} | :: kettle (for boiling water) |
hervir {v} | :: to boil |
hervor {m} | :: boiling |
hervor {m} | :: liveliness |
hervor {m} [archaic] | :: animosity |
hervor {m} [archaic] | :: zeal |
hervor {m} [archaic] | :: vehemence |
hervoroso {adj} | :: boiling |
hervoroso {adj} | :: steamy |
herzegovina {f} | :: feminine noun of herzegovino |
herzegovino {adj} | :: Herzegovinian (of or pertaining to the region of Herzegovina in the Balkan Peninsula) |
herzegovino {m} | :: Herzegovinian (native or resident of the Herzegovina region in the Balkan Peninsula) |
Hesíodo {prop} {m} | :: Hesiod (greek poet) |
hesitación {f} | :: hesitation |
hesitar {v} [rare] | :: to hesitate |
Hespérides {prop} {fp} [Greek mythology] | :: Hesperides (a group of nymphs) |
Hesse {prop} {f} | :: Hesse (state) |
hessiana {f} | :: feminine noun of hessiano |
hessiano {adj} | :: Hessian |
hessiano {m} | :: Hessian |
Hestia {prop} {f} [Greek god] | :: Hestia |
hetaira {n} | :: hetaera |
Hetangiano {prop} {m} | :: Hettangian |
hete {phrase} | :: here you are |
hetero- {prefix} | :: hetero- (other; different) |
hetero {adj} | :: hetero, straight |
hetero {mf} | :: hetero, straight |
heteroátomo {m} [organic chemistry] | :: heteroatom |
heteroblástico {adj} [biology] | :: heteroblastic |
heterocedasticidad {f} | :: heteroscedasticity |
heterocíclico {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: heterocyclic |
heterociclo {m} [organic chemistry] | :: heterocycle |
heterocigosidad {f} | :: heterozygosity |
heterocigosis {f} | :: heterozygosis |
heterocigótico {adj} | :: heterozygous |
heterocigoto {adj} [genetics] | :: heterozygotic |
heterocigoto {m} [genetics] | :: heterozygote |
heteróclito {adj} | :: heteroclite |
heteroconto {m} [biology] | :: heterokont |
heterocromatina {f} | :: heterochromatin |
heterocromía {f} | :: heterochromia |
heterodímero {m} [chemistry] | :: heterodimer |
heterodontosáurido {m} | :: heterodontosaurid |
heterodoxia {f} | :: heterodoxy |
heterodoxo {adj} | :: heterodox, unorthodox |
heteroflexible {adj} | :: heteroflexible |
heterófoba {f} | :: feminine noun of heterófobo |
heterofobia {f} | :: heterophobia |
heterofóbica {f} | :: feminine noun of heterofóbico |
heterofóbico {adj} | :: heterophobic |
heterofóbico {m} | :: heterophobe |
heterófobo {adj} | :: heterophobic |
heterófobo {m} | :: heterophobe |
heterogeneidad {f} | :: heterogeneity |
heterogéneo {adj} | :: heterogeneous |
heterógeneo {adj} | :: heterogeneous |
heterónimo {m} [linguistics] | :: heteronym (word having the same spelling but different pronunciation) |
heteronomía {f} | :: heteronomy |
heterónomo {adj} | :: heteronomous (not autonomous) |
heteronormatividad {f} | :: heteronormativity |
heteropatriarcado {m} | :: heteropatriarchy |
heterosexismo {m} | :: heterosexism |
heterosexual {adj} | :: heterosexual |
heterosexual {mf} | :: heterosexual |
heterosexualidad {f} | :: heterosexuality |
heterósido {m} | :: heteroside |
heterótico {adj} | :: heterotic |
heterótrofo {m} [biology] | :: heterotroph |
heterótrofo {adj} | :: heterotrophic |
Hettangiense {prop} {m} | :: Hettangian |
heurístico {adj} | :: heuristic |
hevea {f} | :: rubber tree |
hexacampeón {m} | :: six-time champion |
hexaclorobenceno {m} [organic chemistry] | :: hexachlorobenzene |
hexacoral {m} [zoology] | :: hexacoral |
hexacordo {m} | :: hexachord |
hexacosicoron {m} [geometry] | :: hexacosichoron, 600-cell |
hexadecágono {m} [geometry] | :: hexadecagon |
hexadecimal {m} | :: hexadecimal |
hexadecimal {adj} | :: hexadecimal |
hexaedro {m} | :: hexahedron |
hexafluoruro {m} [chemistry] | :: hexafluoride |
hexagonal {adj} | :: hexagonal |
hexágono {adj} | :: hexagonal |
hexágono {m} | :: hexagon |
hexagrama {f} | :: hexagram |
hexámero {m} | :: hexameron |
hexámetro {m} | :: hexameter |
hexano {m} [organic compound] | :: hexane |
hexápodo {m} [zoology] | :: hexapod |
hexápodo {adj} | :: hexapod |
hexástilo {m} | :: hexastyle |
hexazina {f} [organic compound] | :: hexazine |
hexeno {m} [organic chemistry] | :: hexene |
hexilo {m} [organic chemistry] | :: hexyl |
hexocinasa {f} [enzyme] | :: hexokinase |
hexokinasa {f} | :: alternative form of hexocinasa |
hexoquinasa {f} [enzyme] | :: hexokinase |
hexosa {f} [carbohydrate] | :: hexose |
hexosamina {f} [organic compound] | :: hexosamine |
hey {interj} | :: hey! |
hez {f} | :: dregs, sediment |
hez {f} [derogatory] | :: scum |
hez {f} [in the plural] | :: excrement, dung |
Hezbolá {prop} {f} | :: Hezbollah |
HG {prop} | :: abbreviation of Hidalgo (Mexican state) |
hialino {adj} | :: hyaline |
hialoclastita {f} [geology] | :: hyaloclastite |
hialurónico {adj} | :: hyaluronic |
hialuronidasa {f} [enzyme] | :: hyaluronidase |
hiatal {adj} | :: hiatal |
hiato {m} | :: hiatus (a syllable break between two vowels, without an intervening consonant) |
hiato {m} | :: gap, separation |
hiato {m} | :: interruption |
hiato {m} [rare] | :: crevice |
hibernación {f} [zoology] | :: hibernation |
hibernar {v} | :: to hibernate |
hibisco {m} | :: hibiscus |
hibridación {f} | :: hybridization (act of hybridizing) |
hibridación {f} [chemistry] | :: hybridization |
hibridar {v} | :: to hybridize |
hibridez {f} | :: hybridity |
híbrido {adj} | :: hybrid |
híbrido {m} | :: hybrid |
hico {m} | :: rope attached to a hammock |
hicsa {f} | :: feminine noun of hicso |
hicso {adj} | :: Hykso |
hicso {m} | :: Hykso |
hidalgamente {adv} | :: nobly |
hidalgo {adj} | :: noble |
hidalgo {m} | :: noble, nobleman |
Hidalgo {prop} {m} | :: Hidalgo (state) |
Hidalgo {prop} | :: surname |
hidalguense {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the Mexican state of Hidalgo |
hidalguía {f} | :: the state of being an hidalgo |
hidalguillo {m} | :: diminutive of hidalgo |
hidalguización {f} | :: The process of becoming a hidalgo |
hidatidosis {f} [pathology] | :: hydatidosis |
hideputa {m} | :: SOB, son of a bitch |
hidra {f} | :: hydra (mythical creature) |
Hidra {prop} {f} [astronomy] | :: Hydra (one of Pluto's moons) |
Hidra {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] | :: Hydra |
hidrácido {m} [chemistry] | :: hydracid |
hidracina {f} [chemistry] | :: hydrazine |
Hidra de Lerna {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] | :: Hydra (mythical serpent) |
hidrante {m} | :: fire hydrant (a device used by firefighters to obtain water from the main) |
hidrargirio {m} | :: hydrargyrum |
hidratación {f} | :: hydration |
hidratante {adj} | :: hydrating |
hidratar {v} | :: to moisturize or hydrate |
hidrato {m} | :: hydrate |
hidrato de carbono {m} | :: carbohydrate |
hidráulicamente {adv} | :: hydraulically |
hidraulicidad {f} | :: hydraulicity |
hidraulicidad {f} | :: rainfall; availability of water |
hidráulico {adj} | :: hydraulic |
hidrazina {f} [inorganic chemistry] | :: hydrazine |
hídrico {adj} | :: hydrous |
hidro- {prefix} | :: hydro- |
hidroacústica {f} | :: underwater acoustics |
hidroala {m} | :: hydrofoil |
hidroavión {m} | :: seaplane |
hidrobiológico {adj} | :: hydrobiological |
hidroboración {f} [organic chemistry] | :: hydroboration |
hidrocálido {adj} | :: (of a person) Of or from the Mexican state of Aguascalientes |
hidrocanoa {f} | :: flying boat |
hidrocarbonado {adj} [attributive] | :: hydrocarbon |
hidrocarburífero {adj} [attributive] | :: hydrocarbon |
hidrocarburo {m} [organic chemistry] | :: hydrocarbon |
hidrocefalia {f} | :: hydrocephalus |
hidrocele {m} | :: hydrocele |
hidroclórico {adj} [chemistry] | :: hydrochloric |
hidrocloruro {m} | :: hydrochloride |
hidrocodona {f} | :: hydrocodone |
hidroconformado {m} | :: hydroforming |
hidrocortisona {f} [steroid hormone] | :: hydrocortisone |
hidrocristalófono {m} | :: hydrocrystalophone, glass harmonica |
hidrocución {f} [medicine] | :: hydrocution |
hidrodeslizador {m} | :: airboat; fanboat |
hidrodinámica {f} | :: hydrodynamics |
hidrodinámicamente {adv} | :: hydrodynamically |
hidrodinámico {adj} | :: hydrodynamic |
hidroelectricidad {f} | :: hydroelectricity |
hidroeléctrico {adj} | :: hydroelectric |
hidroelectrolítico {adj} | :: hydroelectrolytic |
hidrofílico {adj} | :: hydrophilic |
hidrófilo {adj} | :: absorbent, hydrophilic |
hidrofluorocarbono {m} | :: hydrofluorocarbon |
hidrofluorocarburo {m} | :: hydrofluorocarbon |
hidrofobicidad {f} | :: hydrophobicity |
hidrofóbico {adj} | :: hydrophobic |
hidrófobo {adj} | :: hydrophobic |
hidrófono {m} | :: hydrophone |
hidroformilación {f} | :: hydroformylation |
hidrófugo {adj} | :: water-repellent |
hidrófugo {adj} | :: water-repellent |
hidrogel {m} | :: hydrogel |
hidrogenación {f} | :: hydrogenation |
hidrogenar {v} [chemistry] | :: to hydrogenate |
hidrogenasa {f} | :: hydrogenase |
hidrogeno {m} | :: hydrogen |
hidrógeno {m} | :: hydrogen |
hidrogenosoma {m} [cytology] | :: hydrogenosome |
hidrogeología {f} | :: hydrogeology |
hidrogeológico {adj} | :: hydrogeological |
hidrógrafa {f} | :: feminine noun of hidrógrafo |
hidrografía {f} | :: hydrography |
hidrográficamente {adv} | :: hydrographically |
hidrográfico {adj} | :: hydrographic |
hidrógrafo {m} | :: hydrographer |
hidrograma {m} | :: hydrograph |
hidrohalogenación {f} [chemistry] | :: hydrohalogenation |
hidroide {m} [zoology] | :: hydroid |
hidrolasa {f} [enzyme] | :: hydrolase |
hidrolisis {f} | :: alternative form of hidrólisis |
hidrólisis {f} | :: hydrolysis |
hidrolítico {adj} | :: hydrolytic |
hidrolizar {v} | :: to hydrolyse |
hidróloga {f} | :: feminine noun of hidrólogo |
hidrología {f} | :: hydrology |
hidrológicamente {adv} | :: hydrologically |
hidrológico {adj} | :: hydrologic, hydrological |
hidrólogo {m} | :: hydrologist |
hidromasaje {m} | :: hydromassage |
hidromedusa {f} | :: hydromedusa |
hidrometeoro {m} | :: hydrometeor |
hidrometeorológico {adj} | :: hydrometeorological |
hidrométrico {adj} | :: hydrometric |
hidrómetro {m} | :: hydrometer |
hidromiel {m} | :: mead, hydromel |
hidronefrosis {f} [pathology] | :: hydronephrosis |
hidroneumático {adj} | :: hydropneumatic |
hidronimia {f} | :: hydronymy |
hidronímico {adj} | :: hydronymic |
hidrónimo {m} | :: hydronym |
hidronio {m} | :: hydronium |
hidropatía {f} | :: hydropathy; hydrotherapy |
hidropático {adj} | :: hydropathic |
hidropedal {adj} | :: hydropedal |
hidroperóxido {m} | :: hydroperoxide |
hidropesía {f} [pathology] | :: edema |
hidrópico {adj} | :: hydropic |
hidroplaneo {m} | :: aquaplaning |
hidroplano {m} | :: hydroplane |
hidroponía {f} | :: hydroponics |
hidropónico {adj} | :: hydroponic |
hidroquinona {f} [organic compound] | :: hydroquinone |
hidrorregulador {adj} | :: hydro-regulatory |
hidrosanitario {adj} | :: hydrosanitary |
hidrosfera {f} | :: hydrosphere |
hidrósfera {f} | :: alternative form of hidrosfera |
hidrosol {m} | :: hydrosol |
hidrosoluble {adj} | :: water-soluble |
hidrostático {adj} | :: hydrostatic |
hidroterapia {f} | :: hydropathy; hydrotherapy |
hidroterápico {adj} | :: hydropathic |
hidrotermal {adj} | :: hydrothermal |
hidrotérmico {adj} | :: hydrothermal |
hidrovía {f} | :: waterway |
hidroxiapatita {f} | :: hydroxyapatite |
hidroxibenzaldehído {m} [organic compound] | :: methoxybenzaldehyde |
hidroxicloroquina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: hydroxychloroquine |
hidróxido {m} [chemistry] | :: hydroxide |
hidroxilación {f} [organic chemistry] | :: hydroxylation |
hidroxilado {adj} | :: hydroxylated |
hidroxilasa {f} [enzyme] | :: hydroxylase |
hidroxilo {m} [chemistry] | :: hydroxyl |
hidroxiprolina {f} [protein] | :: hydroxyproline |
hidrozoo {m} [zoology] | :: hydrozoan |
hidruro {m} [chemistry] | :: hydride |
hidruro de litio {m} | :: lithium hydride |
hiedra {f} | :: ivy |
hiedra terrestre {f} | :: ground ivy |
hiedra venenosa {f} | :: poison ivy |
hiel {f} | :: bile |
hielera {f} | :: cooler, portable icebox |
hielo {m} | :: ice |
hielo marino {m} | :: sea ice |
hielo seco {m} | :: dry ice |
hiemal {adj} | :: of or pertaining to winter |
hiemal {m} [astronomy] | :: the winter quadrant |
hiena {f} | :: hyena |
hiénido {m} | :: hyaenid |
hieracoesfinge {f} [Egyptian mythology] | :: hieracosphinx |
hierarquía {f} | :: obsolete form of jerarquía |
hierático {adj} | :: hieratic |
hieratismo {m} | :: hieratic |
hierba {f} | :: herb |
hierba {f} | :: grass (the plant itself) |
hierba {f} | :: weed |
hierba {f} [slang] | :: marijuana |
hierba buena {f} | :: spearmint, mint (Mentha spicata) |
hierbabuena {f} | :: alternative form of hierba buena, mint |
hierba de San Juan {f} | :: perforate St John's-wort |
hierbajo {m} | :: weed (bad or unwanted plant) |
hierba luisa {f} | :: lemon verbena |
hierbaluisa {f} | :: lemon verbena (shrub, Aloysia triphylla) |
hierba mora {f} | :: black nightshade; European black nightshade (Solanum nigrum) |
hierba mora {f} | :: salad burnet (Sanguisorba minor) |
hierbatera {f} | :: feminine noun of hierbatero |
hierbatero {m} | :: herbalist; one who sells medicinal herbs |
hierbera {f} | :: feminine noun of hierbero |
hierbero {m} [Cuba, Mexico] | :: Someone who sells or cultivates herbs, especially medicinal ones |
hierbero {m} [Mexico] | :: A medicine man or other healer who uses herbs |
hieroglífico {m} | :: obsolete form of jeroglífico |
hieromonje {m} | :: hieromonk |
hierosolimitano {adj} | :: Jerusalemite |
hierosolimitano {m} | :: Jerusalemite |
hierro {m} | :: iron (common, inexpensive metal, having atomic number 26 and symbol Fe, or a material predominantly made of this) |
hierro {m} | :: branding iron (piece of metal bent into a distinctive shape and used to brand livestock) |
hierro {m} [metonymically] | :: brand (mark or scar made by burning with a branding iron) |
hierro {m} [by extension] | :: brand (symbolic identity, represented by a name or logo) |
hierro {m} | :: iron or steel weapon |
hierro {m} | :: any of various objects made of iron |
hierro {m} | :: importance |
Hierro {prop} | :: surname |
hierro fundido {m} | :: cast iron |
hifa {f} [mycology] | :: hypha |
hifal {adj} [mycology] | :: hyphal |
higa {f} | :: obscene gesture made by putting the thumb between the index finger and the middle finger |
hígado {m} | :: liver |
Higía {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] | :: Hygeia |
higiene {f} | :: hygiene |
higiénico {adj} | :: hygienic |
higienista {mf} | :: hygienist |
higienización {f} | :: sterilization |
higienizante {adj} | :: sanitising |
higienizar {v} | :: to sanitise |
higo {m} | :: fig (fruit) |
higo {m} [colloquial] | :: snatch, pussy (vagina) |
higo chumbo {m} | :: prickly pear |
higrina {f} [organic compound] | :: hygrine |
higrófilo {adj} | :: hygrophilous |
higrómetro {m} [meteorology] | :: hygrometer (instrument that measures humidity) |
higroscópico {adj} | :: hygroscopic |
Higuchi {prop} | :: surname |
higuera {f} | :: fig tree |
higueral {m} | :: fig plantation |
higuerilla {f} | :: Ricinus, Ricinus communis, castor bean, castor oil plant |
higuerilla {f} | :: Euphorbia lamarckii |
higuerilla {f} | :: Euphorbia regis-jubae |
higuerón {m} | :: The tree Ruprechtia apetala |
hija {f} | :: daughter; feminine noun of hijo |
hijadalgo {f} | :: feminine noun of hijodalgo |
hija de la chingada {f} | :: feminine noun of hijo de la chingada |
hija de la Gran Bretaña {f} | :: feminine noun of hijo de la Gran Bretaña |
hija de la gran puta {f} | :: feminine noun of hijo de la gran puta |
hija de la puta {f} | :: feminine noun of hijo de la puta |
hija de la verga {f} | :: feminine noun of hijo de la verga |
hija del medio {f} | :: middle child, middle daughter |
hija de machepa {f} | :: feminine noun of hijo de machepa |
hija de puta {f} | :: feminine noun of hijo de puta |
hija natural {f} | :: natural child |
hijastra {f} | :: stepdaughter |
hijastro {m} | :: stepchild, stepkid; stepson |
hija única {f} | :: only child |
hije {mf} [gender-neutral, neologism] | :: child (offspring) |
hijita {f} | :: diminutive of hija: little daughter, daughterling |
hijito {m} | :: diminutive of hijo |
hijito {m} [colloquial] | :: sonny, young man |
hijo {m} | :: son |
hijo {m} | :: child (when the gender of the child is unknown) |
hijodalgo {m} | :: alternative form of hidalgo |
Hijo de Dios {prop} {m} [Christianity] | :: Son of God (Jesus) |
hijo de la chingada {m} [Mexico, vulgar, pejorative, idiom] | :: motherfucker |
hijo de la Gran Bretaña {m} [idiom, euphemistic] | :: Son of a gun, alternative form of hijo de la gran puta |
hijo de la gran puta {m} [idiom, vulgar, derogatory] | :: alternative form of hijo de puta |
hijo de la puta {m} [idiom] | :: alternative form of hijo de puta |
hijo de la verga {m} [Mexico, vulgar, pejorative, idiom] | :: motherfucker |
Hijo del Cielo {m} [historical] | :: Son of Heaven (Emperor of China) |
hijo del medio {m} | :: middle child, middle son |
hijo de machepa {m} [Dominican Republic] | :: poor boy |
hijo de perra {m} [mildly, vulgar, in some parts of Latin America, derogatory] | :: motherfucker, son of a bitch |
hijo de puta {m} [pejorative, vulgar, idiom] | :: son of a bitch [an objectionable, despicable person and any objectionable thing] |
hijo de puta {m} [pejorative, vulgar, idiom] | :: motherfucker |
hijo de puta {interj} [pejorative, vulgar] | :: Son of a bitch! |
hijo de su madre {n} [colloquial, euphemistic] | :: Son of a gun, motherlover |
híjole {interj} [Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua] | :: used to denote surprise or the state of being impressed, similar to wow or whoa |
hijo natural {m} | :: natural child |
hijo pródigo {m} | :: prodigal son |
hijoputa {m} [pejorative, vulgar] | :: alternative spelling of hijo de puta |
hijoputa {interj} [pejorative, vulgar] | :: alternative spelling of hijo de puta |
hijoputismo {m} | :: bastardness; dickishness |
hijo único {m} | :: only child |
hijuela {m} | :: pejorative of hija |
hijuelo {m} | :: diminutive of hijo |
hijuelo {m} [botany] | :: layer; shoot |
hijueputa {m} [pejorative, vulgar] | :: abbreviated form of hijo de puta |
hijueputez {f} | :: douchebaggery; dumbfuckery |
hijueputilla {m} [vulgar, El Salvador] | :: little motherfucker (said of a baby) |
hijueputilla {m} [pejorative, vulgar, El Salvador] | :: variant of hijo de puta |
hilacha {f} | :: loose thread, shred of fabric |
hiladillo {m} | :: thin belt |
hilado {m} | :: yarn |
hiladora {f} | :: spinning wheel |
hilandera {f} | :: feminine noun of hilandero |
hilandería {f} | :: yarn spinning shop or workshop |
hilandero {m} | :: spinner (someone who spins) |
hilandero {m} | :: thread factory |
hilar {v} | :: to spin (as with thread) |
hilar {v} | :: to string together, put together (words, to make coherent sentences) |
hilarante {adj} | :: funny, hilarious |
hilarantemente {adv} | :: hilariously |
hilaridad {f} | :: hilarity |
Hilario {prop} | :: given name |
Hilario {prop} | :: surname deriving from the given name |
hilatura {f} | :: spinning (not on bikes) |
hilaza {f} | :: thread |
Hilda {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Hildegarda {prop} {f} | :: given name |
hilemorfismo {m} [philosophy] | :: hylomorphism |
hilera {f} | :: row, windrow |
hilillo {m} | :: diminutive of hilo |
hilio {m} [anatomy] | :: hilum (porta of an organ) |
hilito {m} | :: diminutive of hilo |
hilo {m} | :: thread, yarn, string |
hilo {m} | :: linen |
hilo {m} | :: edge of something sharp |
hilo {m} | :: crosshair, reticule |
hilo {m} [fish] | :: ellipsis of hilo de oro (type of stinging jellyfish, Guanacaste, Costa Rica) |
hilo {m} [internet] | :: thread (series of messages) |
hilo dental {m} | :: dental floss |
hilomorfismo {m} | :: alternative form of hilemorfismo |
hilóquero {m} | :: giant forest hog |
hilván {m} | :: basting, tack |
hilvanar {v} [sewing] | :: to baste |
hilvanar {v} [said of someone who speaks or writes] | :: to string together |
hilvanar {v} | :: to outline, to sketch |
Himalaya {prop} {m} | :: Himalaya (mountain range) |
himalayano {adj} | :: Himalayan |
himalayo {adj} | :: Himalayan |
himen {m} | :: hymen |
himeneo {adj} | :: hymeneal |
himenio {m} [mycology] | :: hymenium |
himenóforo {m} | :: hymenophore |
himenoplastia {f} | :: hymenoplasty |
himenóptero {m} | :: hymenopteran |
himnario {m} | :: hymnal |
himno {m} | :: hymn |
himno {m} | :: anthem |
himno nacional {m} | :: national anthem |
hincapié {m} | :: stomp (with the foot) |
hincapié {m} | :: emphasis |
hincar {vt} | :: to thrust, drive |
hincarla {v} [colloquial] | :: to croak, snuff it (die) |
hincar los codos {v} [idiomatic] | :: to put one's nose to the grindstone |
hincarse {vr} | :: to kneel down |
hincha {f} | :: hatred |
hincha {mf} | :: fan (an admirer or aficionado) |
Hincha {prop} | :: Hincha (commune) |
hinchable {adj} | :: inflatable, blowup |
hinchada {f} [collective] | :: supporters |
hinchado {adj} | :: swollen, tightened from enlarging |
hinchado {adj} | :: arrogant, pompous |
hinchamiento {m} | :: inflation (expansion in size by injection with a gas) |
hinchapelotas {m} [colloquial, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay] | :: pain in the ass |
hinchar {vt} | :: To inflate or fill with air or liquid |
hinchar {vt} [figuratively] | :: To exaggerate a story |
hinchar {v} [vulgar, figuratively] | :: To fill someone with anger |
hinchar codos {v} [idiomatic] | :: alternative form of hincar los codos |
hincharse {vr} | :: To swell, to grow tight as a result of enlarging |
hincharse {vr} | :: To become overwhelmed with anger |
hincharse {vr} | :: To pig out; stuff oneself (with food) |
hinchazón {f} | :: swelling |
hindi {m} | :: Hindi; one of the official languages of India |
hindú {adj} | :: Hindu, Hindustani |
hindú {adj} | :: Indian (of or relating to India or its people) |
hindú {mf} | :: Hindu, Hindustani |
hindú {mf} | :: Indian (person from India) |
hinduismo {m} | :: Hinduism |
hinduista {adj} | :: Hindu (attributive) |
hinduista {mf} | :: Hindu |
hiniesta {f} | :: broom (shrub) |
hiniestra {f} [archaic] | :: window |
hinojo {m} | :: fennel |
hinojo {m} [formal] | :: knee (joint or the region of the joint in the middle part of the leg between the thigh and the shank) |
Hinojosa {prop} | :: surname |
hiobranquial {adj} | :: hyobranchial |
hiogloso {m} | :: hyoglossus |
hioide {adj} | :: hyoid |
hioide {m} | :: hyoid bone |
hioideo {adj} [anatomy] | :: hyoid |
hioscina {f} | :: hyoscine |
hipálage {f} [rhetoric, grammar] | :: hypallage |
hipantio {m} | :: hypanthium |
hipanto {m} | :: hypanthium |
hipar {v} | :: to hiccup |
hipaspista {m} | :: hypaspist |
hipema {m} [ophthalmology] | :: hyphema |
hiper- {prefix} | :: hyper- |
híper {m} | :: hypermarket |
hiperaceleración {f} | :: hyperacceleration |
hiperacelerado {adj} | :: hyperaccelerated |
hiperactivar {vt} | :: to hyperactivate |
hiperactividad {f} | :: hyperactivity |
hiperactivo {adj} | :: hyperactive |
hiperaldosteronismo {m} [pathology] | :: hyperaldosteronism |
hiperandrogenismo {m} [medicine] | :: hyperandrogenism |
hiperbárico {adj} | :: hyperbaric |
hipérbato {m} [grammar, rhetoric] | :: hyperbaton |
hipérbaton {m} | :: alternative form of hipérbato |
hipérbola {f} | :: hyperbola (geometric curve) |
hipérbole {f} | :: hyperbole (rhetorical device) |
hiperbólicamente {adv} | :: hyperbolically |
hiperbólico {adj} [geometry] | :: hyperbolic |
hiperbólico {adj} | :: hyperbolic; of or relating to hyperbole |
hiperbolizar {v} | :: to hyperbolize |
hiperboloide {f} | :: hyperboloid |
Hiperbórea {prop} {f} | :: Hyperborea |
hipercalórico {adj} | :: hypercaloric |
hipercapnia {f} [pathology] | :: hypercapnia |
hipercataléctico {adj} | :: hypercatalectic |
hiperciclo {m} | :: hypercycle |
hiperclorémico {adj} | :: hyperchloremic |
hipercoagulabilidad {f} | :: hypercoagulability |
hipercolesterolemia {f} [pathology] | :: hypercholesterolemia (an excess of cholesterol in the blood) |
hipercompetente {adj} | :: incredible competent |
hipercomunicado {adj} | :: extremely well-communicated |
hiperconcentración {f} | :: hyperconcentration |
hiperconectado {adj} | :: hyperconnected |
hiperconectividad {f} | :: hyperconnectivity |
hiperconexión {f} | :: hyperconnection |
hiperconjugación {f} | :: hyperconjugation |
hiperconsumo {m} | :: hyperconsumption |
hipercubo {m} [geometry] | :: hypercube (an analogue of a cube in four or more dimensions) |
hiperdenso {adj} [medicine] | :: hyperdense |
hiperdependencia {f} | :: hyperdependence |
hiperémesis {f} | :: hyperemesis |
hiperémesis gravídica {f} | :: hyperemesis gravidarum, severe morning sickness |
hiperemia {f} | :: hyperaemia |
hiperenfocado {adj} | :: hyperfocused |
hiperenlace {m} [computing] | :: link, hyperlink |
hiperesfera {f} [geometry] | :: hypersphere |
hiperespacial {adj} | :: hyperspatial |
hiperespacio {m} [mathematics] | :: hyperspace (Euclidian space with more than three dimensions) |
hiperespacio {m} [science fiction] | :: hyperspace (space that makes faster-than-light travel possible) |
hiperespecialización {f} | :: hyperspecialization |
hiperestesia {f} | :: hyperesthesia |
hiperestimulación {f} | :: hyperstimulation |
hiperestimulado {adj} | :: hyperstimulated |
hiperexcitabilidad {f} | :: hyperexcitability |
hiperextensión {f} | :: hyperextension |
hiperferremia {f} | :: hyperferremia |
hiperferritinemia {f} | :: hyperferritinemia |
hiperfunción {f} | :: hyperfunction |
hipergammaglobulinemia {f} [pathology] | :: hypergammaglobulinemia |
hipergeométrico {adj} | :: hypergeometric |
hipergigante {f} | :: hypergiant |
hiperglobalización {f} | :: hyper-globalization |
hiperglobalizado {adj} | :: extremely globalized |
hiperglucemia {f} | :: hyperglycemia |
hiperglucemiante {adj} | :: hyperglycaemic |
hiperglucémico {adj} | :: hyperglycemic |
hipergólico {adj} | :: hypergolic |
hipergrafo {m} | :: hypergraph |
hiperhidrosis {f} | :: hyperhidrosis |
hipericina {f} [organic compound] | :: hypericin |
hipérico {m} | :: St John's wort |
hiperimperialismo {m} [neologism] | :: A new phase of imperialism |
hiperinflación {f} | :: hyperinflation |
hiperinflacionario {adj} | :: afflicted by hyperinflation |
hiperinflacionista {adj} [attributive, ] | :: hyperinflation |
hiperinflado {adj} | :: hyperinflated |
Hiperión {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Hyperion (a Titan, the son of Gaia and Uranus) |
Hiperión {prop} {m} [astronomy] | :: Hyperion (moon) |
hiperlaxitud {f} | :: hyperlaxity |
hiperlordosis {f} | :: hyperlordosis |
hipermasculinidad {f} | :: hypermasculinity |
hipermasculino {adj} | :: hypermasculine |
hipermedia {f} | :: hypermedia |
hipermedial {adj} | :: hypermedial |
hipermercado {m} | :: hypermarket |
hipermetilación {f} | :: hypermethylation |
hipermétrico {adj} | :: hypermetric |
hipermétrope {adj} | :: longsighted |
hipermetropía {f} | :: hyperopia, longsightedness |
hipermnesia {f} | :: hypermnesia |
hipermoderno {adj} | :: hypermodern |
hipermusculado {adj} | :: extremely muscular |
hiperón {m} | :: hyperon |
hiperónimo {m} | :: hypernym |
hiperoperación {f} | :: hyperoperation |
hiperosmolar {adj} | :: hyperosmolar |
hiperparatiroidismo {m} | :: hyperparathyroidism |
hiperpigmentación {f} | :: hyperpigmentation |
hiperplano {m} | :: hyperplane |
hiperplasia {f} | :: hyperplasia |
hiperplásico {adj} | :: hyperplasic |
hiperplasticidad {f} | :: hyperplasticity |
hiperpolarización {f} | :: hyperpolarization |
hiperpotasemia {f} [pathology] | :: hyperkalemia |
hiperpresidencialista {mf} | :: A supporter of neopresidencialismo |
hiperprolactinemia {f} [pathology] | :: hyperprolactinemia |
hiperproteico {adj} | :: high-protein |
hiperqueratosis {f} | :: hyperkeratosis |
hiperreactividad {f} | :: hyperreactivity |
hiperreal {adj} | :: hyperreal |
hiperrealidad {f} | :: hyperreality |
hiperrealismo {m} | :: hyperrealism |
hiperrealista {adj} | :: hyperrealist |
hiperregulatorio {adj} | :: hyper-regulatory |
hipersecreción {f} | :: hypersecretion |
hipersensibilidad {f} | :: hypersensitivity |
hipersensible {adj} | :: hypersensitive, extremely sensitive |
hipersexualidad {f} | :: hypersexuality |
hipersexualización {f} | :: hypersexualization |
hipersexualizado {adj} | :: hypersexualized |
hipersomnia {f} | :: hypersomnia |
hipersónico {adj} | :: hypersonic |
hipersueño {m} [science fiction] | :: hypersleep |
hipersuperficie {f} | :: hypersurface |
hipertensión {f} | :: hypertension |
hipertensivo {adj} | :: hypertensive |
hipertenso {adj} | :: hypertensive |
hipertermia {f} | :: hyperthermia |
hipertexto {m} | :: hypertext (document) |
hipertextual {adj} | :: hypertextual |
hipertimesia {f} | :: hyperthymesia |
hipertiroidismo {m} [pathology] | :: hyperthyroidism |
hipertonía {f} | :: hypertonia |
hipertrigliceridemia {f} | :: hypertriglyceridemia |
hipertrofia {f} [medicine] | :: hypertrophy |
hipertrofiar {vr} | :: to hypertrophy |
hipertrófico {adj} | :: hypertrophic |
hipervelocidad {f} | :: hyperspeed |
hiperventilación {f} | :: hyperventilation |
hiperventilar {vi} | :: to hyperventilate |
hipervínculo {m} [computing] | :: link, hyperlink |
hiperviscosidad {f} | :: hyperviscosity |
hipervisible {adj} | :: Highly visible |
hipervisor {m} | :: hypervisor |
hipervitaminosis {f} | :: hypervitaminosis |
hip hip hurra {interj} | :: hip hip hooray (an exclamation of congratulations) |
Hipias {prop} {m} | :: Hippias of Elis (a sophist philosopher from Elis and contemporary of Socrates) |
hípica {f} | :: horse racing |
hípico {adj} | :: equine |
hípico {adj} | :: equestrian |
hipismo {m} | :: horse racing |
Hipnos {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Hypnos (Greek god of sleep) |
hipnosis {f} | :: hypnosis |
hipnoterapeuta {mf} | :: hypnotherapist |
hipnótico {adj} | :: hypnotic, mesmerizing |
hipnótico {m} | :: hypnotic (a sleep-inducing drug) |
hipnotismo {m} | :: hypnotism |
hipnotista {mf} | :: hypnotist |
hipnotizador {adj} | :: hypnotic |
hipnotizador {m} | :: hypnotist |
hipnotizadora {f} | :: feminine noun of hipnotizador |
hipnotizante {adj} | :: hypnotizing; hypnotic |
hipnotizar {v} | :: to hypnotize |
hipo- {prefix} | :: hypo- |
hipo {m} | :: hiccup |
hipo {m} | :: longing |
hipoactivo {adj} | :: hypoactive |
hipoacusia {f} [medicine] | :: hypoacusis, hearing loss |
hipoadiponectinemia {f} [pathology] | :: hypoadiponectinemia |
hipoalergénico {adj} | :: hypoallergenic |
hipoblasto {m} | :: hypoblast |
hipobromito {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: hypobromite |
hipocalcemia {f} | :: hypocalcaemia |
hipocalórico {adj} | :: hypocaloric |
hipocampal {adj} | :: hippocampal |
hipocampo {m} [anatomy] | :: hippocampus |
hipocampo {m} [zoology] | :: sea horse |
hipocampo {m} [Greek mythology] | :: hippocamp; hippocampus |
hipocapnia {f} [pathology] | :: hypocapnia |
hipocausto {m} | :: hypocaust |
hipocentro {m} [geology] | :: hypocentre |
hipocicloide {f} [geometry] | :: hypocycloid |
hipocinesia {f} | :: hypokinesia |
hipoclorador {m} | :: hypochlorite generator |
hipoclorhidria {f} | :: hypochloridria |
hipoclorito {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: hypochlorite |
hipocomplementemia {f} [pathology] | :: hypocomplementemia |
hipocondría {f} | :: hypochondria |
hipocondriaco {adj} | :: alternative form of hipocondríaco |
hipocondriaco {m} | :: alternative form of hipocondríaco |
hipocondríaco {adj} | :: hypochondriac (affected by hypochondria) |
hipocondríaco {m} | :: hypochondriac (person affected by hypochondria) |
hipocondrio {m} [anatomy] | :: hypochondrium |
hipocorístico {m} | :: hypocorism |
hipocorístico {adj} | :: hypocoristic |
hipocrático {adj} | :: Hippocratic |
hipocresía {f} | :: hypocrisy |
hipócrita {adj} | :: hypocritical |
hipócrita {mf} | :: hypocrite (person practising hypocrisy) |
hipócritamente {adv} | :: hypocritically |
hipodérmico {adj} | :: hypodermic |
hipodermis {f} | :: hypodermis |
hipódromo {m} | :: hippodrome |
hipódromo {m} | :: racetrack |
hipoestesia {f} | :: hypoesthesia |
hipofaringe {f} [anatomy] | :: hypopharynx |
hipofisario {adj} | :: hypophysial |
hipofisiario {adj} | :: alternative spelling of hipofisario |
hipófisis {f} [anatomy] | :: hypophysis |
hipofrontalidad {f} [neuropsychology] | :: hypofrontality |
hipofunción {f} | :: hypofunction |
hipogástrico {adj} | :: hypogastric |
hipogastrio {m} [anatomy] | :: hypogastrium |
hipogeo {m} | :: hypogeum |
hipógina {f} | :: hypogyn |
hipoglicemia {f} | :: hypoglycemia |
hipogloso {adj} [anatomy] | :: hypoglossal |
hipogloso {m} | :: Atlantic halibut |
hipoglucemia {f} | :: hypoglycemia |
hipoglucémico {adj} [pathology] | :: hypoglycemic |
hipogonadismo {m} | :: hypogonadism |
hipogrifo {m} [mythology, folklore, fantasy] | :: hippogriff |
Hipólito {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Hipólito {prop} {m} | :: surname |
hipología {f} | :: hippology |
hipomagnesemia {f} | :: hypomagnesemia |
hipomanía {f} | :: hypomania |
hipomasculinidad {f} | :: hypomasculinity |
hipomóvil {adj} | :: horse-drawn |
hiponatremia {f} | :: hyponatremia |
hiponeuston {m} | :: hyponeuston |
hipónimo {m} | :: hyponym |
hiponitrito {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: hyponitrite |
hipoperfusión {f} | :: hypoperfusion |
hipoplasia {f} | :: hypoplasia |
hipopnea {f} [pathology] | :: hypopnea |
hipopotámido {m} | :: Hippopotamid |
hipopótamo {m} | :: hippopotamus |
hipopotasemia {f} [pathology] | :: hypokalemia |
hipospadia {f} | :: alternative form of hipospadias |
hipospadias {m} [medicine] | :: hypospadias |
hipóstasis {f} | :: hypostasis |
hipostático {adj} | :: hypostatic |
hipóstila {f} | :: hypostyle |
hipotalámico {adj} [anatomy] | :: hypothalamic |
hipotálamo {m} [anatomy] | :: hypothalamus |
hipoteca {f} | :: mortgage |
hipotecar {v} | :: to mortgage |
hipotecar {v} | :: to hypothecate |
hipotecario {adj} | :: mortgage (attributive) |
hipotecio {m} | :: hypothecium |
hipotenar {adj} [anatomy] | :: hypothenar |
hipotensión {f} [pathology] | :: hypotension |
hipotenso {adj} | :: having low blood pressure |
hipotenusa {f} [geometry] | :: hypotenuse |
hipotermia {f} [pathology] | :: hypothermia |
hipotérmico {adj} | :: hypothermic |
hipótesis {f} | :: hypothesis |
hipotéticamente {adv} | :: hypothetically |
hipotético {adj} | :: hypothetical |
hipotetizar {v} | :: to hypothesize |
hipotiroidismo {m} [pathology] | :: hypothyroidism (insufficient production of thyroid hormone) |
hipotonía {f} | :: hypotonia |
hipotrocoide {f} [geometry] | :: hypotrochoid |
hipoventilación {f} | :: hypoventilation |
hipovitaminosis {f} [medicine] | :: hypovitaminosis |
hipovolemia {f} | :: hypovolemia |
hipovolémico {adj} | :: hypovolemic |
hipoxantina {f} [organic compound] | :: hypoxanthine |
hipoxemia {f} [medicine] | :: hypoxemia |
hipoxia {f} [pathology] | :: hypoxia |
hipóxico {adj} | :: hypoxic |
hippie {mf} | :: hippie |
hippy {m} | :: hippy |
hipsilofodóntido {m} | :: hypsilophodont |
hipsómetro {m} | :: hypsometer |
hipster {m} | :: hipster |
hípster {mf} | :: hipster |
hipsteriano {adj} [attributive] | :: hipster |
Hirano {prop} | :: surname |
Hircania {prop} {f} | :: Hyrcania |
hiriente {adj} | :: injurious |
hirsutismo {m} | :: hirsuteness |
hirsuto {adj} | :: hirsute; hairy |
hirudíneo {m} | :: leech |
hirviente {adj} | :: boiling |
hirviente {adj} | :: enraged |
hisóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of histólogo |
hisopar {v} | :: to spray or sprinkle with an aspergillium |
hisopillo {m} | :: savory (herb) |
hisopo {m} | :: hyssop |
hisopo {m} | :: aspergillium |
hisopo {m} [by extension] | :: cotton swab, abbreviation of hisopo de algodon |
hisp. {adj} | :: abbreviation of hispánico |
hispalense {adj} | :: Sevillian, Sevillan |
hispalense {mf} | :: Sevillian, Sevillan |
hispánico {adj} | :: Hispanic |
hispanidad {f} | :: Spanishness |
hispanidad {f} | :: The Spanish or Hispanic world |
hispanismo {m} | :: Hispanicism (a Spanish language item as it appears in another language) |
hispanista {mf} | :: Hispanist |
hispanización {f} | :: Hispanicization |
hispanizar {vt} | :: to Hispanicize |
hispano- {prefix} | :: Hispano- |
hispano {adj} | :: Spanish |
hispano {adj} | :: Hispano-American |
hispano {adj} | :: Spanish or Hispano-American and living in the United States |
Hispanoamérica {prop} {f} | :: Hispanic America, Spanish America |
hispanoamericana {f} | :: feminine noun of hispanoamericano |
hispanoamericanismo {m} | :: Word or phrase found in Latin America |
hispanoamericano {adj} | :: Hispanic American |
hispanoamericano {m} | :: Hispanic American |
hispanoárabe {adj} | :: Hispano-Arabic |
hispanoargentino {adj} | :: Spanish-Argentine |
hispanobritánica {f} | :: feminine noun of hispanobritánico |
hispanobritánico {adj} | :: Hispano-British |
hispanobritánico {m} | :: Hispano-Brit |
hispanocatalán {adj} | :: identifying as both Spanish and Catalan |
hispanófila {f} | :: feminine noun of hispanófilo |
hispanofilipina {f} | :: feminine noun of hispanofilipino |
hispanofilipino {adj} | :: Spanish-Philippine |
hispanofilipino {m} | :: Spanish-Philippine |
hispanófilo {m} | :: Hispanophile |
hispanoflamenco {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the period of the Middle Ages when there was a strong link between the kingdom of Flanders and that of Spain |
hispanofobia {f} | :: Hispanophobia |
hispano-francés {adj} | :: Hispano-French |
hispanofrancés {adj} | :: alternative spelling of hispano-francés |
hispanoguineano {adj} | :: Spanish Guinean |
hispanoguineano {m} | :: Spanish Guinean |
hispanohablante {mf} | :: Spanish-speaker, Hispanophone |
hispano-italiano {adj} | :: Hispano-Italian |
hispanomarroquí {adj} | :: Hispano-Moroccan |
hispanomarroquí {mf} | :: Spanish Moroccan |
hispanomedievalismo {m} | :: Hispanomedievalism, the study of medieval Spain |
hispanomedievalista {adj} | :: hispanomedievalist, relating to the study of medieval Spain |
hispanomedievalista {mf} | :: hispanomedievalist, a scholar who studies medieval Spain |
hispanomusulmán {adj} | :: Spanish-Muslim |
hispanomusulmán {m} | :: Spanish Muslim |
hispanoparlante {adj} | :: Hispanophone: Spanish-speaking |
hispano-portugués {adj} | :: Hispano-Portuguese |
hispanorromano {adj} [historiography] | :: Hispano-Roman |
hispanovenezolana {f} | :: feminine noun of hispanovenezolano |
hispanovenezolano {adj} | :: Spanish-Venezuelan |
híspido {adj} | :: hispid |
hispir {vt} | :: to make spongy, become spongy |
hispir {vi} | :: to swell |
histamina {f} | :: histamine |
histaminasa {f} [enzyme] | :: histaminase |
histerectomía {f} [surgery] | :: hysterectomy |
histéresis {f} | :: hysteresis |
histeria {f} | :: hysteria |
histéricamente {adv} | :: hysterically |
histérico {adj} | :: hysterical (of, or arising from hysteria) |
histerismo {m} | :: hysteria |
histeroscopia {f} | :: hysteroscopy |
histidina {f} [amino acid] | :: histidine |
histiocitosis {f} | :: histiocytosis |
histo- {prefix} | :: histo- |
histocompatibilidad {f} | :: histocompatibility |
histograma {m} | :: histogram |
histología {f} [biology] | :: histology |
histológicamente {adv} | :: histologically |
histológico {adj} | :: histologic, histological |
histólogo {m} | :: histologist |
histona {f} [protein] | :: histone |
histopatología {f} | :: histopathology |
histopatológico {adj} | :: histopathological |
historia {f} | :: history (the aggregate of past events) |
historia {f} | :: history (the branch of knowledge that studies the past) |
historia {f} | :: history (a set of events involving an entity) |
historia {f} | :: history (a record or narrative description of past events) |
historia {f} | :: story (a sequence of real or fictional events) |
historia {f} | :: the letter H in the Spanish phonetic alphabet |
historia de fantasmas {f} | :: ghost story |
historiador {m} | :: historian |
historiadora {f} | :: feminine noun of historiador |
historial {m} | :: record (such as a person's criminal, work, or clinical record) |
historiar {v} | :: to depict (history), write down a history |
históricamente {adv} | :: historically |
historicidad {f} | :: historicity |
historicismo {m} | :: historicism |
historicista {adj} | :: historicist |
histórico {adj} | :: historical (concerning recorded history) |
histórico {adj} | :: historical (in accordance with the past) |
histórico {adj} | :: historic (having significance in history) |
historieta {f} | :: anecdote |
historieta {f} | :: comic strip |
historietista {mf} | :: cartoonist |
historietístico {adj} [attributive] | :: comics |
historiógrafa {f} | :: feminine noun of historiógrafo |
historiografía {f} | :: historiography |
historiográficamente {adv} | :: historiographically |
historiográfico {adj} | :: historiographic |
historiógrafo {m} | :: historiographer |
histrión {m} | :: actor, playactor |
histriónico {adj} | :: histrionic |
histrionismo {m} | :: Exaggerated behaviour; histrionics, melodramatics |
hit {m} | :: hit (success) |
hitazo {m} | :: augmentative of hito |
hitchcockiano {adj} | :: Hitchcockian |
hitchockiano {adj} | :: Hitchcockian |
hitita {adj} [history] | :: Hittite |
hitita {mf} [demonym] | :: Hittite |
hitita {mf} [language] | :: Hittite |
Hitler {prop} {m} | :: Hitler (Adolf Hitler, German dictator) |
hitleriano {adj} | :: Hitlerian |
hitleriano {m} | :: Hitlerite |
hitlerismo {m} | :: Hitlerism |
hito {m} | :: milestone |
hito {m} | :: landmark |
hiyab {m} | :: hijab |
hmong {adj} | :: Hmong |
hmong {mf} | :: Hmong |
hna. {f} | :: feminine noun of hno. |
hno. {m} | :: abbreviation of hermano |
hoacín {m} | :: hoatzin |
hoatzín {m} | :: alternative form of hoacín |
hobbit {m} [fantasy] | :: hobbit |
hobby {m} | :: hobby (activity) |
Hochschild {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
hocicar {v} | :: to root (with the nose) |
hocicar {v} | :: to pet; smooch |
hocicar {v} | :: to fall flat on one's face |
hocicar {v} | :: to stick one's nose in |
hocico {m} | :: snout (mouth of a beast) |
hocicón {m} [colloquial, Chile, Mexico] | :: bigmouth (who talks too much or says things which should not be said) |
hocicón {m} | :: informer, tattler |
hocicón {m} [colloquial, Mexico] | :: foul-mouthed, profane |
hocicona {f} | :: feminine noun of hocicón |
hocicudo {adj} | :: snouted |
hocino {m} | :: glen, valley |
hocino {m} | :: gorge, narrows (of a navigable waterway between mountains) |
hocino {m} [plural] | :: riverside fields or land |
hocino {m} [agriculture] | :: sickle, billhook |
hociquear {v} | :: alternative spelling of hocicar |
hociquito {m} | :: diminutive of hocico |
hockey {m} | :: hockey |
hockey sobre césped {m} [sports] | :: field hockey |
hockey sobre hielo {m} | :: ice hockey; literally, hockey on ice |
hockey sobre hierba {m} [sports] | :: field hockey |
hockey sobre pasto {m} [Latin America, sports] | :: field hockey |
hoco {m} | :: curassow |
hodierno {adj} | :: from or relative to today, nowaday, current, present |
hogaño {adv} | :: these days |
hogaño {adv} [colloquial] | :: this year |
hogar {m} | :: home |
hogar {m} | :: housekeeping |
hogar {m} | :: hearth, fireplace |
hogar {m} | :: homeland |
hogareño {adj} [attributive] | :: home, house |
hogareño {adj} | :: cosy, homely |
hogareño {adj} | :: home-loving |
hogaril {m} [Murcia] | :: hearth, fireplace |
hogaza {f} | :: loaf |
hoguera {f} | :: campfire |
hoguera {f} | :: bonfire |
hoja {f} | :: leaf (usually green and flat organ that is the most prominent feature of most vegetative plants) |
hoja {f} | :: petal (an often brightly coloured component of the corolla of a flower) |
hoja {f} | :: blade (narrow leaf of a grass or cereal) |
hoja {f} | :: pad (floating leaf of a water lily or similar plant) |
hoja {f} | :: sheet, leaf (piece of paper, usually rectangular) |
hoja {f} | :: page (one of the many pieces of paper bound together within a book) |
hoja {f} | :: form (blank document or template to be filled in by the user) |
hoja {f} | :: foil |
hoja {f} | :: blade (sharp cutting edge of a knife, sword, etc.) |
hoja {f} | :: pane (individual sheet of glass in a window) |
hoja {f} | :: side (of bacon) |
hoja de cálculo {f} [computing] | :: spreadsheet, worksheet |
hoja de higo {m} | :: fig leaf |
hoja de ruta {f} | :: waybill |
hoja de ruta {f} [figuratively] | :: road map |
hoja de té {f} | :: tea leaf |
hojalata {f} | :: sheet-metal |
hojalata {f} | :: tinplate |
hojalatera {f} | :: whitesmith, tinsmith |
hojalatería {f} | :: tinware |
hojalatería {f} | :: tinsmith's shop |
hojalatería {f} | :: tinwork |
hojalatero {m} | :: whitesmith, tinsmith |
hojalde {m} | :: puff pastry |
hojaldrar {v} | :: to make into puff pastry |
hojaldre {m} | :: puff pastry |
hojarasca {f} | :: leaf storm |
hojarasca {f} | :: foliage |
hojarasca {f} | :: leaf litter |
hojarasca {f} | :: rubbish |
hojear {v} | :: to page or leaf through; to skim |
hojilla {f} | :: diminutive of hoja |
hojita {f} | :: diminutive of hoja |
hojoso {adj} | :: leafy; leaflike |
hojuela {f} | :: a little leaf |
hojuela {f} | :: flake (such as a cornflake) |
hojuela {f} | :: a hojuela, a sweet pastry |
hola {interj} | :: hello, hi |
holán {m} [Latin America] | :: frill, ruffle (strip of pleated material used as decoration) |
holanda {f} | :: A fine linen used for making shirts |
holanda {f} | :: A small sheet of paper used for serving pastries |
Holanda {prop} {f} | :: Holland, the Netherlands |
Holanda Septentrional {prop} {f} | :: Holanda Septentrional (province) |
holandés {adj} | :: Dutch (from or native to the Netherlands) |
holandés {adj} | :: Dutch (pertaining to the Netherlands) |
holandés {m} | :: a Hollander |
holandés {m} | :: a Dutchman |
holandés {m} | :: the Dutch language as spoken in the Netherlands |
holandesa {f} | :: feminine noun of holandés |
Holandés Volador {prop} {m} [nautical folklore] | :: Flying Dutchman (mythical ghost ship) |
holando {m} | :: Holando (cow breed) |
hold {m} [baseball] | :: hold |
holding {m} | :: holding company |
holdout {m} [baseball] | :: holdout |
holgadamente {adv} | :: comfortably, easily |
holgado {adj} [clothes] | :: baggy, loose-fitting |
holgado {adj} | :: loose, vague |
holgado {adj} | :: comfortable [e.g. comfortable victory] |
holgado {adj} | :: well-off, well-to-do (having enough money) |
holganza {f} | :: rest; time out |
holganza {f} | :: lazing about |
holgar {v} | :: to rest (after labor), be idle |
holgazán {adj} | :: loafing |
holgazán {m} | :: loafer, sluggard, lazybones, slacker, idler |
holgazán {m} | :: deadbeat, layabout |
holgazana {f} | :: feminine noun of holgazán |
holgazanear {v} | :: to idle, to laze about, to loaf about, to goof off, to loaf, to laze, to lounge, to lie around, to loiter, to slack off, to slack |
holgazanear {v} | :: to veg out, veg |
holgazanear {v} | :: to lounge |
holgazanería {f} | :: laggardness, idleness |
holgorio {m} | :: archaic spelling of jolgorio |
Holguín {prop} | :: Holguín (province) |
Holguín {prop} | :: Holguín (municipality) |
Holguín {prop} | :: Holguín (city) |
holguinera {f} | :: feminine noun of holguinero |
holguinero {adj} | :: Of or from Holguín, Cuba |
holguinero {m} | :: Someone from Holguín, Cuba |
holgura {f} | :: slack, play |
holgura {f} | :: space, clearance |
holgura {f} | :: looseness, bagginess |
holgura {f} | :: state of being well-off, comfort |
holismo {m} | :: holism |
holístico {adj} | :: holistic |
hollar {v} | :: to tread, trample |
hollejo {m} | :: The skin or membrane covering some fruits and seeds, such as grapes, beans, etc |
hollejo {m} | :: The solid remains of fruit after pressing; pomace, marc |
hollín {m} | :: soot |
hollinoso {adj} | :: sooty |
Hollywood {prop} {m} | :: Hollywood (area) |
Hollywood {prop} {m} | :: Hollywood (the American motion picture industry) |
hollywoodense {adj} | :: Hollywoodesque |
hollywoodiense {adj} | :: alternative form of hollywoodense |
holmiense {adj} | :: Stockholmer (of or pertaining to Stockholm, Sweden) |
holmiense {mf} | :: Stockholmer (native or resident of Stockholm, Sweden) |
holmio {m} | :: holmium |
holo- {prefix} | :: holo- |
holocarboxilasa {f} [enzyme] | :: holocarboxylase |
holocausto {m} | :: holocaust |
Holocausto {prop} {m} | :: Holocaust (the mass murder of Jews and other groups by the Nazi regime during World War II) |
holocracia {f} | :: holacracy |
holocubierta {f} | :: holodeck |
holoenzima {f} [enzyme] | :: holoenzyme |
holografía {f} | :: holograph |
holográfico {adj} | :: holographic |
holograma {m} | :: hologram |
holomíctico {adj} | :: holomictic |
holomorfa {adj} | :: holomorphic |
holónimo {m} | :: holonym |
holonomía {f} | :: holonomy |
holoplancton {m} [biology] | :: holoplankton |
holotipo {m} | :: holotype |
holotúrido {m} [zoology] | :: holothurian |
holoturoideo {m} | :: sea cucumber, holothuroidean (marine echinoderm) |
hombrada {f} | :: manly act |
hombrazo {m} | :: A big man; a machoman |
hombre {m} | :: man, (adult male human) |
hombre {m} | :: man, (all humans collectively); mankind, humankind |
hombre {m} [anthropology, archaeology, paleontology] | :: man, (individual of the species Homo sapiens, the genus Homo, or the subtribe Hominina) |
hombre {m} [colloquial] | :: husband |
hombre {m} | :: boy, (young straight male human being) |
hombre {m} [gay slang] | :: top |
hombre {m} | :: a 17th century card game also called ombre |
hombre {interj} | :: Man! |
hombre {interj} | :: Hey! |
hombre {interj} | :: Oh, come on! |
hombrear {v} | :: to act like a grown-up |
hombrear {v} | :: to act tough |
hombrear {v} | :: to shoulder (push with the shoulder(s)) |
hombrear {v} | :: to try to keep up with |
hombrecillo {m} | :: diminutive of hombre, a small man |
hombrecito {m} | :: diminutive of hombre, small man |
hombre de Dios {m} | :: a man of God, a godly man |
hombre de Dios {m} | :: a minister |
hombre de Dios {m} | :: a priest |
hombre de guerra {m} | :: a man of war, a military man |
hombre de letras {m} | :: man of letters, a literary man |
hombre del mundo {m} | :: man of the world (worldly man) |
hombre del saco {m} [folklore] | :: sack man |
hombre del tiempo {m} | :: weatherman |
hombre de negocios {m} | :: a businessman |
hombre de paja {m} | :: straw man, figurehead, front man |
hombre de paja {m} | :: straw man, scarecrow |
hombre de pelo en pecho {m} [idiomatic] | :: a real man |
hombre gamba {m} | :: a man with a nice body but an ugly head |
hombre lobo {m} | :: werewolf |
hombrelobo {m} | :: werewolf |
hombre muerto {m} [idiomatic] | :: goner, dead meat, dead man |
hombre orquesta {m} | :: one-man band |
hombre orquesta {m} | :: factotum |
hombre prevenido vale por dos {proverb} | :: forewarned is forearmed |
hombrera {f} | :: shoulder patch |
hombrera {f} | :: shoulder padding |
hombrera {f} | :: shoulderpad |
hombre rana {m} | :: frogman |
hombretón {m} | :: A large or muscular man |
hombría {f} | :: manhood |
hombría {f} | :: manliness |
hombrillo {m} | :: shoulder pad |
hombrillo {m} | :: shoulder patch |
hombrillo {m} [Venezuela] | :: hard shoulder |
hombro {m} | :: shoulder |
hombrón {m} [colloquial] | :: augmentative of hombre: a big or strong man |
hombruna {f} | :: tomboy, masculine-looking woman |
hombruno {adj} [ladies, ladies' articles] | :: unconventionally or unexpectedly masculine in deportment or appearance |
home cinema {m} | :: home cinema (system) |
homenaje {m} | :: homage, tribute |
homenajeada {f} | :: feminine noun of homenajeado |
homenajeado {m} | :: guest of honour |
homenajear {vt} | :: to pay homage or tribute to |
homeo- {prefix} | :: homeo- |
homeoestasis {f} | :: homeostasis |
homeomorfismo {m} | :: homeomorphism |
homeomorfo {adj} | :: homeomorphous |
homeomorfo {m} | :: homeomorph |
homeópata {mf} | :: homeopath |
homeopatía {f} | :: homeopathy |
homeopático {adj} | :: homeopathic |
homeostasis {f} [physiology] | :: homeostasis |
homeostático {adj} | :: homeostatic |
homeótico {adj} | :: homoeotic |
homérico {adj} | :: Homeric |
Homero {prop} {m} | :: Homer (poet) |
Homero {prop} {m} | :: given name |
homiciana {f} [obsolete] | :: killer, murderer |
homiciano {m} [obsolete] | :: killer, murderer |
homicida {adj} | :: murderous, homicidal |
homicida {mf} | :: murderer |
homicidio {m} | :: homicide |
homicidio {m} | :: manslaughter |
homilía {f} | :: homily |
homínido {m} | :: hominid |
hominino {m} | :: hominin |
hominoideo {adj} | :: hominoid |
hominoideo {m} | :: hominoid |
homo- {prefix} | :: homo- (same) |
homo- {prefix} | :: homo- (relating to homosexuality) |
homo {adj} | :: homo (homosexual) |
homoafectivo {adj} | :: homoaffective |
homocedasticidad {f} | :: homoscedasticity |
homocigosis {f} | :: homozygosis |
homocigótico {adj} | :: homozygous |
homocigoto {m} | :: homozygote |
homocinético {adj} | :: constant-velocity |
homodímero {m} [chemistry] | :: homodimer |
homoeróticamente {adv} | :: homoerotically |
homoerótico {adj} | :: homoerotic |
homoerotismo {m} | :: homoeroticism |
homófilo {adj} | :: homophyllous |
homofobia {f} | :: homophobia |
homofóbico {adj} | :: homophobic |
homofóbico {m} | :: homophobe |
homófobo {adj} | :: homophobic |
homófobo {m} | :: homophobe |
homofonía {f} | :: homophony |
homófono {adj} | :: homophonous (having the same pronunciation) |
homófono {adj} [music] | :: homophonic (having a single melodic line) |
homófono {m} | :: homophone (word with the same pronunciation as another) |
homogamético {adj} | :: homogametic |
homogéneamente {adv} | :: homogeneously |
homogeneidad {f} | :: homogeneity |
homogeneización {f} | :: homogenization |
homogeneizador {adj} | :: homogenising |
homogeneizar {v} | :: to homogenize |
homogéneo {adj} | :: homogeneous |
homogenización {f} | :: homogenization |
homógrafo {adj} | :: homographic |
homógrafo {m} | :: homograph |
homóloga {f} | :: counterpart |
homologable {adj} | :: equivalent, comparable |
homologación {f} | :: accreditation |
homologar {v} | :: to standardize |
homología {f} [biology] | :: homology |
homólogo {m} | :: counterpart |
homólogo {adj} | :: homologous |
homólogo {adj} [biology] | :: homologous |
homomórfico {adj} | :: homomorphic |
homomorfismo {m} | :: homomorphism |
homónima {f} | :: feminine noun of homónimo |
homónimamente {adv} | :: homonymously |
homonimia {f} | :: homonymy |
homónimo {adj} | :: homonymous |
homónimo {m} | :: homonym |
homoparental {adj} | :: same-sex (having parents of the same sex) |
homoparentalidad {f} | :: same-sex parenting |
homopatriarcado {m} | :: homopatriarchy |
homopolímero {m} | :: homopolymer |
homoserina {f} [amino acid] | :: homoserine |
homosexual {adj} | :: homosexual |
homosexual {mf} | :: homosexual |
homosexualidad {f} | :: homosexuality |
homosexualismo {m} | :: homosexualism |
homosexualización {f} | :: homosexualization |
homosexualizar {v} | :: to homosexualize |
homosexualmente {adv} | :: homosexually |
homospora {f} [botany] | :: homospore |
homotecia {f} | :: homothecy |
homotético {adj} | :: homothetic |
homotopía {f} | :: homotopy |
homotópico {adj} | :: homotopic |
homúnculo {m} | :: homunculus |
honbre {m} | :: obsolete spelling of hombre |
honda {f} | :: sling, slingshot |
Honda {prop} {mf} | :: a Japanese automotive manufacturer |
Honda {prop} {mf} | :: a brand of car manufactured by Honda, or a car of this brand |
hondamente {adv} | :: deeply, profoundly |
hondarribitarra {adj} | :: Of or from Hondarribia |
hondarribitarra {mf} | :: Someone from Hondarribia |
hondero {m} | :: slinger |
hondilón {m} | :: dip; big hole |
hondísimo {adj} | :: superlative of hondo |
hondo {adj} | :: deep |
hondo {adj} | :: profound |
hondo {adv} | :: deeply |
hondón {m} | :: bottom (inside bottom of something hollow) |
hondón {m} | :: sole (of shoe) |
hondón {m} | :: area of lowland; gully |
hondón {m} | :: eye (of needle) |
hondonada {f} | :: low valley, gulley, gully, rift valley |
hondura {f} | :: depth |
Honduras {prop} {m} | :: Honduras (country) |
hondureña {f} | :: feminine noun of hondureño |
hondureñidad {f} | :: Honduran-ness |
hondureñidad {f} | :: A word or phrase typically used in Honduras |
hondureño {adj} | :: Honduran |
hondureño {m} | :: Honduran |
honestamente {adv} | :: honestly |
honestar {v} | :: to honour; to respect |
honestar {v} | :: to make honest; to make look honest |
honestidad {f} | :: honesty |
honestísimo {adj} | :: superlative of honesto |
honesto {adj} | :: honorable |
honesto {adj} [obsolete] | :: honest |
hongkonés {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Hong Kong, Hongkongese |
hongkonés {m} | :: Someone from Hong Kong, Hong Konger |
Hong Kong {prop} {m} | :: Hong Kong (city/island/and/special administrative region) |
hongo {m} | :: [Latin America] mushroom |
hongo {m} | :: fungus |
hongo {m} | :: bowler hat, derby |
hongos imperfectos {mp} | :: fungi imperfecti |
Honiara {prop} {f} | :: Honiara (capital city) |
honor {m} | :: honor |
honorabilidad {f} | :: honourability |
honorabilísimo {adj} | :: superlative of honorable |
honorable {adj} | :: honorable |
honorablemente {adv} | :: honourably |
honorar {v} [rare] | :: to honor/honour |
honoraria {f} | :: feminine noun of honorario |
honorariamente {adv} | :: honorarily |
honorario {adj} | :: honorary |
honorario {m} | :: honorary, fee |
honoríficamente {adv} | :: honorifically |
honorífico {adj} | :: honorific |
Honorio {prop} | :: given name |
honra {f} | :: honor; respect |
honradamente {adv} | :: honorably |
honradez {f} | :: honesty |
honradísimo {adj} | :: superlative of honrado |
honrado {adj} | :: honest, truthful |
honrado {adj} | :: honored |
honrado {adj} | :: honorable |
honrar {v} | :: to honor |
honrilla {f} | :: diminutive of honra |
honrosamente {adv} | :: honorably |
honrosísimo {adj} | :: superlative of honroso |
honroso {adj} | :: honourable |
hoodie {f} | :: hoodie |
hooligan {mf} | :: hooligan |
hooliganismo {m} | :: hooliganism (violence committed by sports fans) |
hopalanda {f} | :: houppelande |
hopanoide {m} | :: hopanoid |
hopi {adj} | :: Hopi |
hopi {m} | :: Hopi (language) |
hoplita {m} | :: hoplite |
hora {f} | :: hour (a time period of sixty minutes) |
hora {f} | :: time (the moment, as indicated by a clock or similar device) |
hora {f} | :: high time (usually with "ya") |
hora {f} [education] | :: hour, period (of class) |
hora {f} [Spain, colloquial] | :: appointment (e.g. with the doctor) |
horaciano {adj} | :: Horatian |
Horacio {prop} {m} | :: Horace (poet) |
Horacio {prop} {m} | :: given name |
horadar {v} | :: to bore, tunnel |
hora de verdad {f} [idiom] | :: moment of truth |
horado {m} | :: a hole or other perforation that crosses something from side to side, or that crosses all of its parts |
horado {m} | :: cavern |
hora menguada {f} [idiom] | :: moment of truth |
hora muerta {f} [idiomatic] | :: dead time; down time |
hora pico {f} [Latin America] | :: rush hour |
hora punta {f} | :: rush hour |
horario {adj} | :: hourly |
horario {adj} [attributive] | :: hour, time |
horario {m} | :: timetable, schedule |
horario {m} | :: hours |
horario {m} | :: time |
horario de verano {m} | :: daylight saving time |
horas extras {adv} [colloquial] | :: overtime |
Hora Universal Coordinada {prop} {f} | :: Coordinated Universal Time |
horca {f} | :: gallows |
horca {f} | :: pitchfork |
horcajadas {n} | :: only used in a horcajadas |
horchata {f} | :: horchata (sweet beverage) |
horchatería {f} | :: an establishment that sells horchata |
horcón {m} | :: a large pitchfork |
horcón {m} | :: a forked wooden post used to support the branches of fruit trees |
horcón {m} [Bolivia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela] | :: a forked wooden post used to support the beams of a house |
horda {f} | :: horde |
hordio {m} [archaic] | :: barley |
horeca {m} | :: the hotel and catering industry |
horita {f} | :: diminutive of hora |
horizontal {adj} | :: horizontal |
horizontal {adj} | :: landscape [a mode of printing where the horizontal sides are longer than the vertical sides; in smartphones] |
horizontalidad {f} | :: flatness |
horizontalizar {v} | :: to horizontalize |
horizontalmente {adv} | :: horizontally |
horizonte {m} | :: horizon |
horizonte de eventos {m} [astrophysics] | :: event horizon |
horizonte de sucesos {m} [astrophysics] | :: event horizon |
horma {f} | :: form, mold |
horma {f} | :: shoe tree |
horma {f} | :: hat block |
horma {f} | :: dry stone wall |
hormiga {f} | :: ant |
hormiga león {f} | :: antlion |
hormigo {m} | :: porridge (usually from maize) |
hormigo {m} [in the plural, culinary] | :: dessert made with breadcrumbs, roasted nuts and honey |
hormigón {m} [Spain] | :: concrete (building material) |
hormigonar {v} | :: to concrete (cover with concrete) |
hormigón armado {m} | :: reinforced concrete |
hormigonera {f} | :: cement mixer |
hormiguear {vi} | :: to give or provoke pins and needles |
hormiguear {vi} | :: to swarm |
hormigueo {m} | :: tingling sensation, pins and needles |
hormiguerito {m} | :: antwren |
hormiguero {m} | :: anthill |
hormiguero {m} | :: ant colony |
hormiguero {m} [figuratively] | :: place with lots of people |
hormiguero {adj} [attributive] | :: ant |
hormiguero {adj} | :: ant-eating |
hormiguero {adj} | :: ant-like |
hormiguilla {f} | :: diminutive of hormiga |
hormiguilla {f} | :: pins and needles |
hormiguita {f} | :: diminutive of hormiga; small ant |
hormona {f} | :: hormone |
hormona de sexo {f} | :: sex hormone |
hormonal {adj} | :: hormonal |
hornabeque {m} | :: hornwork |
hornablenda {f} | :: hornblende |
hornacina {f} | :: recess (inset) |
hornada {f} [literal] | :: batch (quantity of bread or other baked goods baked at one time) |
hornada {f} [figurative, colloquial] | :: batch, group, cohort |
hornado {m} | :: roast pig |
hornalla {f} | :: stove heating element; burner |
hornazo {m} | :: A meat pie made with pork loin, chorizo and hard-boiled eggs |
hornblenda {f} | :: alternative form of hornablenda |
hornblendita {f} | :: hornblendite |
horneada {f} | :: bake (act of baking) |
hornear {v} | :: to bake |
hornera {f} | :: feminine noun of hornero |
hornero {adj} [attributive] | :: baking; oven |
hornero {m} | :: baker |
hornero {m} | :: hornero (bird) |
hornilla {f} | :: hob; hotplate |
hornillo {m} | :: hotplate |
hornista {mf} | :: hornist |
horno {m} | :: oven |
horno {m} | :: furnace |
horno {m} | :: a very hot place |
horno de microondas {m} | :: microwave oven, microwave |
Horologium {prop} [constellation] | :: Horologium (constellation) |
horóptera {f} | :: horopter |
horóscopo {m} | :: horoscope (astrological forecast) |
horqueta {f} | :: pitchfork |
horqueta {f} [botany] | :: fork (of tree) |
horquilla {f} | :: hairpin, hairpin turn |
horquilla {f} [cycling] | :: fork |
horquilla {f} | :: garden fork, pitchfork |
horquilla {f} | :: telephone cradle |
horquillado {m} [photography] | :: bracketing |
horrendo {adj} | :: horrendous, horrific, dreadful, awful |
hórreo {m} | :: granary (storehouse) |
hórreo {m} | :: An isolated, rectangular, wooden or rock building supported by columns, characteristic of the northwest of the Iberian peninsula and typically used to store grain or other agricultural produce |
horrible {adj} | :: horrible |
horriblemente {adv} | :: horribly |
hórrido {adj} | :: horrid; horrible |
horripilante {adj} | :: horrifying, shocking, ghastly, grisly |
horripilar {v} | :: to horrify |
horrísono {adj} | :: horrendous; frightful |
horro {adj} | :: free (not imprisoned or enslaved) |
horro {adj} [of cattle that are given to dignitaries of the region] | :: maintained at the expense of the owners or ranchers |
horro {adj} [of a cigarette or snuff] | :: low-quality |
horror {m} | :: horror |
horrorífico {adj} | :: horrific |
horrorizado {adj} | :: aghast; horrified |
horrorizar {vt} | :: to horrify |
horrorosamente {adv} | :: horrifyingly |
horroroso {adj} | :: horrible |
hortal {m} [rare] | :: synonym of huerto |
hortaliza {f} | :: produce, vegetable |
hortaliza {f} [Cuba] | :: orchard |
hortelana {f} | :: Any of a number of plants in the mint family |
hortelano {m} | :: ortolan |
hortensia {f} | :: hydrangea |
Hortensia {prop} {f} | :: given name |
hortera {adj} | :: tasteless, gaudy, tacky, cheesy |
hortera {f} | :: a wooden pot |
hortera {mf} | :: a tasteless person |
hortera {mf} [Madrid] | :: assistant in a shop |
horterada {f} | :: vulgarity, insipidity, cheesiness (quality of bad taste) |
hortícola {adj} | :: horticultural |
horticultor {m} | :: horticulturist |
horticultora {f} | :: (female) horticulturist |
horticultura {f} | :: horticulture |
hortigranjero {adj} [attributive] | :: farming; from a vegatable garden |
hortofrutícola {adj} | :: of or relating to fruit and vegetable farming |
hortofruticultura {m} | :: fruit and vegetable farming |
Horus {prop} {m} [Egyptian mythology] | :: Horus |
hoscamente {adv} | :: sullenly |
hosco {adj} | :: sullen, surly |
hospedador {m} [biology] | :: host |
hospedadora {f} | :: feminine noun of hospedador |
hospedaje {m} | :: lodging; accommodations |
hospedante {m} [biology] | :: host (cell or organism which harbors another organism) |
hospedar {v} | :: to lodge, to stay |
hospedar {v} | :: to host (to perform the role of a host) |
hospedar {v} [archaic, rare] | :: to offer hospitality |
hospedarse {v} | :: reflexive of hospedar |
hospedera {f} | :: feminine noun of hospedero |
hospedería {f} | :: hospice |
hospedero {m} | :: host (person in charge of guests) |
hospedero {m} [biology] | :: host (organism that harbors a parasitic, a mutual, or a commensal symbiont) |
hospicio {m} | :: hospice |
hospital {m} | :: hospital |
hospitalariamente {adv} | :: hospitably |
hospitalario {adj} [attributive] | :: hospital |
hospitalario {adj} | :: hospitable |
hospitalario {m} | :: one of the Knights Hospitaller |
hospitalense {adj} | :: From L'Hospitalet de Llobregat |
hospitalense {mf} | :: Someone from L'Hospitalet de Llobregat |
Hospitalet de Llobregat {prop} {m} | :: Hospitalet de Llobregat (city) |
hospitalidad {f} | :: hospitality |
hospitalización {f} | :: hospitalization |
hospitalizar {v} | :: to hospitalize |
hospital psiquiátrico {m} | :: mental hospital, psychiatric hospital |
hosquedad {f} | :: sullenness |
host {mf} [computing, Internet] | :: host (any computer attached to a network) |
hostal {m} | :: hostel; cheap hotel |
hostel {m} | :: hostel |
hostelería {f} | :: catering (the catering trade) |
hostelería {f} | :: the hostel industry |
hostelero {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to an inn |
hostelero {m} | :: innkeeper |
hostería {f} | :: hostel |
hostia {f} [Catholicism] | :: communion, communion wafer, wafer, host (religious token) |
hostia {f} [vulgar, Spain] | :: punch, slap |
hostia {interj} [vulgar, Spain] | :: jeez (expression of surprise) |
hostia {interj} [vulgar, Spain] | :: fuck! |
hostiar {v} [colloquial] | :: to thwack; to wallop; to smack |
hostias {interj} | :: alternative spelling of hostia |
hostigador {m} | :: skirmisher |
hostigamiento {m} | :: harassment |
hostigar {v} | :: to lash |
hostigar {v} | :: to harass |
hostigar {v} | :: to pester |
hostigoso {adj} | :: bothersome |
hostil {adj} | :: hostile |
hostilidad {f} | :: hostility |
hostilizar {vt} | :: to pester, to harass |
hostilmente {adv} | :: hostilely |
hot {adj} | :: hot; sexy |
hotcake {m} | :: hotcake |
hot dog {m} [Mexico] | :: hot dog [the complete snack, never just the sausage] |
hotdog {m} | :: hot dog |
hotel {m} | :: hotel |
hotelazo {m} | :: great hotel, top-class hotel |
hotelera {f} | :: hotelier |
hotelería {f} | :: catering (the catering trade) |
hotelería {f} | :: the hostel or hotel industry |
hotelero {m} | :: hotelier |
hotelito {m} | :: diminutive of hotel; small hotel |
hotelucho {m} | :: lousy hotel |
hotentote {m} | :: Hottentot (people and language) |
hotspot {m} | :: hot spot |
house {m} | :: house music, house |
houstoniana {f} | :: feminine noun of houstoniano |
houstoniano {adj} | :: Houstonian |
houstoniano {m} | :: Houstonian |
hoy {adv} | :: today |
hoya {f} | :: pit |
hoya {f} | :: grave |
hoyada {f} | :: depression; cavity; hollow |
hoyazo {m} | :: augmentative of hoyo |
hoy día {adv} | :: alternative form of hoy en día |
hoy en día {adv} [idiomatic] | :: Nowadays; these days; in the present time or era |
hoyito {m} | :: diminutive of hoyo |
hoyo {m} | :: hole |
hoyo {m} [golf] | :: hole |
hoyo negro {m} | :: black hole (celestial body) |
hoyoso {adj} | :: holey; riddled with holes |
hoy por hoy {adv} [idiom] | :: for the time being |
hoy por ti, mañana por mí {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours |
hoyuelo {m} | :: dimple |
hoz {f} | :: sickle |
hozar {vt} | :: to root, dig with the snout |
hoz y martillo {m} | :: hammer and sickle |
HP {mf} | :: acronym of hijoputa |
Hrodna {prop} {f} | :: Grodno (city) |
huaca {f} | :: A relic in Inca culture |
huacal {m} | :: alternative form of guacal |
huacalito {m} | :: diminutive of huacal |
huacatay {m} [Peru] | :: black mint (Tagetes minuta) |
huachafita {f} | :: diminutive of huachafa |
huachafo {adj} [slang, chiefly Peru, also Ecuador, Chile, Argentina] | :: Of or pertaining to a person or object resulting from poor taste, not fashionable, bad personal manners or bad habits |
huachana {f} | :: feminine noun of huachano |
huachano {adj} | :: Of or from the city of Huacho in Peru |
huachano {m} | :: An inhabitant of the city of Huacho in Peru |
huachicol {m} [Mexico] | :: An adulterated alcoholic drink |
huachicol {m} [Mexico] | :: Stolen and adulterated gasoline |
huachicoleo {m} [Mexico] | :: The selling of huachicol |
huachicolera {f} | :: feminine noun of huachicolero |
huachicolero {m} [Mexico] | :: One who sells adulterated (possibly stolen) gasoline outside of normal distribution channels |
huachimán {m} | :: alternative form of guachimán |
huachinango {m} [Mexico] | :: alternative form of guachinango |
huacho {adj} | :: alternative form of guacho |
huacho {m} | :: alternative form of guacho |
huaco {m} [Peru, Chile, Ecuador] | :: relic from the indigenous people |
huaconada {f} | :: A ritual dance from Huanca, Peru |
huaico {m} [Peru] | :: landslide; mudslide |
huaicochera {f} | :: feminine noun of huaicochero |
huaicochero {adj} | :: of or pertaining to Athletic Club Barnechea |
huaicochero {m} | :: Someone connected to Athletic Club Barnechea, as a player, coach, fan etc |
huaino {m} | :: alternative spelling of huayno |
huairavo {m} | :: (Chile) black-crowned night heron |
Hualañé {prop} {m} | :: Hualañé (city) |
hualañecino {adj} | :: from the Chilean city of Hualañé |
Huallaga {prop} | :: Huallaga (province) |
Huamanga {prop} | :: Huamanga (province) |
huambra {m} [Peru, Ecuador] | :: boy, lad |
huanaco {m} | :: alternative form of guanaco |
huanca {adj} | :: Wanca |
huanca {mf} | :: Wanca |
huancaína {f} | :: feminine noun of huancaíno |
huancaíno {adj} | :: Of or from Huancayo |
huancaíno {m} | :: Someone from Huancayo |
Huanca Sancos {prop} | :: Huanca Sancos (province) |
Huancavelica {prop} | :: Huancavelica (region) |
Huancavelica {prop} | :: Huancavelica (province) |
Huancavelica {prop} | :: Huancavelica (city), capital of the department of the same name |
huancavelicana {f} | :: feminine noun of huancavelicano |
huancavelicano {adj} | :: Of or from Huancavelica |
huancavelicano {m} | :: Someone from Huancavelica |
huancavilca {adj} | :: Of the southern Manteño civilization |
huancavilca {mf} | :: A member of the southern Manteño civilization |
Huancayo {prop} | :: Huancayo (province) |
Huancayo {prop} | :: Huancayo (city) |
Huang He {prop} {m} | :: Huang He (river) |
Huanta {prop} | :: Huanta (province) |
Huanta {prop} | :: Huanta (town/provincial capital) |
huantina {f} | :: feminine noun of huantino |
huantino {adj} | :: Of or from Huanta |
huantino {m} | :: Someone from Huanta |
Huánuco {prop} | :: Huánuco (region) |
huanuqueña {f} | :: feminine noun of huanuqueño |
huanuqueño {adj} | :: Of or from Huánuco |
huanuqueño {m} | :: Someone from Huánuco |
huapanguero {adj} [attributive] | :: huapango |
huaquera {f} | :: feminine noun of huaquero |
huaquero {m} [Latin America] | :: graverobber |
huarache {m} [Mexico] | :: sandal |
huarache {m} [Mexico] | :: A Mexican dish made of masa topped with various foods, usually including beans, nopales and salsa |
huarachuda {f} | :: feminine noun of huarachudo |
huarachudo {m} [Mexico, pejorative] | :: bumpkin |
Huaral {prop} | :: Huaral (province) |
Huaraz {prop} | :: Huaraz (province) |
Huaraz {prop} | :: Huaraz (city) |
huargo {m} [Norse mythology, folklore, fantasy] | :: warg |
huari {adj} | :: Wari |
huari {mf} | :: Wari |
huarique {m} [Peru, colloquial] | :: hiding place |
huarizo {m} | :: huarizo |
huarmeyana {f} | :: feminine noun of huarmeyano |
huarmeyano {adj} | :: Of or from Huarmey |
huarmeyano {m} | :: Someone from Huarmey |
huarpe {adj} | :: Huarpe; Warpe; pertaining to the indigenous people of that name, living in the Cuyo region of Argentina |
huarpe {mf} | :: Huarpe; Warpe; an indigenous people of the Cuyo region of Argentina |
huascarista {adj} | :: of, pertaining to, or supporting Huáscar |
huascarista {mf} | :: A supporter or soldier of Huáscar |
huaso {adj} | :: of or relating to huasos |
huaso {adj} [Chile] | :: astute person characteristic of a Chilean countryman |
huaso {adj} [Chile] | :: awkward rural person who cannot adapt to urban areas |
huaso {m} | :: countryman, or Chilean rural laborer |
huaso {m} | :: Chilean cowboy, horseman |
huasteco {adj} | :: Huastec |
huatón {adj} | :: alternative form of guatón |
huatón {m} | :: alternative form of guatón |
Huaura {prop} | :: Huaura (province) |
huaurina {f} | :: feminine noun of huaurino |
huaurino {adj} | :: of or from Huaura |
huaurino {m} | :: someone from Huaura |
huauzontle {m} [Mexico] | :: A flowering plant of the goosefoot family, consumed primarily for its edible inflorescence |
huayno {m} | :: huayno |
huayño {m} | :: alternative form of huayno |
huazontle {m} | :: alternative form of huauzontle |
hub {m} [networking] | :: hub |
hubara {f} | :: houbara |
Huberto {prop} {m} | :: Hubert |
hubnerita {f} [mineral] | :: hübnerite |
hübnerita {f} | :: alternative spelling of hubnerita |
hubris {f} | :: hubris |
HUCA {prop} {m} | :: acronym of Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias (hospital in Oviedo, Asturias) |
hucha {f} [Spain] | :: piggy bank |
hudí {adj} | :: Hudid |
hudna {f} | :: hudna |
hueá {f} | :: alternative spelling of huevada |
huebnerita {f} | :: alternative spelling of hubnerita |
huebra {f} [legal] | :: acre; as much land as can be ploughed in a day |
hueco {adj} | :: hollow |
hueco {adj} [Chile, colloquial] | :: gay |
hueco {adj} [Chile, colloquial] | :: clueless |
hueco {adj} [Guatemala, pejorative] | :: homosexual man |
hueco {m} | :: hole, gap |
hueco {m} | :: hollow |
huecograbado {m} | :: rotogravure |
huego {m} [rare] | :: (mostly) obsolete form of fuego |
huehue {mf} [Mexico] | :: A jocular representation of a Spaniard, conquistador, or other dominant force. The huehues are nowadays masked people, part of a festival or dance |
huehueteco {adj} | :: Of or from the department of Huehuetenango, Guatemala |
huehueteco {m} | :: Someone from the department of Huehuetenango, Guatemala |
Huehuetenango {prop} | :: Huehuetenango (department) |
huejutlense {mf} | :: native or resident of Huejutla |
huelga {f} | :: strike (work stoppage) |
huelga decir {phrase} | :: needless to say |
huelga de hambre {f} | :: hunger strike |
huelga general {f} | :: general strike |
huelgo {m} | :: breath |
huelguista {mf} | :: striker (individual who is on strike) |
huelguístico {adj} [attributive] | :: strike (of or pertaining to the strike of workers) |
huella {f} | :: footprint (impression of the foot in a soft substance) |
huella {f} | :: fingerprint (unique natural pattern of ridges on the tips of the fingers; marks left by these) |
huella {f} [computing, figurative] | :: fingerprint (unique identification) |
huella {f} | :: mark, imprint (visible impression or sign left on something) |
huella dactilar {f} | :: fingerprint |
huella digital {f} | :: fingerprint |
huellita {f} | :: diminutive of huella |
Huelva {prop} {f} | :: Huelva (province) |
Huelva {prop} {f} | :: Huelva (city) |
huelveña {f} | :: A native or inhabitant of Huelva (city in Spain) |
huelveño {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Huelva (city in Spain) |
huelveño {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of Huelva |
huemul {m} | :: huemul |
huemul del norte {m} | :: north Andean deer |
hueón {m} | :: alternative spelling of huevón |
Huépac {prop} | :: Huépac (municipality) |
huequecillo {m} | :: diminutive of hueco |
huequecito {m} | :: diminutive of hueco |
huequito {adj} [Chile, colloquial] | :: gay, homosexual |
huequito {adj} [Chile, colloquial] | :: effeminate |
huequito {adj} [Chile, colloquial] | :: clueless |
huequito {m} | :: diminutive of hueco |
huerca {f} [colloquial] | :: girl; lass |
huerco {m} [Louisiana, Mexico] | :: little child |
huérfana {f} | :: feminine noun of huérfano |
huerfanita {f} | :: diminutive of huérfana |
huerfanito {m} | :: diminutive of huérfano |
huérfano {adj} | :: orphan |
huérfano {m} | :: orphan |
huero {adj} | :: vain, empty, vacuous |
huerta {f} | :: garden, vegetable garden |
huerta {f} | :: orchard, cultivated land |
huerta {f} | :: The area of Murcia and Valencia with fertile ground |
huertana {f} | :: feminine noun of huertano |
huertano {adj} | :: Of or from the huerta of Valencia and Murcia |
huertano {m} | :: Someone from the huerta of Valencia and Murcia |
huertecillo {m} | :: diminutive of huerto |
huertera {f} | :: feminine noun of huertero |
huertero {m} | :: gardener; person who tends a vegetable garden |
huertista {adj} | :: Or, relating to, or supporting, Victoriano Huerta, president of Mexico 1913-14 |
huertista {mf} | :: A supporter of Victoriano Huerta |
huerto {m} | :: orchard |
huerto {m} | :: fruit and vegetable garden (garden used for cultivation of agricultural crops) |
huesa {f} | :: grave |
Huesca {prop} {f} | :: Huesca (province) |
Huesca {prop} {f} | :: Huesca (city) |
huesecillo {m} | :: diminutive of hueso |
huesecito {m} | :: diminutive of hueso |
huesillo {m} | :: diminutive of hueso |
huesito {m} | :: diminutive of hueso |
hueso {m} [anatomy] | :: bone |
hueso {m} [botany] | :: stone, pit (the central part of some fruits, consisting of the seed and a hard endocarp layer (like those of peach, olive, avocado or mango)) |
hueso {m} [politics, Mexico, slang] | :: political position (appointed or elected) |
hueso {m} [Spain, colloquial] | :: strict person |
hueso coxal {m} | :: hip bone, innominate bone |
hueso cuboides {m} | :: cuboid bone |
hueso de la cadera {m} | :: hip bone, innominate bone |
hueso frontal {m} | :: frontal bone |
hueso grande {m} | :: capitate bone |
hueso innominado {m} | :: hip bone, innominate bone |
huesoso {adj} [attributive] | :: bone |
huesoso {adj} | :: boney |
hueso temporal {m} | :: temporal bone |
huésped {m} | :: guest (recipient of hospitality) |
huésped {m} | :: lodger (person who lodges in another's house) |
huésped {m} [biology] | :: host (cell or organism which harbors another organism) |
huéspeda {f} | :: guest |
hueste {f} [usually, in the plural] | :: army, troops |
hueste {f} | :: following (group of followers, supporters) |
hueste {adj} [Honduras] | :: ground, finely powdered |
hueste {adj} [of corn dough, Honduras] | :: Beaten and ready for the preparation of tortillas |
huesudo {adj} | :: bony; having many bones |
huetar {adj} | :: Huetar |
huetar {mf} | :: Huetar |
hueva {f} | :: spawn (eggs of an aquatic organism) |
hueva {f} | :: roe (mass of eggs) |
hueva {f} [colloquial] | :: sloth, laziness |
huevada {f} [Chile, Peru, vulgar] | :: bullshit |
huevada {f} [Chile, Peru, colloquial] | :: thing |
huevada {f} [Ecuador, colloquial] | :: shit, bullshit, thing |
huevazo {m} | :: big egg |
huevazo {m} | :: strike with an egg; egging |
huevazos {mp} | :: plural of huevazo |
huevazos {mp} [colloquial] | :: courage, bravery |
huevazos {mp} [colloquial] | :: having brazen-faced, shameless, cheeky; to have some nerve, to be cheeky |
huevazos {m} [rare, colloquial, derogative] | :: henpecked husband (a man who lets himself be ruled by his partner) |
huevear {v} [Chile] | :: to peeve, annoy |
huevear {v} [Chile, vulgar] | :: to bullshit, wind up, kid |
huevear {v} [Chile] | :: to mess around |
huevear {v} [Peru, vulgar] | :: to fool around |
huevecillo {m} | :: diminutive of huevo |
huevera {f} | :: eggcup |
huevera {f} | :: egg seller or producer |
huevería {f} | :: egg shop; egg market |
huevero {m} | :: egg seller or producer |
huevina {f} | :: A substitute for raw egg, such as powdered or pasteurized egg |
huevito {m} | :: diminutive of huevo |
huevo {m} | :: egg |
huevo {m} | :: spawn |
huevo {m} [vulgar, slang] | :: testicle |
huevo {m} [vulgar, slang, in the plural] | :: guts, balls, courage |
huevo {m} [biology] | :: zygote |
huevo {m} [biology] | :: ovule |
huevo duro {m} | :: boiled egg |
huevo escalfado {m} | :: poached egg |
huevo estrellado {m} | :: fried egg |
huevo frito {m} | :: fried egg |
huevón {m} | :: augmentative of huevo; large egg |
huevón {m} [colloquial] | :: large testicle |
huevón {m} [colloquial, Latin America, Mexico] | :: lazy person; loafer |
huevón {m} [colloquial, Latin America] | :: stupid person |
huevón {m} [colloquial, Latin America] | :: man, dude, buddy (also used as an interjection) |
huevón {m} [Venezuela] | :: asshole |
huevón {adj} [colloquial, Mexico] | :: lazy |
huevón {adj} [vulgar, Central and South America] | :: stupid |
huevona {f} | :: feminine noun of huevón |
huevonada {f} [Latin America, colloquial] | :: folly; idiotic act |
huevonazo {m} [colloquial] | :: major jerk; total douche |
huevos motuleños {mp} | :: a breakfast food made with eggs on tortillas with black beans and cheese, often with other ingredients such as ham, peas, plantains, and salsa picante |
huevos picados {mp} [Caribbean] | :: scrambled eggs |
huevos revueltos {mp} | :: scrambled eggs |
huevos rotos {mp} [Spain] | :: A dish consisting of fried eggs with the yolk broken after cooking |
Hugo {prop} {m} | :: given name |
hugonote {adj} | :: Huguenot |
hugonote {m} | :: Huguenot |
huicano {adj} | :: from the Chilean town of El Huique |
huichol {adj} | :: Huichol |
huichol {mf} | :: Huichol |
huichol {m} | :: Huichol (language) |
huida {f} | :: flight (act of fleeing) |
huida hacia adelante {f} | :: See: es |
huida hacia adelante {f} [figuratively, idiomatic] | :: headlong rush; doubling down |
huidizo {adj} | :: shy, timid |
huido {m} | :: deserter, fugitive |
huila {f} [colloquial, Chile] | :: rags (tattered clothes) |
huila {f} | :: feminine noun of huilo |
huilco {m} | :: fire-eyed diucon |
huilense {adj} | :: Of or from Huila |
huilense {mf} | :: Someone from Huila |
huilliche {adj} | :: Huilliche |
huilliche {mf} | :: Huilliche |
huillín {m} | :: southern river otter (Lontra provocax) |
huilo {adj} [colloquial, Mexico] | :: crippled |
huilo {m} [colloquial, Mexico] | :: a crippled person |
huiña {f} | :: Andean cat |
huiña {f} | :: kodkod |
huinca {m} | :: Person who is not Mapuche |
huincha {f} [Latin America] | :: tape, ribbon |
huipil {m} | :: huipil |
Huique {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of El Huique |
huir {v} | :: to escape |
huir {v} | :: to avoid |
huir {v} | :: to flee, to run away |
huisache {m} | :: The needle bush or sweet acacia (Vachellia farnesiana), a thorny tree of the genus Vachellia, native to Mexico and Central America |
huitlacoche {m} [Mexico] | :: corn smut (fungus that affects maize, eaten as a delicacy) |
huitoto {mf} | :: Witoto |
huizache {m} [Mexico] | :: alternative form of huisache |
hule {m} | :: natural rubber |
hule {m} [Mexico] | :: rubber tree |
hulla {f} | :: bituminous coal |
hullero {adj} [attributive] | :: bituminous coal |
HULP {prop} {m} | :: Hospital Universitario La Paz (hospital in Madrid) |
huma {f} [Chile] | :: tamale |
Humahuaca {prop} | :: Humahuaca (city) |
humahuaqueño {adj} | :: Of or from Humahuaca |
humalismo {m} | :: The politics or beliefs of Ollanta Humala, previous president of Peru |
humalista {adj} | :: Supporting Ollanta Humala, former president of Peru |
humalista {mf} | :: Supporter of Ollanta Humala |
humana {f} | :: (female) human |
humanamente {adv} | :: humanly |
humanamente {adv} | :: humanely |
humanar {v} | :: to humanize |
humancé {m} | :: humanzee |
humanidad {f} | :: humanity |
humaniforme {adj} | :: humaniform |
humanísimo {adj} | :: superlative of humano |
humanismo {m} | :: humanism |
humanista {mf} | :: humanist |
humanístico {adj} | :: humanistic |
humanitario {adj} | :: humanitarian |
humanitarismo {m} | :: humanitarianism |
humanitarista {mf} | :: humanitarian |
humanizable {adj} | :: humanizable |
humanización {f} | :: humanization (act, process of making more human) |
humanizar {vt} | :: to humanize |
humano {adj} | :: human |
humano {adj} | :: humane |
humano {m} | :: human, human being |
humanoide {adj} | :: humanoid |
humanoide {mf} | :: humanoid |
humar {v} [rare] | :: to smoke, steam |
humarada {f} | :: a billowing of smoke |
humareda {f} | :: abundance of smoke |
humayro {m} [zoology] | :: tayra |
humazo {m} | :: augmentative of humo |
Humberto {prop} {m} | :: given name |
humeante {adj} | :: smoking |
humeante {adj} | :: steamy, steaming (giving off steam) |
humear {v} | :: to smoke |
humear {v} | :: to steam |
humectación {f} | :: moistening |
humectante {m} | :: humectant |
humectar {vtr} | :: to dampen |
humedad {f} | :: humidity |
humedad {f} | :: moisture |
humedad {f} | :: dampness, wetness, moistness |
humedal {m} | :: wetland |
humedecedor {m} | :: moistener, humidifier |
humedecer {vtr} | :: to dampen, moisten, wet, humidify |
húmedo {adj} | :: humid, moist |
humera {f} | :: alternative form of jumera |
humeral {adj} [anatomy] | :: humeral |
humero- {prefix} [anatomy] | :: humero- |
húmero {m} | :: humerus |
humerocubital {adj} [anatomy] | :: humerocubital |
húmico {adj} | :: humic |
humidad {f} | :: obsolete spelling of humedad |
humidificación {f} | :: humidification |
humidificador {m} | :: humidifier |
humidificar {v} | :: to humidify, moisten |
humildad {f} | :: humility, humbleness |
humilde {adj} | :: humble |
humilde {adj} | :: low, lower (class) |
humildemente {adv} | :: humbly |
humildísimo {adj} | :: superlative of humilde |
humillación {f} | :: humiliation |
humilladero {m} | :: outdoor shrine, wayside cross or image |
humillado {adj} | :: humiliated |
humillante {adj} | :: humiliating |
humillantemente {adv} | :: humiliatingly |
humillar {vt} | :: to humiliate |
humillarse {v} | :: reflexive of humillar |
humita {f} [Argentina, Chile, Peru] | :: tamale |
humita {f} [Chile] | :: bow tie |
humito {m} | :: diminutive of humo |
hummus {m} | :: hummus |
humo {m} | :: smoke |
humo {m} | :: steam |
humo {m} | :: fume, fumes |
humo {m} [usually, in the plural] | :: conceit |
humor {m} | :: mood |
humor {m} | :: humor |
humorada {f} | :: little joke, witticism |
humoral {adj} | :: humoral |
humorcillo {m} | :: diminutive of humor |
humor de perros {m} [idiom] | :: bad mood |
humorismo {m} | :: humor |
humorista {mf} | :: humorist, comedian, comic |
humorísticamente {adv} | :: humoristically |
humorístico {adj} | :: humorous |
humor negro {m} | :: black humor |
humoroso {adj} | :: humorous |
humoso {adj} | :: smoky |
humus {m} | :: hummus |
humus {m} | :: humus |
huna {f} | :: feminine noun of huno |
hundible {adj} | :: sinkable |
hundimiento {m} | :: cave in, collapse |
hundir {vt} | :: to sink, engulf |
hundir {vt} | :: to ruin, destroy |
hundir {vr} | :: to sink, sink down |
hundir {vr} | :: to collapse, cave in, subside |
hundir {vr} | :: to break down, go to pieces, fall apart |
húngara {f} | :: A (female) person from Hungary: A Hungarian |
húngara {f} [nonstandard] | :: A Rom, Gypsy female (confused with cíngara) |
húngaro {adj} | :: Hungarian (from or native to Hungary) |
húngaro {adj} | :: Hungarian (pertaining to Hungary) |
húngaro {m} | :: a Hungarian (male) |
húngaro {m} [nonstandard] | :: Rom, Gypsy (confused with cíngaro) |
húngaro {m} | :: the Hungarian language |
Hungría {prop} {f} | :: Hungary |
huno {adj} | :: Of or relating to the Huns |
huno {m} | :: Hun |
huntingtina {f} | :: huntingtin |
huracán {m} | :: hurricane |
huracanado {adj} | :: hurricane-force |
huraño {adj} | :: shy |
huraño {adj} | :: antisocial, unsociable |
hurgamandera {f} | :: harlot; floozie (prostitute) |
hurgar {vi} | :: to root, rummage, poke about |
hurgar {vt} | :: to poke at, pick |
hurgar en la herida {v} [idiomatic] | :: to rub salt in the wound |
hurgarse la nariz {v} [idiomatic] | :: to pick one's nose |
hurgón {m} | :: fire rake |
hurgón {m} | :: stab |
hurí {f} | :: houri |
hurón {m} [also, figurative] | :: ferret |
huroncito {m} | :: grison, greater grison |
huroncito patagónico {m} | :: Patagonian weasel |
huronear {v} | :: to pry into |
hurón menor {m} [zoology] | :: grison, lesser grison |
hurra {interj} | :: hurrah |
hurra {f} | :: cheer |
hurrita {adj} | :: Hurrian |
hurrita {mf} | :: Hurrian |
hurtar {v} | :: to steal, to purloin, to shoplift |
hurto {m} | :: theft |
hurto {m} | :: shoplifting |
húsar {m} | :: hussar (light cavalry of European armies) |
HUSC {prop} {m} | :: Hospital Universitario San Cecilio (hospital in Granada) |
husillo {m} | :: leadscrew |
husillo {m} | :: spindle [mechanical] |
husita {mf} | :: Hussite |
husky {m} | :: husky (dogs) |
husmar {v} | :: obsolete form of husmear |
husmear {v} | :: to track by smell |
husmear {v} | :: to snoop, sniff around |
husmear {v} | :: to snoop |
husmo {m} | :: strong smell; unpleasant whiff (especially of meat that has gone off) |
huso {m} | :: spindle |
huso horario {m} | :: time zone |
hutí {adj} | :: Houthi |
hutí {mf} | :: Houthi |
hutspot {m} | :: hutspot |
hutu {adj} | :: Hutu |
hutu {mf} | :: Hutu |
HUVR {prop} {m} | :: Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (hospital in Seville) |
huy {interj} | :: expression of pain, anguish, fright |
hybris {f} | :: hubris |
Hyderabad {prop} | :: Hyderabad (caplc) |
Hyderabad {prop} | :: Hyderabad (district) |
Hydra {prop} [constellation] | :: Hydra (constellation) |
Hydrus {prop} [constellation] | :: Hydrus (constellation) |
hyraceum {?} | :: hyraceum |