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Cognitive Accessibility of Digital Payments: A Literature Review

Published: 30 April 2023 Publication History


Given its current ubiquity in banking and other services, digital payments should be accessible to all, but neurodiverse populations encounter barriers often understudied in research and practice. A greater understanding of user needs across the neurodivergent spectrum will thus improve universal access. To characterize the cognitive accessibility of digital payments, this literature review examines 30 scholarly publications, nuancing the challenges of online banking for older adults and people with neurodiverse needs. Our findings uncover a range of potential design and support strategies, including simplifying interfaces with diversified cues, raising designer awareness and participant involvement, extending third-party support, and leveraging new technological aids. We further discuss implications for digital currency design through support for user agency, collaborative payments, contextualized inclusive approaches, and AI-powered accessible design, hopefully inspiring future research on improving web accessibility.


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  • (2023)Digital Accessibility at the Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems (IHC): An Updated Systematic Literature ReviewProceedings of the XXII Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems10.1145/3638067.3638075(1-15)Online publication date: 16-Oct-2023

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  1. Cognitive Accessibility of Digital Payments: A Literature Review



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    W4A '23: Proceedings of the 20th International Web for All Conference
    April 2023
    207 pages
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    Published: 30 April 2023


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    1. Web accessibility
    2. central bank digital currency (CBDC)
    3. cognitive impairment
    4. digital currency
    5. financial technology (fintech)
    6. mental health
    7. neurodiversity
    8. older adults
    9. online banking
    10. universal access


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    W4A '23: 20th International Web for All Conference
    April 30 - May 1, 2023
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    • (2024)accessFinTech: Designing Accessible Financial TechnologyProceedings of the 26th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility10.1145/3663548.3688551(1-5)Online publication date: 27-Oct-2024
    • (2024)Managing Finances for Persons Living with Dementia: Current Practices and Challenges for Care PartnersExtended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems10.1145/3613905.3650809(1-7)Online publication date: 11-May-2024
    • (2023)Digital Accessibility at the Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems (IHC): An Updated Systematic Literature ReviewProceedings of the XXII Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems10.1145/3638067.3638075(1-15)Online publication date: 16-Oct-2023

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