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TangibleData: Interactive Data Visualization with Mid-Air Haptics

Published: 08 December 2021 Publication History


In this paper, we investigate the effects of mid-air haptics in interactive 3D data visualization. We build an interactive 3D data visualization tool that adapts hand gestures and mid-air haptics to provide tangible interaction in VR using ultrasound haptic feedback on 3D data visualization. We consider two types of 3D visualization datasets and provide different data encoding methods for haptic representations. Two user experiments are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of our approach. The first experimental results show that adding a mid-air haptic modality can be beneficial regardless of noise conditions and useful for handling occlusion or discerning density and volume information. The second experiment results further show the strengths and weaknesses of direct touch and indirect touch modes. Our findings can shed light on designing and implementing a tangible interaction on 3D data visualization with mid-air haptic feedback.


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VRST '21: Proceedings of the 27th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology
December 2021
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Published: 08 December 2021


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  1. Data visualization
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