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View all- Mhaskar NSoltys M(2018)String shuffleJournal of Discrete Algorithms10.1016/j.jda.2015.01.00331:C(120-128)Online publication date: 19-Dec-2018
It is known that a nondeterministic input-driven pushdown automaton (IDPDA) (a.k.a. visibly pushdown automaton; a.k.a. nested word automaton) with n states can be transformed to an equivalent deterministic automaton with 2 ( n 2 ) states (B. von ...
We investigate different variants of unambiguity in the context of computing multi-valued functions. We propose a modification to the standard computation models of Turing machines and configuration graphs, which allows for unambiguity-preserving ...
We show that if L=NL (the classical logarithmic space classes), then each unary 2nfa (a two-way nondeterministic finite automaton) can be converted into an equivalent 2dfa (a deterministic two-way automaton), keeping the number of states polynomial. (...
IOS Press