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Acceptance of Information and Communication Technologies in Education: An Investigation Into University Students' Intentions to Use Mobile Educational Apps

Published: 01 January 2019 Publication History


This article explores the influential factors of acceptance of information communication technologies in high educational institutes. using intentions of the mobile educational information system. Based on available adoption models and theories, a research model was proposed and the data from the 250 questionnaires of Chinese students from Chinese and overseas colleges was analyzed by a quantitative method PLS-SEM method, indicating several factors influencing the use of mobile educational apps. This study was conducted to check the possible changes in these influential factors because some authors pointed out that there might be some possible differences in different countries, fields and types of IT. The results show that student status quo bias will reduce their motivation in using mobile educational apps; their perceived task-technology fit will positively influence their perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use; and students' perceived descriptive norms of using mobile apps will positively affect their adoption intentions. The study verifies the validity of technology acceptance model, the perceived task-technology fit in explaining technology using behavior. Additionally, the study examines the effect of status quo bias and the mechanism of how task-technology fitness, social norms and status quo bias influence adoption intentions. Finally, study inspires some new research points from the perspective of demographic variables. The study will also help educators and designers to understand the antecedents of acceptance of mobile educational system and promote the quality of education.


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  • (2020)Impact of Digital Marketing on Consumers' Impulsive Online Buying Tendencies With Intervening Effect of Gender and EducationInternational Journal of Enterprise Information Systems10.4018/IJEIS.201907010315:3(44-59)Online publication date: 1-Oct-2020



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cover image International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems
International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems  Volume 15, Issue 1
January 2019
134 pages
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IGI Global

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Published: 01 January 2019

Author Tags

  1. Descriptive Subjective Norms
  2. Information and Communication Technologies ICTs
  3. Mobile Educational Apps
  4. Perceived Task-Technology Fit TTF
  5. Status Quo Bias
  6. Technology Adoption


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  • (2020)Impact of Digital Marketing on Consumers' Impulsive Online Buying Tendencies With Intervening Effect of Gender and EducationInternational Journal of Enterprise Information Systems10.4018/IJEIS.201907010315:3(44-59)Online publication date: 1-Oct-2020

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