Wireless Sensor Network-Based Rockfall and Landslide Monitoring Systems: A Review
<p>General architecture of a WSN.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>General architecture of an IoT WSN.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Monitoring mechanisms for rockfall and landslides.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Network topologies pie chart for the considered works.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Hardware platform pie chart for the considered works.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Communication technologies pie chart for the considered works.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
1.1. Rockfall and Landslide Mechanisms
1.2. Monitoring Systems for Geohazards
- A sensing layer, where sensors are used to gather data about a specific physical dimension relative to a geomorphological condition;
- A data exchange layer, where wired or wireless technologies are used to transport the information;
- A data storage layer, where gathered data are stored in a database for successive analysis;
- A data analysis layer, where data are analyzed to obtain early warnings, risk assessment, and generally useful information.
2. State-of-the-Art Overview of Wireless Sensor Networks for Monitoring Applications
3. Rockfall and Landslide Monitoring Based on WSNs
3.1. Examples of Non-WSN-Based Monitoring Systems
3.2. WSN-Based Monitoring Systems
4. Considerations on the State of the Art and Future Perspectives
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Pros | Cons |
Energy efficiency | Limited range (relative to the application) |
Flexibility and scalability | Some implementations can be subject to interference |
Installation accessibility | Security |
Wiring constraint reduction | Power constraints |
Cost effectiveness | Possible data amount and speed limitations |
Ref. | Year | Stage | Monitored Elements | Study Duration |
[74] | 2012 | Laboratory prototype | Soil condition | Not specified |
[75] | 2021 | Fixed installation | Land displacement | Not specified |
[79] | 2022 | Fixed installation | Rockfall mesh barriers | 1 day |
[85] | 2022 | Fixed installation | Rockfall mesh Concrete barriers Environmental parameters | July 2022—to date |
[87] | 2009 | Fixed installation | Rock mass tilting | Not specified |
[89] | 2019 | Portable test nodes | Rockfall pattern | Not specified |
[92] | 2017 | Not specified | Hillside landslide movement | Not specified |
[94] | 2016 | Fixed installation | Land displacement Environmental parameters | 9 months |
[96] | 2022 | Fixed installation | Crack displacement Rainfall | 9 months |
[97] | 2011 | Fixed installation | Deep earth movements Hydric characteristics | Not specified |
[98] | 2020 | Fixed installation | Soil moisture status | Not specified |
[99] | 2016 | Fixed installation | Seismic movements Soil moisture | Not specified |
[102] | 2018 | Fixed installation | Rain-induced slope failure Sediment disasters near expressways | 1 month |
[103] | 2011 | Laboratory prototype | Soil displacement | Not specified |
[105] | 2017 | Fixed installation | Large crack displacement Rainfall | Not specified |
[106] | 2023 | Fixed installation | Land movements Hydric characteristics | Not specified |
[107] | 2018 | Fixed installation | Rockfall barrier movements | 10 months |
[108] | 2023 | Fixed installation | Land displacement | 2 years |
[110] | 2016 | Fixed installation sensor nodes, fixed and portable radar scanners | Rock mass movements | 3136 days |
[111] | 2018 | Fixed installation | Slope and river monitoring | 3 years |
Ref. | Region | Country | Witnessed Events |
[74] | Not applicable | Not applicable (laboratory prototype) | Not applicable |
[75] | Northern Thailand | Thailand | Not specified |
[79] | Nantou | Taiwan | Rockfalls disasters |
[85] | Pantelleria | Italy | No significant rockfall events in the reported period |
[87] | Not specified | Not specified | A test was performed showing tilt monitoring capabilities |
[89] | Not applicable | Not applicable | Not applicable |
[92] | Not specified | Not specified | Not specified |
[94] | Torgiovannetto | Italy | No events in the reported period |
[96] | Jianshanying disaster area, Shuicheng County, Guizhou Province | China | Landslide rainfall, landslide deformation and cracks |
[97] | Anthoniar Colony hill, Munnar town, Idduki District, Kerala State | India | Not specified |
[98] | Seoul | South Korea | Landslides in urban areas, increased heavy rainfall |
[99] | Malin village, Pune Maharashtra town | India | Landslide occurred in July 2014 |
[102] | Not specified | Japan | Slope failures |
[103] | Not applicable | Not applicable | Not applicable |
[105] | Hezhang County, Guizhou Province | China | Not specified |
[106] | Netala landslide location, Garhwal Himalayan Uttarakhand region, Uttarkashi district | India | Landslide occurred during the monitoring period |
[107] | Two unspecified sites in south and central Italy. | Italy | No significant rockfall events in the reported period |
[108] | Four different locations:
| France and Switzerland | Landslides occurred in each selected site |
[110] | Montserrat Mountain, near Barcelona, Catalonia, northeast of Spain | Spain | Rockfalls detached between 2001 and 2008 |
[111] | Nakayama, Aruse, Namikata and Matsuyama sites | Japan | Increased heavy rainfall events reported |
Ref. | System Monitoring Type | Sensor Types | Node Communication Technology | Node Power Supply | Low Power Performances | Network Topology | Hardware Platform |
[74] | Local | Soil moisture sensor, pressure sensor, flexible band | IEEE 802.15.4 based unspecified protocol | AA batteries | Not specified | Not specified | Crossbow MicaZ [112] |
[75] | Remote | Cameras | ZigBee, LoRa | Not specified | Not specified | Star | Not specified |
[79] | Remote | Accelerometer, vibration gauge, temperature, soil resistance | LoRa, NB-IoT, Wi-Fi | Not specified | Not specified | Not specified | Arduino e Mega 2560 [113] and Pro Mini [114] boards with commercial modules |
[85] | Remote | Accelerometer, temperature, humidity, altitude | LoRa | Solar harvesting, 3.7 V lithium battery | 16 µA sleep mode current | Star | Custom |
[87] | Remote | Accelerometer, tilt sensor | Unspecified 868 MHz ISM radio | Solar harvesting, unspecified battery | Not specified | Multi-hop | Custom |
[89] | Remote | IMU | Wi-Fi | Solar harvesting, 3.7 V lithium battery | 50 mA in passive mode | Mesh | Raspberry Pi- based [83] node |
[92] | Local | IMU, altitude | LoRa | Not specified | Not specified | Mesh | Custom |
[94] | Remote | Extensometers, hygrometers, clinometers, thermometer, rain and wind gauges | IEEE 802.15.4 based unspecified protocol | Solar harvesting, 6 V lead-acid battery | 30 µA sleep mode current | Multi-hop | WinetTX board [115] |
[96] | Remote | Tipping bucket, extensometer, tilt sensor | LoRa | Solar harvesting, 12 V lithium battery | 1 mA sleep mode current | Star | Custom |
[97] | Remote | Geophone, moisture sensors, strain gauges, piezometers, rainfall sensor | Wi-Fi | Solar harvesting, lead-acid battery | Not specified | Not specified | Custom |
[98] | Remote | Soil moisture sensors, tensiometer, inclinometer | Wi-Fi | Solar harvesting, unspecified battery | Not specified | Mesh | Not specified |
[99] | Remote | Dielectric moisture sensors, accelerometers, tilt sensors, temperature sensors, rain gauge sensor | IEEE 802.15.4 based unspecified protocol | AA batteries | Not specified | Mesh | Not specified |
[102] | Remote | Tilt sensors, extensometers, displacement meter, soil moisture sensor, water gauge, rain gauge, temperature sensor | ZigBee | Solar harvesting, 3.6 V rechargeable batteries | <1 uA sleep mode current | Mesh | Custom |
[103] | Remote | Extensometer, tilt sensor, capacitive rainfall sensor, temperature, and moisture sensor | ZigBee | Unspecified lithium battery | 1 mA sleep mode current | Mesh | ZICM2410 ZigBee Module with commercial devices |
[105] | Remote | Rainfall sensor, tilt sensor, displacement sensor | GSM | Solar harvesting, unspecified battery | Not specified | Star | Custom |
[106] | Remote | IMU, moisture sensor, pressure sensor | ZigBee | Solar harvesting, 3.7 V lithium battery | 34 mA in sleep mode | Star | Commercial devices on a connection board |
[107] | Remote | Accelerometer | Unspecified 433 MHz ISM radio | Solar harvesting, 3.7 V lithium battery | 3 mA sleep mode current | Partial mesh | Custom |
[108] | Not specified | RFID tags | RFID | Power grid, Solar harvesting and wind harvesting for the interrogators | Not specified | Star | Not specified |
[110] | Remote sensor nodes, ground-based SARs | Extensometers, temperature sensors, radars | ZigBee | Solar harvesting, rechargeable AA batteries | Not specified | Mesh | Custom SAR equipment |
[111] | Remote | tilt sensors, extensometers, ultrasonic sensor, temperature and humidity | LoRa, Sigfox, LTE-M | Unspecified alkaline batteries | Not specified | Star | Not specified |
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Ragnoli, M.; Scarsella, M.; Leoni, A.; Ferri, G.; Stornelli, V. Wireless Sensor Network-Based Rockfall and Landslide Monitoring Systems: A Review. Sensors 2023, 23, 7278. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23167278
Ragnoli M, Scarsella M, Leoni A, Ferri G, Stornelli V. Wireless Sensor Network-Based Rockfall and Landslide Monitoring Systems: A Review. Sensors. 2023; 23(16):7278. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23167278
Chicago/Turabian StyleRagnoli, Mattia, Massimo Scarsella, Alfiero Leoni, Giuseppe Ferri, and Vincenzo Stornelli. 2023. "Wireless Sensor Network-Based Rockfall and Landslide Monitoring Systems: A Review" Sensors 23, no. 16: 7278. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23167278
APA StyleRagnoli, M., Scarsella, M., Leoni, A., Ferri, G., & Stornelli, V. (2023). Wireless Sensor Network-Based Rockfall and Landslide Monitoring Systems: A Review. Sensors, 23(16), 7278. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23167278