In this paper, we present a state-of-the-art wireless sensor network (WSN) of deep-earth probes (DEPs) that has been deployed to monitor an active landslide in the Western Ghats mountain range of South India. While India has one of the highest incidences of landslides and landslide-induced fatalities—primarily in the Himalayas of North India and in the Western Ghats of Central and South India—our study is perhaps the first comprehensive attempt to instrumentally detect landslides in the Western Ghats. Wireless networks have enabled us, since June 2009, to continuously monitor the deployment site in real time and from anywhere around the globe. There have been a few earlier landslide monitoring WSNs using accelerometers in Emilia Romagna Apennines, Italy; global navigation satellite system (GNSS) sensors to monitor the Hornbergl landslide, Austria; and vibrating wire stress sensors to monitor a slope in China. We improved upon these WSN systems by incorporating a variety of sensors—piezometers, dielectric moisture sensors, strain gauges, tiltmeters, a geophone, and a weather station—and installing some of these sensors as deep as 20 m below the ground surface. We present the salient aspects of the field deployment of DEPs: the selection of sensors and their incorporation in DEPs, the methodology we used in embedding these DEPs into the soil, and a few of the key aspects of the wireless sensor network. We also present a description of the deployment site and some of the results of geotechnical investigations carried out on borehole corings. Finally, we present the more interesting field data collected from the monitoring system during a rainy season in July and August 2009.
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The authors gratefully acknowledge the help and cooperation that they have received from all their team members (all names listed in alphabetical order): Ms. Thushara Eranholi, Ms. Erica (Thapasya) S. Fernandes, Mr. Joshua (Udar) D. Freeman, Dr. H. M. Iyer, Mr. Sangeeth Kumar, Ms. Rekha P. Manoj, Mr. Prashant Omanakuttan, Mr. Manohar B. Patil, Mr. Mukundan T. Raman, Dr. Venkat P. Rangan, Mr. Vijayan Selvan, and Mr. Kalainger (Kailash) Thangaraju. We gratefully acknowledge Mr. Ranjith N. Sasidharan for preparing all the illustrations in this paper. And we thank Dr. Bharat Jayaraman, Ms. Karen (Sneha) Moawad, Mr. Anand Shenoy, and Ms. Vidhya Viswanathan for their help in preparing this paper.
The soil tests were performed in the geotechnical laboratories of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)—Madras. We thank Dr. P. K. Aravindan for introducing us to the IIT faculty. We wish to express our gratitude to IIT professors Dr. Sailesh R. Gandhi and Dr. Retnamony G. Robinson and their students and technical staff—Mr. Sridhar Gangaputhiran, Ms. Nithya K. Maickam, Ms. Bushra S. Pareeth, Mr. Rakesh J. Pillai, Mr. Anburaj Radhakrishnan, Mr. Sam K. Sounderraj, Dr. Buvaneshwari Subramanian, and Mr. Saravanan T.—for all their help, support, and guidance in performing the laboratory tests.
We thank Dr. Raymond C. Wilson and Dr. Richard M. Iverson for all their timely and valuable advice and suggestions. We wish to express gratitude to all the field personnel who were involved in various capacities in this project. We thank the local residents and local administration of Anthoniar Colony for their help and cooperation during the deployment. We particularly wish to thank Mr. Mohan Irudhayadas and Mrs. Victoriya Suvithan, residents of Anthoniar Colony, for all their help throughout this project. And we thank the editor Dr. Matjaž Mikoš and the anonymous reviewers for reviewing the original manuscript with great care and providing valuable suggestions for its improvement.
Finally, words cannot express the immense debt of gratitude that we owe the Chancellor of our university, Sri. (Dr.) Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma), for her involvement in our personal growth and guidance in all aspects of this project.
This work has been funded in part by the INFSO DG of the European Commission under the WINSOC (Wireless Sensor Networks with Self-Organizing Capabilities for critical and emergency applications) project, and in part by the Department of Information Technology (DIT) and the Department of Science and Technology (DST) of the Government of India.
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V. Ramesh, M., Vasudevan, N. The deployment of deep-earth sensor probes for landslide detection. Landslides 9, 457–474 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-011-0300-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-011-0300-x