Algal-Based Carbonaceous Materials for Environmental Remediation: Advances in Wastewater Treatment, Carbon Sequestration, and Biofuel Applications
<p>Diagram of algal structures: (<b>a</b>) <span class="html-italic">Porphyra umbilicalis</span> (macroalgae); (<b>b</b>) <span class="html-italic">Scenedesmus</span> (microalgae). Reproduced from Pereira, 2021 [<a href="#B21-processes-13-00556" class="html-bibr">21</a>], under terms of Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Possible mechanisms of interaction between hydrochar surfaces and (<b>a</b>) heavy metals, (<b>b</b>) dyes, and (<b>c</b>) pharmaceuticals. Images reused from Petrović et al., 2024 [<a href="#B42-processes-13-00556" class="html-bibr">42</a>], in accordance with Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Photosynthetic carbon assimilation process in algae. Image reused from Li and Yao, 2024 [<a href="#B93-processes-13-00556" class="html-bibr">93</a>], in accordance with Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY).</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Biofuel generation process from algae. Image reused from Li and Yao, 2024 [<a href="#B93-processes-13-00556" class="html-bibr">93</a>], in accordance with Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Bibliography Analysis
3. Algae and Algal-Based Materials
4. Algal-Based Hydrochars and Biochars for Pollutants Uptake
5. Algal-Based Materials for Carbon Capture and Energy and Biofuel Production
6. Algae-Based Solid Biomass Pellets
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Adsorbent/Feedstock | Conditions | Surface Area (m2/g) | HHV (MJ/kg) | Adsorption Capacity (mg/g) | Key Applications | Refs. |
Sargassum horneri | 180–210 °C, 2–16 h, citric acid | 0.6–31.8 | 20.8–25.1 | - | Solid fuel, energy recovery | [29] |
Sargassum muticum | 180–300 °C, 60–300 min | 22.8–24.2 | - | 90% (Rhodamine B) | Dye adsorption | [11] |
Sargassum-derived SAH | 180–260 °C, KOH activation | 1216–1404 | - | 714.29 (MB) | Advanced adsorption | [10] |
Lignocellulosic biomass | 200–300 °C, HTC and activation | 800–1200 | 22.0–26.5 | 600 (MB) | Adsorption and catalysis | [6] |
Poultry litter hydrochar | 150–300 °C, HTC | 10–50 | 15.0–22.0 | 80–150 (various dyes) | Wastewater treatment | [43] |
Enteromorpha prolifera | 800 °C pyrolysis, ZnCl2/FeCl3 activation | - | - | 90 (Naphthalene, NAP), 51 (Acetaminophen, ACE), 86 (Phenanthrene, PHE) | PAH removal | [44] |
Aegagropila linnaei | 700 °C pyrolysis, KOH/Fe3O4 loading | - | - | 69.8% (Bisphenol A, BPA) | Organic pollutant removal | [45] |
Microalgae-derived biochar | 450–600 °C pyrolysis | - | - | 218.4 and 744 (Sulfamethoxazole, STZ) | Pharmaceutical waste removal | [46,47] |
Macroalgae-based biochar | 800 °C pyrolysis, KOH activation | - | - | 841.64 (MB) | Dye removal | [48] |
Nannochloropsis sp. | 250 °C HTC, ZnCl2 activation | 12.56 | - | 34.15 (Cu) | Heavy metal removal | [49] |
Spirulina platensis | 450 °C pyrolysis | 7.65 | - | 128.6 (MB) | Dye adsorption | [50] |
Cladophora glomerata | 350 °C pyrolysis | - | - | 104 (MB) | Dye adsorption | [51] |
Eucheuma spinosum | 600 °C pyrolysis | 200.74 | - | 331.97 (RR-120 azo dye) | Textile dye removal | [52] |
Chlorella vulgaris | 250 °C HTC | 8.5 | - | 24.39 (Cd) | Heavy metal removal | [32] |
Sargassum hornerri | 523 K HTC | 14.12 | - | 330.84 (Cr) | Heavy metal adsorption | [53] |
Process | Description | Key Advantages | Challenges |
CO2 capture by algae | Algae absorbs CO2 via photosynthesis, converting it into biomass | High CO2 fixation rates, renewable process | Requires optimized growth conditions and nutrient supply |
Open-pond cultivation | Algae grow in large outdoor ponds under natural sunlight | Low-cost and scalable | Susceptible to contamination and low productivity |
Photobioreactor cultivation | Algae cultivated in enclosed systems with controlled light and nutrients | High biomass yield, reduced contamination | High capital and operational costs |
Biofuel production (transesterification) | Converts algal lipids into biodiesel using catalysts | Produces clean, renewable fuel | Energy-intensive lipid extraction and purification required |
Hydrothermal liquefaction | Converts whole algal biomass into biocrude oil using high temperature and pressure | Utilizes wet biomass, high energy content fuel | High processing costs, catalyst deactivation |
Pyrolysis | Thermal decomposition of algae to produce syngas and bio-oil | Efficient energy recovery | Complex upgrading processes required |
Carbon storage in biochar | Converts algal biomass into stable carbon-rich biochar | Long-term carbon sequestration potential | Requires large-scale applications for impact |
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González Fernández, L.A.; Medellín Castillo, N.A.; Sánchez Polo, M.; Navarro Frómeta, A.E.; Vilasó Cadre, J.E. Algal-Based Carbonaceous Materials for Environmental Remediation: Advances in Wastewater Treatment, Carbon Sequestration, and Biofuel Applications. Processes 2025, 13, 556.
González Fernández LA, Medellín Castillo NA, Sánchez Polo M, Navarro Frómeta AE, Vilasó Cadre JE. Algal-Based Carbonaceous Materials for Environmental Remediation: Advances in Wastewater Treatment, Carbon Sequestration, and Biofuel Applications. Processes. 2025; 13(2):556.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGonzález Fernández, Lázaro Adrián, Nahum Andrés Medellín Castillo, Manuel Sánchez Polo, Amado Enrique Navarro Frómeta, and Javier Ernesto Vilasó Cadre. 2025. "Algal-Based Carbonaceous Materials for Environmental Remediation: Advances in Wastewater Treatment, Carbon Sequestration, and Biofuel Applications" Processes 13, no. 2: 556.
APA StyleGonzález Fernández, L. A., Medellín Castillo, N. A., Sánchez Polo, M., Navarro Frómeta, A. E., & Vilasó Cadre, J. E. (2025). Algal-Based Carbonaceous Materials for Environmental Remediation: Advances in Wastewater Treatment, Carbon Sequestration, and Biofuel Applications. Processes, 13(2), 556.