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Disability-First Design and Creation of A Dataset Showing Private Visual Information Collected With People Who Are Blind

Published: 19 April 2023 Publication History


We present the design and creation of a disability-first dataset, “BIV-Priv,” which contains 728 images and 728 videos of 14 private categories captured by 26 blind participants to support downstream development of artificial intelligence (AI) models. While best practices in dataset creation typically attempt to eliminate private content, some applications require such content for model development. We describe our approach in creating this dataset with private content in an ethical way, including using props rather than participants’ own private objects and balancing multi-disciplinary perspectives (e.g., accessibility, privacy, computer vision) to meet the tangible metrics (e.g., diversity, category, amount of content) to support AI innovations. We observed challenges that our participants encountered during the data collection, including accessibility issues (e.g., understanding foreground vs. background object placement) and issues due to the sensitive nature of the content (e.g., discomfort in capturing some props such as condoms around family members).

Supplementary Material

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Pre-recorded Video Presentation


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  1. Disability-First Design and Creation of A Dataset Showing Private Visual Information Collected With People Who Are Blind



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    CHI '23: Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
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    1. accessibility
    2. blind
    3. computer vision
    4. dataset
    5. image description
    6. personal visual data
    7. privacy
    8. private visual content
    9. visual assistance
    10. visual impairments
    11. visual interpretation


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