Land use and spatial patterns which reflect social-ecological legacies control ecosystem service (ES) supply. Yet, temporal changes in ES bundles associated with land use change are little studied. We developed original metrics to quantify synchronous historical variations in spatial patterns of land use and ES supply capacity, and demonstrated their use for two mountain grassland landscapes. Consistent with other European mountains, land use dynamics from the nineteenth century until the mid-twentieth century resulted in increased landscape heterogeneity, followed by homogenisation. In the persistently grassy landscape of Lautaret in France, landscape multifunctionality—the provision of multiple ES—coincided with greatest landscape heterogeneity and within-patch diversity in ecosystem services in the 1950–1970s. In the more complex Austrian landscape, where since the nineteenth century intensive production has concentrated in the valley and steep slopes have been abandoned, grassland landscape-level multifunctionality and spatial heterogeneity across grasslands have decreased. Increasing spatial heterogeneity across grasslands until the 1970s was paralleled at both sites by increasing fine-grained spatial variability for individual ES, but subsequent landscape simplification has promoted coarse-grained ES patterns This novel analysis of landscape-scale turnover highlighted how spatial patterns for individual ES scale to multiple grassland ES, depending on the nature of land use spatial variability. Under current socio-economic trends, sustaining or re-establishing fine-grained landscapes is often not feasible, thus future landscape planning and policies might focus on managing landscape and regional-scale multifunctionality. Also, the trends towards decreasing cultural ES and increasing regulating ES suggest a contradiction with current social demand and regional policies.
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This work was funded by BiodivERsA project REGARDS, with support from the French Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR-12-EBID-004-01) and the FWF Austrian Science Fund (I 1056-B25), and by the RTD project OPERAs FP7-ENV-2012-308393 as well as by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy HRSM—cooperation project KLIMAGRO. This study was conducted at the LTER site ‘Zone Atelier Alpes’ (LTSER platform ‘Central French Alps), and partly at the LTER site ‘Stubai Valley’ (Austria, master site, member of the LTSER platform ‘Tyrolean Alps’). UT, GL, US and MK are part of the research focus ‘Alpine Space—Man and Environment’ at the University of Innsbruck.
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Lavorel, S., Grigulis, K., Leitinger, G. et al. Historical trajectories in land use pattern and grassland ecosystem services in two European alpine landscapes. Reg Environ Change 17, 2251–2264 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-017-1207-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-017-1207-4